Tuti Kusniarti’s research while affiliated with University of Muhammadiyah Malang and other places

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Publications (7)

Yuni's Resistance in Yuni's Novel By Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


28 Reads

Asian Journal of Social and Humanities

Hidayah Budi Qur’ani


Tuti Kusniarti


Desy Rufaidah

Resistance is a defensive attitude, trying to fight, oppose, or other opposition efforts in general. Resistance or resistance to something suppressed in everyday life is natural, from the inferior to the superior. A defensive attitude is also shown in the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini through the main female character, Yuni. Yuni's character struggles because of the stigma that exists in the community where she lives so that women cannot develop positively. Yuni is a teenager who dares to fight directly when she experiences injustice. Yuni's resistance or resistance allowed her to do what she thought was right. Yuni's resistance is in line with James C. Scott's theory. The data source in this study is the novel Yuni by Ade Ubaidil and Kamila Andini. The research data is excerpts of sentences and phrases describing Yuni's character's resistance. The results of this study are depictions of resistance forms, including (1) refusing to marry young, (2) liking purple, (3) giving up virginity, and (4) the role of parents in decision-making for Yuni's figure.


The Effects of The Blended Project-Based Literacy that Integrates School Literacy Movement Strengthening Character Education Learning Model on Metacognitive Skills, Critical Thinking, and Opinion Expression

January 2023


42 Reads


14 Citations

European Journal of Educational Research


Tuti Kusniarti


Fendy Hardian




p style="text-align: justify;">Metacognitive, critical thinking and opinion expression are in high demand. This study aimed to investigate the effects of the blended project- based literacy that integrates school literacy movement strengthening character education (literasi berbasis proyek terintegrasi GLS dan PPK: Li-Pro-GP) learning model on students' metacognitive skills, critical thinking, and opinion expression. A post-test experimental design was used to answer the research question. The study was conducted from August to October 2021 at Government Junior High School 23 Malang. Seventh-grade students were selected as research participants. The participants included 30 students from class VII-2. The research instrument was five essay questions to measure critical thinking skills. Material and assessment experts validated the essay questions developed by the researcher. The items that were declared valid were tested for validity. The result showed five valid items with high reliability of .670. Metacognitive skills were measured using the Metacognition Awareness Instrument (MAI), which consists of 40 items. The questions declared valid were tested for validity with a very high reliability of .953 for 37 items, and only three items were invalid. The ability to express an opinion was measured with an observation questionnaire validated by experts with a valid instrument score. Data analysis was performed by path analysis using the SmartPLS software. The results showed that the Li-Pro-GP blended learning model significantly strengthened students' metacognitive skills, critical thinking, and opinion formation.</p

Knowledge and Thinking Skills in Li-Pro-GP Model of Instruction

December 2022


19 Reads

JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia)

Surveys from some research on Indonesian student’s literacy skills showed irregularity with Indonesia's literacy rate. Therefore, it can be said that most of Indonesians have already been literate, in terms of education. Nonetheless, their literacy skills in common still remains weak. Moreover, student’s low literacy skills are deemed as the result of low interest at reading. A number of problems in reading skill is closely associated with limited reading experiences and practices. The current research aims to describe student’s knowledge and thinking skills in a Li-Pro-GP model of instruction. The syntax of this learning model is project-based learning that is integrated with the School Literacy Movement (SLM) and Character Education Reinforcement (CER) programs. The research fell into a descriptive research model. Research subjects, seventh graders attending IPA instructions. Data of the research were analyzed descriptively, which indicated improvement in terms of knowledge and thinking skills amidst students. In addition, the highest level of language use was found at the test for Aspect C2, C4, C5, and C6, whilst the highest level of conceptual truth was indicated at Aspect C3. On the other hand, the lowest level of giving argumentation appeared at all aspects. In sum, the highest level of skills was indicated by the language use, while the lowest at the student’s confidence in giving argumentation.

Application of the Li-Pro-GP learning model to improve students’ conceptual understanding and creativity

April 2022


13 Reads


5 Citations


Concept understanding and product creativity of Ma'arif class VII A junior high school students are less than optimal. This problem is because learning activities do not invite students to increase literacy. Based on this, it is necessary to innovate learning. The purpose of this research is to apply Li-Pro-GP learning (Project-Based Science Literacy in the integrated scientific literacy movement strengthening character education) to improve conceptual understanding and creativity of learning poster products. The type of research used is quasi-experimental research (quasi-experimental) using a one-group pretest-posttest design. The research population is seventh-grade junior high school students. While sampling using purposive sampling. The research sample is all Ma'arif junior high school students in class VII A. Data collection techniques use tests and documentation with research instruments, namely written test questions in the form of essays used to pretest and posttest. The measurement of the creativity of the learning poster product uses the product creativity rubric. Data analysis using paired t-test with the help of data processing applications IBM SPSS 26 and Ms.Excel. The results showed that: 1) there was an effect of using the Li-Pro-GP learning model on the ability to understand concepts; 2) there is an effect of using the Li-Pro-GP learning model on the creativity of the learning poster product.

