Tetiana Tkachenko’s research while affiliated with National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and other places

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Publications (15)

  • Article

May 2023


17 Reads

Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University Economic sciences



The article substantiates the principles of the system of economic security of industrial enterprises in conditions of competition. Ensuring the effective functioning of the economic security system of an industrial enterprise is a task for its competitiveness, stability and preservation of successful functioning on the market. Implementation of the system of economic security of an industrial enterprise involves the use of principles that trigger its functioning. These principles establish the basic rules and conditions that help achieve the set goals of economic security. They are focused on: ensuring financial stability, stability, technical independence, high competitiveness, improving personnel qualifications, minimizing the negative impact on the environment and protecting various aspects of the industrial enterprise. It is substantiated that a comprehensive approach to the creation of an economic security system can vary depending on the characteristics of an industrial enterprise, industry, market conditions and other factors, and the general principles include: complexity and systematicity, preventiveness, balance, flexibility and adaptability, interconnection and experience. The specified principles of economic security management are based on the following provisions, which contribute to the effective management of the economic security of the enterprise and ensure its stability and successful operation in a dynamic business environment, and take into account: industrial enterprises must conduct a systematic analysis of risks that may affect its economic security; the enterprise should consider the possibilities of diversifying its activities and resources; effective financial management is a key aspect of functioning in economic security; the enterprise must have financial reserves to cover unforeseen events or negative changes in market conditions; an industrial enterprise must be ready for changes and innovations occurring in the economic environment; managing the economic security of an industrial enterprise requires cooperation and interaction with all interested parties, such as customers, suppliers, partners, government bodies, etc. The correct application of the principles of the economic security system contributes to the formation of a reliable and effective system that ensures the sustainable development of the enterprise.


January 2023


3 Reads

Scientific opinion Economics and Management

The article substantiates the importance of innovations in the context of the economic security of enterprises in the conditions of intensifying competition, increasing threats and uncertainties, which are caused by the modern state of war in the economic development of Ukraine. During the research, such scientific methods were used as: system-analytical, comparative analysis, theoretical generalization. A chain of interconnected risk phenomena that reduce the economic security of enterprises has been clarified, in particular: the destruction of almost all industrial and market ties; instability of solvency; low (or zero) levels of efficiency; catastrophic decrease in competitiveness; the emergence of risks of bankruptcy and loss of viability as a result of received losses or destruction as a result of military actions on the territory of Ukraine. Ensuring the economic security of industrial enterprises in competitive conditions should be based on the fact that the implementation of innovation policy at the enterprise should not be of an episodic nature; strategic planning of the management of the innovation cycle of the enterprise and its products with an orientation to the potential opportunities for the development of the enterprise; ensuring the improvement of the intellectual potential of the enterprise; achieving and maintaining the required level of product quality in accordance with national and international standards; expansion of sales markets due to innovative policy both in domestic and foreign markets. The elements of the implementation of the innovative component of the enterprise's economic security are substantiated, including: the presence of economic support, which is preceded by a detailed economic analysis regarding the feasibility of the planned innovative and investment activities; compliance of regulatory and legal support with current requirements for documenting innovative and investment procedures; timeliness of information provision of all economic processes; improvement of organizational support, which is closely related to the procedural development of relevant processes when implementing innovations at the enterprise; activation of all types of marketing actions; optimization of resource, technical, production support of business processes of the enterprise.


January 2023


3 Reads

Scientific opinion Economics and Management

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the formation of the economic security system of the enterprise in competitive conditions. It is substantiated that the system of economic security of the enterprise involves ensuring its protection in the process of interaction with the subjects of the surrounding environment, as well as identifying new opportunities for the development of the enterprise in competitive conditions. The economic security of the enterprise is related to its competitiveness. One of the goals of the enterprise’s economic security system is to ensure the development and preservation of competitive advantage, which allows the enterprise to occupy a strong position in the market, withstand competition and attract customers. The economic security of the enterprise involves its sustainable development, in particular, it involves the planning and implementation of long-term strategies that allow the enterprise to adapt to changes in the economic environment, develop and increase its efficiency, as well as identify new business opportunities. It was established that the formation of the economic security system of the enterprise depends on the following factors: the sphere of activity of the enterprise, the dynamism of the external environment and interaction with it, the size of the enterprise, the presence of enterprise development strategies. Taking into account these conditions contributes to the effective formation of the economic security system of the enterprise, ensuring its stability and successful operation of the enterprise in competitive conditions. It has been proven that the main functional tasks of the economic security system of enterprises, which are aimed at ensuring its stability and successful operation in the conditions of a changing environment and intensifying competition, are: ensuring high financial efficiency of work; ensuring technical independence and achieving high competitiveness of the technical potential of the enterprise; achieving a high level of staff qualification and mental potential; minimization of the destructive impact of the results of production and economic activity on the state of the environment; protection of all aspects of the enterprise’s activity; ensuring the protection of commercial secrets; effective organization of the security of the company’s personnel.

