Stephanie Klauk’s research while affiliated with Saarland University and other places

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Publications (4)

Wagner Ring Dataset: A Complex Opera Scenario for Music Processing and Computational Musicology
  • Article

October 2023


24 Reads


2 Citations

Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval

Christof Weiß



Michael Krause




Figure 2. L. v. Beethoven, piano sonata Op. 7 in E major, 1st mvmt. Allegro molto e con brio, exposition. Computational tonal analysis with a window size w of (a) 2 sec., (b) 6 sec., (c) 8 sec., (d) 12 sec., (e) 20 sec.
Figure 3. L. v. Beethoven, piano sonata Op. 2 No. 3 in C major, 1st mvmt. Allegro con brio, exposition. Computational tonal analysis with a window size of w = 4 seconds.
Figure 4. L. v. Beethoven, piano sonata Op. 2 No. 3 in C major, 1st mvmt. Allegro con brio, mm. 25-28.
Figure 5. L. v. Beethoven, piano sonata Op. 10 No. 3 in D major, 1st mvmt. Presto, exposition. Computational tonal analysis with a window size of w = 4 seconds.
Discourse Not Dualism: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Sonata Form in Beethoven's Early Piano Sonatas
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

October 2020


1,126 Reads


3 Citations

The computational analysis of music has traditionally seen a sharp divide between the "audio approach" relying on signal processing and the "symbolic approach" based on scores. Likewise, there has also been an unfortunate gap between any such computational endeavour and more traditional approaches as used in historical musicology. In this paper, we take a step towards ameliorating this situation through the application of a computational method for visualizing local key characteristics in audio recordings. We exploit these visualizations of diatonic scale content by discussing their musicological implications, being aware of methodological limitations as for the case of minor keys. As a proof of concept, we use this method for investigating differences between the traditional sonata-form model and selected Beethoven piano sonatas in the context of sonata theory from the end of the 18 th century. We consider this scenario as an example for a rewarding dialogue between computer science and historical musicology.


Abb. 2: Unterschiedliche Darstellungen für die Takte 716-832 aus dem dritten Akt der Walküre. (a) Chromagramm mit Fenstergröße w = 1 Takt. (b) Zeit-Akkord Darstellung mit Fenstergröße w = 4 Takte. (c) Zeit-Skalen Darstellung mit Fenstergröße w = 12 Takte.
Abb. 3: Versionsübergreifende Visualisierungen für die Takte 716-832 aus dem dritten Akt der Walküre. (a) Chromagramm mit Fenstergröße w = 1 Takt. (b) Akkordanalyse mit Fenstergröße w = 1 Takt. (c) Akkordanalyse mit Fenstergröße w = 12 Takt. (d) Skalenanalyse mit Fenstergröße w = 12 Takt.
Versionsübergreifende Visualisierung harmonischer Verläufe: Eine Fallstudie zu Wagners Ring-Zyklus

September 2017


62 Reads


8 Citations

Die computergestützte Erschließung und Analyse von Musikdaten ist eine zentrale Auf-gabenstellung der Musikverarbeitung. Ein wichtiges Teilproblem ist die Erkennung von tonalen Strukturen wie Akkorden oder Skalen. In diesem Beitrag diskutieren wir Methoden für die Visualisie-rung harmonischer Verläufe von Musikwerken und wenden diese exemplarisch auf die Tetralogie Der Ring des Nibelungen von Richard Wagner an. Insbesondere stellen wir ein Verfahren vor, bei dem unterschiedliche Aufnahmen (Versionen) desselben Musikwerkes simultan analysiert werden. Als einen wesentlichen Beitrag führen wir ein geeignetes Farbschema ein, mit dem die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede der Analyseergebnisse über verschiedene Versionen hinweg geeignet dargestellt und visuell erfahrbar gemacht werden. Am Beispiel der automatisierten Analyse harmonischer Strukturen deuten wir an, welches Potenzial informatische Methoden für die musikwissenschaftliche Forschung bieten und wie Fragestellungen der Musikwissenschaft einen Ausgangspunkt für neue informatische Methoden darstellen können.

Mozart's Italianate response to Haydn's OPUS 33

November 2016


46 Reads


3 Citations

Music and Letters

It has become a commonplace that the publication of Haydn's string quartets Op. 33 prompted Mozart's return to this genre in 1782. The latter's Op. 10 quartets have been considered as attempts either to imitate or to contradict Haydn's 'models'. The present article, in contrast, focuses on the Italian influence on Mozart's string quartets, from the 'Lodi' quartet K. 80 and the 'Milanese' series to his Haydn dedication set. In the context of a mostly unknown contemporary Italian repertory, several aspects of Mozart's seemingly personal genre conception can now be related to Italian practice. Features of his early works are still extant in his 'Viennese' and 'Haydn' quartet series. In the latter, they coexist with the demonstrable influence of Haydn's Op. 33. In comparison to Haydn, Mozart came from a different, probably Italianate tradition of quartet writing, to which he remained largely true. © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.

Citations (4)

... This dataset enables a systematic study of Schubert's musical language and style in Winterreise, also allowing for comparisons of annotations across different annotators and hierarchy levels. Similarly, the Wagner Ring Dataset (WRD) constitutes a multi-modal and multiversion resource focused on the extensive opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner (Weiß et al., 2023). It includes 16 recorded performances of the complete Ring cycle, with annotations aligned to a symbolic score representation based on a public-domain piano reduction. ...


BPSD: A Coherent Multi-Version Dataset for Analyzing the First Movements of Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas
Wagner Ring Dataset: A Complex Opera Scenario for Music Processing and Computational Musicology
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval

... While the provided score data allows for approaching analyses in the symbolic domain, also audio-based strategies have been applied for the large-scale analysis of the Ring's harmonic structure. In Weiß et al. (2017), such an analysis is demonstrated by visualizing pitch content with respect to the twelve diatonic scales over the course of the Ring. Figure 4 provides an example of such a visualization for the third act of Götterdämmerung (WWV086D-3). Here, a visual cross-version analysis allows for studying differences (in color) and consistencies (black) between individual analysis results. ...

Versionsübergreifende Visualisierung harmonischer Verläufe: Eine Fallstudie zu Wagners Ring-Zyklus

... Instead of explicitly extracting and numerically evaluating such information, it is often insightful to visualize harmonic structures and leave the final interpretation to a music expert. One such approach is described and applied to Beethoven's sonatas in (Weiß et al., 2020a), where relevant pitch content with respect to the 12 diatonic scales is extracted from an audio recording and visualized in the form of a time-diatonic representation. Figure 4 shows such a visualization of a time-diatonic representation derived from a WK64 recording of the Piano Sonata Op. 14 No 2 in G Major. ...

Discourse Not Dualism: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Sonata Form in Beethoven's Early Piano Sonatas

... p = .0017). The fact that Mozart and Haydn were Austrian contemporaries, with their works being interrelated in multiple ways (e.g., Klauk and Kleinertz, 2016), invites further investigation into whether these cadence distributions are representative of (a) genre-bound forms only, (b) these two composers' entire oeuvres, (c) the compositional practice of a particular era in Vienna, or even (d) a larger historico-geographical space. ...

Mozart's Italianate response to Haydn's OPUS 33
  • Citing Article
  • November 2016

Music and Letters