October 2024
8 Reads
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
This paper presents the frequency dependence of the path loss exponent (PLE) based on measurement results of multiple frequency bands in indoor environments and explains the propagation mechanisms that cause frequency dependence. Path loss measurements from 0.8 GHz to 66.5 GHz in two indoor open office environments were used to derive the parameters of a close-in free space reference distance model (CI model) and an alpha-beta-gamma model (ABG model). We revealed that the PLE of the single-frequency CI model tended to decrease with increasing frequency, while the frequency coefficient of the ABG model was smaller than that of the free space loss (FSPL), indicating a different frequency dependence than FSPL in these environments. Furthermore, the propagation mechanisms of the waveguide effect and the first Fresnel zone shielding cause this frequency dependence. Ray-tracing simulations revealed that the PLE becomes large and small in the low- and high-frequency bands, respectively, when the ceiling height is low, consistent with the measurements. The PLE becomes small regardless of the frequency band when the ceiling height is high, indicating frequency dependence along the propagation mechanism in both the ray-tracing simulation and measurement results.