Suriadi Suriadi’s research while affiliated with Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara and other places

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Publications (34)

The Role of Employee Training, Job Satisfaction, and Career Advancement in Enhancing Performance in Higher Education Institutions
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2024


50 Reads

International Education Trend Issues

Suriadi Suriadi


Rabiyatul Jasiyah


Fauziah F Farawowan


Nur Salma

This study examines the impact of employee training, job satisfaction, and career advancement on employee performance in higher education institutions (HEIs). Using a quantitative research design, data were collected from 300 employees across various HEIs. The findings indicate that all three factors significantly enhance employee performance, with job satisfaction emerging as the most influential predictor. Effective training programs positively correlate with increased job satisfaction, while perceived opportunities for career advancement further motivate employees to perform at their best. The results suggest that HEIs should prioritize comprehensive employee development strategies that integrate training, satisfaction, and career growth opportunities to foster a supportive work environment. This research contributes to the understanding of how these factors interrelate to enhance employee performance and provides actionable recommendations for HEI administrators and policymakers



October 2023


5 Reads

Elektrika Borneo

Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang sangat diperlukan dan berperan penting di lingkungan masyarakat. Banyak peralatan yang membutuhkan energi listrik untuk mengoperasikannya, baik dalam skala rumah tangga maupun industri. Dengan demikian, kualitas pasokan energi listrik sangat penting untuk diketahui. Pada segitiga daya, faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas energi listrik itu adalah tegangan, arus dan faktor daya (cos phi). Segitiga daya merupakan segitiga yang menggambarkan hubungan matematik antara tipe-tipe daya yang berbeda yaitu daya aktif (Watt), daya reaktif (Var) dan daya semu (VA). Pada segitiga daya perbandingan antara daya aktif dan daya semu adalah faktor daya, disini faktor daya berpengaruh untuk mengetahui nilai segitiga daya. Untuk itu, diperlukan sebuah sistem yang dapat melakukan pengukuran nilai faktor daya. Dalam penelitian ini penulis merancang sebuah sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk memonitoring cos phi dan segitiga daya pada jaringan 1 fasa. Adapun metode yang dilakukan ialah melakukan perancangan program sensor cos phi dan melakukan perancangan sistem monitoring segitiga daya. Beban yang digunakan yakni beban induktif 1.7 H dengan variasi penambahan hingga 6 buah beban resistif 920 Ohm yang dihubung paralel. Sehingga pada rancangan sistem monitoring ini berhasil melakukan pengukuran dengan hasil error rata-rata daya semu 2.08%, daya aktif 2.44%, daya reaktif 0.64% dan cos 0.43%.

Prediksi Kecepatan Angin Jangka Menengah dengan Artificial Neural Network untuk Estimasi Daya Listrik Tenaga Angin (Studi Kasus: Kota Sabang)

Jurnal Serambi Engineering

Indonesia, as a country at the equator, has a very large renewable energy potential that can be used as a source of electrical energy. Electricity consumption in Indonesia, especially in Aceh, continues to increase annually because of population growth and increasing economic needs. Recently, the construction of power plants has been considered to be environmentally friendly and economical. One of the efforts that can be made is the development of wind-power plants. The availability of certain wind speeds was expected. Therefore, accurate prediction data must be used as the basis for building wind power plants. To increase the accuracy of wind speed prediction by looking at the error rate in predicting the amount of wind speed generated using an Artificial Neural Network with feed-forward and feed-backward functions from the back propagation algorithm (BPNN). The results of the application using the Neural Network algorithm with a back propagation Neural Network (BPNN) to predict wind speed show that the Neural Network algorithm can predict wind speed with an error of 0.0036. In July 2021, the estimated energy demand is 81.5 KWH.

Comparative Analysis of Wind Energy Potential with Nakagami and Weibull Distribution Methods for Wind Turbine Planning

April 2023


24 Reads


1 Citation

Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology

Suriadi Suriadi


Muna Nabilah





Muzailin Affan

Wind energy is renewable energy used as an energy source for wind power plants (PLTB). The most common distribution method used to model wind speed distribution data is the Weibull distribution. The Nakagami distribution has begun to be widely used in several studies to model wind speed distribution data. The Nakagami distribution is considered an alternative to the Weibull distribution in modeling wind speed distribution data. This study aims to compare the distribution of Nakagami and Weibull in analyzing wind power potential and calculating the resulting Wind Energy Production (WEP), using wind speed distribution data from both distributions in Kuta Raja, Banda Aceh and Lhoknga, Aceh Besar. The wind speed data used is satellite data (secondary data) downloaded via, with the most stable wind speed being a wind speed of 3-5 m/s. The value of wind power potential at the Kuta Raja location, Banda Aceh was obtained at 64.16% with the Nakagami distribution and 62.73% with the Weibull distribution, and 73.60% with the Nakagami distribution and 73.28% at the Lhoknga location, Aceh Besar. The comparison of these two distributions produces a Weibull distribution that is superior to the Nakagami distribution for both locations, where the Weibull distribution has a smaller error value and produces a WEP value that is in accordance with the actual/observable data compared to the Nakagami distribution. In this study, the Nakagami distribution has results that make this distribution an alternative or comparison to the Weibull distribution in distributing wind speed data with further research.

