Susanne Wallnoefer’s scientific contributions

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Publications (3)

A New Alnion incanae-Association of the Inner Italian Alps: Hedero helicis-Alnetum glutinosae
  • Article

August 2009


62 Reads


7 Citations

Phyton; Annales Rei Botanicae

Susanne Wallnoefer

In this study, the Hedero helicis-Alnetum glutinosae (Alnenion glutinoso-incanae, Alnion incanae) is newly described on the basis of phytosociological releves. The forest type dominated by black alder is found in the colline and submontane belt on south-facing slopes in the inneralpic, precipitation-poor Vinschgau Valley (South Tyrol, Northern Italy). It colonizes banks of rivulets with shallow to intermediate soil depth. In the understory widespread species of deciduous forests and species of nutrient-rich sites dominate. A tabular comparison with Central European alluvial forest types rich in Alnus glutinosa (Pruno-Fraxinetum, Stellario nemorum-Alnetum glutinosae, Carici remotae-Fraxinetum) shows clear floristic differences. Differential species of the Hedero helicis-Alnetum glutinosae include thermophilous species; it is also negatively differentiated by the absence of species indicating wet soil and of the trees Fraxinus excelsior and Prunus padus. Also from the association of alluvial black alder forests in Northern and Central Italy (Aro italici-Alnetum glutinosae) the Hedero helicis-Alnetum glutinosae is clearly distinguished, inter alia by the absence of species preferring wet soils. However, by the dominance of Hedera helix it resembles generally the South European alluvial forests. Besides, floristic affinity to Carpinion-communities of Insubria exists. Because of the restricted distribution area and the smallness of the stands the Hedero helicis-Alnetum glutinosae must be considered as an endangered plant community.

Fig. 1. Map of the study area. Regions with mean annual temperature over 6 8C are shown in grey. They correspond roughly with the closer study area.
Fig. 2. Distribution of sampling sites differentiated by association and boundaries of Inner Alps and Intermedial Alps according to Kilian et al. (1994). For abbreviations of association names see Tab. 1.
Fig. 3. Ordination diagram of the total 78 relevØs based upon a correspondence analysis. Cumulative percentage variances of the first and second axis are 6.7 % and 11.7 %, respectively. The eigenvalue of the first axis is 0.421, of the second axis 0.318. Associations refer to the results of the Braun-Blanquet classification. Only few species are shown. Points of tree species refer to their occurrence in the tree layer. Abbreviations of species names: LI: Leontodon incanus, SA: Sempervivum arachnoideum, SN: Stellaria nemorum, TC: Tilia cordata, QP: Quercus petraea, QR: Q. robur.  
Syntaxonomy and site ecology of mixed oak forest communities in the Inner and Intermedial Alps of Tyrol (Austria)
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2008


172 Reads


11 Citations

Botanica Helvetica

Wallnöfer S. and Hotter M. 2008. Syntaxonomy and site ecology of mixed oak forest communities in the Inner and Intermedial Alps of Tyrol (Austria). Bot. Helv. 118: 21 – 43. Mixed oak forest communities dominated by Quercus robur, Q. petraea and Tilia cordata are the natural vegetation of valley bottoms in Tyrol, but only small remnants of these forest remain nowadays. We carried out a comprehensive survey of all remaining stands to document the diversity of forest types, their distribution in the area and their conservation status. Six associations are described based on phytosociological analyses according to the Braun-Blanquet approach combined with correspondence analysis. These are: Genisto germanicae-Quercetum roboris, a species-poor forest type on very acidic soils dominated by Quercus robur; Luzulo niveae-Quercetum petraeae, thermophilous open forests dominated mostly by Q. petraea on moderately acidic base-rich bedrock; Erico-Ostryetum, an association on calcareous soil rich in submediterranean species confined to the south-eastern study area; Sileno nutantis-Quercetum petraeae, a thermophilous oak forest type on calcareous soil developed in the Central Alps; Carici albae-Tilietum cordatae, moderately thermophilous forests on base-rich soil co-dominated by Tilia cordata, Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur; Milio effusi-Quercetum roboris, a newly described association dominated by Q. robur and rich in mesophilous tree species, found on moist base-rich soil. This large variety of forest types is attributable to the steep phytogeographical and ecological gradients within the area as well as the local absence of Fagus sylvatica in the most continental parts of the region. However, mixed oak forest communities are nowadays extremely rare and endangered, and oak regeneration was found to be insufficient to maintain the dominance of the species at its present sites. Given the prospective importance of oak due to climatic warming, all oak forest stands should be protected to maintain the species in Tyrol.