Innovative Development as Determinant of Corporate Economic Security

September 2022


20 Reads

Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainability


Olha Popelo


Rostislav Tulchinskiy




Tetiana Tkachenko

The current challenges of globalization provide business entities of various economic systems with multifaceted opportunities, while creating new threats to economic security. These and other challenges require enterprises to pay attention to innovation, and improve their economic security. The study substantiates the importance of innovative development as a determinant of corporate economic security. The main purpose is to assess the innovative development state of enterprises, and evaluate its impact on economic security based on the available information and analytical support. To achieve the set goal, the authors proposed an assessment approach for corporate economic security based on the innovative component, and developed a monitoring algorithm for the factors affecting corporate development. The systemic approach was employed to consider the innovative component as a subsystem of corporate economic security, and to measure its impact on corporate development. In this way, the innovative component of corporate economic security could be calculated comprehensively. The methodology takes account of the systemic approach, as well as methodical support for the analysis of components, which is based on rating evaluations, systematic expert evaluations, and ranking scales. Industrial enterprises that pay special attention to innovative development were selected to test the proposed methodical support. In addition, the Harrington scale was adapted to establish the level of corporate economic security. Based on the calculations, it was determined that the studied enterprises have an average and below average level of economic security due to component innovation. Overall, this research presents a suitable algorithm for assessing the level of corporate economic security.

Fig. 1. Share of small and medium-sized enterprises belonging to the non-financial sector in the structure of all enterprises of the non-financial sector in Eastern Europe Source: IMD World Competitiveness Center, 2016, 2020.
Eastern European countries at Ease of doing business ranking
Input data for regression analysis
The state of development of small and medium enterprises in Eastern Europe
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2022


168 Reads


6 Citations

Studies of Applied Economics

An important engine of economic development of the country is the development of small and medium enterprises. At the same time, small and medium-sized businesses, being elements of the economic system, have a significant impact on the overall economic growth of the country. Thus, there is a mutual influence of economic units on the economy as a whole. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of small and medium-sized enterprises of small and medium-sized enterprises on the gross domestic product on the example of Eastern European countries. Methods: analysis, description, observation, comparison, generalization, induction, deduction, grouping, systematization, tabular and graphical representation. Results: The level of ease of doing business in Eastern Europe was analyzed according to the Ease of doing business ranking and it was found that the Czech Republic and Poland are among the 40 countries in Eastern Europe ranked 40th and 41st out of 190 possible. It is established that the subjects of small (including micro-enterprises) and medium-sized enterprises belonging to the non-financial sector, in the structure of all enterprises of the non-financial sector of each of the studied countries occupy more than 90%. It was found that a significant share in the structure of small and medium enterprises in Eastern Europe is occupied by micro-enterprises, while the share of medium-sized enterprises is the lowest. The results of regression analysis to determine the impact of small and medium enterprises on the economic growth of countries obtained by establishing the dependence of GDP on Turnover of the non-financial business economy by size class of employment. Revealed a high dependence of GDP Turnover of the non-financial business economy by size class of employment in all surveyed countries in Eastern Europe.


