Tejendra Kumar’s scientific contributions

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Publications (7)

Character Association and Path Coefficient Analysis Studies for Yield and Yield Related Components in Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]
  • Article

May 2024


8 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Experimental Agriculture International


Raghvendra Pratap Singh


Tejendra Kumar




Bablesh Kumar

The present investigation entitled “Character association and path coefficient analysis studies for yield and yield related components in okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]” was carried out during the summer season of 2020-2021 at Horticulture Research Centre, Department of Horticulture, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut. Ninety-five genotypes of okra with twelve traits were evaluated in the present study. The study revealed that the maximum fruit yield per plant had exhibited a highly significant and positive correlation with a number of fruits per plant, number of nodes per plant, number of seeds per fruit, weight of 100 seeds, fruit length, number of primary branches per plant, fruit diameter, and plant height at genotypic and phenotypic levels. Fruit yield per plant was shown to be negatively correlated with internode length.The positive direct effect on fruit yield per plant was exerted by the number of fruits per plant followed by internode length, days to 50 percent flowering, number of seeds per fruit,number of primary branches per plant, number of nodes per plant, fruit diameter, and fruit length at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Therefore, direct selection of these traits would be beneficial for improvement in okra.

Role of Mixed Farming for Doubling Farm's Income Role of Mixed Farming for Doubling Farm's Income
  • Chapter
  • Full-text available

May 2024


92 Reads

Under India context, the prosperity of a country depends upon the welfare of farmers and majority of the Indian farming communities follow traditional norms of agriculture which support their livelihood. Farming in India is characterized by small, marginal, and fragmented land holdings (about 86 per cent) and is highly depended on monsoon showers. Operating small holdings is often unviable and in this situation, farming is not a profitable business or enterprise. In the context of Uttar Pradesh, major challenges and issues in agriculture are the occurrence of flood, drought and hail storm as well as high cost and meager availability of quality seeds, fertilizer, irrigation, lack of marketing facility etc. Therefore, there is an urgent need of transformation in agriculture production combined with mixed farming approaches that involves crop cultivation, dairy, poultry, fishery, agro-forestry, piggery, beekeeping, vegetable and fruit production, use of renewable energy source(i.e. solar energy, Biogas) etc. For doubling of the farmer's income few vital strategies need to be adopted considering the basic requirements of the farmers. These strategies might be massive investments in agricultural research and development, adoption of good agricultural Practices (GAP), conservation agriculture technology, implementation of farmers friendly policies, judicious use of available resources and inputs, along with improved market and transportation facility, minimum support price (MSP) reform, supported by adequate and timely availability of bank credits. It has been reported that a rise in MSP will raise farmer income by 13-26 per cent. Smart farming and credit supporting smart farming are other possible e-Agriculture in Modern Era 78 | strategies in doubling farmer's income. When we talk about diversification, it mostly deals with high value crops. Economic and socio-ecological access to sustainable production could be only ensured by adoption mixed farming approach.


Effect of organic manures and inorganic on root length per plant (cm) in radish varieties
Effect of organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and varieties on growth and yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Article Authors

September 2022


25 Reads

Effect of organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and varieties on growth and yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Article Authors

September 2022


10 Reads

International Journal of Agricultural Invention

A field trial was conducted during rabi season 2021-22 to study effect of organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and varieties on growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Two varieties V1 (Arka Nishant) and V2 (Pusa Desi) and 16 treatments i.e. T1: Arka Nishant + RDF, T2: Arka Nishant + Vermicompost, T3: Arka Nishant +FYM, T4: Arka Nishant + Poultry manure, T5: Arka Nishant + Bhumilabha, T6: Arka Nishant + Vermicompost (50%) + FYM (50%), T7: Arka Nishant + FYM (50%) + Poultrymanure (50%), T8: Arka Nishant + Poultrymanure(50%) + vermicompost(50%), T9: Pusa Desi + RDF, T10: Pusa Desi + Vermicompost, T11: Pusa Desi + FYM, T12: Pusa Desi + Poultry manure, T13: Pusa Desi + Bhumilabha, T14: Pusa Desi + Vermicompost (50%) + FYM (50%), T15: Pusa Desi + FYM (50%) + Poultry manure (50%), T16: Pusa Desi + Poultry manure (50%) + vermicompost (50%) were evaluated in Factorial Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. Result indicated that variety V1 (Arka Nishant) recorded maximum number of leaves, leaf area per plant (cm2), root length (cm) and yield per hectare except to root diameter as compare to V2 (Pusa Desi). Application of T8: Poultry manure (50%) + Vermicompost (50%) recorded the highest growth in terms of number of leaves, leaf area per plant (cm2), root length (cm), root diameter and yield per hectare of radish crop.

Citations (2)

... This could also be due to the genetic makeup of the genotypes. These results of the present investigation are in agreement with the earlier findings of Singla et al. (2018), Kolemoge et al. [5] Hasan et al. [10] Hayati et al. [18] Walling et al. [11] and Kumar et al. [19] in okra. ...


Evaluation of the Performance of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus l. Moench) Genotypes for Growth, Yield, and Quality Parameters
Character Association and Path Coefficient Analysis Studies for Yield and Yield Related Components in Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]
  • Citing Article
  • May 2024

Journal of Experimental Agriculture International

... Other studies have indicated that the high plant density increases the production per unit area and improves the quality characteristics of the fruits (Maboko et al., 2017;Madavi et al., 2017). Method of intensive agriculture has been used to enhance vegetable crops production and help to increase the production for a specific area of land (Kumar et al., 2022), increasing the number of plants per unit area must be accompanied by appropriate management of the shoot system (pruning) and fertilization (Hasab and Al-Naqeeb, 2019;Obaid et al., 2022). Controlling water loss from the plants is achieved by reducing the rate of transpiration by using anti-transpiration (Amarasinghe et al., 2022;Zeboon and Baqir, 2022). ...

Intensive Farming Techniques, Features, Advantage and Disadvantage