Perancangan Aplikasi Administrasi Instalasi Gawat Darurat Pada Rumah Sakit Latemmamala Kabupaten Soppeng

April 2023


12 Reads

Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika (JISTI)

Bagian IGD Rumah Sakit Latemmamala Kabupaten Soppeng memiliki beberapa kendala dari alur proses yang sekarang, diantaranya pendaftaran di simpan dalam bentuk lembaran– lembaran kertas, pendataan pasien dalam pembukuan dan mengetahui rekam medik pasien lama atau pasien baru untuk ditindak lanjuti sebelum pengecekan dan pemilahan dari petugas rekam medik (melalui diagnosa dan keluhan). Sulitnya menemukan informasi pasien lama dan pengelolaan laporan morbiditas pasien serta penomoran ganda pada nomor medrek menjadi kendala bagi petugas rekam medis dalam memberikan status riwayat pasien yang akurat kepada petugas medis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membuat Aplikasi pengelolaan Administrasi Instalasi Gawat Darurat Pada Rumah Sakit Latemmamala Kabupaten Soppeng. Metode penelitian menggunakan SDLC untuk pengembangan sistem. Dengan diimplementasikannya Sistem Informasi Administrasi Instalasi Gawat Darurat Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Bantaeng berbasis komputer dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual basic 6.0, pengolahan data yang cepat dan akurat

The Influence of Organizational Culture, Work Environment and Work Discipline on Job Satisfaction of Teachers at Boarding School

April 2023


118 Reads


21 Citations

Journal on Education

The purpose of this study is to determine how organizational tradition, work environment, and work behavior effect trainer activity delight. This study employs quantitative methodologies and makes use of strategies for gathering facts from the distribution of questionnaires and library records. 74 teachers made up the study's sample. The analytical method used has been multiple linear regression. Using the data analysis tool SPSS 20.0. With a sig F value of 0.000 < alpha 0.05 and an f-count value of 10.821 > f-table of 2.160, the findings of this study show that organizational culture, work discipline, and work environment all have an impact on teacher job satisfaction. With a sig t value of 0.003 < alpha 0.05 and a t-count value of 3.031 > 1.993 in t-table, the results of the t test demonstrate a significant link between the work environment and teacher job satisfaction. Organizational culture strongly influences teacher job satisfaction, with a sig t value of 0.040 < alpha 0.05 and a t-count value of 2.092 > t-table 1.993. Work discipline has a considerable impact on teachers' job satisfaction, with a t-count of 2.234 > t-table of 1.993 and a sig t value of 0.029 < alpha of 0.05.

UD Sales Increase. Cashew Apeng Year 2021
Sales of UD. Cashew Apeng Year 2022
Marketing Strategy in Increasing Sales Apeng Cashew Trading Business Central Buton District

February 2023


68 Reads

International Journal of Management Progress

The aim of the study was to find out how the marketing strategy was in increasing sales of Apeng Cashew Cashew Trading Business (UD) in Lombe, Gu District, Central Buton Regency. The method used is observation and interviews. The method of data analysis is descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that the marketing strategy of UD. Cashew Cashew Apeng in Lombe Gu District Central Buton Regency which consists of product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence can increase sales in 2021 Rp. 128,500,000, - increasing in 2022 by Rp. 173,300,000,-. The suggestions given are (1) So that UD. Apeng cashew nuts in Lombe, Gu sub-district, Central Buton regency, in the promotion strategy can use brochures that can provide information about cashew products and use signboards at cashew processing and selling places so that the sales obtained can continue to increase. (2) So that future researchers can add research variables so that they can enrich research results.


December 2022


12 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah Kajian Islam Pendidikan Ekonomi Humaniora

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk merekonstruksi peran dari Syekh Ahmad Khatib Sambas, salah seorang ulama asal Kalimantan, dalam mendidikkan nilai kecintaan kepada tanah air dan bela negara khususnya kepada para muridnya di Nusantara. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah library research dengan menjadikan sumber berupa manuskrip, buku dan sumber-sumber tertulis lainnya sebagai basis datanya. Hasil dari kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa semangat kepahlawanan dalam membela negara ini telah tertanam dalam diri Ahmad Khatib sejak ia meninggalkan kampung halamannya, di tengah fakta negerinya yang sedang berada dalam cengkeraman Kolonial Inggris. Semangat heroik dan patriotik inilah yang ia wariskan kepada murid-muridnya dari berbagai penjuru nusantara.


