Stanisław Alwasiak’s research while affiliated with Krakow University of Economics and other places

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Publications (7)

Interes publiczny a interesy grupowe w polskim ustawodawstwie
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2014


498 Reads


6 Citations



Stanisław Alwasiak





Lech Kalina

W artykule prezentowane są wyniki badania nad realizacją interesów grupowych w procesie legislacyjnym w Polsce, które zostały przeprowadzone na próbie 1365 ustaw uchwalonych w latach 1990-2011. Na ich podstawie w badaniu analizowane są dwie powiązane kwestie: stanu polskiego prawodawstwa oraz legislacyjnego odzwierciedlenia wpływu grup interesu na stan spraw publicznych. Wobec tego wyniki badań nie daje bezpośredniego wglądu w proces lobbingu ustawowego, a jedynie odnosi się do faktu uprzywilejowania w prawie niektórych grup kosztem ogółu społeczeństwa. Z obliczeń na podstawie zebranych danych i z wykorzystaniem modelu logitowego wynika jednak, że istotny wpływ na tworzenie prawa ma obecna sytuacja gospodarcza kraju, stan finansów publicznych, odległość do najbliższych wyborów parlamentarnych, jak i też osoba, która w danym momencie zajmuje stanowisko ministra finansów


Table 1 | Descriptive statistics and correlations 
Table 2 | Pooled Probit results for ex-ante state capture
Table 4 | Pooled Probit results for ex-ante state capture and government spending (saving)
Table 6 | Pooled Probit results for ex-ante state capture and business restrictions (freedom)
Table 7 | Pooled Tobit results for ex-ante state capture and business restrictions (freedom)
Public interest and group interests in the Polish legislation

January 2014


47 Reads


The paper presents the results of the research on the implementation of group interests in the legislative process in Poland, made on a sample of 1365 laws passed in 1990-2011. Two mutually related questions are analyzed: the state of the Polish legislation and the impact of various interest groups on the shape of law. The results of the research do not give a direct insight in the process of the legislative lobbying; they only document the fact of the existence of certain privileges in the law, favouring some interest groups at the expense of the whole society. The results of the analysis indicate that the legislative process is significantly influenced by such factors as current economic situation in the country, the state of public finance, time distance to the next parliamentary election, and the political position of the person that performs the function of the minister of finance.

Table 1 | Descriptive statistics and correlations
Table 2 | Pooled Probit results for ex-ante state capture
Table 6 | Pooled Probit results for ex-ante state capture and business restrictions (freedom)
Table 7 | Pooled Tobit results for ex-ante state capture and business restrictions (freedom)
Table 8 | Pooled Probit and Tobit results for ex-ante state capture and additional control variables
What Determines State Capture in Poland?

December 2013


172 Reads


5 Citations

Management and Business Administration Central Europe

Purpose: This study examines the determinants of ex-ante state capture in Poland. Methodology: In order to establish the determinants of ex-ante state capture a logistic regression is estimated. Findings: The study shows that in Poland the majority of legal acts were passed with the aim to satisfy the interest of particular groups. Furthermore, the regression analysis shows that the likelihood of state capture increases during the period of higher economic growth and local elections. The likelihood of state capture, however, declines during presidential elections. The results we attribute to different interests of political parties in the period of local and presidential elections. Finally, we find that the state capture increased over the years in Poland. Additionally, we show that the EU accession did not prevent state capture in Poland. In contrast, the financial crisis of 2007 resulted in a wake-up effect and the likelihood of state capture declined in Poland. Research limitations: In the study we employ proxies for state capture, yet we assume that corruption is a widespread phenomenon in Poland. However, due to its nature corruption is very difficult to assess and measure. Originality: The study uses a unique dataset on ex-ante state capture that was identified in the legal acts that have been passed in the period 1990–2011 in Poland.

Table 1 | Descriptive statistics and correlations 
Table 2 | Pooled Probit results for ex-ante state capture
Table 4 | Pooled Probit results for ex-ante state capture and government spending (saving)
Table 6 | Pooled Probit results for ex-ante state capture and business restrictions (freedom)
Table 7 | Pooled Tobit results for ex-ante state capture and business restrictions (freedom)
What Determines State Capture in Poland?

