Tatiana Gobert’s research while affiliated with Occidental Petroleum Corporation and other places

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Publications (3)

Advanced Mud Displacement Modeling for Slim Hole Cementing Operations
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


51 Reads



Christopher Lamb





Tatiana Gobert

Successful design and execution of slim-hole cementing operations depend on reliable prediction of the annular pressure and the efficiency of mud displacement by cement. A 3D model of the flow inside the casing and in the annulus during mud displacement/cement placement operations was created. The yield-power-law fluid model was used for the rheological behavior of mud, spacers, and cement. Mud displacement was analyzed by splitting the well into multiple sections and analyzing the efficiency of mud removal by spacers and cement, as well as the associated pressure gradients in each section for applicable combinations of pump rate and casing rotation speed. The results from the various computational steps were then integrated to compute the overall pressure and cement placement efficiency during the cementing operation. Using the new 3D model, a field case study was performed for a slim hole casing cementation on an unconventional shale well. The simulated peak surface pressure was only 0.3% lower than the measured data, and the trend of the pressure matched the measured data. This work provides a new tool for the well construction industry to predict and analyze the pressure during complicated cementing operations, thereby enabling safer and more cost-effective operations.


Auto-Suggestive Real-Time Classification of Driller Memos into Activity Codes for Invisible Lost Time Analysis

February 2020


44 Reads


6 Citations

Activity codes recorded by drillers are very useful for quantifying invisible lost time (ILT). However, classifying more than 100 activity codes accurately and consistently across various rig operations becomes infeasible for human operators. We propose an auto-suggestive system that guides the drillers to the correct codes based on memos they enter into the system. This aims to both eliminate manual classification errors and improve memo entry. The method for extracting activity codes from memos can be broken into the following steps. The first step consists of filtering unnecessary text and vectorizing the memos. The vectors are then re-weighted using the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TFIDF) statistical measure. Next, data resampling helps to create a uniform set of labels for the training data, because there are quite a few important activity codes that appear infrequently with respect to others. Finally, a classifier is trained. It is shown that the finalized model can be used as a real-time auto-suggestive mechanism during the drillers’ data input process. Moreover, its use for cleaning up historical datasets is also explored. This method was implemented on a large historical dataset consisting of 150 wells, and ILT analysis was performed with the original dataset and with the auto-classified dataset. Comparing these results clearly showed that performing analysis on a dataset that has not been properly classified can lead to incorrect and misleading conclusions. Also, this method did not require a manual re-labeling of the dataset for model training. This makes the algorithm readily applicable for any end-user, irrespective of the number of activity codes used. Various classifiers including logistic regression, support vector machine, random forests, naïve Bayes, and multi-layered perceptron were implemented and tested. Given comparable performances, we conclude that a simple and interpretable logistic regression model is best for real-time classification. Tests were also performed to see how many typed words in a memo would be needed before the correct activity code was identified. The results are detailed in this paper. This is the first body of work that has taken drillers’ memos and converted them into activity codes, without the need for a human-classified training dataset. The real-time classifier is very powerful in ensuring clean data at the source and will be particularly useful when implemented on reporting systems for classifying rig activities by IADC activity codes. We further demonstrate the use of the classifier for cleansing historical datasets such that ILT analysis can be done more accurately.

Citations (1)

... They address common rig operations, such as drilling, reaming, and coring, and common rig activities, such as pickup, lay-down, and connection. These codes were primarily used for manual reporting, and recent papers have focused on the natural language processing of these digitized reports (Ucherek et al. 2020) to improve usability (and standardization). ...


A General Framework to Describe Drilling Process States
Auto-Suggestive Real-Time Classification of Driller Memos into Activity Codes for Invisible Lost Time Analysis
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • February 2020