December 2024
International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics
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December 2024
International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics
November 2024
4 Reads
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering)
Spices have always been a part of Indonesia's culinary culture. One of the spices that has high economic value and efficacy is galangal. Therefore, testing of bioactive compounds and the effect of making shredded spice fish with the addition of various concentrations of galangal needs to be further investigated in terms of sensory quality and financial feasibility. This study aims to determine the bioactive components in galangal spice, determine the best concentration of galangal addition in shredded spiced fish products, and determine the financial feasibility. The research was conducted by making galangal spice and shredded spiced fish at IDAEZ Group MSMEs. Subsequently, the galangal spice was tested for bioactive compound (GC-MS) and then, sensory tests were carried out on shredded fish spices mixed with galangal spices (1%, 2%, 3%). After that, the financial feasibility analysis was calculated. The results obtained showed that there were four main components in galangal spice, such as 5-Eicosenen, (E)-, n-Hexadecanoic acid, oleic acid, and 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)-, oxiranylmethyl ester. Meanwhile, the best concentration of shredded spice fish was found in treatment P3 (addition of 3% galangal). Lastly, the shredded spice fish was found to be viable with an income of IDR 427,547 per production. Keywords: Financial feasibility, GC-MS, Galangal, Sensory.
October 2024
9 Reads
Biology Medicine & Natural Product Chemistry
This study was aimed to determine the effect of tapioca flour and Bogor taro flour formulation on the chemical, physical, and sensory characteristics of catfish sausage and to determine the best formulation. This study was arranged in a Randomized Complete Group Design (RCGD) with a single factor of tapioca flour and Bogor taro flour formulation with 6 treatments P1 (100%:0%), P2 (80%:20%), P3 (60%:40%), P4 (40%:60%), P5 (20%:80%), and P6 (0%:100%) with 4 replications. Data were tested for equality of variance with Barlett's test and data saturation with Tuckey's test. The data were analyzed for variance to determine the effect between treatments, then further analyzed using the HSD test at the 5% level. The results showed that the formulation of tapioca flour and Bogor taro flour had a very significant on water content, ash content, hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, appearance, and overall acceptance but no effect on the taste and aroma of catfish sausage. P5 was the best treatment with a water content of 52.08%, ash content of 1.55%, hardness of 270.75 gf, springiness of 10.03 mm, cohesiveness of 0.83, appearance of 2.93 (slightly dull), taste of 3.87 (typical of fish), aroma of 3.87 (typical of fish), overall acceptance of 3.88 (like), protein content of 15.61%, and fat content of 4.29%.
August 2024
10 Reads
1 Citation
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Tropis dan Biosistem
Gotu cola leaf chips produced by the Women Farmers Group in the city of Pagar Alam, South Sumatra are packaged using polypropylene plastic packaging and the shelf life is not yet known, so a test is needed to estimate the shelf life of the gotu kola leaf chips produced by KWT. This research aims to determine the shelf life of gotu kola leaf chips in polypropylene packaging using the Arrhenius model ASLT (Accelerated Shelf Life Test). The study was structured descriptively with two replications. The chips made from gotu kola leaves were stored at temperatures of 30 C, 35 C, and 40 °C in polypropylene (PP) packaging.with a thickness of 0.08 mm for one month (28 days). Observations were made on the parameters of water content, free fatty acid levels, and sensory (color, aroma, and texture of gotu kola leaf chips) once a week, namely on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28. Determined the shelf life of gotu kola leaf chips using the ASLT model with Microsoft Excel 2010 software. The results showed that gotu kola leaf chips in polypropylene packaging at 30 °C had a shelf life of 76.67 days (2.57 months) on the zero order of the Arrhenius model ASLT method.
April 2024
26 Reads
1 Citation
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Rizal S, Suharyono AS, Astuti S, Dewanti AS, Nugroho YB. 2024. The effect of kweni mango and randu honey addition on the characteristics of synbiotic etawa goat milk. Biodiversitas 25: 1580-1587. The addition of kweni mango and randu honey as ingredients for producing synbiotic etawa goat milk is widely known to have a significant effect on the characteristics of the product. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the best formulation of kweni mango and randu honey in producing synbiotic etawa goat milk. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized block design with 4 replications. A single factor with six levels of formulations of kweni mango extract and randu honey was used in producing synbiotic etawa goat milk. These formulations included F1 (0%:25%), F2 (5%:20%), F3 (10%:15%), F4 (15%:10%), F5 (20%:5%), and F6 (25%:0%). Subsequently, the microbiological, chemical, and sensory properties, as well as antimicrobial activity of the product were evaluated. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at a 5% significance level. The results showed that formulation (F4) containing 15% kweni mango extract and 10% randu honey produced the best synbiotic Etawa goat milk beverage. In addition, F4 formulation showed higher antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus than Escherichia coli. The optimal beverage met the standards for lactic fermentation products from a chemical perspective and was favored by the panelists.