Checkliste der Lebensräume Südtirols

January 2007


1,505 Reads


2 Citations

Checklist of the Habitats of South Tyrol This paper presents a comprehensive, hierarchically structured habitat classification system for South Tyrol (Alto Adige), Italy. It includes natural habitats and those created by man, both with and without vegetation cover. The checklist contains five hierarchical levels. The two upper levels are defined on the basis of landscape structure, site factors and vegetation physiognomy. Units of the lower hierarchy levels are primarily characterized by the indication of vegetation types (syntaxa). It is intended as a general basis for the interdisciplinary work of scientists active in the province.

Citations (3)

... In considerazione della particolare collocazione biogeografica dell'area in esame di cui si è già discusso nella parte introduttiva, i dati friulano-veneti sono stati confrontati con altri 313 rilievi di boschi ripari ad Alnus glutinosa provenienti sia dall'Italia settentrionale che peninsulare per un totale di 327 rilievi; sono stati considerati esclusivamente i rilievi nei quali Alnus glutinosa presentava valori di abbondanza-dominanza ≥2. In particolare i dati provengono da: Trentino-Alto Adige (Pedrotti 1980;Wallnöfer 2009); Lago di Garda (Brullo & Guarino 1998); Liguria (Montanari & Gentile 1979;Nowak 1987); Emilia-Romagna (Biondi et al. 1997); Marche (Gafta & Pedrotti 1995;Francalancia & Marconi 1994;Taffetani et al. 2009); Marche-Lazio (Francalancia & Orsomando 1984); Toscana e Emilia-Romagna (Biondi & Baldoni 1994); Toscana (Casini et al. 1995;Arrigoni & Papini 2003;Foggi et al. 2000;Viciani et al. 2004;Lastrucci et al. 2010;Angiolini & De Dominicis 1997;Landi & Angiolini 2010;Lastrucci et al. 2012); Umbria (Catorci & Orsomando 2001;Venanzoni & Gigante 2000); Abruzzo (Ciaschetti & Pirone 2 rill. inediti; Pirone 2000; Pirone et al. 2003); Lazio (Blasi et al. 1981;Blasi & Frondoni 1996;Di Pietro et al. 2010;Cutini et al. 2010); Campania (Rosati et al. 2005); Calabria (Gafta & Pedrotti 1995;Brullo & Spampinato 1997;Barbagallo et al. 1982;Brullo et al. 2001). ...


A New Alnion incanae-Association of the Inner Italian Alps: Hedero helicis-Alnetum glutinosae
  • Citing Article
  • August 2009

Phyton; Annales Rei Botanicae

... Additional parameters for each object are: the composition of the vegetation, the state, its use and function (Riccabona, 1996;Schweizerische Vogelwarte et al., 2002). Further more, data on animal and vegetal species, Natura2000-habitat types (European Commission DG Environment, 2003) along with habitat types occurring in South Tyrol (Wallnöfer et al., 2007) are gathered. In the last stage, recommendations on conservation and management strategies are provided. ...

Checkliste der Lebensräume Südtirols

... In each mountain region, six altitudes were investigated: 950, 1100, 1250, 1400, 1550 and 1700 m (Pan et al., 2023). In the Alps, the vegetation at 950-1550 m comprises managed spruce-beech forests, followed by mountain pine bushes at 1550-1700 m (Wallnöfer and Hotter, 2008;Leitinger et al., 2015). On Changbai Mountain the vegetation comprises mainly natural forests, which follow a clear altitudinal zonation of mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests at 950-1100 m, mixed coniferous forests at 1100-1550 m and sub-alpine mixed coniferous forests at 1550-1700 m (Shen et al., 2013;Xie et al., 2022). ...

Syntaxonomy and site ecology of mixed oak forest communities in the Inner and Intermedial Alps of Tyrol (Austria)

Botanica Helvetica