March 2003
3 Reads
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
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March 2003
3 Reads
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
September 1999
4 Reads
3 Citations
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
June 1999
18 Reads
6 Citations
The Journal of Periodontology
von Willebrand's disease (vWD) is one of the most common hereditary hemorrhagic disorders. A mild to moderate deficiency of factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (vWf) often is associated with gingival bleeding. In this case report, the periodontal treatment of a patient with vWD is described. A 45-year-old woman with type IIA vWD was referred for periodontal therapy because of an episode of gingival hemorrhage and percussion pain of teeth #18 and #47. The periodontal findings included probing depths ranging from 2 to 6 mm, horizontal bone loss, and Class II furcation involvement of tooth #46. After consultation with a hematologist, apically positioned flap surgery and hemisection were performed on tooth #46 following completion of oral hygiene instruction, scaling and root planing, and endodontic therapy. The patient was given 500 units of factor VIII including vWf multimer 30 minutes before surgery. After healing of the periodontal tissue, prosthodontic treatment was undertaken on the posterior mandibular sextants. At follow-up, the probing depths ranged from 2 to 3 mm, and gingival bleeding on probing was minimal. The patient's children all had vWD. They had mild to moderate periodontitis with probing depths ranging from 2 to 5 mm and gingival bleeding on probing. With the combined efforts of the periodontist and hematologist, effective periodontal treatment can be provided to patients with von Willebrand's disease.
June 1998
3 Reads
1 Citation
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
歯周疾患患者において歯ブラシの植毛部の形態の違いが隣接面部のプラーク除去効果に及ぼす影響を調べるため, 2種類の歯ブラシ (ストレートカット歯ブラシ, 山切りカット歯ブラシ) を試作し検討した。成人性歯周炎と診断され歯周治療を終了した, メインテナンス中の患者34名 (男性8名, 女性26名) を被験者とし, 山切りカット歯ブラシ群, ストレートカット歯ブラシ群, ストレートカット歯ブラシと歯間ブラシ併用群の3群に分け, 各ブラシを3週間使用させた。ブラッシング法や回数などは特に規定しなかった。プラーク付着量を実験開始時から1週毎に3週調べた。また, 実験開始時および終了時にProbing Depth, Gingival Index, Bleed -ingonProbingを測定した。その結果, 山切りカット歯ブラシは, ストレートカット歯ブラシに比べて, 有意に隣接面のプラーク除去に対して効果的であったが, 歯間ブラシ併用程の効果はなかった。また, この山切りカット歯ブラシは歯間空隙の大きな部位に比べ, 小さな部位において効果が高かった。
April 1998
11 Reads
11 Citations
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research
The cell occlusive effects on human gingival fibroblasts of degradable lactic acid-glycolic acid copolymer membranes (noncoated membranes) and membranes coated with a sucrose ester of fatty acid (coated membranes) were studied and compared with those of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) membranes. The membranes were immersed in a culture medium periodically for 21 days and interposed into a chemotaxis chamber, and the fibroblasts then were cultured in the chamber for another 7 days. The passage rate of cells through the membranes was calculated and the change in surface structure of each membrane after immersion for 28 days was observed by an environmental scanning electron microscope. The passage rate of coated membranes (3.4+/-2.2%) was significantly lower than that of noncoated (25.7+/-5.1%) at the 28th day whereas the passage rate of e-PTFE membranes was 0.8-1.5%. Many pores were observed on the noncoated membranes before immersion while the coating material covered most of the pores on the coated membranes. The average pore size of the noncoated membranes was larger than that of the coated membranes at day 28. The structure of the e-PTFE membranes underwent no change. The passage rate of the coated membranes was not different from the e-PTFE membranes, suggesting an effect that might be useful for a guided tissue regeneration procedure.