April 2024
Pengusaha tahu skala rumah tangga di Desa Candiretno Kecamatan Pagelaran Kabupaten Pringsewu memproduksi tahu putih, tahu kuning dan tahu goreng. Pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan untuk : (1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan pengusaha tahu mengenai berbagai alternatif pengawetan tahu; (2) Meningkatkan pengetahuan pengusaha tahu mengenai pemilihan dan penggunaan pewarna yang aman pada proses pembuatan tahu kuning; dan (3) Meningkatkan pengetahuan pengusaha tahu mengenai pemilihan dan keamanan minyak goreng dalam proses pembuatan tahu goreng. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi dan demonstrasi. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan pengetahuan peserta dari nilai rerata 35,3% sebelum pelatihan (evaluasi awal) menjadi 99% setelah pelatihan (evaluasi akhir), sehingga peningkatan pengetahuan peserta setelah pelatihan sebesar 63,7% (tergolong pada kategori sedang). Manfaat dan tujuan pelatihan yang ingin dicapai dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat dinyatakan telah berhasil dan sesuai harapan. Kata kunci : tahu, perbaikan proses produksi
February 2024
95 Reads
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering)
This study aims to determine the effect of carrageenan and gum arabic formulations on chemical properties, level of elasticity, and sensory properties of pumpkin jelly candy and to obtain the right formulation of carrageenan and gum arabic to produce good quality jelly candy. The study was arranged in a Completely Randomized Block Design with a single factor and 4 replications. The treatment was the ratio of carrageenan and gum arabic consisted of 5%:0% (K1), 4%:1% (K2), 3%:2% (K3), 2%:3% (K4), 1%:4 % (K5). The data obtained were analyzed for homogeneity with the Barlett test, ANOVA, and the Tuckey test at the 5% level. Determination of the best treatment for pumpkin jelly candy was determined by the De Garmo method. The results showed that the best jelly candy was the K3 treatment (3% carrageenan; 2% gum arabic) which resulted in a texture score of 3.80 (chewy), color with a score of 3.97 (dark yellow), taste with a score of 4.11 (like ), water content of 7.66%, ash content of 0.99%, reducing sugar content of 14.31%, and sucrose content of 27.7%. Formulation of carrageenan and gum arabic significantly affected the chemical properties, level of elasticity, and sensory properties of pumpkin jelly candy. Keywords: Gum Arabic, Carrageenan, Jelly candy, Pumpkin.
January 2024
17 Reads
November 2023
Salah satu sentra produksi usaha mikro mie basah terdapat di Kelurahan Gunung Sulah Kecamatan Sukarame Kota Bandar Lampung. Mie basah sebagai salah satu produk olahan pangan yang dikonsumsi manusia berkaitan langsung dengan kesehatan konsumen, sehingga proses pengolahannya harus dilakukan secara benar dan tepat sesuai aturan. Hal ini perlu dilakukan agar tidak terjadi akibat buruk yang tidak diinginkan terhadap konsumen. Sasaran strategis dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah 4 pengusaha industri rumah tangga pangan (IRTP) mie basah di wilayah tersebut. Berdasarkan perumusan masalah, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk : (1). Memberikan pengetahuan mengenai bahaya dan efek penggunaan formalin dan boraks pada proses produksi mie basah terhadap kesehatan, (2). Memberikan pengetahuan mengenai peraturan pemerintah tentang penggunaan bahan tambahan pangan yang legal dan ilegal, (3). Memberikan pengetahuan tentang sistem jaminan produk halal (SJPH) produk mie basah, dan (4). Memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan untuk mengaplikasikan dan menerapkan praktek pengolahan mie basah yang sesuai dengan prinsip Cara Produksi Pangan yang Baik untuk Industri Rumah Tangga (CPPB-IRT) sebagai upaya perbaikan mutu produksi mie basah. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi dan bantuan peralatan penunjang produksi pada ke 4 khalayak sasaran. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan peserta dari nilai rerata 29% sebelum pelatihan (evaluasi awal) menjadi 97,5% setelah pelatihan (evaluasi akhir), sehingga peningkatan pengetahuan peserta setelah pelatihan sebesar 68,5% (tergolong pada kategori sedang). Kata kunci : CPPB, IRTP Mie Basah, SJPH
September 2023
31 Reads
Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian
Pumpkin flour is a processed product high in carotenoids and a good source of nutrients. This nutritional content of pumpkin flour was considered to be influenced by the fruit maturity stage. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate pumpkin flour's chemical properties, bioactive components, and antioxidant activity at different maturity stages. This also used honey pumpkins with a maturity stage of 15, 20,25, and 30 days after fruit set( DAFS). The results showed that the maturity stage of butternut pumpkin affects the moisture content and bioactive components such as phenols, flavonoids, and carotenoids of flour produced. Furthermore, the highest antioxidant activity was found in pumpkin flour with a maturity stage of 25 DAFS with IC50 values of 85.31 µg/mL (DPPH) and 64.39 g/mL (ABTS). Therefore, butternut pumpkins with a maturity stage of 25 DAFS can be processed into flour with antioxidant properties.
