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Publications (8)

Distribution of satisfaction scores of Dental Impact on Daily Living Scale according to the age groups
Locker’s Model for Assessing Periodontal Health Status of the Lawyers in Bhopal: Original article
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2021


35 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Social Rehabilitation

Juhi Lohiya


Swapnil Jain


Shweta Chaturvedi




Background: The current study is intended to assess the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL)comprising Locker’s model among lawyers in Bhopal city. This study was framed to integrate OHRQoL with morbid and terminal dental condition allied to periodontal health assessment by encompassing Locker’s Model. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted incorporating 250 lawyers of Bhopal city. The evaluation and association of periodontal status and OHRQoL by Leao and Sheiham 5-scale questionnaire was used in the present study. Post data collection, periodontal health status of lawyers was observed, the association between the dimensionsof Dental Impact on Daily Living (DIDL) Scale with each construct of Locker’s conceptual model of oral health was complemented. The collected data were tabulated using Excel, and analysis was done using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 19.0 version. Pearson correlation test, ANOVA, and Post hoc test were used to test the significance. Results: Observation included 29.6% of lawyers were dissatisfied with their teeth and existing oral health. All the dimensions of DIDL Scale show a statistically positive association with each other and Community Periodontal Index highest score with pain and eating restrictions. Conclusion: Oro-dental diseases or problems have definitive effects on patient’s satisfaction with different aspects of their dentition and also experienced greater psychological discomfort. As rightly said by the WHO “Oral Health for Healthy Life” and oral cavity is the gateway of general health, so oro-dental problems cannot be unkempt.


Figure 1: Flow chart of participants recruitment procedure.
Knowledge and practice modification among health care professionals (HCPS) according to designation.
Psychological implications of COVID-19 pandemic among health care professionals of Madhya Pradesh India

March 2021


83 Reads

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health

Background: The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has loaded remarkable psychological stress on people around the world, predominantly the Health Care Professionals (HCPs). The present study aimed to assess anxiety and fear of getting infected among HCPs working during the current viral outbreak. Also, doctors' knowledge about various practice modifications to combat the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has been evaluated.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on Health care professionals (HCPs) of Madhya Pradesh India using an online survey. A pretested and pre-validated questionnaire was designed on Google forms and link generated was shared through social media. A total of 320 doctors from different cities of Madhya Pradesh have participated in the study. A Chi-Square and Spearman Correlation test was applied using SPSS version 25.Results: Present Study reveals that more than two-thirds of HCPs (80%) were anxious and worried about the overwhelming effect of COVID-19. Among HCPs, dental professionals (61%) unfolded greater fear and anxiety level than the medical professionals. The majority of participants (92%) were updated with good knowledge and awareness of recent changes in the treatment protocols regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the implementation of modifying treatment protocol was recorded as 71%.Conclusions: High psychosomatic implications of COVID -19 outbursts were seen in HCPs while working in their respective fields. So providing psychological first aid is a significant care component for populations that have been victims of emergencies and disasters.

Demographic characteristics of the study participants (n=145)
Dental professionals knowledge regarding tobacco cessation
Perceived barriers regarding tobacco cessation among dental professionals
Knowledge, Preparedness and Percieved Barriers Among Clinicians and Academicians Regarding Tobacco Cessation Counseling in Bhopal City

January 2021


21 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry

Background Tobacco use is responsible for 3 million deaths globally every year. Tailored counseling by a specialist increases quit rates additionally by 4%–7% compared to normal. Now, tobacco cessation is a part of oral health assessment. Hence, brief advice from dental health professionals as part of their routine consultations or interactions is an approach that makes use of existing health-care systems. Purpose A study was carried out among the dental professionals of Bhopal to assess their knowledge, preparedness, and perceived barriers regarding tobacco cessation counseling. Materials and Methods A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted among dental professionals which include academicians (Group 1), clinicians (Group 2), and both clinicians and academicians (Group 3) of Bhopal City over a period of 3 month's from May to July 2019. Two-hundred dental professionals were approached, in which 145 participated in the study. Self-administered structured, semi-open, and coded questionnaire was mailed to them and analysis was done. Results The findings of the study suggest that almost all the groups agreed that they have a role in helping patients regarding tobacco cessation. Our study has overcome all the perceived barriers as 75.9% of Group 3 professionals got positive feedback from the patients after counseling and 70.9% of academicians feel chances of quitting tobacco have increased after they advised the patient to quit the habit, but 42.9% of Group 3 professionals think that they don't get time to counsel patients. Conclusion As concluded in our study, Group 3 dental professionals (both academicians and clinicians) have better knowledge and actively participate in cessation of patients as compared to academicians and clinicians. Hence, there is an urgent need to sensitize and train clinicians and academicians at community and institutional levels.

