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Publications (9)

Figure 1:-Modus Operandi Of Waqf-Takaful Death Compensation.
Figure 2:-FATWA Waqf-Takaful Plan Model.
Figure 3: FATWA Waqf-Takaful Plan Mechanism
Figure 4:Waqf Participation at Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad (WanCorp)
Figure 5:-Waqf Participation at Yayasan Waqaf Malaysia (YWM).


  • Article
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September 2024


46 Reads


Sukriah Ismail


Hanizan Shaker Hussain




Md Nasri Ali

The waqf-takaful concept involves channeling death compensation benefits from deceased takaful participants to selected religious institutions, thereby generating perpetual and sustainable waqf contributions. Despite recent challenges such as inconsistent implementation standards and management issues, some takaful operators in Malaysia have started to incorporate death compensation waqf into their offerings. Key players in this field, such as FWD Takaful Berhad, Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad (WanCorp) and Yayasan Waqaf Malaysia (YWM), have significant potential for collaboration in advancing this product. This study aims to develop a waqf-takaful death compensation product for FWD Takaful Berhad, known as FATWA. This product integrates elements of death compensation waqf and takaful, combining the efforts of FWD Takaful with WanCorp and YWM to optimize takaful benefits. The study uses a qualitative approach, with data collected through focus group discussions involving academics in Islamic finance, waqf, law and marketing, as well as industry players from selected takaful companies in Malaysia, YWM and the Malaysian Takaful Association (MTA). The data were analysed using thematic analysis via ATLAS.ti software. The study found that waqf-takaful death compensation products, FATWA developed by FWD Takaful Berhad through WanCorp or YWM, have unique strengths. Both are competitive and capable of making significant contributions to the takaful and waqf industries, offering substantial benefits to the Muslim community as a whole.



September 2024

Journal of Tourism Hospitality and Environment Management

The tourism industry is an important economic sector in Malaysia, contributing to economic development, job creation, and cultural promotion. The Tourism Industry Act 1992 (Act 482) plays a significant role in regulating and promoting the development of the tourism industry in Malaysia. However, since its enactment, there have been several weaknesses in this law that require attention and improvement. This study aims to analyse the legal interpretations within the Tourism Industry Act 1992 (Act 482), identify existing weaknesses, and propose practical solutions within the context of Malaysia. This study adopts a qualitative research design. The data for the study involves sources such as legal documents, industry reports, and existing tourism regulations in Malaysia. The analysis results show several key weaknesses in the act, including bureaucracy in the licensing process, non-comprehensive definitions, and disproportionate penalties. To address these weaknesses, this study proposes several solutions, such as improving the licensing process, updating legal definitions, and introducing better review and appeal mechanisms. This study emphasizes the importance of learning from best practices in developed countries to enhance the effectiveness and fairness in the implementation of tourism laws. With the proposed improvements, it is hoped that Malaysia’s tourism industry can continue to grow sustainably and competitively.


September 2024


8 Reads

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Practices

ISO 21001:2018 is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) specifically for educational organizations. It provides a management system framework designed to help educational institutions enhance their ability to deliver quality education and meet the needs and expectations of learners and other beneficiaries. While existing literature on ISO standards in education has primarily focused on information security and quality assurance frameworks, there is a gap regarding the benefits, challenges, and readiness factors associated with adopting ISO 21001:2018 in academia. Therefore, this study aims to analyse these aspects within higher education.This study employs a qualitative research design, comprising secondary data analysed using thematic analysis. The findings reveal that implementing ISO 21001:2018 brings significant benefits like improved efficiency, better educational quality, and higher stakeholder satisfaction. However, challenges such as resource constraints, resistance to change, and ongoing capacity building can hinder its success. Key factors for successful adoption include strong leadership, positive organizational culture, skilled staff, and sufficient resources. The findings imply that educational institutions should align their goals with ISO 21001:2018, address resource challenges, strengthen leadership, invest in staff development, and involve stakeholders in implementation. Continued research and case studies are needed to understand its long-term impact and refine its application.


August 2022


77 Reads

International Journal of Advanced Research

In Penang, all waqf properties are under the sole trusteeship of the Penang Islamic Religious Council (MAINPP). To date, Mohamed Hashim Waqf Land has already been productively developed in accordance with the waqf givers wishes. However, there are significant issues and challenges remain in the waqf property development process of Mohamed Haji Hashim Waqf Land. Hence, this study was conducted to analyze lessons learnt from Mohamed Haji Hashim Waqf Land development. This study uses qualitative research methodology. The data was collected via library research method and semi-structured interview. Later, the data was analyzed using thematic and content analysis method. The findings prove that there are several issues and challenges that arise and need to be addressed by MAINPP to ensure the development of waqf lands in Penang can be proceeded without hitches. The results of the study consist of valuable lessons that can be proposed to MAINPP and the developer in improving the process of waqf land development so that waqf properties can be developed optimally and provide profitable returns to the Muslim community in Penang.

protection of a wife’s rights against the elements of narcissism and gaslighting in domestic violence: The impact during COVID-19 pandemic

