September 2024
19 Reads
5 Citations
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September 2024
19 Reads
5 Citations
June 2023
205 Reads
3 Citations
Personnel Psychology
In this research, we argue that conscientiousness can be a key factor in accounting for the racial pay gap among Black and White workers. Drawing from shifting standard and status characteristics theories and the literature on occupations, we propose that conscientiousness yields differential rewards for Blacks and Whites because of the incongruence between stereotypes about Black workers and conscientiousness. We further suggest the occupational value of status as an occupational‐level boundary condition that affects the relationships between conscientiousness, race, and pay. We first tested our model with a large national panel dataset, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 97 (NLSY97), and occupational characteristics scores in the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), finding that the positive effects of conscientiousness on pay were greater for Whites compared to Blacks and that such pay inequality is more pronounced in occupations with high‐status values than in those with low‐status values. A follow‐up experimental study that recruited 202 managers working in the U.S. produced similar results, suggesting that our findings were not attributable to the levels of job performance. Thus, our research demonstrates the role of conscientiousness in generating pay differentials based on race and sheds light on the importance of considering a discrete occupational context that contributes to organizational inequality.
November 2022
72 Reads
3 Citations
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
This article describes my journey as an organizational behavior scholar, including reflections on the state of the field of organizational scholarship. I organize the article into two main sections. First, I provide my autobiographical review, beginning with my early years and ending with the five universities where I have been employed in my career. Second, I provide a set of observations about the state of the organizational sciences, focusing specifically on the two areas of my most significant focus—personality and leadership—as well as offering some general observations about the field. The organizational sciences have seen many positive advances: Research is more rigorous theoretically and methodologically, and more concern is devoted to replication and research ethics. However, partly owing to prioritizing these advancements over other concerns, new problems have developed, and other long-standing concerns have been exacerbated. I discuss my own changing perspectives on these issues and present some thoughts on how they might be addressed. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Volume 10 is January 2023. Please see for revised estimates.
July 2022
37 Reads
Academy of Management Proceedings
The literature on racism in the workplace has shed much light on the impact of racial discrimination on career outcomes, especially with respect to psychological processes (e.g., biases, attributions, perceptions, and decision-making). However, there has been relatively little research on the role of the occupational environment in racial inequality. Because the focus of most previous studies has been on income or types of occupations, a comprehensive understanding of the occupational contexts associated with racism has remained elusive. We argue that certain occupations tend to confer significant systemic, and often implicit, advantages and that racial minorities have less access to occupations with high privilege. Invoking the theory of work adjustment, status process theory, and racial stereotyping, we theorize that the socially desirable occupational characteristics of status, recognition, authority, and advancement constitute occupational privilege and are distributed unevenly across racial groups. Furthermore, we propose that occupational privilege serves to create racial disparities in extrinsic and intrinsic career outcomes. Finally, it was argued that educational level and conscientiousness, two robust predictors of career outcomes, are positively associated with occupational privilege but that the positive associations are weaker for members of racial minorities than for the racial majority owing to negative racial stereotypes. We tested these hypotheses with a large (N = 4,445) longitudinal sample created from two comprehensive datasets collected over 20 years. Results of multi-level regression supported our hypotheses. Thus, our research demonstrates that occupational privilege is a fundamental aspect of racism in the workplace.
June 2021
201 Reads
15 Citations
Career Development International
Purpose –This paper aims to apply training evaluation to employability development, providing a systematic process to assess employability development programs’ effectiveness under the framework of employability capital resources (Peeters et al., 2019). Design/methodology/approach – The authors demonstrate the training evaluation process within an employability development program for US secondary school students. This process included providing validation evidence for measures of evaluation criteria across multiple samples of secondary school students and testing the effectiveness of the program utilizing a quasi-experimental design. Findings – The authors systematically found support for the intervention’s effects on training criteria (i.e. reactions, learning, behavior, results) and demonstrated the utility for training evaluation’s application to employability development. The findings illustrate how a training evaluation approach can provide holistic evidence that an employability development program achieved its intended outcomes. Originality/value – Employability is a new and burgeoning topic – however, employability development varies in how it is conceptualized, evaluated and assessed. By applying training evaluation approaches, employability development can be assessed within a unifying framework and better integrated within the Human Resource Management literature.
May 2021
125 Reads
6 Citations
European Journal of Personality
Based on a two-week daily diary study of 31 leader–follower dyads, this article demonstrates that within-person variation in the leader’s level of state core self-evaluations is associated with within-person variation in the follower’s level of state core self-evaluations. Moreover, we provide tentative evidence that this crossover effect might be mediated by transformational leadership behavior. Our study contributes to personality and leadership research by exploring within-leader, within-follower, and within-dyad personality processes. By showing that the personality states of leader and follower fluctuate in sync, we shed light on a new way in which leaders and followers connect.
