Tyler Corbin’s research while affiliated with Acadia University and other places

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Publications (11)

Permutation Based XML Compression
  • Conference Paper

December 2015


55 Reads

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing


Jan Krzysztof Miziołek


Tyler Corbin

An XML document D often has a regular structure, i.e., it is composed of many similarly named and structured subtrees. Therefore, the entropy of a trees structuredness should be relatively low and thus the trees should be highly compressible by transforming them to an intermediate form. In general, this idea is used in permutation based XML-conscious compressors. An example of such a compressor is called XSAQCT, where the compressible form is called an annotated tree. While XSAQCT proved to be useful for various applications, it was never shown that it is a lossless compressor. This paper provides the formal background for the definition of an annotated tree, and a formal proof that the compression is lossless. It also shows properties of annotated trees that are useful for various applications, and discusses a measure of compressibility using this approach, followed by the experimental results showing compressibility of annotated trees.

Succinct Role Based Access Control Policies for XML Documents

September 2014


37 Reads


Scott Durno


Jan Krzysztof Miziołek




sdiwc organization

The popularity of role-based access control (RBAC) policies within industry has generated consid-erable interest in the research community. Since XML has become a de facto standard for data representation, most RBAC policies are expressed in XML. Although XML documents can be very large, no succinct imple-mentations for these policies exist. This paper describes a novel implementation (not previously proposed) for schema-less and streamed XML documents to provide authorized users with the results of queries on com-pressed documents. The designer of the policy does not need to be aware of any implementation details. Results of this research will be essential for industry, which could take advantage of efficient implementations of RBAC policies.

Networked XML Compression by Encoding Pre-Order Traversals

July 2014


25 Reads

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

The advantages of the eXtensible Markup Language, XML, come at a cost, especially for huge datasets or when used on small mobile devices. Several known XML-conscious compressors used in real time environments compress data during data streaming. This paper presents a study of new real time algorithms that exploit local structural redundan- cies of pre-order traversals of an XML tree. These algorithms focus on reducing the overhead of streaming data while maintaining load balancing between the sender and receiver. Our algorithms have similar or better performance than existing algorithms, while emphasizing low memory and processing overheads.

Parallelization of Permuting XML Compressors

May 2014


3 Reads


1 Citation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

The verbose nature of XML results in overheads in storage and network transfers, which may be overcome by using parallel computing. This paper presents four permuting parallel XML compressors, based on an existing XML compressor, called XSAQCT. Tests were performed on multi-core machines using a test suite incorporating XML documents with various characteristics, and results were analyzed to find upper bounds given by Amdahl’s law, the actual speedup, and compression ratios.

Annotated Trees and their Applications to XML Compression

January 2014


45 Reads


3 Citations

Permutation based XML-conscious compressors permute the input document to improve the compression ratio and support efficiency of operations, such as queries or updates. One such compressor, XSAQCT, uses the properties of the permuted document, called an annotated tree, to these operations. This paper provides the formal background for the definition of an annotated tree and a proof that the mapping from a tree to the annotated tree is injective, and therefore for XML document D the annotated tree provides a faithful representation of D. It also provides an algorithm for creating an annotated tree for the XML document and its reverse algorithm, and discusses a measure of compressibility using an annotated tree. The theoretical and algorithm approaches are followed by the experimental results showing compressibility of annotated trees and a general analysis of semi-structured data and XML compression.

Column-oriented Database Systems and XML Compression

January 2014


10 Reads


2 Citations

The verbose nature of XML requires data compression, which makes it more difficult to efficiently imple- ment querying. At the same time, the renewed industrial and academic interest in Column-Oriented DBMS (column-stores) resulted in improved efficiency of queries in these DBMS. Nevertheless there has been no research on relations between XML compression and column-stores. This paper describes an existing XML compressor and shows the inherent similarities between its compression technique and column-stores. Effi- ciency of compression is tested using specially designed benchmark data.