December 2022


15 Reads

Tarbiyah Islamiyah Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam

Indonesia is experiencing a crisis of faith and morality. This led to the emergence of other crises. Including a leadership crisis. This crisis has become a trigger for damage in various fields experienced by the Indonesian people. Among the causes of this crisis of faith and morality is the lack of a good understanding of Islamic teachings, the lack of ability to understand the Al-Quran. This holy book should be used as a guide for life, it is not enough just to read it. It requires a good and correct understanding of the reading text of the Al-Quran, so that it can understand the messages it contains. Without sufficient understanding of the text of the Al-Quran that is read, it is impossible for the Al-Quran to be used as a guide for life. Through this study, it can be understood that there is a strong correlation between the routine of reading the Al-Quran and the ability to understand its contents, so that character education to deal with crises experienced by the nation can run well. Therefore, both must be done simultaneously.Keywords: Character Education; Al-Quran; Hadist. Abstrak: Indonesia mengalami krisis akidah dan krisis akhlak. Hal ini menyebabkan kemunculan krisis-krisis lainnya. Termasuk juga krisis kepemimpinan. Krisi ini menjadi pemicu kerusakan di berbagai bidang yang dialami oleh bangsa Indonesia. Di antara penyebab terjadinya krisis akidah dan akhlak ini adalah kurangnya pemahaman yang baik terhadap ajaran Islam, minimnya kemampuan memahami Al-Quran. Kitab suci ini seharusnya dijadikan sebagai pedoman hidup, tidak cukup hanya dibaca saja. Diperlukan pemahaman yang baik dan benar terhadap teks bacaan Al-Quran, sehingga dapat memahami pesan-pesan yang dikandungnya. Tanpa pemahaman yang cukup terhadap teks Al-Quran yang dibaca, maka tidak mungkin Al-Quran tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman hidup. Melalui kajian ini, maka dapat dipahami bahwa terdapat korelasi yang kuat antara rutinitas membaca Al-Quran dengan kemampuan memahami kandungannya, sehingga pendidikan karakter untuk menaggulangi krisis-krisis yang dialami oleh bangsa dapat berjalan dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, keduanya harus dilakukan secara beriringan.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Karakter; Al-Quran; Hadis.


June 2022


67 Reads


Islamic education is currently experiencing a decline, this can be seen in terms of the decline in human morals, both in educational institutions and in society. Intelligence has connectivity with the educational process as a concrete step in fostering human character as caliph fil ardh to think about all of Allah's creations. With this, the concept of prophetic intelligence provides a constructive and systematic space for delivering a good and comprehensive personality. Becoming a human being with good morals cannot be done instantly, through prophetic intelligence quoted from the Quran and al-Hadith, it is a must for the sustainability of conceptual Islamic education. According to this background, the problem that can be formulated is how is the relevance of prophetic intelligence to Islamic education today. While the aim is to find out the concept of prophetic intelligence, the relevance of prophetic intelligence to Islamic education today. The research method used is library research. The nature of the research is descriptive-analytic and the method of analysis is content analysis. The results of this study show that there are three concepts of prophetic intelligence, namely spiritual health that is free from nifaq, wickedness, and kufr as the basis for prophetic intelligence, Islamic principles by saying the creed, prayer, fasting, zakat, and hajj. The principles of faith, bermakrifat to Allah, the Angels, the Qur'an, the Prophet / Apostles, Doomsday, Qada, and Qadar. Prophetic Intelligence (Prophetic Intelligence) is very relevant in restoring existence and strengthening the foundation of the resilience of Islamic Education. With the concept of prophetic intelligence developed through spiritual health methods and planting aspects of humanization, liberation, and transcendence in Islamic education, it will help humans to have better personalities in accordance with the purpose of the Prophet Muhammad SAW revealed, namely to perfect human morals.

Citations (20)

... Dalam pemahaman pendidikan Islam yang dipengaruhi oleh sufisme menurut Al-Ghazali, pendekatan pendidikan lebih fokus pada proses pembersihan jiwa melalui ibadah, pengenalan, dan pendekatan kepada Allah Swt. (Suriadi, 2022). Al-Ghazali meyakini bahwa melalui pendidikan agama, anak didik dapat dipandu sejak usia dini untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah Swt. ...


Relevansi Pendidikan Perspektif Al-Ghazali Terhadap Paradigma Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

KREATIF Jurnal Studi Pemikiran Pendidikan Agama Islam

... Entering his teens around 1820 AD, Ahmad Khatib Sambas went to the holy land to perform the pilgrimage, studied religion, and then settled there until he married an Arab woman of Malay descent. It is highly probable that Ahmad Khatib Sambas went to Mecca via the pilgrimage route by using a sailboat because steamships were only discovered after 1853 AD (Mahrus et al., 2022). ...