November 2020
3,314 Reads
66 Citations
Job satisfaction continues to be one of the most studied job attitudes in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Judge et al., 2017). Academics and practitioners alike have recognized the worth of job satisfaction, given its usefulness in predicting vital organizational effectiveness outcomes (Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012; Society for Human Resource Management, 2015). In this chapter, we provide a comprehensive review of the job satisfaction literature. First, we discuss the history of job satisfaction and how the construct has been explicated and refined over time. Second, we describe the various paradigms and approaches to the measurement of job satisfaction, along with important measurement considerations. Third, we review the antecedents (dispositional, contextual, and event-based) and outcomes (performance, effectiveness, organizational citizenship behavior [OCB], counterproductive work behavior [CWB], and withdrawal) of job satisfaction. Finally, we synthesize decades of job satisfaction research to suggest how the study of job satisfaction can move forward. As some examples, we suggest researchers employ theory elaboration (Fisher & Aguinis, 2017) approaches to prune and elaborate on job satisfaction theory and that researchers continue to delve into clarifying the role of affect in job satisfaction. We also suggest that practitioners closely focus on the determinants of job satisfaction, especially justice perceptions, which strongly predict job satisfaction. We conclude that a continued focus on job satisfaction is critically important: in the tumultuous modern climate wrought with high turnover rates, satisfied employees are more likely to be loyal champions, ambassadors, and advocates to their organizations.
August 2020
65 Reads
Academy of Management Proceedings
January 2020
766 Reads
27 Citations
This study examines situational antecedents of transformational leadership by (a) studying the effect of time pressure on the emergence of transformational leadership behaviours, and (b) examining the mediating role of leaders’ state core self-evaluations. Twice per day for 10 consecutive working days, 42 leaders reported on their state core self-evaluations, transformational leadership behaviours and the time pressure they experienced, yielding 531 observations. Using multilevel path analysis, we found that time pressure had an indirect effect on transformational leadership through leaders’ state core self-evaluations. This mediated relationship was curvilinear; with time pressure having little to no effect on transformational leadership via state core self-evaluations when time pressure is below a leader’s average level of time pressure. However, once this characteristic average level is exceeded, time pressure has a negative effect on transformational leadership via its negative relationship with state core self-evaluations, and this relationship becomes stronger for increasing levels of time pressure.
November 2018
266 Reads
33 Citations
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Most, if not all, workplace phenomena are dynamic, meaning that they emerge, evolve, and dissolve over time. Yet, the role of time is commonly overlooked in OB literature. This special issue showcases how a temporal process-oriented lens can be used to study dynamics of workplace phenomena. In this editorial, we define the term dynamics, arguing that research on workplace dynamics focuses on how within-person (or more broadly, within-unit) processes unfold over time. Moreover , we zoom in on the diverse roles of time, illustrating the rich diversity in research on workplace dynamics, and we highlight three specific challenges for scholars wanting to pursue this line of research. We conclude that the time has come to move from a differential to a temporal and process-oriented perspective, allowing us to understand what happens, how things happen, and why things happen at the workplace.
... Por otro lado, los resultados también destacaron la relación entre la adopción de tecnologías y el bienestar organizacional del personal técnico, es por ello que los datos sugieren que la tecnología, además de mejorar la productividad, también influye positivamente en la percepción de calidad del trabajo y la satisfacción laboral (Bourlakis et al., 2023). Al ser bien implementada, la tecnología fomenta un clima organizacional positivo (Kim y Park, 2020;Malik et al., 2021), donde los empleados no solo se benefician de herramientas más eficientes, sino que también perciben una mejora en su satisfacción profesional y en la calidad de sus tareas (Judge et al., 2023;Riyanto et al., 2021). Este doble beneficio resalta el valor de la innovación tecnológica no solo en términos de rendimiento operativo, sino también en la creación de un entorno de trabajo más satisfactorio (Bednar y Welch, 2020; Chege y Wang, 2020). ...
September 2024
... While some job roles benefit from moderate narcissism (Satornino et al., 2023), high levels pose risks due to overconfidence and disregard for others (O'Boyle et al., 2012). Research (Blair et al., 2008;De Fruyt et al., 2009;Judge & LePine, 2007) and the practitioner literature (Rotolo & Bracken, 2022;Schwarzinger, 2022) advocate assessing narcissism in hiring, despite challenges using traditional selection methods (e.g. self-reports, job interviews) due to socially desirable responding (Bensch et al., 2019;Kowalski et al., 2018) and impression management (Paulhus et al., 2013). ...
