January 2025
34 Reads
A platform for heteroepitaxial (111) chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond quantum sensors with preferentially aligned nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers on a large substrate is developed, and its operation as an electric vehicle (EV) battery monitor is demonstrated. A self‐standing heteroepitaxial CVD diamond film with a (111) orientation and a thickness of 150 µm is grown on a non‐diamond substrate and subsequently separated from it. The high uniformity and crystallinity of the (111)‐oriented diamond is confirmed. A 150‐µm thick NV‐diamond layer is then deposited on the heteroepitaxial diamond. The T2 value measured by confocal microscopy is 20 µs, which corresponds to substitutional nitrogen defect concentration of 8 ppm. The nitrogen‐vacancy concentration and T2* are estimated to be 0.05 ppm and 0.05 µs by continuous wave optically detected magnetic resonance (CW‐ODMR) spectroscopy in a fiber‐top sensor configuration. In a gradiometer, where two sensors are placed on both sides of the busbar, the noise floor is 17 nT/Hz0.5 in the frequency range of 10–40 Hz without magnetic shielding. The Allan deviation of the magnetic field noise in the laboratory is below 0.3 µT, which corresponds to a busbar current of 10 mA, in the accumulation time range of 10 ms to 100 s.