Exemplification of dental morbidity and morbidity by Lockers model among lawyers of Bhopal city

June 2020


79 Reads

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health

Background: The representation of dental morbidity and mortality through the implication of Lockers model was scientifically designed. Main focus of the study to assess the oral health related quality of life among one of the most stressful and preoccupied professionals.Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among the 250 lawyers of Bhopal city to integrate oral health with quality of life integrated with oral health component. Morbid condition of dentition was assessed by WHO Dentition status and treatment needs 1997 Performa and its application on Leao and Shiham 5 scale questionnaire comparing it with quality of life. Data was collected; the relationship of DIDL scale was compared with each construct of Locker’s conceptual model on oral health. The collected data was tabulated using excel and analysis was done using SPSS 17.0 version. Pearson correlation test, ANOVA and post hoc were used to test the significance.Results: It was observed that 29.6% of lawyers had impaired quality of life due to morbid condition of dentition and mortality related issues. This shows high dissatisfaction on the part of lawyers related to the oral health. All the dimensions of DIDL scale show statically positive correlation with each other eating restriction and DMFT due to missing component and painful incidences were observed.Conclusions: Dental diseases or problems have definitive effects on individuals’ quality of life with different aspects of their oral health concerns. Such morbid condition has high impact on psychological discomfort.

Early detection and prevention of oral cancer: an appraisal

December 2019


468 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health

Oral cancers (OC) represent the majority of head and neck cancers with more than half million patients being affected each year worldwide. Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the sixth commonest cancer worldwide, accounting for approximately 4% of all cancers. Therefore, an improvement in the prevention and control of oral cancer is of critical importance. This may be achieved by reducing the risk through avoidance of tobacco and alcohol, recognizing and treating premalignant lesions and detecting developed OC at an early stage. Data search for the present review was done electronically. Electronic search was conducted using databases such as Pubmed and Medline, Cochrane library, articles published in peer-reviewed journals, text books, grey literature and from sites of World Health Organization, Centre For Diseases Control Report, Global Adult Tobacco Survey and Global Youth Tobacco Survey reports. This review ruled out web of causation and web of prevention including early detection and prevention to be an ideal strategy to reduce the prevalence of oral cancer and its impact on quality of life. Screening and early detection in population at risk have been proposed to decrease both morbidity and mortality associated with the oral cancer.

Socio-demographic details of the study population (n=204).
Positive response of class 1, 2 and 3 workers regarding bio-medical waste management.
Discernment, apropos on dispensation of hospital waste among paramedics: a descriptive study

October 2019


200 Reads

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health

Background: India is one of the most populated and rapidly growing countries in the world and is the source of humongous amounts of waste every year, including municipal solid waste, hazardous waste, biomedical waste or e-waste. Healthcare is one of the largest sectors in India both in terms of revenue and employment. With growing healthcare, there is a requirement of management of bio-medical waste. This study is conducted to assess discernment, apropos on dispensation of hospital waste by paramedics.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the discernment and apropos of paramedical staff in 3 private hospitals regarding disposal of waste in Bhopal city and convenience sampling was used. A total of 204 individuals were approached for the study. The collected data analysed by using SPSS 21.0 and Descriptive analysis was done.Results: Total 204 paramedical staff participated in the study out of which 125 (61.2%) were males and 79 (38.7%) were males. It showed that there was limited level of knowledge, attitude and practices among class 3 workers i.e., attenders as compared to nurses and technicians.Conclusions: Study concluded that there is lack of knowledge about waste management which leads to improper waste disposal and pointed out that class 3 workers have less knowledge as compared to class 1 and class 2 workers. The technicians and nurses comparatively were having better knowledge and attitude, and also practiced waste management better than the attenders.

March 2019 1552661269 185

May 2019


69 Reads

Visual communication is a innovative mass health education strategy which essentially enhance learning and comprehension. The communication is visualized for shaping ideas and changing attitudes and modifying behaviors towards healthful lifestyles desired for health promotion. Literacy level of Indian population is low so is the health literacy so by visual effective communication learning is driven for more lasting and productive direction.

Citations (3)

... Lohiya et al. assessed the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) after surgical periodontal therapy and observed that pain was markedly reduced after therapy and there was a positive correlation between surgical periodontal therapy and OHRQoL [20]. Needleman et al. studied a sample of patients with advanced periodontal disease who underwent surgical intervention and reported that there was significant reduction in pain and psychological discomfort post-operatively [21]. ...


Effectiveness of Surgical Periodontal Therapy in Oral Health-Related Quality of Life
Locker’s Model for Assessing Periodontal Health Status of the Lawyers in Bhopal: Original article

International Journal of Social Rehabilitation

... To date, many studies have been conducted to determine the description and comparison of knowledge of smoking effects, along with knowledge, attitudes, and barriers to SCC among dental students and medical professionals, but have not examined the relationship between these factors. 5,10,12,14,[31][32][33][34] Further study might be needed to enrich the causal factors surrounding the phenomenon. ...

Knowledge, Preparedness and Percieved Barriers Among Clinicians and Academicians Regarding Tobacco Cessation Counseling in Bhopal City

Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry

... Reports have pointed out that around 50-60% of oral cancers attained stage III or IV at the time of diagnosis [87]. Early detection of oral carcinogenesis could thus be a research priority area in the prevention of oral cancer prevention [88]. Advanced diagnostic approaches with new techniques and instruments are available nowadays to diagnose oral cancer [89]. ...

Early detection and prevention of oral cancer: an appraisal

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health