July 2007
... In Study 2, we employed the experimental vignette methodology following Aguinis and Bradley's (2014) best practice recommendations to not only measure employees' psychological experiences (i.e., perceived negative instrumentality of stay and turnover intention) but also manipulate delayed pay and PFP to establish causality. Using experimental vignette methodology has been widely adopted in research on pay and compensation (e.g., Park et al., 2023;Speach et al., 2023), as well as in other organizational behavior studies (e.g., Bolino et al., 2023;Nielsen & Colbert, 2022; and it is appropriate when it is used to assess explicit processes and outcomes (Aguinis & Bradley, 2014). We Following the performance-rewards instrumentality scale used by Mayer and Davis (1999), we developed a two-item measure of negative instrumentality perception of stay ("If I am one of those who stay in this company, I will suffer from economic losses" and "If I stay in the current company, my chances of losing economic interests are increased"; 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree; α = 0.77). ...
June 2023
Personnel Psychology
... We welcome the focal article by Dupré and Wille (2024) to introduce personality development goals based on the emerging line of inquiry on volitional personality change (Hudson & Fraley, 2015) to work settings and its potential utility to advance organizational personality research. We foresee that, with reliable and valid assessment tools, investigating the nomological network of personality development goals would become a fruitful avenue to rejuvenate organizational personality research (Judge, 2023). Yet, we also know that advocating for an emerging area of research represents a change of consensus, which is not always an easy enterprise. ...
November 2022
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
... Aligned with the findings from Odden et al. (2004), their study underlined the significance role of trainers and revealed that the trainers have "strong and large" influence on trainees' learning outcomes. Furthermore, Glerum and Judge (2021) asserted that trainee react more positively to trainer matter than the training content, whereas Towler and Dipboye (2001) concluded that the expressive trainers are largely influenced the trainee reactions than the inexpressive trainers. Therefore, this research paper suggests that satisfaction with trainer is a determinant of academic's digital competence. ...
June 2021
Career Development International
... In the literature, the issue of success in goal attainment is associated with education attrition (Kamer & Ishitani, 2021) and workplace turnover rates (Peltokorpi & Michel, 2021). Though historically most of the literature has focused on non-cognitive factors and success in academics and business, recent research includes other factors such as well-being (Dóci et al. 2021) and overall quality of life (Kim & Lee, 2022), and indicates the signi cance of CSE and grit in success. ...
May 2021
European Journal of Personality
... Job satisfaction received attention from various scientific fields for decades and remains a focal point of research concerning management practice (Zhu, 2017). Measuring job satisfaction serves as an indicator for employees' performance in terms of quality (Judge et al., 2020), productivity and commitment (Spector, 1997;Coetzee and Stoltz, 2015) as well as for turnover risks (Halter et al., 2017;Radford and Meissner, 2017;Yarbrough et al., 2017;De Simone et al., 2018;Judge et al., 2020;Koch et al., 2020;Labrague, 2020;Nikkhah-Farkhani and Piotrowski, 2020;Sillero-Sillero and Zabalegui, 2020). Additionally, research was able to show that satisfied employees are more likely to advocate for the organization (Judge et al., 2020). ...
November 2020
... Job characteristics are the concepts related to many other tasks given by their organizations [24]. Commonly, job characteristics can be defined as the reactivity of their organizational tasks and organizational attributes consisting of diversity, autonomy, accountability, essential knowledge and technology, and interaction with co-workers and their organization, which is highly correlated to job satisfaction [15,16]. ...
September 2017
... Leaders should adopt a transformational approach to monitor the performance of their followers in order to guarantee that they remain inspired and motivated to achieve stated goals [2]. Transactional leadership is a style to management in which the leader intervenes only when a follower fails to meet performance requirements [30]. In the context of leadership support, leaders provide valuable and constructive feedback to assist their followers in continuously developing and enhancing their performance [31]. ...
January 2020
... Liden et al., (2000) findings show that the quality of interpersonal relationships between managers and employees has an impact on the employees' sense of empowerment. Complementing Emotion As Social Information theory, attribution theory, which posits that individuals have an innate tendency to make sense of others' behavior through causal explanations (Heider, 1958;Ferris, Bhawuk, Fedor & Judge, 1995), suggests that leader emotional behaviors that are unexpected and negative may trigger followers to consciously process leader emotional displays (Dasborough and N. M. Ashkanasy, 2002;Dasborough & Ashkanasy, 2004;Has Hastie,tie, 1984). Thus it can be seen leader emotion frequently concerns with employees or followers exhibition involve in job performance or personal character. ...
May 2018