December 2021


92 Reads


4 Citations

Linguistics and Culture Review

This study constructively focused on the polemic in a household regarding the impact of COVID-19 pandemic that hits the world. For example, China experienced a high number of divorce cases during the emergency order period. In Malaysia, during the Movement Control Order (PKP), a number of wives lodged a significant number of complaints of conflict or domestic violence to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM). This indicates the existence of domestic conflict on a large scale. This study is timely to examine the causes of domestic violence conflict. The second objective is to identify the rights of wives in the household and the third, to propose a standard procedure of a nurturing household to the State Religious Affairs Department. This study used a qualitative methodology. The content analysis method was used with materials that were significantly library-sourced consisting of primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from the book of fiqh to clarify the rights and responsibilities of the wife in the household. Secondary data is based on published material, such as textbooks, journal articles, online databases and the Internet. For analysis, this study used a combination of data analysis methods, namely descriptive, critical and comparative approaches.

Figure 2. Project location This waqf land was endowed by the waqf qiver, Seetee Aisah bt. Haji Mahmood through a Deed of Trust which was registered at the Office of the Registrar of Deeds of the State of Penang on 30 September 1901 for the purpose of waqf for public benefit (General Waqf). This waqf land of lot 1444 (Mukim 4) has an area of 9.274 acres and was originally endowed for agricultural purposes with a rental value of RM400.00 per season. However, due to the rapid development in its surroundings, this land is no longer suitable for agriculture. Therefore, comprehensive and commercial development needs to be done to generate a decent income to implement the wishes of the waqf (Kaliky et al., 2020). Project information is as in Table 1 below:
Figure 3. Wakaf Seetee Aisah residence park This development benefits MAINPP through the rental of 27 shop units amounting to RM56,050.00 per month. MAINPP also received 30 percent of the musyarakah profit of RM600,000. This amount has exceeded the amount set aside to be distributed to the mauquf alayh as intended by the waqf giver in the Trust Deed. This surplus is used for sponsorship of funds whether invested to purchase other waqf buildings. The development of this waqf which has succeeded in achieving the target of MAINPP has approved the second phase development project on this waqf land at a cost of 200 million with UDA Land (Abdullah et al., 2020).
Issues and challenges in wakaf seetee aishah property development, Penang state Islamic religious council (MAINPP)

November 2021


159 Reads


4 Citations

Linguistics and Culture Review

The Penang Islamic Religious Council (MAINPP) is a major leader in the development of waqf properties, especially through its inaugural product Wakaf Seetee Aisah. In managing the assets of the ummah, of course, MAINPP goes through various twists and challenges in order to implement the dreams of waqf givers and develop the socio -economy of the community. This study focuses on the issues and challenges of Seetee Aisah Wakaf Development and further suggests some improvements for the development of waqf land by MAINPP. Qualitative study using the method of interviews with parties involved in the development of endowment properties in MAINPP. The results of the study found that MAINPP faces several challenges in developing waqf properties. Therefore, to address the challenges faced, it is proposed that MAINPP improve the development mechanism for waqf properties to be in line with the vision and mission of MAINPP. Thoroughly, this study provides added value to MAINPP and the parties involved in facing the challenge of developing waqf properties in Malaysia.

Figure 1. Development of Kapitan Walk at Kapitan Keling Waqf land
Figure 2. Development of Kapitan Square on Kapitan Keling Waqf Land
Kapitan keling waqf land development: Issues and challenges

November 2021


82 Reads


2 Citations

Linguistics and Culture Review

Kapitan Keling waqf land, which was endowed in 1801, is located in the heart of Georgetown, Penang. The Kapitan Keling Mosque has been the focus of this development. At the initial stage, this waqf land was in the form of land assets then developed with several row units of shop houses that suited the concept and environment at the time. Furthermore, the management of this waqf land has been taken over by the Penang Islamic Religious Council (MAINPP) with its creation, a more planned development concept and strategy has been implemented. Throughout the development of Kapitan Keling waqf land, many challenges have been overcome. The permanence of Kapitan Keling waqf until today is a manifestation of his success in overcoming various challenges. However, current developments and development efforts undertaken at present lead to various new challenges. Therefore, this study aims to study and analyze the issues and challenges of Kapitan Keling waqf land development. This study uses a qualitative design. Data were collected through documents and interviews with informants at MAINPP. These data were then analyzed using a content analysis approach.

Perlindungan Hak Isteri Terhadap Unsur Narsisisme dan Gaslighting dalam Konflik Keganasan Rumah Tangga Impak Pandemik COVID-19

