T P O'Connor’s research while affiliated with University of California, Berkeley and other places

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Publications (7)

Pioneer growth cone migration in register with orthogonal epithelial domains in the grasshopper limb bud
  • Article

January 1996


4 Reads


7 Citations

The International Journal of Developmental Biology

M A Singer


T P O'Connor


D Bentley

At the onset of neural development, pioneer growth cones can migrate over epithelia or neuroepithelia along stereotyped routes that establish the pattern of initial neural tracts. These migration routes may reflect the arrangement of distinct epithelial or neuroepithelial domains. In grasshopper limb buds, a pair of afferent pioneer neurons arise in the tibia and their growth cones migrate on a stereotyped path through the limb to the CNS. In the limb buds, circumferentially-oriented epithelial domains expressing semaphorin-I, annulin, or alkaline-phosphatase, and a longitudinal domain, expressing engrailed, have been described. Using multiple-labeling techniques, we describe the relationships of these domains to each other and to the pioneer neuron pathway. Taken together, these domains establish an orthogonal pattern of regionally specific epithelial molecular markers. During much of their migration across the limb epithelium, the pioneer growth cones are in register with the axes of circumferential or longitudinal epithelial domains.

Cytoskeletal events in growth cone steering

March 1994


9 Reads


183 Citations

Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Oriented neural outgrowth is dependent upon the capability of growth cones to reorient the direction of their migration in response to contact with guidance information. Recent observations have directed attention toward the role of actin distribution and concentration in transmitting localized peripheral signals to central elements of the growth cone, particularly microtubules.

Figure 3. Rhodamine-labeled actin. (A) A silver stained 10% polyacrylamide gel showing the degree of purity of the actin that was labeled with rhodamine and injected into the Til cells. (B) An image of rhodamine-labeled actin filaments polymerized in vitro. Bar, 10 #m.  
Accumulation of actin in subsets of pioneer growth cone filopodia in response to neural and epithelial guidance cues in situ
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 1993


18 Reads


140 Citations

Directed outgrowth of neural processes must involve transmission of signals from the tips of filopodia to the central region of the growth cone. Here, we report on the distribution and dynamics of one possible element in this process, actin, in live growth cones which are reorienting in response to in situ guidance cues. In grasshopper embryonic limbs, pioneer growth cones respond to at least three types of guidance cues: a limb axis cue, intermediate target cells, and a circumferential band of epithelial cells. With time-lapse imaging of intracellularly injected rhodamine-phalloidin and rhodamine-actin, we monitored the distribution of actin during growth cone responses to these cues. In distal limb regions, accumulation of actin in filopodia and growth cone branches accompanies continued growth, while reduction of actin accompanies withdrawal. Where growth cones are reorienting to intermediate target cells, or along the circumferential epithelial band, actin selectively accumulates in the proximal regions of those filopodia that have contacted target cells or are extending along the band. Actin accumulations can be retrogradely transported along filopodia, and can extend into the central region of the growth cone. These results suggest that regulation and translocation of actin may be a significant element in growth cone steering.


Fasciclin IV: Sequence, expression, and function during growth cone guidance in the grasshopper embryo

December 1992


25 Reads


385 Citations


Alex L. Kolodkin


David J. Matthes


Timothy P. O'Connor




Corey S. Goodman

Monoclonal antibody 6F8 was used to characterize and clone fasciclin IV, a new axonal glycoprotein in the grasshopper, and to study its function during growth cone guidance. Fasciclin IV is dynamically expressed on a subset of axon pathways in the developing CNS and on circumferential bands of epithelial cells in developing limb buds. One of these bands corresponds to the location where the growth cones of the Ti1 pioneer neurons make a characteristic turn while extending toward the CNS. Embryos cultured in the 6F8 antibody or Fab exhibit aberrant formation of this axon pathway. cDNA sequence analysis suggests that fasciclin IV has a signal sequence; long extracellular, transmembrane, and short cytoplasmic domains; and shows no homology with any protein in the available data bases. Thus, fasciclin IV appears to be a novel integral membrane protein that functions in growth cone guidance.

