October 2024
67 Reads
Sexuality & Culture
Research suggests that fantasizing sexually about one’s partner enhances relationship quality as well as relational and personal well-being. No research exists to determine if engaging in romantic or sexual–romantic fantasies about one’s partner has similarly positive outcomes. The current research investigated how romantic, sexual, and sexual–romantic fantasies impact relationship quality via assessing relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction and desire, desire to engage in relationship promoting behaviors, and state level attachment (contextually variable attachment). Fantasizing frequency in participants’ daily lives was also examined in relation to relationship quality variables. Participants (n = 215) engaged in a sexual, romantic, or sexual–romantic fantasy about their partner, and completed various relationship and attachment questionnaires which were then quantitatively assessed against the outcome variables of relationship quality. Fantasy type did not impact relationship quality variables. However, participants reported strong desire to engage in relationship promoting behaviors, high sexual satisfaction, and strong sexual desire and satisfaction, potentially indicating that fantasizing, regardless of type, enhances relationship quality. Fantasizing in participant’s daily lives was positively correlated to relationship quality outcomes, reinforcing the idea that regular engagement in fantasies can be a valuable tool for maintaining and enhancing relationship quality. Fantasizing romantically and sexual-romantically significantly increased secure state level attachment, while sexual fantasizing had no effect on state level attachment. Interestingly, fantasizing romantically also increased anxious state level attachment. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how various fantasizing types impact relationship quality and attachment. Further suggestions for practical use are discussed.