  • Citing Article
  • December 2022

Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah Kajian Islam Pendidikan Ekonomi Humaniora

... Knowledge in an organization is a form of intellectual asset that must be continuously developed so that it can support organizational learning and create new knowledge in the organization. Basically, the development of science in the current era of globalization is happening very quickly [3]. Human ability to develop various knowledge is getting better with the presence of tacit and explicit knowledge. ...

The Influence of Organizational Culture, Work Environment and Work Discipline on Job Satisfaction of Teachers at Boarding School

Journal on Education

... Tangerines are the sort of citrus that originated in the Selayar Islands Regency. In addition to being a source of vitamin C, this tangerine fruit is also highly well-liked by the population [19,22], which has resulted in it becoming a symbol of Selayar and a typical local souvenir. In 2017, tangerines ranked first as a typical souvenir of Selayar [11,23]. ...

Strategi Pengembangan Jeruk Manis Di Kecamatan Siompu Kabupaten Buton Selatan
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

Media Agribisnis

... Fish floss is a processed meal created by soaking, steaming, frying, and pressing the fish with oil to separate the floss (Hatta, Farikha, Fitri, Pembangunan, & Tarakan, 2020). Dispite without preservatives, this technique creates excellent food with a reasonably extended shelf life (Suriadi, Rabiyatul Jasiyah, 2022) (Sumual, Soputan, & Kawulur, 2020). The type of fish utilised impacts the flavorful quality of shredded fish [(Rosalina, Manvi, & Pramudia, 2021). ...

Marketing Strategy of Shredded Fish Cob Products of Bumdes Lagunci in Bahari Tiga Village

Media Agribisnis

... According to Sinambela (2018), compensation is part of the reward system which is only related to the economic part, but since there is a belief that individual behavior is influenced by systems in a wider spectrum, the compensation system cannot be separated from the overall reward system provided by the organization.The results of this research are in accordance with research conducted by Suriadi, et al. (2022) which states that compensation and the work environment have a positive and significant effect on work motivation in TZU CHI TZU CHI Hospital Nurses with Work Motivation as an intervening variable which states that compensation is one of the main reasons that motivate employees to work, including employees working with the aim of obtaining compensation. Which states that compensation has a positive effect on work motivation. ...

Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Perawat Rumah Sakit Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi dengan Motivasi Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening

Jurnal Health Sains

... Therefore, every development plan is always based on religious values (Abidin & Murtadlo, 2020). This can also be seen in the explanation of the mission of the Palembang city government such as, improving the quality of human resources who are smart, healthy, moral, cultured, faithful, and fearful of God Almighty (Suriadi et al., 2022). With its substance, the Palembang City Government strives to improve the quality of human resources, among others, through increasing tolerance and harmony in the lives of religious people in the people of Palembang City (Afifuddin & Burga, 2022). ...

Strengthening the character of Nationalism on the Island of Borneo

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies

... Referring to the opinion of Medley, cited by Muhaimin (Muhaimin, 2003), Andi Prastowo (Prastowo, 2016), Suriadi and Mursidin (Suriadi & Mursidin, 2020), Ahmad Fu'adi (Fu'adi, 2010) that as a human resource, a teacher must develop the following aspects: personality, teaching approach, relationship with students, and knowledge improvement. In short, in the context of "teachers", human resources play an important role in the sustainability of educational institutions because it gives them the ability to make new breakthroughs to achieve goals. ...

Teori – Teori Pengembangan Pendidik: Sebuah Tinjauan Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
  • Citing Article
  • June 2020

Jurnal Al-Qiyam

... Secara etimologi, Haditst berasal dari kata "al-Jadid" yang artinya baru, berlawanan dengan "al-Qadim" yang berarti lama. Selain itu, Haditst juga memiliki makna "al-khabar" yang merujuk pada berita tentang sesuatu yang telah diucapkan, dipindahkan, atau disampaikan kepada orang lain (Suriadi, Supriyatno, and Adnan, 2020). ...

Al-Qur'an Hadits Learning Using Cooperative Learning Strategy

Jurnal Tarbiyatuna

... Indonesia masih menghadapi tantangan perihal sampah plastik dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Sampah plastik merupakan barang bekas yang tidak terpakai dan materialnya diproduksi dari bahan kimia (Nirmalasari et al., 2021). Peningkatan jumlah dan berbagai jenis sampah plastik sebagian besar dihasilkan dari kantong plastik, kemasan fleksibel seperti pouch, sachet, dan sedotan plastik (KLHK, 2021). ...

Pemanfaatan Limbah Sampah Plastik Menggunakan Metode Ecobrick di Desa Luwuk Kanan

Jurnal SOLMA