Environmentalization of Production as a Direction of Ensuring the Sustainability of Production Activities of Enterprises and Increasing Their Economic Security

April 2022


11 Reads


18 Citations

International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering

Within the article, the essence of the concept and theoretical aspects of greening production as a separate area of ensuring the sustainability of production activities of the enterprise is considered. The basic principles of ensuring the environmentalization of production have been studied, among the key ones are the principles of systematization, complexity, responsibility, scientific validity, economic balance, as well as the principle of permanent improvement. The authors also consider the main tools for production greening (utilization, recycling, biochemical, bioenergy technologies and technologies of environmental adaptation), as well as a study of the main stages of production greening. The dynamics of some indicators that characterize the trends in the prevalence of production greening among entrepreneurs in terms of the number of enterprises that implement relevant measures and those, which measures, are innovative and significant. The methodical approach of estimation of production greening with use of the methods of standardization, complex indicators and comparison is offered. A list of recommended measures for production greening by enterprises has been formed. The list of recommendatory measures of the enterprises production greening is formed, which include: development of ways to ensure the processing and reuse of industrial waste; conducting a study of the production system for the possible generation of returnable waste; introduction of measures to reduce the material consumption of products; reduction of energy consumption of equipment’s separate elements; development and implementation of technological processes that eliminate or minimize emissions and emissions of harmful substances into the environment, etc.


April 2022


3 Reads


1 Citation

Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development

This study is devoted to substantiating the methodological principles of assessing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises. It is proposed to assess the competitiveness of industrial enterprises using structural-factor assessment of competitiveness management of industrial enterprises by an integrated approach, as well as to assess the intensity of competition in the industry using the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. The comprehensive index of competitiveness of industrial enterprises is based on the criteria of efficiency of production activities of industrial enterprises, financial support of industrial enterprises, efficiency of sales and promotion of industrial goods, competitiveness of industrial products. The approbation of the offered developments on an example of the metallurgical enterprises is carried out. The calculation of the Herfindahl-Hirschman index showed that in general, during the period under study, the metallurgical market is unstable and competition is quite high.

Economic and Mathematical Modeling of the Integration Impact of Modernization on Increasing the Enterprise Competitiveness

November 2021


22 Reads


17 Citations

Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development

Within the article, the economic model of the integration impact of modernization on the enterprise competitiveness and ensuring its economic security is described and substantiated. The authors formalize the factors and patterns of increasing a competitive advantage under the influence of the modernization potential implementation. It is determined that to ensure the competitiveness and economic security of the enterprise it is necessary to carry it out in compliance with the conditions of complexity of strategic reforms, clarity of modernization tasks, speed of adaptation of the modernization process to external environment, coherence of reform levels. Assessment and strategic analysis of competitiveness according to the "3S" model of Ukrainian infrastructure enterprises revealed the dependence of the effectiveness of modernization on the existing institutional and market environment, the level of staff competence, the dynamism of innovation and investment support.

Fig. 1. Grouping of methodical approaches of the efficiency diagnostics of the economic security system of industrial enterprises
Fig. 2. Features of ensuring the management of the economic security of industrial enterprises
Methodological support of the efficiency diagnosis of the economic security system of industrial enterprises in competitive environment

September 2021


94 Reads


1 Citation


The article proposes a classification of methodological approaches to the diagnosis of the economic security of enterprises according to the principles of consistency and strategic levels of government. The authors formalize the methods at the general, structural, factorial and unit levels. The general methods include indicator, functional-resource and economic-mathematical. Structural methods are distinguished by the direction of the economic security system, which allow to formalize corporate, motivational, financial and investment-profitable approaches. The factor group of methods is also formalized, in which the diagnostics of innovative influence, competitive status, market threats and normative-legal influence is distinguished. The largest group include methods of unit diagnostics, among which are methods of analysis of bankruptcy, personnel and intellectual, technical and technological, social, environmental, information and other components.

Figure 2. Horizontal visualization of the spiral space of modernization potential of infrastructure enterprises to ensure economic security in a competitive environment
Features of creative marketing in the conditions of the innovative economy development

August 2021


49 Reads


Within the article, economic properties of modernization potential, which affects the effectiveness of its implementation and economic security of enterprises in a competitive environment is described. The authors formalize structural elements and functional components of modernization potential of enterprise in the context of involving other types of potentials in the processes of renewal and development of the enterprise to ensure economic security. The authors propose a model that reflects the vector of the implementation of modernization potential in economic space. The authors describe the conditions of the enterprise in the spiral space of modernization, which include resource consumption and cost, duration and scale, efficiency. According to the obtained values, ten types of modernization are proposed, which are divided into four sectors of the profile of modernization potential of the enterprise.

