Susana Franco’s research while affiliated with Polytechnic Institute of Santarém and other places

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Publications (14)

MatematicAtiva - Aprender Matemática de Forma Ativa Atividade Física e Jogos Lúdicos para conteúdos de Matemática do 2.º ano - 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico
  • Book
  • Full-text available

October 2024


674 Reads



Susana Franco

Livro de Jogos Ativos para todo o conteúdo programático de 2.º ano - 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico.


Participants with health-confirmed problem characterization.
Association (rho, p; confidence intervals, CI 95%) between age and vital signs collected, per condition (baseline; abdominal technique; complete technique).
Descriptive statistics for vital signs for each condition.
Association (rho, p; confidence intervals, CI 95%) between age and estimated temporal parameters per condition (baseline; abdominal technique; complete technique).
Heart Rate Variability, Blood Pressure and Peripheral Oxygen Saturation during Yoga Adham and Mahat Breathing Techniques without Retention in Adult Practitioners

October 2024


56 Reads

Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology



Joana Oliveira




Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) is the change in time intervals between heart beats, reflecting the autonomic nervous system’s ability to adapt to psychological and physiological demands. Slow breathing enhances parasympathetic activity, increasing HRV. Pranayama, a yoga breathing technique, affords the conscious regulation of respiration frequency. This study aimed to characterize HRV, blood pressure and peripheral oxygen saturation of basic yoga breathing slow techniques with regular yoga practitioners. Methods: In total, 45 yoga practitioners were included in the study (including 7 males, mean age of 54.04 ± 11.97 years) with varying levels of yoga experience (minimum 3 months, maximum 37 years). Participants performed three breathing conditions: baseline (control) and two yoga techniques (abdominal (adham) and complete (mahat)) breathing, each for 10 min in the supine position (i.e., savasana). For each condition, respiratory frequency, heart rate (HR), blood pressure and peripheral oxygen levels were collected. Results: The findings revealed that both abdominal and complete yoga breathing techniques promoted a decrease in respiratory frequency (p < 0.001, r = 0.61; p < 0.001, r = 0.61, respectively), and an increase in peripheral oxygen saturation (p < 0.001, r = 0.50; p < 0.001, r = 0.46, respectively), along with blood pressure decreases in all mean values, and a significant decrease in systolic pressure, considering all conditions (p = 0.034, W = 0.08). There were significant increases in standard deviation of HR during abdominal and complete yoga breathing techniques compared with the baseline (p = 0.003, r = 0.31; p < 0.001, r = 0.47, respectively), indicating enhanced parasympathetic activity. Moreover, the complete breathing technique exhibited the greatest variability in HRV measures, with several significant differences compared with abdominal breathing (standard deviation of HR, p < 0.001, r = 0.42; SD2, standard deviation of points perpendicular to the Poincaré parallel line, p < 0.003, r = 0.31; SD1/SD2, p < 0.003, r = 0.31), suggesting a more profound impact on autonomic modulation. Conclusions: simple, inexpensive and non-intrusive abdominal and complete yoga breathing techniques can effectively and momentarily enhance HRV and oxygen saturation in adults, mature adults and the elderly.

Educação STEAM Outdoor: Perceções dos Docentes e Oportunidades de Formação

October 2024


9 Reads

A educação STEAM (Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia, Artes/Humanidades e Matemática), aliada ao ambiente outdoor, poderá promover o desenvolvimento integral e harmonioso das crianças e jovens, uma vez que se perspetivam aprendizagens significativas e o incentivo à adoção de estilos de vida saudáveis. O presente estudo tem como principais objetivos avaliar a perceção de educadores de infância e professores do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, de um agrupamento de escolas de Portugal, acerca do uso pedagógico de espaços exteriores, e averiguar quais as competências e necessidades de formação que estes identificam como fundamentais para implementar a abordagem STEAM outdoor. Utilizando uma abordagem de métodos mistos, recolheram-se dados provenientes de uma entrevista (N = 8) e de um questionário (N = 49), desenvolvido e validado para o efeito. Os resultados sugerem que os docentes percecionam os espaços exteriores das suas escolas como locais com potencial pedagógico para implementação da abordagem STEAM, sendo as dimensões mais prevalentes a ludomotora, expressiva e de bem-estar. Contudo, verificou-se uma frequência reduzida de realização de atividades de articulação curricular, envolvendo duas ou mais áreas STEAM nestes espaços, que poderá ser explicada pela extensão e rigidez curricular. Além disso, os docentes consideram essencial a formação para o uso pedagógico de espaços exteriores, a mudança de práticas e a promoção da interdisciplinaridade. Embora a maioria não tenha formação nesse contexto, há uma disposição para participar em cursos de capacitação. Nesse sentido, é crucial oferecer oportunidades de formação para explorar o potencial pedagógico dos espaços exteriores e da educação STEAM ao ar livre.