The relationship between capability dimension and cognitive dimension ability of grade VII middle school students

April 2020


15 Reads


4 Citations

AIP Conference Proceedings

Data from PISA and TIMSS shows that the literacy ability of students in Indonesia is still lacking. Based on this, the literacy ability of junior high school students needs to be improved and measured. Scientific literacy assessment can be focused on two dimensions, namely the content dimension and the cognitive dimension. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the dimensions of content and cognitive dimensions. This type of correlational research with the ability variable dimensions content (x) and cognitive dimension capabilities (y). The study involved 76 of VII grade students of a SMP (Junio High School) in Malang. Data were collected using a writing test. The results show (1) there is a positive relationship between the ability of the dimensions of content with the ability of the cognitive dimensions, (2) there is a positive relationship between the ability of the dimensions of content with the ability to: a) use knowledge or concepts in a meaningful way, b) identify problems, c) analyze and evaluate data or events, d) design investigations, e) use and manipulate tools.

EKOLOGI BUDAYA: Studi Sastra dalam Bingkai Kajian Sastra Interdispliner

December 2019


6,581 Reads


3 Citations

Dalam tiga dekade terakhir banyak peneliti di dunia yang mulai secara konsisten mengembangkan berbagai penelitiannya pada isu lingkungan. Fenomena ini bukanlah suatu hal yang bersifat insidental. Akan tetapi, di tengah berbagai krisis ekologi yang terjadi di Bumi dan kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh keserahakan manusia memberikan kecemasan di kalangan peneliti terhadap masa depan Bumi kita ini. Setiap hari, berbagai media massa lokal, nasional, hingga internasional tidak pernah absen untuk memberitakan berbagai kerusakan ekologi yang terjadi, mulai isu penebangan hutan, penambangan liar, efek rumah kaca, hingga semakin menipisnya lapisan ozon Bumi. Setidaknya terdapat dua momen yang berkaitan erat dengan semakin meningkatnya pamor studi lingkungan saat ini. Pertama, perkembangan espitemologi keilmuan yang mengarahkan kesadaran manusia untuk lebih terlibat dalam usaha penyelamatan ekologi Bumi. Hal ini ditandai oleh sebuah gerakan pemikiran yang dikenal dengan “ecology turn” pada 1990-an. Pergeseran paradigma ini utamanya terjadi dalam bidang sastra yang kemudian dikenal dengan istilah ekokritik. Selain munculnya pertanyaan-pertanyaan baru dalam bidang sastra, ekokritik juga membangun kembali metodologinya. Dalam kerangka ini, banyak para peneliti yang memanfaatkan berbagai bidang humaniora lain ataupun ilmu sosial untuk memahami permasalahan lingkungan melalui sastra. Kedua, di tengah berbagah kesadaran akan pentingnya peran berbagai keilmuan untuk turut andil dalam permasalahan ekologi yang terjadi, berdiri The Association fot the Study of Literature and Envornment (ASLE) di Amerika Serikat. Asosiasi ini merupakan sebuah gerakan global yang terdiri dari ilmuwan dan penulis yang tertarik untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara manusia dengan alam, serta dampak yang dihasilkannya. Asosiasi ini bukanlah sebuah gerakan intelektual monodisiplin, tetapi bersifat interdisipliner, seperti ekologi pendidikan, sastra, dan lain-lain. Berbagai peneliti tersebut mencoba memahami berbagai dinamika yang terjadi antara hubungan yang dihasilkan oleh manusia dengan alam selama ini. Saat ini organisasi ini juga telah berkembang pesat di berbagai wilayah dunia. Sebagai sebuah gerakan global, kegiatan yang berfokus pada permasalahan lingkungan ini banyak mendapat minat dari berbagai ahli di seluruh penjuru dunia, seperti Amerika, Eropa, Asia, Afrika, hingga Australia. Buku ini merupakan salah satu respon penulis terhadap isu ekologi yang berkembang saat ini. Sebagai bidang keilmuan dalam rumpun humaniora, peran ilmu sastra dalam mengemban tanggung jawab ekologis perlu menempatkan posisinya secara nyata dalam perdebatan yang terjadi. Dalam tulisannya, Andalas (2018), memaparkan mengenai pentingnya sebuah tanggung jawab kultural dalam pengembangan sebuah espitemologi sehingga hasilnya dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Melalui kesadaran baru terhadap dimensi analisis yang merespon isu “nyata” di sekitar kehidupan, peneliti dapat membongkar dimensi ideologis dan merumuskan ide pencegahan dan penanggulan yang berguna bagi kehidupan manusia. Melalui kerangka ini, ilmu sastra haruslah memperluas cara pandangnya dengan mendekati bidang ilmu lain sebagai kerangka kajian yang dapat menopang pemahaman sastra terhadap isu ekologi yang terjadi, salah satunya yaitu bidang budaya. Ekologi budaya merupakan salah satu dari sub pembagian bidang ekologi manusia, di samping ekologi biologis. Sebagai bidang yang relatif baru, utamanya dalam sastra Indonesia, kami merasa diperlukan adanya suatu buku yang dapat menjadi pengantar pemahaman menuju dimensi ekologi-budaya dalam kajian sastra. Sebagai sebuah buku pengantar, tentu tidak semua hal yang berkaitan dengan persoalan ekologi-budaya dapat ditemukan di buku ini. Kami berangkat dari asumsi bahwa pembaca pemula yang nantinya memanfaatkan buku ini belumlah memiliki pengetahuan mengenai bidang ekologi maupun antropologi budaya, sehingga kami mencoba membangun pemahaman dari bawah. Dalam kesempatan ini, kami juga ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada beberapa pihak yang turut mendukung terbitnya buku ini, yaitu Rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Dekan dan Wakil Dekan FKIP UMM, serta kolega dosen Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang yang senantiasa menjadi teman diskusi yang menyenangkan. Terlepas dari berbagai kekurangan yang ada, semoga dengan kehadiran buku ini dapat membuka dimensi kajian sastra interdisipliner yang lebih luas, utamanya terkait dengan isu ekologi-budaya dalam kajian-kajian sastra Indonesia. Kami juga sangat berharap adanya kritik dan saran dari pembaca untuk mengembangkan konsep ekologi budaya sebagai sebuah kajian interdisipliner sastra dengan lebih baik lagi.

