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Research objectives the effect of volleyball games on improving the physical fitness of male students. The effect of volleyball games on improving the physical fitness of female students. The difference in the effect of volleyball games between male and female students on improving physical fitness. This research an uses experimental method. The population of this research were students of the Communication Science Study Program of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta in the academic year 2023/2024 who were taking the Sports II course in volleyball. The data analysis method of this study uses the t-test. Test your data analysis requirements using normality and homogeneity tests. Research Results: 1) The average effect of volleyball games on increasing the physical fitness of male students is 2.431666667. 2) The average effect of volleyball games on the physical fitness of female students is 3.001666667. 3) The difference in the effect of volleyball games on improving physical fitness between male and female students is an average difference of 0.57.
The objectives of this study are The effect of volleyball on the physical fitness level of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta Industrial Engineering study program students, the influence of soccer on the physical fitness level of students of the Industrial Engineering study program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, the difference in the influence of volleyball and soccer on the level of physical fitness of students of the industrial engineering study program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. This research uses an experimental method. The subjects of this study consisted of students of the UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta industrial engineering study program who took Sports II courses in volleyball and football. The sampling technique is a targeted random sample, with a sample of 25 participants in each group. This research data analysis method uses a t-test. The normality test (Kolmogurov-Smirnov, α = 0.05) and the variance homogeneity test (Levene test, α = 0.05) were used to test the data analysis requirements. The results of the research are as follows: Football has an influence on improving the physical fitness of industrial engineering students at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, with an average pre-test result of 34,748 post-test results of 37,864 students, with an average increase in the number of students of 3,121 cases showing that physical fitness increases through football. 2) Volleyball has an effect on the physical fitness of industrial engineering students UPN "Veteran". Yogyakarta It can be seen from the average score, pre-test results of 27,160, and post-test results of 29,120, the average increased by 1.96. This means that physical strength increases through volleyball. 3) There is a significant difference in influence between volleyball and football, significance at a significance level of 5% of 0.036 and a T-count of -2.152.
This study aims to determine: 1) The effect of gymnastics on the level of physical fitness of students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. 2) The influence of volleyball on the level of physical fitness of the Chemical Engineering Study Program students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. 3). Differences in the influence of gymnastics and volleyball on the level of physical fitness of students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. This study uses an experimental method. The population in this study were students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta who took Sports II courses in the Gymnastics branch and volleyball branch. The sampling technique is purposive random sampling, the size of the sample taken for each group is 25 students. The data analysis technique in this study used the T test. The prerequisite test of data analysis used the normality test (Kolmogrov Sumirnov with = 0.05) and the homogeneity test of variance (Levene's Test, with = 0.05). The results of the study are as follows: 1) there is an effect of the gymnastics branch on increasing physical fitness of students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, as evidenced by the average results of the pretest 27,160 and the posttest results of 29,120 with an average increase of 1.96 this means that there is an increase in physical fitness through gymnastics 2) there is an effect of volleyball on increasing the physical fitness of students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, as evidenced by the average pretest result of 34,748 and the posttest result of 37,869 with an average increase of 3,121 this means that there is an increase in physical fitness through volleyball. 3) there is a significant difference in the effect between gymnastics and volleyball, the significance is 0.036 and the tcount is -2.152 at a significance level of 5%.
This study aims to determine: 1) The effect of gymnastics on the level of physical fitness of students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. 2) The influence of volleyball on the level of physical fitness of the Chemical Engineering Study Program students of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. 3). Differences in the influence of gymnastics and volleyball on the level of physical fitness of students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. This study uses an experimental method. The population in this study were students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta who took Sports II courses in the Gymnastics branch and volleyball branch. The sampling technique is purposive random sampling, the size of the sample taken for each group is 25 students. The data analysis technique in this study used the T test. The prerequisite test of data analysis used the normality test (Kolmogrov Sumirnov with = 0.05) and the homogeneity test of variance (Levene's Test, with = 0.05). The results of the study are as follows: 1) there is an effect of the gymnastics branch on increasing physical fitness of students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, as evidenced by the average results of the pretest 27,160 and the posttest results of 29,120 with an average increase of 1.96 this means that there is an increase in physical fitness through gymnastics 2) there is an effect of volleyball on increasing the physical fitness of students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, as evidenced by the average pretest result of 34,748 and the posttest result of 37,869 with an average increase of 3,121 this means that there is an increase in physical fitness through volleyball. 3) there is a significant difference in the effect between gymnastics and volleyball, the significance is 0.036 and the tcount is -2.152 at a significance level of 5%.