Steps for session of the experimental group (descriptive statistics, mean, and standard deviation).
“Active Mathematics”—A Classroom-Based Physical Active Learning Intervention in an Elementary School: An Experimental Pilot Study

June 2024


85 Reads

Education Sciences

This experimental pilot study aimed to compare the amount of physical activity (PA) of children in a second-year class of an elementary school that had a mathematics class while performing PA, based on playful math games, with children that had a mathematics class seated in a traditional room, for 12 weeks 1 day/week 45 min/class; furthermore, the other two mathematics regular seated classes were attended equally by both groups, and whether both groups showed similar results concerning mathematics grading was assessed. Children (n = 22) were randomly divided into a control group (CG) and an experimental group (EG). In both groups, the number of steps (PA) was measured with a pedometer, before and during all sessions of the intervention program, and an initial diagnostic and a final assessment mathematics test were carried out. EG significantly improved the amount of PA levels in the intervention program, when compared to CG and to the initial baseline (before the program started), with no significant differences between groups in the results of mathematics grading. The introduction of active classes based on playful maths games increases the amount of PA levels in children, and having one math class per week using PA, instead of seating in a traditional room, does not negatively affect the results in terms of mathematics grading. These positive results can contribute to more approaches, at schools, that combine PA and mathematics content.

Tendências do Fitness em Portugal para 2024

June 2024


369 Reads


3 Citations


Pretende-se, com o presente estudo, conhecer as tendências do Fitness em Portugal para 2024. Serão ainda realizadas comparações, entre grupos, designadamente: detentores de título profissional diferente (Técnico de exercício físico, Diretor técnico ou Sem título); entre quem está a exercer funções ou não enquanto profissional de fitness (PF); entre sexos; últimos 4 anos; e confrontação dos resultados portugueses com os de Espanha, da Europa e mundiais. Este estudo seguiu a metodologia do American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), tendo sido aplicado um questionário online a PF, profissionais de saúde relacionados com o exercício, e estudantes do setor do fitness/desporto/educação física (n = 422), que continha 50 tendências. Os resultados obtidos revelam que o Top 5 das principais tendências do fitness em Portugal são, por ordem decrescente: “Personal trainer (PT)”, “Empregar PF certificados”, “Exercício para a perda de peso”, “PT para pequenos grupos” e “Treino de força tradicional”. Quando comparados os grupos verificaram-se diferenças em 8 tendências entre os portadores de diferentes títulos profissionais, em 9 entre quem exerce ou não funções de PF, em 27 entre sexos e em 31 entre anos. As tendências do fitness portuguesas, para 2024, assemelham-se mais às do estudo espanhol, com 7 tendências iguais no Top 10, e do estudo europeu, com 6 tendências iguais no Top 10, do que às do estudo mundial do ACSM, com apenas 3 tendências iguais no Top 10. Palavras-chave: Portugal; Tendências; Fitness; ACSM; Profissional; Título; Sexo; Anos.

Sample of teachers subjected to interviews.
Questionnaire respondent characterisation.
Outdoor STEAM Education: Opportunities and Challenges

June 2024


184 Reads


3 Citations

Education Sciences

There is a consensus that students should be involved in interdisciplinary activities that promote a solid education in STEAM subjects from an early age. The outdoor settings of schools present an advantageous context for STEAM education, allowing for a myriad of learning experiences. To understand how teachers perceive the pedagogical use of the school's outdoor space, a study was carried out in a cluster of schools in a Portuguese city, including one middle school and 10 kindergarten and elementary schools. A mixed methods approach was used, combining a questionnaire for teachers (N = 49) with interviews (N = 8). The results indicate that teachers' perceptions of the characteristics of their school's outdoor spaces either facilitate or hinder the implementation of outdoor pedagogical activities. Most teachers concur that the outdoors provides contact with nature and encourages interdisciplinary and collaborative activities. However, the teachers surveyed admit to using the school's outdoor spaces only occasionally, and this use decreases as the educational level at which they teach increases. The most common use of outdoor spaces is for physical and motor activities, promoting the well-being of children and youth. Although interdisciplinary activities in outdoor spaces are recognised, their implementation is limited and hampered by factors such as the length of curricula and the lack of training for teachers in these approaches. In this sense, there is an urgent need to train teachers in the interdisciplinary use of outdoor spaces to promote a solid education in STEAM subjects.

