Stig Johansson’s scientific contributions

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Publications (1)

Learner corpora and contrastive interlanguage analysis
  • Chapter

January 2011


255 Reads


34 Citations


Stig Johansson

This paper gives a glimpse of pre-corpus interlanguage studies, focusing on some Scandinavian research projects, before moving on to the development of computerized learner corpora and computer-aided interlanguage analysis with special reference to the International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE) project. Contrastive interlanguage analysis (CIA) is defined and discussed, followed by a presentation of the so-called Integrated Contrastive Model (ICM). The two models of analysis are illustrated by means of three case studies; two using CIA to study the use of quite and I would say across four learner groups in ICLE aznd one using the ICM to analyse seem in the interlanguage of Norwegian learners. Towards the end, some challenges for interlanguage research are discussed.

Citations (1)

... Learner corpus research, for instance, has seen very many studies discussing how learners (often from different L1s) over-or underuse certain linguistic elements (e.g., words or constructions). This kind of work established a veritable research tradition that may have started with Ringbom (1987) (see Cobb and Horst 2015: 187) before it was popularized in the 1990s; examples include, but are not limited to Granger and Tyson (1996), Hyland and Milton (1997), Altenberg and Granger (2001), Aijmer (2002), Altenberg (2002), Connor et al. (2005), Leńko-Szymańska (2008), Gilquin and Granger (2011), Hasselgård and Johansson (2011), Laufer and Waldman 2011, Min (2011, Neff van Aertselaer and Bunce (2012), Chen (2013), Tazegül (2015), Gilquin and Lefer (2017), Meriläinen (2017Meriläinen ( , 2020, Akutsu (2023), and many more. ...


Against level-3-only analyses in corpus linguistics
Learner corpora and contrastive interlanguage analysis
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2011