April 2021


628 Reads


6 Citations

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research

This study focuses constructively on the polemics in the COVID-19 pandemic impact households that plague the world. China, for example, invites high divorce cases during the period of emergency orders in force. In Malaysia, during the movement control order (PKP), complaints of conflict or domestic violence to the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) received a high response from wives. This indicates the existence of domestic conflict on a large scale. Thus, this study coincides to examine the causes and factors of domestic violence conflict. The second objective is to identify the rights of the wife in the household and third, to propose the standard procedure of a caring household to the State Islamic Religious Affairs Department. This study uses a qualitative methodology. Content analysis methods are used with materials that are largely sourced from libraries consisting of primary and secondary data. The main data is collected from the book of fiqh to explain the rights and responsibilities of the wife in the household. Secondary data based on published material, such as textbooks, journal articles, online databases and the Internet. For analysis, this study uses a combination of data analysis methods, namely descriptive, critical and comparative approaches. The findings show that there are elements of narcissism and gaslighting in the domestic crisis that have a harmonious impact on household institutions. Movement control orders also contribute as a strong factor in the conflict experienced by married couples. Therefore, a standard operating procedure mechanism for caring households needs to be established at the level of the State Islamic Religious Affairs Department to protect the rights of the wife and then develop a strong and strong character to avoid the shackles of negative marriage institutions. Abstrak Kajian ini memfokuskan secara konstruktif tentang polemik dalam rumah tangga impak pandemik COVID-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia. Negara China misalnya mengundang kes perceraian yang tinggi dalam tempoh perintah darurat yang dikuatkuasakan. Di Malaysia pula, semasa perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP), aduan konflik atau keganasan rumah tangga kepada Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) mendapat respons yang tinggi daripada kalangan isteri. Hal ini menunjukkan wujud konflik rumah tangga pada skala yang besar. Maka, kajian ini bertepatan untuk mengkaji punca dan faktor konflik keganasan rumah tangga. Objektif kedua adalah untuk mengenal pasti hak isteri dalam rumah tangga dan ketiga, mencadangkan prosedur standard rumah tangga penyayang ke Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif. Kaedah analisis kandungan digunakan dengan bahan-bahan yang sebahagian besarnya bersumberkan perpustakaan yang terdiri daripada data primer dan sekunder. Data utama dikumpulkan daripada kitab fiqah untuk menjelaskan hak dan tanggungjawab isteri dalam rumah tangga. Data sekunder berdasarkan bahan yang diterbitkan, seperti buku teks, artikel jurnal, pangkalan data dalam talian dan Internet. Untuk analisis, kajian ini menggunakan kaedah gabungan analisis data, iaitu pendekatan deskriptif, kritis dan perbandingan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan wujud unsur narsisisme dan gaslighting dalam krisis rumah tangga yang memberikan kesan terhadap institusi rumah tangga yang harmonis. Perintah kawalan pergerakan turut menyumbang sebagai faktor yang kuat dalam konflik yang dialami pasangan suami isteri. Oleh itu, satu mekanisme prosedur operasi standard rumah tangga penyayang perlu diwujudkan pada peringkat Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri bagi melindungi hak isteri seterusnya membangunkan karakter berjiwa kuat dan kental agar terhindar daripada belenggu institusi perkahwinan yang negatif.

Citations (4)

... Our results indicate that abuse of love myht moderates the relationship between narcissism and mania style of love. Individuals with narcissistic traits also engage in, with the help of abuse of love myth, manipulative, socially isolative, reactive, and proactive aggressive behaviors, and verbal abuse, which are known as narcissistic abuse syndrome, especially if there is a mania style of love (Sauls et al., 2019;Ismail et al., 2021, Green et al., 2022Karandashev, 2022;March et al., 2023;Shousha, 2023;CoȘa & Visu, 2023). They tend to show partner violence (Oliver et al., 2023;Takezawa et al., 2023). ...


The Mediator Role of Love Myhts between Narcissistic Personality Traits and Love Styles
protection of a wife’s rights against the elements of narcissism and gaslighting in domestic violence: The impact during COVID-19 pandemic

Linguistics and Culture Review

... eradication. During the Ottoman Empire, waqf was used to build houses, and orchards and funds agricultural activities in Turkey (Ibrahim & Mohamed Isa, 2021, Senkaya, 2012. Waqf Seetee Aishah land in Penang Malaysia was successfully developed into properties development. The development generates monthly income and profit for the waqf institution (Ismail et. al., 2021). These developments benefit local communities. In order to continue providing financial assistance to these communities, the financial sustainability of waqf institutions become imminent. ...

Issues and challenges in wakaf seetee aishah property development, Penang state Islamic religious council (MAINPP)

Linguistics and Culture Review

... Meanwhile, the concept of waqf property development in a joint venture is as follows: MAINPP is responsible for providing waqf land to be developed and assists in speeding up the procurement of development approvals through liaison between government agencies. UDA as the developer has to pay the entire development cost of the waqf property (Ismail et al., 2021). MAINPP will get a return equal to the current value of the land plus an additional percentage of the return either in kind or in cash. ...

Kapitan keling waqf land development: Issues and challenges

Linguistics and Culture Review

... Korban Konflik Rumah TanggaSeperti diketahui bahwa yang menjadi korban antara suami dan istri akibat perceraian adalah seorang istri. Oleh sebab itu, hak istri perlu diketahui dalam rumah tangga(Ismail et al. 2021). Konflik juga harus segera diselesaikan dengan mediasi untuk mencapai terselesainya konflik (Nunung Nurjanah, Bunyamin Maftuh, and Elly Malihah 2020). ...

Perlindungan Hak Isteri Terhadap Unsur Narsisisme dan Gaslighting dalam Konflik Keganasan Rumah Tangga Impak Pandemik COVID-19

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research