Occupational Health-Related Problems among Portuguese Fitness Instructors

April 2024


195 Reads


Background: The fitness sector has experienced significant expansion, with fitness instructors (FIs) playing a pivotal role. Given the demands of their profession, understanding their health profile is crucial. This study's purpose is to explore the prevalence of fitness instructors' occupational health-related problems. Methods: A questionnaire covering sociodemographic, occupational, and health-related items was administered. Statistical analyses, including Mann-Whitney U and chi-square tests, Spearman's rho correlations, and logistic regressions, were conducted. Results: Fifty-nine FIs reported occupational health-related problems, with the majority occurring during instruction (66.1%), being muscular (32.2%), and knee (15.3%), the most common type and localization. Significant statistical differences were observed between injured and non-injured FIs, including sex (p = 0.012), years as an FI (p = 0.001), weekly days worked (p = 0.039), and daily hours worked (p = 0.013). Weak negative (-0.284 - -0.362) statistically significant correlations were found between health problems; weight; height; main activity; and FIs in the workplace. Logistic regressions identified significant models showing that having a sport/physical exercise background and practicing it regularly were less likely to report bursitis (OR 0.018; p = 0.020) and hip injuries (OR 0.026; p = 0.037). Conclusions: Approximately one-third of FIs reported occupational-related health problems, predominantly musculoskeletal injuries. Sociodemographic, personal, and occupational factors appear to influence the prevalence of these health problems.

Enhancing Student Well-Being: The Impact of a Mindfulness-Based Program (Mind7 +) on Stress, Anxiety, Sleep Quality, and Social Interactions in a Sample of Portuguese University Students

January 2024


10 Reads

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences

There is an urgent need to promote mental health strategies in university students, and mindfulness-based interventions provide alternative and complementary approaches. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of a mindfulness-based program (Mind7 +) on Portuguese students from the Polytechnic University of Santarem, focusing on stress levels, depression, anxiety, and sleep quality. The intervention consisted of a 8 week mindfulness-based program, with six presential sessions and two online sessions. The participants completed self-filled validated questionnaires before and after intervention. The study revealed that Mind7 + program not only positively influenced stress levels, anxiety, and sleep quality among university students but also had a positive impact on their social interactions. A correlation between sleep quality and frequency of individual practices was observed. The observed medium effect size underscores the practical relevance of Mind7 + program and the potential of mindfulness-based interventions in higher education to enhance both individual well-being and social connections. Next steps will be to adapt the mindfulness-based program for a mobile device and test with a wider intervention group, as well as an active control group.

Desenvolvimento, Validação e Aplicação Piloto do Sistema de Observação de Feedback de Instrutores de Fitness em Aulas de Grupo (SOFIF-AG)

September 2023


44 Reads

Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte

O presente estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e a validação de um sistema de observação, dos comportamentos de feedback do instrutor de fitness em aulas de grupo de fitness, assim como realizar uma aplicação piloto do mesmo. Durante o processo de validação e desenvolvimento foram consideradas cinco fases sequenciais. Para testar a funcionalidade do instrumento, foi realizada uma aplicação piloto do mesmo numa amostra de 12 instrutoras de quatro atividades diferentes (step, indoor cycling, localizada e hidroginástica), tendo sido estabelecida a validade e fiabilidade de 11 dimensões e 45 categorias. Os resultados indicam que o comportamento de feedback dos instrutores, em aulas de grupo, pode ser codificado com recurso a este instrumento. Concluiu-se que o SOFIF-AGF mapeia aspetos fundamentais do comportamento de feedback de instrutores de fitness em aulas de grupo e, como tal, pode ser utilizado para estudar aspetos relevantes no âmbito do comportamento de feedback em diferentes atividades de grupo no contexto do fitness.

Figure 1. Top five health and fitness trends in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Europe and worldwide.
Demographics of the survey respondents in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus.
A grouped comparative analysis of top 20 fitness trends in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Europe and the world.
Health and fitness trends in Southern Europe for 2023: A cross-sectional survey

May 2023


1,343 Reads


20 Citations

AIMS Public Health

The physical activity, exercise and wellness sector is rapidly growing and seems to be an exciting field for business and professional development with great potential globally. The purpose of this observational and cross-sectional study was to determine the most popular health and fitness trends in Southern Europe for the first time, including data from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus, and to investigate any potential differences in this area compared to the Pan-European and global fitness trends for 2023. A national online survey was conducted in five Southern European countries, using the methodology of similar regional and worldwide surveys conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine since 2007. In total, a web-based questionnaire was sent to 379 AIMS Public Health Volume 10, Issue 2, 378-408. 19,887 professionals who worked in the Southern European physical activity, exercise and wellness sector. A total of 2645 responses were collected from five national surveys with an overall mean response rate of 13.3%. The ten most important fitness trends in Southern Europe for 2023 were personal training, licensure for fitness professionals, exercise is medicine, employing certified fitness professionals, functional fitness training, small group training, high-intensity interval training, fitness programs for older adults, post-rehabilitation classes and body weight training. The present findings are aligned with those reported for the European and worldwide fitness trends.

