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Publications (3)

Perspektif Time Geography terhadap Upaya Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Perempuan Kepala Keluarga Dusun Gunung Butak, Gunungkidul
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2023


49 Reads

Majalah Geografi Indonesia


Sukamdi Sukamdi


Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron




Pinta Rachmadani

Abstrak Pemenuhan kebutuhan air masyarakat Dusun Gunung Butak yang termasuk dalam kawasan Karst Gunungsewu merupakan tantangan, terlebih untuk Perempuan Kepala Keluarga (Pekka). Tujuan penelitian : 1) mengidentifikasi sumber air bersih di Dusun Gunung Butak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan selama setahun, 2) menganalisa upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan air oleh Pekka menggunakan perspektif Time Geography. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Indepth interview dengan Pekka dan key persons dengan alat penelitian kalender musim dan panduan/protokol wawancara dilakukan untuk menggali informasi. Pemetaan juga dilakukan dengan menggunakan software GIS. Data divalidasi dengan strategi validasi dalam penelitian kualitatif dan dianalisa menggunakan metode analisa fenomenologis terstruktur. Pada tujuan 2 digunakan analisa dari perspektif Time Geography dan analisa spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi perubahan sumber air yang digunakan di dusun ini. Berdasarkan analisa Time Geography, adanya pipa PDAM di dusun ini menghemat waktu, memperpendek jalur individu, dan mengurangi kendala mobilitas Pekka dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air terutama saat kemarau. Abstract Meeting the water needs of the community in Gunung Butak Hamlet which is located in the Gunungsewu Karst area is a challenge, especially for Women Headed Household (WHH). The aims of the study are : 1) to identify sources of clean water in Gunung Butak Hamlet to meet one year's needs, and 2) to analyze the fulfillment efforts of water needs by WHH using Time Geography perspective. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Indepth interviews with WHH and key persons using seasonal calendar research tools and interview guidelines/protocols were conducted to gather information. Mapping was also done using GIS software. The data was validated using a validation strategy in qualitative research and analyzed using a structured phenomenological analysis method. Analysis from the perspective of Time Geography and spatial analysis was implemented in the second aim of this research. The results showed that there was a change in the source of water used in this hamlet. Based on Time Geography analysis, the presence of PDAM pipes in this hamlet saves time, shortens Pekka's individual paths and reducing their mobility constraint in fulfilling water needs, especially during the dry season.


Exercising Time Geography in gender and disaster. Discourse through Women Headed Household experience during drought

June 2022


113 Reads


2 Citations

Time Geography is a boundary-oriented approach to understanding human activity in space and time. In this study, this concept is implemented to identify the daily activities of Women Headed Household (WHH) and their survival strategies in drought disasters and to understand their root causes through analysing capability, coupling, and authority constraints. This research starts to fill the gap in knowledge of the Time Geography in "Gender and Disaster". The combination of Time Geography's daily diary technique with in-depth interviews is used to understand the constraining and enabling conditions in local contexts. The results show that the socioeconomic characteristics of WHH in Gunung Butak Hamlet, Java, Indonesia, tended to be homogeneous and formed a pattern of daily activity with low variation. Likewise, their strategy in dealing with drought. The three geographical constraints faced by WHH in this hamlet are interrelated and do not stand alone.

Synchronization of Policies and Performance Achievements: Which Should Come First?

April 2021


5 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan The Indonesian Journal of Development Planning

Synchronization of development policies in the field of population and family planning is an issue in the central, provincial and district/city governments as stipulated in Law No. 23/2014. Article 8 paragraph 2 of the Law states that population quantity control is carried out through synchronization of population policies at the national level and regions. Therefore, work programs in the population control at the district/city level are highly varied according to the problem. Family planning promotion, counseling and advocacy are programs in all districts/cities targeting the couples of childbearing age and adolescents. The study of program plan and regulatory documents for the 2019-2024 fiscal year became the basis for focused discussions with various levels of government, namely the central, provincial, regency/city and sub-district level. Targets, strategies, programs and activities which include types, objectives, objectives, coverage and achievements are components to be examined for content, consistency and synchronization. Meanwhile, policy synchronization can be seen from the formulation of work programs. The results of the study show that directly, the provincial work program is linear with the national agenda

Citations (2)

... Namun demikian, kendala mobilitas (mobility constraints) dalam Pekka memenuhi kebutuhan air setiap harinya sangat jauh berkurang sejak masuknya pipa PDAM ke dusun ini. Jika dulunya hal tersebut merupakan masalah besar karena harus berjalan ke Telaga Waliklar yang berjarak + 2 km PP dengan medan yang cukup terjal dan terkadang harus 3 kali bolak-balik rumah-telaga, sekarang hanya perlu menyelang air dari SR tetangga yang jaraknya jauh lebih dekat (Fajarwati et al., 2022). Sebagai penutup, dari perspektif Time Geography, hasil penelitian menunjukkan kontribusi air PDAM sangat besar bagi Pekka di dusun ini yang seluruhnya lansia yaitu menghemat waktu dan memperpendek jalur individu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air sehari-hari dan juga sangat mengurangi kendala mobilitas Pekka dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air mereka sehari-hari. ...


Perspektif Time Geography terhadap Upaya Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Perempuan Kepala Keluarga Dusun Gunung Butak, Gunungkidul
Exercising Time Geography in gender and disaster. Discourse through Women Headed Household experience during drought

... Program Progress and Achievements GovernancePrevious governance program activities have developed the capacity for basic functions of government at the village level, such as: training and mentoring on governance administration, tasks and functions, budgeting, and development planning(Listyaningsih et al. 2021;Huda and Yunas 2016). Technically, the training and assistance carried out took the form of socializing the duties and functions of village officials in village administration, assisting in the preparation of village development strategic plans, assisting in the preparation of village development budgets and expenditures, assisting in the preparation of district development strategic plans, and assisting development and development planning deliberation activities.In addition to activities at the village level, institutional and individual capacities are also provided. ...

Synchronization of Policies and Performance Achievements: Which Should Come First?
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021

Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan The Indonesian Journal of Development Planning