T. W. Leland’s research while affiliated with Rice University and other places

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Publications (20)

FIG. 4.-Excess Gibbs free energy for an equi-molar mixture of Lennard-Jones 12-6 luids. The data points are those of Singer and Singer. 27 The curve labelled PERT is the result of the Barker­ Henderson perturbation theory. 8 The vdW curve uses the equations of Bellemans et al. 3 as the pure reference luid.
FIG. !.-Excess Gibbs free. energy of Ar-Kr liquid mixtures at zero pressure predicted by the HSE and vdW methods both using the same Barker-Henderson Equation for the pure reference luid. LB reers to the Lorentz-Berthelot rule and PH to the Fender-Halsey rule for the unlike interaction parameters. Kr-Ar mixtures T = 115.8 K; -, 2-body interactions included; --, 3-body interactions included.


Statistical Thermodynamics of Mixtures (A New Version for the Theory of Conformal Solutions)
  • Article
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January 1972


355 Reads


147 Citations

Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Transactions 2 Molecular and Chemical Physics

G. Ali Mansoori


Thomas W. Leland

A new method for the calculation of thermodynamic properties of simple fluid mixtures constitutes an extension of the approach defined earlier as the “van der Waals” conformal solution theory. This extension is made possible by advances in the analytical representation of the thermodynamic properties of a mixture of hard spheres which permit the properties to be calculated directly, without the use of a reference fluid. A new hard-sphere excess function, defined as a property of the mixture less the value of this property for the hard-sphere mixture, is obtained by a new conformal solution theory using a single pure fluid as a reference substance. Although the reference substance properties could be experimentally measured values, this work obtains them from an analytical form of the Barker-Henderson perturbation theory.This new method improves prediction of the effects of large molecular size differences on the excess properties of the mixture. It uses the reference fluid to account for most of the temperature dependence of the cut-off parameter needed to define the molecular diameters in the direct hard-sphere mixture calculations and the calculations need only the high temperature limit of the cut-off parameters, even far below the critical temperature. The new method extends the original vdW conformal solution method to lower temperatures and provides an opening for inclusion of three-body interactions.Conventional excess mixing functions for several binary liquid mixtures calculated by the new method are compared with the predictions of other theories and with both experimental and Monte Carlo data.


“Equilibrium Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures of Hard Spheres”

February 1971


1,174 Reads


2,095 Citations

An equation of state is proposed for the mixture of hard spheres based on an averaging process over the two results of the solution of the Percus–Yevick integral equation for the mixture of hard spheres. Compressibility and other equilibrium properties of the binary mixtures of hard spheres are calculated and they are compared with the related machine‐calculated (Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics) data. The comparison shows excellent agreement between the proposed equation of state and the machine‐calculated data.

FIG. 1. Excess volume VE, in cubic centimeters/mole vs mole fraction of argon at llS.77°K. VE is the volume increase in forming a mole of liquid argon+krypton mixture at zero pressure from the two pure liquids at zero pressure. Curve I is from the experimental data and Curve II is a result of the variational calculation.
Variational Approach to the Equilibrium Thermodynamic Properties of Simple Fluid Mixtures. III

September 1970


6 Reads


67 Citations

The variational technique proposed earlier for the calculation of the equilibrium thermodynamic properties of simple pure fluids, melting transitions, and simple pure solids is extended to binary mixtures of simple fluids. The working inequality is introduced and the variational parameters are characterized. For a case study, the present variational approach is applied in predicting the thermodynamic properties of the liquid mixture of argon and krypton at zero pressure and 115.77°K. The thermodynamic and excess properties of this mixture over that of the pure systems (at zero pressure and in liquid state) are calculated and compared with the results of the available Monte Carlo calculations, experimental measurements, and several theories of solutions. Preliminary investigation indicates good agreement between the result of the present variational technique with the experimental and machine‐calculated data. Variations of the thermodynamic properties of the binary mixture, with the variation of the ratios of the force constants of the potential functions of the two components, are calculated at 97°K, zero pressure, and equal mole fractions. These values are compared with the existing values of the Monte Carlo calculations.

Statistical Thermodynamics of Two-Fluid Models of Mixtures

January 1969


15 Reads


106 Citations

Transactions of the Faraday Society

An approximation of a type devised by van der Waals has been shown to be superior to the random mixing approximation, and to theories derived from it, when applied to mixtures of molecules of different sizes. In this paper, van der Waals's approximation is extended to a two-fluid model, and so takes into account the departures from a random distribution induced by differences of intermolecular energy. The treatment is further extended to mixtures of molecules of different shapes. The two-fluid van der Waals approximation is compared with the experimental excess thermodynamic functions for ten simple binary mixtures. These yield unambiguous evidence that the intermolecular energy between unlike molecules is less than the geometric mean of that between the like molecules by up to 2 %. Independent and quantitative confirmation of such differences is provided by recent measurements of the second virial coefficients and of the critical temperatures of the same mixtures.