Figure 2. Implementation of the login
Figure 7. Implementation input display subjects
Information System Design E-Assignment in High School to Increase The Effectiveness of Learning

November 2018


194 Reads


8 Citations

Journal of Physics Conference Series

High School aims to create graduates who are qualified and have competitiveness in entering the lecture bench. To achieve these objectives the students are obliged to follow the learning process for 3 years. During the learning process the teachers give assignments to students. This activity is performed to determine whether the material presented can be well understood or not. In the process of granting and collection tasks are still done manually. This certainly raises difficulties between teacher-student and become less effective. Thus was designed an information system E-assignment. The method used in this system is a method of SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). This system provides services to manage and maintain the data properly. In addition to this system easy to provide teachers with the task quickly and can be done anytime and anywhere. The end result of making this system in the form of a website, which in turn can increase the effectiveness of learning in high school.

Citations (5)

... The above is reinforced by Salmela-aro et al., (2016)that in digital technology, especially project-based learning for digital native students, it provides convenience in accessing and using technology to seek knowledge and understanding related to projects that will be developed by students. Where with the ease of access and use of technology will have an impact on students in adding insights related to digital technology-based projects (Pantiwati et al., 2023) . ...


Perception of Digital Technology in Project Based Learning for Digital Native Students in Elementary School
The Effects of The Blended Project-Based Literacy that Integrates School Literacy Movement Strengthening Character Education Learning Model on Metacognitive Skills, Critical Thinking, and Opinion Expression
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023

European Journal of Educational Research

... In addition to interest in reading, this e-module also aims to find out its influence and improvement on the understanding of concepts. Concept understanding is an ability to re-express an idea, concept, idea and be able to communicate it well (Pantiwati et al., 2022). The results of concept understanding get the results of a descriptive analysis of the value of understanding concepts can be seen in Table 9. ...

Application of the Li-Pro-GP learning model to improve students’ conceptual understanding and creativity


... One is applying a learning model with a scientific approach, namely the PBL model. This PBL model is principled in utilizing problems that occur in the surrounding environment, which are studied comprehensively so that it can improve students' cognitive abilities [40]- [42]. The advantages of this model include that students are encouraged to have the ability to solve problems in real conditions, the ability builds knowledge independently, use relevant knowledge reference sources, communicate skills, construct a situational, and reduce student learning difficulties both individually and in groups in peer teaching [43]- [46]. ...

The relationship between capability dimension and cognitive dimension ability of grade VII middle school students
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • April 2020

AIP Conference Proceedings

... Realitasnya, cerita-cerita bermotif "Jaka Tarub" juga ditemukan di beberapa wilayah Nusantara lainnya. Hal ini mengimplikasikan bahwa untuk memperoleh pemahaman atas pandangan dunia masyarakat mengenai hubungan gender yang tergambarkan dalam cerita rakyat juga harus dilakukan terhadap cerita lain yang memiliki motif serupa dengan tetap memperhatikan latar belakang sosial-budaya masyarakat pemilik cerita (Andalas, 2018;Sugiarti et al., 2019). ...

EKOLOGI BUDAYA: Studi Sastra dalam Bingkai Kajian Sastra Interdispliner

... In this era of globalization, Information Technology and Computers are crucial tools that individuals must grasp to avoid falling behind. The facilities are easily accessible due to the rapid growth of information technology [3]- [7]. This has been a motivating factor for educators in Indonesia to spread Information Technology and Computer education [6], [8], [9]. ...

Information System Design E-Assignment in High School to Increase The Effectiveness of Learning

Journal of Physics Conference Series