April 2018
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2 Citations
Figure 1: 100K Pathogen Genome Project sample preparation workflow for multiplexed, short-read Illumina sequencing Figure 3: Detailed KAPA HTP Library Preparation protocol. The input into library construction is fragmented DNA or cDNA. Each enzymatic reaction is followed by a SPRI-bead cleanup. The "with-bead" protocol uses a single aliquot of SPRI beads for all cleanups prior to library amplification, producing higher yields of adapter-ligated libraries, and reduces the number of amplification cycles to generate sufficient material for Library QC and sequencing. Figure 2: Representative electropherograms of Listeria (generated on the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system and Agilent 2200 TapeStation system) of bacterial libraries prepared for whole genome sequencing with the KAPA HTP Library Preparation Kit. The average library size for each genus was as indicated. Peaks at 35 and 10381 bp are internal standards used for alignment and quantitation determination with the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system. ABSTRACT A method was developed to automate the KAPA HTP Library Preparation kit for microbial whole genome sequencing. This method uses the Agilent NGS Workstation, consisting of the NGS Bravo liquid handling platform with its accessories for heating, cooling, shaking, and magnetic bead manipulations in a 96-well format. User intervention in multistep protocols is minimized through the use of other components of the workstation such as the BenchCel 4R Microplate Handler and Labware MiniHub for labware storage and movement. This method has been validated for sequencing on the Illumina platform and consists of three protocols: the first is for end repair to post-ligation cleanup; the second is used for library amplification setup; and the third is for the post-amplification cleanup. The modular design provides the end-user with the flexibility to complete library construction over two days, and is suitable for the construction of high-quality libraries from bacteria of various GC content. This combined solution produced a workflow that is suitable for production-scale sequencing projects such as the 100K Pathogen Genome Project.