... Perubahan kimia pada aleale tepung selama penyimpanan akan menghasilkan perubahan yang dapat dirasakan oleh indera panelis, seperti rasa, bau, warna dan tekstur, yang kemudian dapat dinilai oleh panelis. Hasil regresi linier pada ale-ale tepung yang dikemas dengan berbagai jenis bahan pengemas tersaji pada Tabel (Astuti et al., 2024). Energi aktivasi dapat mempengaruhi umur simpan keripik pisang salut coklat, semakin tinggi energi aktivasi semakin lama umur simpan (Herawati et al., 2017). ...
August 2024
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Tropis dan Biosistem
... temperatures for testing food expiration for dry and semi-wet food types are 0 °C (control), room temperature 30, 35, 40 or 45 °C (if needed), while for thermally processed food is 5 °C (control), room temperature 30, 35, or 40 °C and for frozen food types can use temperatures of -40 °C (control), -15, -10, or -5 °C [11]. The research results of [12] in estimating the shelf life of vegetable leather from a combination of beluntas leaves and seaweed using the ASLT Arrhenius model method shows that vegetable leather packaged in polypropylene packaging has a shelf life of 35.94 days. The ASLT method is very well used because of its relatively short testing time and high precision and accuracy. ...
June 2023
IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science
... Several studies on making sweet potato noodles have been carried out, including: Nurdjanah, et al [11] processing purple sweet potato flour into low GI noodles, using partial gelatinization and retrogradation methods, Ginting and Yulifianti [12] studied noodles prepared from both 100% wheat flours and blended with 40% sweet potato paste had met the national standard quality for moisture and protein content, Astuti, et al [13] study about the sensory profile in different concentrations of sweet potato flour and rice bran with and without the addition of mushroom flour. The difference with this research is the flour modification process used, in this research hydrogen rich water was used. ...
April 2022
... Studies indicate that cassava leaf paste contains phytochemicals such as favonoids, tannins, saponins, sitosterol, and stigmasterol, which contribute to its antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-infammatory properties [14]. Te ethanol extract of M. esculenta has been reported to exhibit activity against Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. on contaminated meat [15]. Mustarichie et al. [16] reported on the activity of M. esculenta leaves against clinical isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes. ...
January 2021
Journal of Physics Conference Series
... In addition, for the VOCs distinguishable between Kagoshima and Taiwanese accessions, five VOCs (hexanal, heptanal, methyl butanoate, ethyl butanoate, and octanal: log 2 FC = 5.23, 4.12, 2.48, 2.06, and 1.66, respectively) were richer in Kagoshima fruits, while monoterpene hydrocarbons (terpinolene, γ-terpinolene, β-myrcene, β-pinene, and (Z)-β-ocimene: log 2 FC = 7.37, 7.02, 6.94, 6.81, and 6.72 respectively) were more abundant in Taiwanese accessions (Figure 6c, Supplementary Table S4). Motobu, (16) OKN-Nakamoto seedless, (17) OKN-Ogimi 1, (18) OKN-Ogimi 2, (19) OKN-Ogimi kugani, (20) OKN-Sokihidai, (21) OKN-Tokashiki, (22) TWN-Nantou, and (23) TWN-Taoyuan. ...
June 2019
Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal