December 2020
24 Reads
2 Citations
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
Total enumeration of tree species was carried out fire experimental plot of Olokemeji forest reserve for relative importance value (RIV) mean heights, mean diameter at breast height and mean basal area. Three investigative plot (Plot A, B and C) were established. Plot A which represents Early Burn is burnt annually during the dry season while Plot B was burnt annually during the rainy season when the trees are still wet and Plot C serves as the protected area. Gmelina arborea had the highest relative importance value (28.31), this is followed by Dalbergia sissoo which had RIV of 10.94. Plot C recorded the highest frequency of trees with the highest tree heights, this is closely followed by Plot A and Plot B being the plot with the lowest mean height. Plot C has the highest mean diameter at breast height (DBH) of trees and it is followed by Plot B and Plot A with very close mean DBH. The highest mean basal area was also recorded in Plot C, the highest total basal area and tree volume was also recorded at Plot C as 32.2 m2 ha-1 and 188.8 m3. The size distribution of tree species depicts that Plot C has been protected just as expected Keywords: Forest, Structure, Flora, Dynamics, Fire