Use of Molecular Shape Factors in Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations with the Corresponding States Principle

July 1968


42 Reads


118 Citations

Calculation of fugacities of components in a gaseous or liquid solution directly from the corresponding states principle requires an improvement in the pseudo‐critical constants for the mixture. The derivation of the pseudo‐criticals must take into account deviations from the simple two parameter corresponding states principle which require additional parameters incorporated into the definition of the pseudo‐criticals. In this work parameters called molecular shape factors are introduced into the pseudo‐criticals. A generalized correlation for these shape factors is presented. Use of the shape factors greatly improves the calculation of vapor‐liquid equilibrium ratios for nonpolar hydrocarbon mixtures with large differences in molecular size and shape. Excellent results are obtained both in the low pressure and in the retrograde region when the pseudo‐reduced properties of the vapor and liquid lie within the range of accurately known properties of a reference fluid and the reduced temperatures for each component is greater than approximately 0.6.

Statistical Thermodynamics of Mixtures of Molecules of Different Sizes

January 1968


21 Reads


334 Citations

Transactions of the Faraday Society

The central problem in the theory of mixtures is the calculation of the free energy of mixing of molecules of different sizes. An explicit calculation of this free energy is made for a mixture in which all intermolecular potentials are of the form uαα(r)=(σαα/r)n, where σαα is a distance characteristic of the interaction of two molecules of species α, and where σαβ= 1/2(σαα+σββ) when α≠β. This result follows from a solution of Percus-Yevick integral equation for the pair distribution function of a mixture of hard spheres. The form of the free energy provides a criterion by which existing theories can be judged, and it is shown that an approximation of the type originally suggested by van der Waals is superior to approximations based on the concept of random mixing. Molecules that differ only in size mix with a small and negative excess free-energy. The recommended approximation is confirmed by comparison with experiment.

Citations (12)

... For the missing components (some heavy alkanes), the DIPPR database was employed. Table 4 details the sources of the binary experimental data used in our evaluations (Cheung and Wang, 1964;Lambert and Simon, 1962;Pool and Staveley, 1957;Adams et al., 1987;Toyama et al., 1962;Sprow and Prausnitz, 1966;Yorizane et al., 1968a;Mathot et al., 1956;Christiansen et al., 1973;Kremer and Knapp, 1983;Trust and Kurata, 1971;Widdoes and Katz, 1948;Bol'shakov and Linshits, 1954;Stein et al., 1962;Gao et al., 1999Gao et al., , 2001aGao et al., , 2001bKoelliker and Thies, 1993;Connolly, 1965;Connolly and Kandalic, 1984;Srivatsan et al., 1995;Breman et al., 1994;Huang et al., 1988;Park et al., 1995;Zhao et al., 2000Zhao et al., , 2001Aronovich et al., 1988;Wilhelm and Battino, 1973;Mcelroy and Buchanan, 1995;El Ahmar et al., 2012;McElroy and Moser, 1995;Huamin, 1991;Kaminishi et al., 1968; Table 3 List of the 32 pure components used in this study. ...


Extension of the E-PPR78 equation of state to predict fluid phase equilibria of natural gases containing carbon monoxide, helium-4 and argon
Vapor—Liquid Equilibria at Low Temperatures: The Carbon Monoxide—Methane System
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1962

... As proposed by Gross and Sadowski 3,4,89 , they were developed in a Taylor series as functions of the packing fraction η. The PeTS EOS was fitted to vapour-liquid equilibrium simulation data of the pure LJTS fluid 3 and has been extended to mixtures 4 using van der Waals one-fluid theory 90 , which is known to perform well as long as the size parameters σ 1 and σ 2 of the components are similar [91][92][93] . It was also shown that the onefluid theory can be extended to interfacial properties using the PeTS EOS 2 . ...

Statistical Thermodynamics of Two-Fluid Models of Mixtures
  • Citing Article
  • January 1969

Transactions of the Faraday Society

... Consequently, LJ systems have been employed for the development of theories, like for bulk phases via conformal solution theory [1][2][3][4] , interfacial properties [5][6][7] or models for transport properties [8][9][10][11] . Moreover, binary LJ mixtures have been extensively studied with molecular simulation to gain a better fundamental understanding of thermophysical properties of mixtures and their relation to the molecular interactions, like excess properties [12][13][14] , phase equilibria [15][16][17][18] , interfacial properties [19][20][21][22][23][24] , entropic properties 8,25 , Joule-Thomson inversion 26 and transport properties [27][28][29] . ...

Statistical Thermodynamics of Mixtures of Molecules of Different Sizes
  • Citing Article
  • January 1968

Transactions of the Faraday Society

... In the case of hard-core fluids, the perturbation theory for the single-component fluid can be extended to mixtures within the framework of the so-called hard-sphere expansion (HSE) [67] in which the Carnahan-Starling equation of state [13], and the corresponding contribution to the Helmholtz free energy, are replaced by those for a mixture of hard spheres with the same sphere diameters and composition as the actual mixture and using for the perturbation contribution that of a single-component fluid with effective diameter and energy parameters suitably chosen. ...

Statistical Thermodynamics of Mixtures (A New Version for the Theory of Conformal Solutions)

Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Transactions 2 Molecular and Chemical Physics

... When the ions can be represented as charged hard spheres, a hard sphere contribution must be added to the various contributions in thermodynamic quantities. [3][4][5] (ii) Moreover, the electrostatic contribution is poorly described by the DH expressions, so a more efficient theory must be used. To this end, the mean spherical approximation (MSA) theory, which better accounts for finite size effects between charged species in concentrated solutions, has been used. ...

“Equilibrium Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures of Hard Spheres”

... The reference part represents a potential model for which the thermodynamic properties are known, such as the hard-sphere model. The variational theory ( Mansoori and Canfield, 1969;Mansoori and Leland, 1970;Hamad and Mansoori, 1987) provides inequalities which give least upper bound and highest lower bound to the Helmholtz free energy. In both theories a reference system, for which thermodynamic properties and radial distribution 11 Taylor & Francis, pp.1-16, 1990 functions are known, is needed. ...

Variational Approach to the Equilibrium Thermodynamic Properties of Simple Fluid Mixtures. III

... This figure elucidates that an excellent agreement of the experimental data of McLinden and Lösch-Will with the calculated values is only achieved, if the third virial coefficient corresponds to the complete sum of the contributions for the pairwise additivity C add , for the non-additivity of the three-body interatomic interactions according to Axilrod and Teller C non−add , and for the first-order quantum-mechanical correction C qm,1 . Good agreement is also found for the experimental data byPfefferle et al.[41], Hoover et al.[42], Blancett et al.[33] as well as Vogl and Hall[44]. This makes evident that the calculation procedure for the third pressure virial coefficient predicts excellent values. ...

Determination of Virial Coefficients by the Burnett Method
  • Citing Article
  • October 1964

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data

... ρ from densities ρ EOS calculated with the equation of state of Ortiz-Vega et al. [19]. , this work; △, Sullivan and Sonntag [32]; , White et al. [30]; ×, Hall and Canfield [34]; ○, Tsederberg et al. [36]; □, Boks and Kamerlingh Onnes [26]; ▽, Canfield et al. [31]; ◊, Provine and Canfield [35]; ⬠, McLinden and Loesch-Will [38];◇, Dillard et al. [37]; ⧖, Blancett et al. [33]; +, Vogl and Hall [23]; ⎔, Brandt et al. [29]; --, densities calculated at the temperatures measured in this work using the second virial coefficient presented by Cencek et al. [85]; ⋅⋅⋅, densities calculated at the temperatures measured in this work using the second and third virial coefficient presented by Bich et al. [86]. and 283.15) ...

Compressibility Factors for Helium-Nitrogen Mixtures
  • Citing Article
  • April 1965

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data

... The principle maintains that all properties that depend on inter-molecular forces are related to the critical properties of the substance in a universal way, regardless of the molecular compound of interest. This observation has had two main practical consequences: (a) prediction of unknown properties of many fluids from known properties of a few [173], (b) extension of the domain of applicability of second-gradient-based numerical solvers to large systems at acceptable cost. The possibility of the former was put forward first theoretically in [174] and confirmed experimentally in Guggenheim's work, illustrated in Fig. 23, for a family of fluids called perfect liquids by Pitzer [174]. ...

The Corresponding States Principle. A Review of Current Theory and Practice
  • Citing Article
  • July 1968

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

... 19,33 The PeTS EOS has been extended to mixtures 11 using the van der Waals one-fluid theory. 34,35 Despite the fact that the PeTS EOS was not parameterized for describing mixtures and corresponding results are accordingly predictions, the PeTS EOS gives an excellent description of both phase equilibrium and interfacial properties of mixtures as well. 7,11,20,36 In particular, the PeTS EOS exhibits a single van der Waals loop in the metastable/unstable region, 19 which makes it applicable in DGT for the modeling of interfacial properties. ...

Prediction of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria from the Corresponding States Principle
  • Citing Article
  • September 1962