March 1998
5 Reads
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
本研究の目的は, 超電解イオン水の洗口によるプラーク形成抑制効果を検討することである。臨床的に健康な歯周組織を有する7名 (男性4名, 女性3名) を被験者とし, 実験開始にあたって全顎のGingival Index (GI) および上顎両側犬歯の歯肉溝滲出液 (GingivalCrevicularFluid: GCF) 量の診査を行いエアーポリッシャーおよびハンドスケーラーにより全歯面上のプラークを除去した。口腔清掃を停止し, 洗口 (1日4回, 約150mlにて1分間) のみを4日間行った。2日および4日後に上顎両側小臼歯の頬側の歯肉縁上プラークを採取し, 歯面上の生菌数をColony forming unit (CFU) により調べた。また, 4日後のGI, GCF unitsおよび全顎のPlaque Index (PlI) の変化も検討した。コントロールとして, ポビドンヨード, 生理食塩水を用いた。4日目のGIにおいては, 超電解イオン水では生理食塩水に比べ有意に低い値を示した。一方, 4日目のPlIは, 超電解イオン水では, 生理食塩水と同程度であり, ポビドンヨードに比べ有意に高いプラーク付着を示した。GCF量に関しては, 各被験液間で有意な差はみられなかった。超電解イオン水における2日目のCFUは, ポビドンヨードと同様, 生理食塩水に比べ有意に低い値を示した。4日目におけるCFUは, 各被験液間で有意な差はみられなかった。以上のことから洗口剤として超電解イオン水を使用した際, 2日目においてはポビドンヨードと同様の殺菌作用を示すが, 4日目においてはいずれも殺菌作用は低く, また超電解イオン水のプラーク形成抑制作用はポビドンヨードよりもやや劣ると思われる。
September 1997
7 Reads
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) は歯周炎の発症および進行において重要な役割を果している。IL-1には, IL-1α, IL-1βおよびIL-1receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) が存在し, IL-1raはIL-1αとIL-1βの特異的抑制因子である。そこで, 歯周組織の炎症の変化によるIL-1α, IL―1βおよびIL-1ra量の変動を明らかにするために, 成人性歯周炎患者において, scaling/root planing (Sc/RP) 前およびSc/RP後2週, 4週, 12週に臨床的診査を行い, 同時に歯肉溝滲出液 (GCF) 中IL-1α, IL-1βおよびIL-1ra量をsandwich ELISA法により測定した。その結果, bleeding on probing (+), probing depth 3~6mm, clinical attachment loss 3~7mmのinflamed moderate pockets (MP, 18部位) は, bleeding on probing (-), probing depth 3mm未満, clini-cal attachment loss3mm未満のshallow pockets (SP, 9部位) と比較して, IL-1α, IL-1β量は有意に高い値を示し, IL-1ra量は高い傾向が認められ, IL-1α, IL-1βに対するIL-1raの比率は低下する傾向が示された。Sc/RPを行ったMP16部位では, 臨床指数はSc/RP後に有意な減少を示し, 12週まで維持された。Sc/ RP後2週からIL-1α量, IL-1β量は有意な減少が認められ, IL-1ra量は4週, 12週に若干減少する傾向が認められた。さらに, IL-1α, IL-1βに対するIL-1raの比率はSc/RP後で有意に上昇した。以上の結果から, 歯周炎におけるGCF中のIL-1αおよびIL-1βとIL-1raとの比率は歯周ポケット内の炎症や歯肉の炎症の変化に関係することが推測された。
April 1997
22 Reads
26 Citations
The Journal of Periodontology
This study was undertaken to establish a culture of junctional epithelial cells derived from gingival tissue attached to the tooth surface and to characterize these cells immunocytochemically and ultrastructurally. Primary cultures of cells were obtained from the junctional tissue explanted on type I collagen-coated dishes and immersed in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Cells were subcultured with conditioned serum-free keratinocyte medium (keratinocyte-SFM + 5% FBS) on dishes coated with solubilized extract of the basement membrane. After 24 hours, the medium was changed to keratinocyte-SFM (0.09 mM Ca2+). The cell-doubling time was 40.5 hours. As a control, cells from gingival tissue were cultured by the same method. Cells from junctional tissue and gingival tissue were compared immunocytochemically using monoclonal antibodies to keratin, vimentin, and desmoplakins I and II and using Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA). The keratin AE1 and AE3 was expressed by all of culture cells. The vimentin (specific for the intermediate filament of mesenchymal cells) was also expressed by all cells. The expression pattern of keratin 19 was observed not only by cells from junctional tissue but also by cells from gingival tissue. All keratin peptides were expressed in both cells. However, DBA reacted only with cells from the junctional tissue. Anti-desmoplakin I and II reacted with both cells, however, the staining patterns differed. DBA-positive cultured epithelial cells from the junctional tissue showed poor tonofilament bundles and were rich in cytoplasmic organelles. These findings suggest that junctional epithelial cells can be isolated from junctional tissue and cultured under improved conditions.
March 1997
4 Reads
1 Citation
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
糖尿病患者における歯周治療の効果を知る目的で, インスリン非依存性糖尿病 (NIDDM) を有する歯周炎患者6名 (DM群), および全身疾患はないが成人性歯周炎を有する患者6名 (Control群) に対し歯周初期治療を行い, 糖尿病の有無による歯周治療に対する反応性を比較検討した。初診時, 初期治療終了時のO'Learyのplaque controlrecordの変化, ボケツトデプスの変化およびボケツト減少量, ボケツト測定時の出血 (BOP) の割合の変化を両群で比較検討を行った。その結果O'Learyのplaque control record, BOPの割合, ポケットデプスおよびポケット減少量は初期治療終了時に両群間で有意な差はなく, 両群共に有意な減少を示した。また, 初診時, 4~6mmの中等度のポケットデプスの部位におけるポケット減少量は糖尿病を有する患者群が, 有さない患者よりも有意に大きな値を示した。DM群の患者は内科医のコントロール下にあり, 全ての患者で糖尿病性合併症はみられず, ヘモグロビンA1cは平均7.6±13%で比較的コントロール良好な患者群であった。これらのことから, 糖尿病を有する患者でも, 比較的良好なコントロール状態では, 適切な歯周初期治療によって全身疾患を有さない患者に劣らない歯周治療効果が得られることが示唆された。
January 1997
8 Reads
17 Citations
The Journal of Periodontology
We investigated the expression of interleukin-1 receptors (IL-1R) on the surfaces of cultured gingival fibroblasts derived from healthy and inflamed gingiva and the effects of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on IL-1R expression. Fibroblasts were obtained from explant culture of both healthy and inflamed gingiva. IL-1R on cell surfaces was detected immunohistochemically using an anti-human IL-1R monoclonal antibody. IL-1R expression was assessed quantitatively using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Positive staining for IL-1R was more evident on cells from inflamed gingiva compared with cells from healthy gingiva. The ELISA showed a significantly increased number of IL-1R on cells from inflamed gingiva compared with cells from healthy gingiva (P < 0.05). Treatment with IL-1 but not PGE2 increased expression of IL-1R on fibroblasts. These findings suggest that gingival fibroblast responses to IL-1 may represent a mechanism for amplification of gingival inflammation.
... The tooth surface area touched by an interdental brush is greater than that touched when using holder floss, however, as an interdental brush has many bristles and the core is made of wire. This enables the bristles to be firmly inserted into the interdental regions, which may have resulted in the higher plaque removal rate observed here 5) . ...
June 1991
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
... 7 This membrane has already been used clinically and provided favorable outcomes with no severe complications including infection. 8,9 TM has also been used in numerous surgical applications to facilitate the augmentation of alveolar ridge defects due to its excellent mechanical properties. Its rigidity provides extensive space maintenance and prevents contour collapse even in cases with a large bone cavity, the elasticity prevents mucosal compression, the stability inhibits graft displacement, and its plasticity permits bending, contouring, and adaptation to any unique bony defect. ...
December 1994
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
... We also revealed an increase in the chemotactic activity of the CB-HSPCs following hiPSC-EVs treatment, which corresponded to the increased SDF-1-triggered calcium flux, shown to be an early event involved in the activation of chemotaxis [45], but was not correlated with changes in CXCR4 expression, suggesting the role of distinct mechanisms. It has been previously shown that the fusion of EVs with cell membrane may change its properties, influencing accessibility to external stimuli, as, e.g., was described for EVs released by the bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis that affected cell membrane fluidity of neutrophils [46]. We Fig. 5 Effect of hiPSC-EVs on the adhesion capability of CB-HSPCs. ...
December 1995
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
... In Western countries, the use of toothbrushes and interdental instruments in combination has become widespread, and this has a highly preventive effect against dental caries and periodontal disease 2,6,8) . Cleaning using a toothbrush alone has been reported to remove only approximately 65% of plaque from the entire tooth surface 11) . Toothbrush bristles are unlikely to reach interdental regions. ...
September 1972
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
... Toothbrush bristles are unlikely to reach interdental regions. This means that plaque is often left unremoved, which often Original Article doi: 10.2209/tdcpublication. results in the development of gingival inflammation in these regions. Concomitantly using an interdental brush with a toothbrush, however, increases plaque removal 1.5-fold 11) . ...
October 1975
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
... Yokota et al. [9] were reported that even after tooth brushing, plaque tends to remain on distal surface of maxillary second molar, buccal and palatal sides of maxillary molars, and interproximal area of maxillary and mandibular dentition. For the conventional flattype toothbrush, it is very difficult to brush buccal side of maxillary molars with the bristle tip, because that area is originally narrow and anatomical pressures such as coronoid process and muscles are existing. ...
October 1989
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
... Guidelines recommend keeping the PCR score between 10% and 20% in order to prevent periodontal disease [1,26], however the average PCR score in our trial was over 20%. Matsunaga's study showed that it is difficult to keep the PCR score under 10% and that, on average, individual instructions by professionals needed to be provided 3.8 times to achieve a PCR score under 10% [28]. Self-care is considered essential for plaque control [1], but alone it is insufficient and professional care is important. ...
July 1989
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
... During the last phase, 6 articles remained for quantitative synthesis [14,32,35,36,48,49]. In this stage, 23 articles were excluded because of incompatibility of the follow-up times [50,51] not having a control group [33,34,36,52,53] retrospective design [31], non-English full-texts [54][55][56][57][58], not reporting the data in the form of mean (SD) [59][60][61], not assessing the clinical parameters [62][63][64][65], evaluation of SRP without antibiotic therapy, antibiotic therapy with surgery [66], studies using the same data pools [20], and not performing SRP alone as the control group [15]. Thus, a total of 6 studies related to AMX/MET therapy plus SRP as nonsurgical therapy for the management of AgP were evaluated and analysed for quality and heterogeneity assessment. ...
January 1986
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
... Only the characteristics of keratinized gingiva width (KGW) / attached gingiva width (AGW) around natural adjacent teeth and the KMW around future implant sites have been discussed. Regarding the natural teeth, the buccal KGW/AGW is higher at the maxillary teeth than at the opposite mandibular teeth [21][22][23]. Lang and Löe [22] also reported that the maxillary facial KGW is approximately 1.0 mm wider than that of the mandible. Factors including the position of the tooth, high frenum and muscle attachments, gingival thickness (GT), gingival phenotype (GP), and gingival recession are associated with the AGW around natural teeth [24][25][26][27][28]. ...
March 1973
Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology)
... Some of the natural products, particularly antimicrobial peptides, have received increased attention as promising antimicrobial agents [9]. CL (14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25), a dodecapeptide, that is a partial region near N-terminus of cyanate lyase (CL, EC, GenBank ID: Os10g0471300) from rice (Oryza sativa L. spp. japonica), is a novel cationic α helical antimicrobial peptide with three arginine and two lysine residues [10]. ...
March 1971