Citations (8)

... Research findings (Saral Kandpal et al., 2023;Lejaka T.K. et al., 2023) prove that SMEs today are not prepared to protect against cyber threats and attacks, and most of them cannot even detect data breaches and manage cybersecurity risks. Of practical importance are publications (Marhasova V. et al., 2022;Viknianska A. et al., 2021;Abramova A. et al., 2021), which reveal the sustainability of enterprises and ways to increase their economic security, propose a methodological approach to economic analysis and management of enterprises in the conditions of transformation of economic systems, and also consider the example of Eastern European countries in issues of the VAT administration ecosystem in e-commerce. ...


Ensuring Cybersecurity in Action Electronic Commerce Enterprises in the Conditions of Implementation of the Sustainable Development Model
Environmentalization of Production as a Direction of Ensuring the Sustainability of Production Activities of Enterprises and Increasing Their Economic Security
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering

... Specifically, some researchers [20,51,52] assert that effective execution of resource-saving technology projects necessitates thorough business planning during development and implementation. It's also important to acknowledge the risk of incurring financial losses [53] that may not be recovered by introducing green technologies or that the payback period could extend far beyond initial projections. Hence, when planning initiatives for implementing green technologies, business stakeholders and government entities should consider a wide range of factors that could influence the outcomes and timelines of project execution. ...


Studies of Applied Economics

... Current trends of globalization and intensifying competition on domestic and international markets require the active involvement of intellectual capital in the management of innovative development of enterprises. Publications (Ivanova N. et al., 2022;Vovk O., et al., 2021;Tulchynska S., et al., 2021) are devoted to various aspects of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and activating their innovative development, including through the development of appropriate innovation and investment strategies. Within the framework of research (Korytko T. et al., 2021), the authors proposed an assessment of the intellectual capital of the enterprise and developed a methodical approach to the formation and selection of an innovative development strategy in the conditions of digitalization. ...

Economic and Mathematical Modeling of the Integration Impact of Modernization on Increasing the Enterprise Competitiveness
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development

... Dhamra did research on post-Traumatic stress symptoms among a sample of abused women and the results indicated the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety [7] . Some issues of aging, financing, innovation in the health care system and sustainable development of the regions were discussed by several studies [8][9][10][11][12][13][14] ; U.S. Care Infrastructure [15] ; priorities in effective management of health care institutions in Lithuania [16] ; difficulties and countermeasures in performance management of primary health care institutions in China [17] ; satisfaction with Japanese health care [18] ; equity of access to health care services in the UK [19] . ...

Systemic approach to assessing sustainable development of the regions
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021

Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism

... The article (Tkachenko et al. 2021) presents a categorization of analytical techniques for assessing a company's economic security based on consistency and strategic levels of governance. The approaches are formalized at general, structural, factorial, and unitary levels by the authors. ...

Methodological support of the efficiency diagnosis of the economic security system of industrial enterprises in competitive environment


... The implementation of IT system should make the company to succeed in its main goals, such as the rise in efficiency or achievement in competitiveness. (Iaroslav, Khmarska, Tkachenko, Koptieva, 2021). Basic phases of IT system implementation have been described in the Picture 1. 267 ...



... Tulchynska et al. [25] included approaches to investment, applicable facets of invention resource assistance, and modernization of microeconomics organizations within the overall context of digitization. It had been demonstrated that the modernizing of microeconomic systems was a specific actuation of the modernization potential meant to enhance the effectiveness of procedures, technology, goods and service administration, and other areas. ...

The Resource Supply of Innovation and Investment Strategies of the Microeconomic Systems Modernization in the Conditions of Digitalization


... The literature on sustainable development mainly focuses on the definition of the connotation of sustainable development and the assessment of the level of sustainable development. For example, according to the research of Popelo et al., the connotation of sustainability includes three dimensions: social, economic, and environmental [14]. Yan et al. used the data envelopment method to evaluate the urban sustainability performance of 287 cities in China and found that the sustainability of 287 cities in China has been on the rise in the past 30 years, but they have obvious spatial differences [15]. ...

Systemic Approach to Assessing Sustainable Development of the Regions
  • Citing Article
  • June 2021

Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism