Syozo Sato’s research while affiliated with Tokyo Junshin University and other places

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Publications (7)

Electron Microscopic Observations of Concentric Lamellar Bodies within Mesenchymal Cells of Anagen Hair Dermal Papilla
  • Article

March 1980


7 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

Syozo Sato


Takeshi Maeda


Akiko Nishijima


Yko Ogihara

The presence of 2 forms of the concentric lamellar bodies was observed in the mesenchymal cells within dermal papilla of normal scalp anagen hairs. They are those composed of agranular membrane arrays in association with beta-glycogen particles (glycogen bodies) and those of smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (smooth-surfaced lamellar bodies). On rare occasions these 2 forms of the concentric lamellar bodies were simultaneously present within the same cells. Transitional forms between the smooth-surfaced lamellar bodies and phagosegresomal granules were also encountered.

Divided Nevus Spilus and Divided Form of Spotted Grouped Pigmented Nevus

December 1979


9 Reads


28 Citations

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology

Two cases of divided nevus spilus and a case of divided form of spotted grouped pigmented nevus are reported. In this group, flat melanotic macules around the eyes were located on the opposite parts of the upper and lower eyelids. The macules were divided by the palpebral fissure when the lids were open, and the two halves of the lesions formed a unit when the lids were closed. Case presentation as such may be intriguing in the clarification of the developmental relation between aberrantly differentiated melanin synthesizing cells and normal melanocytes.

Ultrastructure and X-ray microanalysis of siderosome

May 1978


29 Reads


2 Citations

Archives of Dermatological Research

Comparative ultrastructural examination and energy-dispersive electron probe X-ray microanalysis were performed on a long standing skin lesion of hemosiderotic histiocytoma. Iron-containing fine particles present in siderosome were the main element of interest. Qualitative study of spectra over the siderosomes clearly demonstrated the characteristic X-ray energy emitted by iron, whereas spectra obtained from adjacent cytoplasm revealed minimal iron peak. On quantitative evaluation of the spectra yielded from various siderosomes, iron counts intensity was found to be proportionally increased with increment in amount and electron opacity of the siderosomal inclusion. Accounts on chemical nature of the siderosomal inclusion and on the presence of lipid residue in cytoplasm were noted.An Hand von Beobachtung bei einer Patientin mit hmosiderinspeicherndem Histiocytom wurden ultrastrukturelle, sowie elektronenmikroskopische energie-dispersive analytische Untersuchungen der Siderosomen durchgefhrt. Die wuchernden Tumorzellen bestanden in feinstruktureller Hinsicht aus Histiocyten und ihre cytoplasmatische Matrix enthielt zahlreiche Siderosomen, die gelegentlich einzeln oder manchmal in groen Gruppen das Cytoplasma durchsetzten. Mit Hilfe des Rntgenanalyseverfahrens wurden punkt-, linien- bzw. flchenmige Auswertungen in Bezug auf Eisenverteilung innerhalb von Tumorzellen angefertigt. Bemerkenswerterweise traten dabei die von Eisen emittierten Rntgenspektren vor allem auf den Siderosomen auf, und mit der Zunahme der siderosomalen Elektronendichte lieen sich ber Siderosomen graduell erhhte Eisenwerte nachweisen, whrend im Cytoplasma immer nur geringfgige Eisenmenge vorhanden waren. Weiterhin wurde der chemische Charakter des im Siderosom abgelagerten Eisens und die mgliche Bedeutung der cytoplasmatischen Lipoidgranula diskutiert.

Fine Structure of Unmyelinated Nerves in Neonatal Skin

February 1977


10 Reads


9 Citations

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology










The fine structure of unmyelinated cutaneous nerve fibers in newborns was examined in lesions of adnexal polyp of neonatal skin. In the neonatal cutaneous nerves, unmyelinated fibers outnumbered myelinated ones. The unmyelinated fibers consisted of Schwann cells, axons and basal lamina. Their ultrastructural organization was basically similar to that in the adult skin. However, some of the unmyelinated fibers contained axonal bundles which suggested a state of cytoarchitectural immaturity or incomplete growth. Phagocytosis of melanosomes by Schwann cells was also observed.

Langerhans cells in human apocrine ducts

November 1976


6 Reads


7 Citations

Archives of Dermatological Research

Electron microscopic observations revealed for the first time a few number of Langerhans cells within the intradermal apocrine duct of the normal human axillary skin. In many respects the fine structural features of Langerhans cells were noted to be identical with those described in the epidermis. Our present results suggest that Langerhans cells could be a stable and constant cellular constituent for the normal apocrine ducts. The significance of this presence of Langerhans cells remains to be investigated.

Anagen hair bulb melanocytes in mitosis. A preliminary report

January 1976


12 Reads


1 Citation

The Journal of Dermatology

Human anagen scalp hair bulb melanocytes in mitosis were observed by electron microscopy. The metaphase melanocytes were found to maintain their cytologic characteristics, and their perikarya to retain a relatively large number of melanosomes. The relationship between mitosis of a melanocyte and its melanogenic activity is presently being investigated.

Lymphatic transport and phagocytosis of melanosomes in blue nevus

December 1975


16 Reads


4 Citations

Archives of Dermatological Research

The present paper desoribes ultrastructural aspect of lymphatic transport of dermal melanosomes in blue nevus. At least two processes may be responsible for the transport across the lymphatic endothelial wallin vivo; one is the passage of melanophages through the intercellular junctions and the another of free melanosomes. Phagocytosis of melanosomes by lymphatic endothelial cells is discussed.Der Abtransport von dermal liegenden Melanosomen in die lymphatischen Capillaren wird elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Unsere Untersuchungsergebnisse an den Hautlsionen bei blauem Naevus lassen erkennen, da mindestens zwei Mechanismen fr den Melanosomentransport durch die lymphatischen Endothelialzellen verantwortlich sein knnen. Ein Proze besteht aus Passage der zahlreiche Melanosomenkomplexe enthaltenden Melanophagen, der andere aus Abtragung der isoliert in die Lederhaut abflieenden Melanosomen. Jedenfalls ist der interendotheliale Raum als Ort der Passage anzusehen, was zumindest fr den Melanophagen sichergestellt ist. Auerdem wird errtert, da die Melanosomen in die lymphatischen Endothelialzellen phagozytiert werden und dort als Melanosomenkomplexe zu finden sind.

Citations (3)

... 7 B. Divided spotted grouped pigmented naevus -On upper and lower eyelids. 8 C. Divided naevus spilus -On upper and lower eyelids. 8 D. Divided epidermal naevus -On adjacent fingers. ...


Kissing lesions in dermatology
Divided Nevus Spilus and Divided Form of Spotted Grouped Pigmented Nevus
  • Citing Article
  • December 1979

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology

... However, neither the frequency tasks nor the amplitude discrimination tasks appeared to be correlated in the TDC, while they were in HA. Differences in task relationships between HA and TDC may be indicative of development (neither cutaneous nerves nor spinal cord mature fully until after puberty (e.g., (Allison et al., 1984;Sato et al., 1977)), sensorimotor development, or the development of attentional control. It is possible that some children have more difficulty with tasks than others, thereby increasing variability and masking correlational relationships. ...

Fine Structure of Unmyelinated Nerves in Neonatal Skin
  • Citing Article
  • February 1977

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology

... Cells were passaged in 0.25% trypsin and sub-cultured at a ratio of 1:3 when sub-con uent. DPCs are mesenchymal-derived follicular stem cells [30,31] so we tried to culture them in MSCM (Mesenchymal Stem Cell Medium) complete medium (ScienCell, USA). primary DPC (passage 3) were transfected with pLVX-IRES-Puro-SV40LT lentiviral expression vector [32] (Yingrun Biotechnology, Changsha, China). ...

Electron Microscopic Observations of Concentric Lamellar Bodies within Mesenchymal Cells of Anagen Hair Dermal Papilla
  • Citing Article
  • March 1980

Journal of Investigative Dermatology