Zaman dulu hingga sekarang, bulu tangkis merupakan salah satu olahraga paling populer di Indonesia. Hal ini dapat kita lihat dari banyaknya prestasi para pebulu tangkis kita, sehingga tidak jarang bulu tangkis disebut sebagai aktris unggulan Indonesia yang kerap disandingkan secara internasional dengan mengharumkan nama negara. Penelitian ini memuat masalah tentang peningkatan teknik servis bulutangkis jika dilakukan dengan metode latihan terus menerus, peningkatan teknik servis bulutangkis jika dilakukan dengan metode latihan interval. Sebelumnya penulis telah melakukan penelitian di Club PB Taruna, Bletuk, Sidorejo, Godean, Sleman Yogyakarta. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen pada seluruh populasi yang ada di PB Taruna dengan jumlah atlet 32 dan semuanya dijadikan sampel, maka penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian populasi. Kemudian dilakukan analisis data dengan menggunakan ANAVA, sebelum menguji dengan ANAVA dilakukan Uji Normalitas (Uji Lilliefors derajat kesahihannya α = 0,05) dan uji keragamannya atau Homogenitas (Uji Barlet dengan derajat kesahihannya α = 0,05). Penelitian yang di dapatkan adalah bahwa metode latihan terus menerus dan metode interval bisa memberi pengaruh pada peningkatan teknik servis bulutangkis, adapun hasil perhitungan yang didapat adalah lebih besar dari F tabel = 4,20 dengan hasil 6,468122271 maka dapat dinyatakan signifikan pada taraf signifikansi 5 %. Teknik servis bulutangkis dengan metode latihan terus menerus rata- rata nilai yang didapat 26,125 dan teknik servis bulutangkis dengan metode latihan interval rata-rata nilai yang didapat 23,25 jadi ada selisih rata-rata 2,875. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan pengaruh latihan terus menerus dan latihan interval.
This study aims to determine: 1) differences in the effect of aerobic exercise and anaerobic to increase the body's immunity, 2) the differences increase the body's immunity between Body Mass Index high and low, 3) the increase in the body's immunity between aerobic exercise Body Mass Index high and anaerobic exercise Body Mass Index high, 4) differences increase the body's immunity between aerobic exercise Body Mass Index low and exercise anarobik Body Mass Index lower, 5) the effect of the interaction between Body Mass Index with aerobic exercise and anaerobic to increase the body's immunity through the Physical Fitness Test. This research used experimental method 2x2 factorial design. The population in this study is the Volleyball Club SPIRITS Sleman in at GOR KONI Pangukan, Jl Dr. Rajimin Patent Tridadi Sleman. The sample size is 24 students. The data analysis technique of this research uses ANOVA. Prerequisite test of data analysis using normality test (Lilliefors test with = 0.05) and homogeneity of variance test (Bartlet test with = 0.05). The results of the study are as follows: 1) There is a difference in the effect between aerobic exercise with an average of 4,016667 and anaerobic exercise with an average of 2,825, on increasing the ability of the physical fitness test with an average difference of 1,191667. 2) There is a different effect between low BMI with an average of 4.325 and high BMI with an average of 2.516667 on increasing physical fitness test abilities with an average difference of 1.808333. 3) There is a difference in the effect between low BMI aerobic exercise with an average of 5.15 and low BMI anaerobic exercise with an average of 3.5 on increasingability with physical fitness test an average difference of 1.65. 4) there is a different effect between high BMI aerobic exercise with an average of 2.883333 and high BMI anaerobic exercise with an average of 2.15 on the increase in physical fitness test with an average difference of 0.733333. 5) Interaction between aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise and BMI 0.656866. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) perbedaan pengaruh latihan aerobik dan anaerobik terhadap peningkatan imunitas tubuh, 2) perbedaan peningkatan imunitas tubuh antara Body Mass Index tinggi dan rendah, 3) perbedaan peningkatan imunitas tubuh antara latihan aerobik Body Mass Index tinggi dan latihan anaerobik Body Mass Index tinggi, 4) perbedaan peningkatan imunitas tubuh antara latihan aerobik Body Mass Index rendah dan latihan anarobik Body Mass Index rendah, 5) pengaruh interaksi antara Body Mass Index dengan latihan aerobik dan anaerobik terhadap peningkatan imunitas tubuh melalui Physical Fitness Test. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan faktorial 2x2. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Klub Bola Voli SPIRITS Sleman di di GOR KONI Pangukan, Jl Dr Rajimin Paten Tridadi Sleman.. Besarnya sampel berjumlah 24 siswa. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini mengggunakan ANAVA. Uji prasyarat analisis data dengan menggunakan uji normalitas (uji Lilliefors dengan α = 0.05) dan uji homogenitas varians (uji Bartlet dengan α = 0.05). Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut : 1) Ada perbedaan pengaruh antara latihan aerobik dengan rerata 4,016667 dan latihan anaerobik dengan rerata 2,825, terhadap peningkatan kemampuan physical fitness test selisih rerata 1,191667. 2) Ada perbedaan pengaruh antara BMI rendah dengan rerata 4,325 dan BMI tinggi dengan rerata 2,516667 terhadap peningkatan kemampuan physical fitness test dengan selisish rerata 1,808333. 3) Ada perbedaan pengaruh antara latihan aerobik BMI rendah dengan rerata 5,15 dan latihan anaerobik BMI rendah dengan rerata 3,5 terhadap peningkatan kemampuan physical fitness test selisih rerata 1,65. 4) ada perbedaan pengaruh antara latihan aerobik BMI tinggi dengan rerata 2,883333 dan latihan anaerobik BMI tinggi dengan rerata 2,15 terhadap peningkatan physical fitness test selisih rerata 0,733333. 5) Interaksi antara latihan aerobik, latihan anaerobik dan BMI 0,656866. Kata Kunci: Aerobik, Anaerobik, Imunitas, Physical Fitness
and low body mass index. 2) differences in the effect of the circuit training method and interval training on increasing the VO2 Max Ability of Volleyball Players. 3) the difference in the VO2 Max ability of Volleyball Players between the circuit training method for high body mass index and the interval training method for high body mass index. 4) the difference in the VO2 Max Ability of Volleyball Players between the low body mass index circuit training method and the low body mass index training interval training method. 5) the effect of the interaction between body mass index and training methods on increasing the VO2 Max Ability of Volleyball Players. This study used a 2x2 factorial design experimental method. Population of Volleyball Club players Balangan Student Association, Sleman Yogyakarta. Total sample was 24 athletes. Data analysis techniques using ANAVA. The results: 1) There is a difference in effect between the circuit training method with a mean of 2.716666667, interval training with a mean of 3.655833333, on the increase in the VO2 Max ability of the mean difference of 0.939166666. 2) There is a difference in the effect between low body mass index with a mean of 3.844166667, high body mass index with a mean of 2.528333333 on the increase in the ability of VO2 max selisish by a mean of 1.315833334. 3) There is a difference in the effect of circuit training on average low Body Mass Index 3.001666667, interval training for low Body Mass Index with a mean of 4.686666667 on the increase in VO2 Max ability, a mean difference of 1.685. 4) there is a difference in the effect of circuit training on high Body Mass Index with a mean of 2.431666667, interval training for Body Mass Index with a mean height of 2.626 on the increase in VO2 max, a mean difference of 0.193333333 5) Interaction between Body Mass Index and exercise methods 1.45530676.
... Energy is obtained from the formation of ATP through energy sources originating from creatine phosphate and glycogen [3]. Aerobic exercise is exercise that requires energy that is done for a long time [4] while anaerobic exercise is exercise that involves a quick burst of energy and is done with maximum effort in a short time. Anaerobic training has an effect on increasing endurance [5]. ...
... Hal ini dilakukan supaya siswa dapat memperoleh suatu ketangkasan maupun keterampilan yang lebih baik lagi. Metode latihan adalah prosedur dan cara pemilihan jenis latihan dan penataannya menurut kadar kesulitan kompleksitas dan berat badan (Sumintarsih & Saptono, 2022). ...
... Furthermore, there is a paucity of research that has undertaken a comparative evaluation of these two training modalities concerning their effectiveness in augmenting the endurance capacities of volleyball players (Vaccari et al., 2020). Prior literature suggests that HIIT training holds promise in enhancing endurance (Stankovic, Djordjevic, Trajkovic, & Milanovic, 2023;Trisaptono, & Sumintarsih, 2020). Similarly, various studies have indicated that the utilization of circuit training can result in endurance improvements (Beqa Ahmeti, Idrizovic, Elezi, Zenic, & Ostojic, 2020;Corvino et al., 2020;Vadivel, & Maniazhagu, 2022). ...