October 2024
27 Reads
Weed Science
Information regarding the prevalence and distribution of herbicide-resistant waterhemp [ Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer] in Minnesota is limited. Whole-plant bioassays were conducted in the greenhouse on 90 A. tuberculatus populations collected from 47 counties in Minnesota. Eight postemergence herbicides, 2,4-D, atrazine, dicamba, fomesafen, glufosinate, glyphosate, imazamox, and mesotrione, were applied at 1× and 3× the labeled doses. Based on their responses, populations were classified into highly resistant (≥40 % survival at 3× the labeled dose), moderately resistant (<40% survival at 3× the labeled dose but ≥40% survival at 1× the labeled dose), less sensitive (10% to 39% survival at 1× the labeled dose), and susceptible (<10% survival at 1× the labeled dose) categories. All 90 populations were resistant to imazamox, while 89% were resistant to glyphosate. Atrazine, fomesafen, and mesotrione resistance was observed in 47%, 31%, and 22% of all populations, respectively. Ten percent of the populations were resistant to 2,4-D, and 2 of 90 populations exhibited >40% survival following dicamba application at the labeled dose. No population was confirmed to be resistant to glufosinate. However, 22% of all populations were classified as less sensitive to glufosinate. Eighty-two populations were found to be multiple-herbicide resistant. Among these, 15 populations exhibited resistance to four different herbicide sites of action (SOAs); 7 and 4 populations were resistant to five and six SOAs, respectively. All six-way-resistant populations were from southwest Minnesota. Two populations, one from Lincoln County and the other from Lyon County, were resistant to 2,4-D, atrazine, dicamba, fomesafen, glyphosate, imazamox, and mesotrione, leaving only glufosinate as a postemergence control option for these populations in corn ( Zea mays L.) and soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Diversified management tactics, including nonchemical control measures along with herbicide applications from effective SOAs, should be implemented to slow down the evolution and spread of herbicide-resistant A. tuberculatus populations.