Citations (6)

... For instance, the addition of Arts to STEM was brought about to improve on the existing knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the 21st century citizens (Belbase et al., 2022). STEAM is gaining a lot of importance globally as creativity and arts form the basis of the 21st century competences such as logical, reasoning, problem solving as well as inquiry skills (Braund & Reiss, 2019;Correia, 2024). The coding and robotics for STEM (C-STEM) program used coding and robotics to help students develop practical problem-solving skills while tackling real-world issues (Wright, 2024). ...


Broadening Perspectives of STEM education: A new Conceptual Framework
Outdoor STEAM Education: Opportunities and Challenges

Education Sciences

... Most GEFIs were younger, reflecting the youthful profile of fitness professionals [29], while Romanian participants were predominantly aged 35-44, indicating differences in fitness engagement. In both countries, the majority of GEFI held at least a bachelor's degree, consistent with industry trends prioritizing academic qualifications [30]. Experience in the sector was limited, with most GEFI and participants reporting three years or less, reflecting high turnover rates and low retention among fitness users [29]. ...

Tendências do Fitness em Portugal para 2024


... Estos cuentan con instructores altamente especializados y buscan ofrecer una experiencia más personalizada a sus clientes. Los estudios boutique de fitness se consideran una tendencia emergente de instalaciones de fitness tanto en Europa como en el resto del mundo (Batrakoulis et al., 2023b), llegando a ser considerados como uno de los entornos laborales más prometedores en el sector del fitness europeo para 2025 (Batrakoulis, 2019). Esta tendencia aparece por primera vez dentro del top-20 de la encuesta nacional, lo cual refleja el aumento de interés de los profesionales de fitness por este novedoso modelo de negocio. ...

Health and fitness trends in Southern Europe for 2023: A cross-sectional survey

AIMS Public Health

... Adicionalmente, las encuestas sobre tendencias de fitness permiten tomar en consideración el conocimiento del sector de los profesionales y tener en cuenta su punto de vista sobre la relevancia de las diferentes tendencias. Entre las diversas encuestas regionales realizadas hasta el momento destacan las de Europa (Batrakoulis, 2019) y Europa del sur (Batrakoulis et al., 2023); países europeos como Portugal (Franco et al., 2021(Franco et al., , 2022(Franco et al., , 2023(Franco et al., , 2024, Grecia (Batrakoulis et al., 2020;Batrakoulis, 2023) y Chipre (Kartakoullis, 2020); países de Centro y Sur América como Brasil y Argentina (Amaral & Palma, 2019), Colombia (Valcarce-Torrente et al., 2022a,2022bRincón et al., 2022;Reyes, 2023) y México (Gómez et al., 2021; países del oeste y este de Asia como Irán (Batrakoulis et al., 2023a), Emiratos Árabes Unidos (Batrakoulis et al., 2024a), Turquía (Batrakoulis et al., 2024b) y China (Li et al., 2018); y estudios que comparan los resultados entre las encuestas regionales de fitness (Kercher, 2018;Kercher et al., 2019Kercher et al., , 2021Kercher et al., , 2022Kercher et al., , 2023Vorobiova, 2019). A pesar del creciente número de encuestas regionales, aún hay numerosas regiones en donde se carece de información sobre su contexto de fitness particular, como pueden ser países de África, Oceanía y Europa del Este. ...

Tendências do Fitness em Portugal para 2023


... In the screening phase, a total of 524 papers were discarded by reading the title or abstract, and 15 by full-text review. Ultimately, from this eligibility stage, a total of 20 studies were deemed suitable for inclusion in this SR (Campos et al., 2015(Campos et al., , 2016a(Campos et al., , 2016bCampos, Martins, et al., 2017;Campos, Craveiro, et al., 2019;Campos, Martins, et al., 2021;Fernandes de Carvalho et al., 2023;Franco et al., 2013;Moutão et al., 2015;Ntoumanis, Thøgersen-Ntoumani, et al., 2017;Polyte et al., 2015;Puente & Anshel, 2010;Rodrigues, Pelletier, et al., 2021;Sampaio et al., 2020;Silva et al., 2014;Wininger, 2002). Table 2 summarises the descriptive data of the sample of the 20 papers analysed (data included as a supplemental material file). ...

The Importance Assigned by Pregnant Women to the Quality Characteristics of Fitness Instructors. A Qualitative Study

... [1][2][3][4] Notably, resistance training and use of free-weight barbell exercises has been one of the top fitness international trends the last few years. 5 A common exercise during barbell training is the barbell back squat (BBS), which is performed by squatting down with a barbell placed on the upper back and shoulders. The BBS can be performed with various lifting techniques depending on purpose; mobility, strengths and weaknesses, anthropometry etc., while in the sport of powerlifting, the execution has been standardized to enable strict judging during competition. ...

2023 Fitness Trends from Around the Globe

ACSMʼs Health & Fitness Journal