Figure 4. Transient microtubule loop formation in growth cones . This time-lapse sequence of a growth cone in the femur shows the transient formation (A), collapse (B), and re-formation (C) of microtubule loops (unfilled arrows). Time A, 0 min ; B, 52 min ; C, 86 min . Bar, 5 1m.  
Figure 9 A diagram of features of microtubule arrangements in pioneer growth cones in situ . (1) Bundled microtubules in the axon . (2) Microtubule loops seen at axonal branch points and in the growth cone. (3) Bundles of microtubules extending into a branch . (4) Absence of microtubules in filopodia . (S) Regions of the growth cone periphery can be devoid of microtubules . (6) Where a filopodium expands into a branch, microtubule invasion is often observed . (7) Microtubules often extend to the growth cone periphery . (8) Microtubules selectively invade a branch formed from a filopodium which has contacted a guidepost cell. (9) Somebranches are devoid of microtubules .  
Figure 8. Selective microtubule invasion during growth cone steering events at the Cxl guidepost cells. Three rhodamine-tubulin-labeled growth cones (A-B, C-D, and E-F) are imaged as they reorient abruptly at the Cxl guidepost cells (Fig . 1, box 3) . (A) Time, 0 min. A growth cone migrating ventrally along the Tr-Cx segment boundary (shown by triangle) extends a single filopodium (white arrow) to contact the Cxl cells (unfilled arrow) . (B) Time, 28 min. The filopodium now has a branch morphology, and has been invaded by microtubule(s) (white arrow) . Microtubules have not invaded other regions of the growth cone . (C) Time, 0 min. Another growth cone at a slightly later stage has a broad lamellum on the Tr-Cx segment boundary (indicated by the triangle). A small number of microtubules (white arrow ) are present in the process crossing from the segment boundary to the Cxl cells (unfilled arrow) . (D) Time, 51 min. Thelamellum haswithdrawn from the boundary, and the nascent axon (white arrow) crosses from the boundary to the Cxl cell (unfilled arrow) . (E) Another growth cone, extending ventrally along the Tr-Cx boundary (triangle), also has a process (white arrow) extending across the boundary to the Cxl cells (unfilled arrow) . (F) In an enlarged view of the branch point shown in E, it appears that microtubules diverge from three different microtubule bundles present along the Tr-Cx boundary to enter the branch (white arrow) crossing to the Cx1 cells (unfilled arrow) . Some microtubules (arrowhead ) continue along the boundary past the branch point. In such cases, the growth cone may have advanced along the boundary past the Cxl cells before the first filopodial contact with those cells. Bars : (A-E) 5 I,m; (F) 1 lm .  
Microtubule behavior during guidance of pioneer neuron growth cones in situ

November 1991


21 Reads


191 Citations

Journal of Cell Biology (JCB)

The growth of an axon toward its target results from the reorganization of the cytoskeleton in response to environmental guidance cues. Recently developed imaging technology makes it possible to address the effect of such cues on the neural cytoskeleton directly. Although high resolution studies can be carried out on neurons in vitro, these circumstances do not recreate the complexity of the natural environment. We report here on the arrangement and dynamics of microtubules in live neurons pathfinding in response to natural guidance cues in situ using the embryonic grasshopper limb fillet preparation. A rich microtubule network was present within the body of the growth cone and normally extended into the distal growth cone margin. Complex microtubule loops often formed transiently within the growth cone. Branches both with and without microtubules were regularly observed. Microtubules did not extend into filopodia. During growth cone steering events in response to identified guidance cues, microtubule behaviour could be monitored. In turns towards guidepost cells, microtubules selectively invaded branches derived from filopodia that had contacted the guidepost cell. At limb segment boundaries, microtubules displayed a variety of behaviors, including selective branch invasion, and also invasion of multiple branches followed by selective retention in branches oriented in the correct direction. Microtubule invasion of multiple branches also was seen in growth cones migrating on intrasegmental epithelium. Both selective invasion and selective retention generate asymmetrical microtubule arrangements within the growth cone, and may play a key role in growth cone steering events.

Pioneer Growth Cone Steering Decisions Mediated by Single Filopodial Contacts in situ

January 1991


18 Reads


254 Citations

The Journal of Neuroscience : The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience

In grasshopper embryo limb buds, the sibling Ti1 pioneers are the first neurons to initiate axonogenesis. The pioneer growth cones migrate from the limb tip to the CNS along a in direction comprising discrete steering events. Filopodial exploration of the cellular terrain in the vicinity of the advancing growth cone appears to be important for steering. Some information is available on the identity of cells and cell types, on cell-surface characteristics, and on the involvement of basal lamina in these steering decisions. In the work reported here, we have used computer-enhanced fluorescence video microscopy to examine filopodial behavior and the process of growth cone migration and reorientation resulting from interactions with the normal guidance cues on the in situ substrate. We observed several different kinds of migration and steering events, which appear to be related to the absolute and relative affinities of the contacted substrates. On a relatively homogeneous substrate of intrasegmental epithelium, growth cones advance by extending veils between filopodia, as is commonly observed on uniform substrates in vitro. Where growth cones confront an orthogonal border between substrates of dissimilar affinity, they remain on the higher-affinity substrate by extending new branches along it. Subsequently, reorientation in the preferred direction on the higher-affinity substrate is accomplished by regression of branches extended in the nonselected direction. By contrast, a single filopodial contact with a very high-affinity substrate, such as a guidepost neuron, can reorient a growth cone, even when it is migrating on a favorable substrate. In this situation, the filopodium that contacts the high-affinity substrate expands in diameter until it becomes the nascent axon.

Citations (6)

... Semaphorins were initially discovered in invertebrates in 1992 (10). Semaphorin 3A (SEMA3A) is the first member of this family identified in vertebrates and was initially isolated from extracts of poultry brains in 1993. ...


JMSRES 3 2 24 29
Fasciclin IV: Sequence, expression, and function during growth cone guidance in the grasshopper embryo
  • Citing Article
  • December 1992


... The first one combined a ''fillet" preparation of a grasshopper embryonic limb bud allowing to follow the trajectory of DiI-labelled Ti1 axons in real time (O'Connor et al., 1990). This approach also allowed visualization of localization and dynamics of tubulin in growing axon in situ using rhodamine-conjugated bovine tubulin for the first time (Sabry et al., 1991). Few years later, an embryonic mouse retina-chiasm slab culture system was developed by Louis Reichardt's lab and then also used by Carol Mason's lab utilizing DiI to label RGC neurons. ...

Microtubule behavior during guidance of pioneer neuron growth cones in situ

Journal of Cell Biology (JCB)

... They tend to be characterized by a local profusion of filopodia in the distal part of the axon and have few, if any, lamellipodia (figure 1b). The filopodia dynamically survey the three-dimensional volume surrounding the growth cone, and guided axon advance is achieved by selective stabilization of an appropriately oriented filopodium and disassembly of the rest [15,37,[40][41][42]. For pioneer axons in vivo, at least, both classical studies and recent observations suggest that such filopodial-dominated, non-lamellar growth cones may be the predominant species [14,38,41,43]. ...

Pioneer Growth Cone Steering Decisions Mediated by Single Filopodial Contacts in situ

The Journal of Neuroscience : The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience

... Notably, how guidance signals are integrated and translated into the cytoskeleton remodelling that underlies growth cone mechanical behaviours remains largely unknown. Pioneer studies aiming at linking guidance signals to the cytoskeleton remodelling first focused on the actin cytoskeleton [11,12]. Since then, several cues have been shown to drive growth cone attraction, repulsion or collapse through RhoGTPase-mediated actin remodelling [for review, see [13][14][15]]. ...

Cytoskeletal events in growth cone steering
  • Citing Article
  • March 1994

Current Opinion in Neurobiology

... Neuronal actinopathies are relatively infrequent, but actin and its cytoskeleton are emerging as critical players in neurological diseases, including epilepsy [65][66][67][68] . As actin plays a crucial role in many fundamental processes including neuronal migration, axon pathfinding, and synaptogenesis, which are all grossly compromised in the Kcnb1 R312H(+/+) mouse, this may naturally explain the robust phenotype of the mice 45,[69][70][71][72][73][74][75] . But how do the channels and the integrins interact to modulate the polymerization of actin? ...

Accumulation of actin in subsets of pioneer growth cone filopodia in response to neural and epithelial guidance cues in situ

... In the antenna, initial Lachesin expression takes the form of a highly ordered pattern comprising two "rings" and a more apical "sock" (Fig. 2b). Similar "ring" or "ring and sock" expression domains have been reported for molecules such as annulin in the grasshopper leg (Bastiani et al. 1992;Singer et al. 1995), and for Distal-less, Tc'dac, Distal-antenna, and homothorax, which pattern the antennal epithelium of Drosophila (Panganiban et al. 1994;Dong et al. 2001Dong et al. , 2002Prpic et al. 2001;Emerald et al. 2003). Here we show that the Lachesin "sock" prefigures antennal annulus A1, and the two "rings" prefigure annuli A2 and A4, respectively (Fig. 3). ...

Pioneer growth cone migration in register with orthogonal epithelial domains in the grasshopper limb bud
  • Citing Article
  • January 1996

The International Journal of Developmental Biology