Table 1 . Results of the tests
  • Data
  • File available

July 2013


53 Reads


Pre-order Compression Schemes for XML in the Real Time Environment

May 2013


156 Reads


1 Citation

The advantages of using XML come at the cost, especially when used on networks and small mobile devices. This paper presents a design and implementation of four online XML compression algorithms, which exploit local structural redundancies of pre-order traversals of an XML tree, and focus on reducing the overhead of sending packets and maintaining load balancing between the sender and receiver. For testing, we designed a suite consisting of 11 XML files with various characteristics. Ten encoding techniques were compared, compressed respectively using GZIP, EXI, Treechop, XSAQCT and its improvement, and our algorithms. Experiments indicate that our new algorithms have similar or better performance than other online algorithms, and have only worse performance than EXI for files larger than 1 GB.

Parallelization of an XML Data Compressor on Multi-cores

January 2012


7 Reads


3 Citations

Because of a growing interest in using XML for massive complex data there has been considerable research on designing XML compressors. This paper presents our research aimed at building parallel XML compressors, using Java and OpenMP (with C++). Our findings show that OpenMP is a preferred choice achieving better results than Java using a multi-core platform.

Parallelization of an XML Data Compressor on Multi-cores

October 2011


139 Reads


1 Citation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Because of a growing interest in using XML for massive complex data there has been considerable research on designing XML compressors. This paper presents our research aimed at building parallel XML compressors, using Java and OpenMP (with C++). Our findings show that OpenMP is a preferred choice achieving better results than Java using a multi-core platform.

Citations (5)

... Additionally, in the column-store environment, the contents of a single entity is often stored in many locations, which then requires additional logic to combine the attributes for joining and grouping attributes; (this is exactly how many permuting XML compressors work). Also, in [Fry, 2011] and [Corbin et al., 2013] XSAQCT was compared to many different XML-database engines using the BerkelyDB Key-value database, and the results were promising. Figure 2 depicts the architectural layout of a modified XSAQCT. ...


Column-Oriented Database Systems and XML Compression
Parallelization of Permuting XML Compressors
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2014

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... Authors in [17] provide fine comparison between Column-Oriented Database Systems and XML their work explained the relationships between XML compressors and column-stores. They illustrated that a permuting XML compressor, called XSAQCT with the DBMS back-end has essentially the same functionality as a column-store (while ignoring things such as SQL Joins), including in their work a specific kind of compression, Also they test the compression ratio achieved with the compressor they made, experiments were performed on an XML corpus and the test showed a very good results that make their work strong an applicable to use instead of the XML they also describes the existing XML compressor showing the similar inherent between its compression technique and column-stores. ...

Column-oriented Database Systems and XML Compression
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

... The similarity relation is an equivalence relation and the equivalence class of a path p is called an s-path for p, see [22]. For example, for the document D from Figure 2, an s-path q for the path p=/a/b [3]/e [1]/ consists of p and /a/b [3]/e [2]/, or using a simplified notation, an s-path is denoted by the label (in upper case) of the last element of this path, i.e., using E for the s-path q defined above. ...

Annotated Trees and their Applications to XML Compression
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2014

... Some of these systems use relational DBMS back-ends and are referred to as XML Databases (not to be confused with XML Database engines, which use XML documents as the fundamental unit of storage). The advantage of using DBMS back-end includes the support for ACID, scalability and transaction control but extends to XML-related functionality, e.g., updates [Müldner et al., 2010] and parallel implementations [Müldner et al., 2012]. ...

Updates of Compressed Dynamic XML Documents

... In this paper, we present an online compression based on XSAQCT, an XML compressor, see [11]. There are other online compressors, e.g., TREECHOP [12], but XSAQCT has a number of distinctive features, such as it is queryable using lazy decompression (i.e., with minimal decompression) and updateable [7], and finally it can be parallelized to execute faster on multi-core machines [13]. Various possible educational applications of XSAQCT are described in [14]. ...

Parallelization of an XML Data Compressor on Multi-cores
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012