February 2013


161 Reads


2 Citations

Management and Business Administration Central Europe

Purpose: This study examines the determinants of ex-ante state capture in Poland. Methodology: In order to establish the determinants of ex-ante state capture a logistic regression is estimated. Findings: The study shows that in Poland the majority of legal acts were passed with the aim to satisfy the interest of particular groups. Furthermore, the regression analysis shows that the likelihood of state capture increases during the period of higher economic growth and local elections. The likelihood of state capture, however, declines during presidential elections. The results we attribute to different interests of political parties in the period of local and presidential elections. Finally, we fi nd that the state capture increased over the years in Poland. Additionally, we show that the EU accession did not prevent state capture in Poland. In contrast, the fi nancial crisis of 2007 resulted in a wake-up effect and the likelihood of state capture declined in Poland. Research limitations: In the study we employ proxies for state capture, yet we assume that corruption is a widespread phenomenon in Poland. However, due to its nature corruption is very diffi cult to assess and measure. Originality: The study uses a unique dataset on ex-ante state capture that was identifi ed in the legal acts that have been passed in the period 1990–2011 in Poland.

Rola Grup Interessw W Procesie Stanowienia Prawa W Polsce (The Role of Groups of Interest in the Legislation Process in Poland)

January 2013


16 Reads


1 Citation

SSRN Electronic Journal

Polish Abstract: Ten raport prezentuje pełne wyniki badania nad realizacją interesów grupowych w procesie legislacyjnym w Polsce, które zostały przeprowadzone na próbie 1365 ustaw uchwalonych w latach 1990-2011. Takie badania zostało przeprowadzone po raz pierwszy w Polsce. Raport pokazuje olbrzymią skalę interesów grup nacisku realizowanych za pomocą wpływu na proces legislacyjny. Ponadto z obliczeń na podstawie zebranych danych i z wykorzystaniem modelu logitowego wynika że istotny wpływ na tworzenie prawa ma obecna sytuacja gospodarcza kraju, stan finansów publicznych, odległość do najbliższych wyborów parlamentarnych, jak i też osoba, która w danym momencie zajmuje stanowisko ministra finansów. Raport prezentuje też studia przypadku uchwalania niektórych ustaw, oraz wywiady z decydentami (w tym z byłymi premierami) i lobbystami, które odsłaniają kulisy tworzenia ustaw pod konkretne potrzeby. English Abstract: This report presents the results of a pioneering research on the influence of groups of interest on the legislative process in Poland, which was carried out on a sample of 1,365 laws passed in the years 1990-2011. We document that vast interest of the lobbing groups are achieved by effective influence on the process of drafting and passing new laws. Calculations based on the data collected and logit model show, however, that the current economic situation of the country, the state of public finances, the distance to the next parliamentary elections, as well as a person who at the moment occupies the position of Minister of Finance have a significant impact on the creation of law. This report also presents case studies of legislation process and interviews with top government officials, MPs and lobbyists to shed light on how the lobbing process is conducted and what are the most effective means of influence.

Interes Publiczny a Interes Grupowy W Polskim Prawie: Analiza Legislacji W Latach 1989-2011 (The Public Interest and the Group Interests in Polish Law: Analysis of Legislation in Years 1989-2011)

August 2012


228 Reads

SSRN Electronic Journal

W artykule prezentowane są wyniki badania nad realizacją interesów grupowych w procesie legislacyjnym w Polsce, które zostały przeprowadzone na próbie 1365 ustaw uchwalonych w latach 1990-2011. Na ich podstawie w badaniu analizowane są dwie powiązane kwestie: stanu polskiego prawodawstwa oraz legislacyjnego odzwierciedlenia wpływu grup interesu na stan spraw publicznych. Wobec tego wyniki badań nie daje bezpośredniego wglądu w proces lobbingu ustawowego, a jedynie odnosi się do faktu uprzywilejowania w prawie niektórych grup kosztem ogółu społeczeństwa. Z obliczeń na podstawie zebranych danych i z wykorzystaniem modelu logitowego wynika jednak, że istotny wpływ na tworzenie prawa ma obecna sytuacja gospodarcza kraju, stan finansów publicznych, odległość do najbliższych wyborów parlamentarnych, jak i też osoba, która w danym momencie zajmuje stanowisko ministra finansów.This paper presents the results of research on the implementation of group interests in the legislative process in Poland, which were carried out on a sample of 1,365 laws passed in the years 1990-2011. On the basis of the study we examine two related issues: the state of the Polish legislation and legislation reflection of the impact of interest groups on the state of public affairs. Therefore, the results do not give direct insight into the process of lobbying, and only refers to the fact that the law favored some groups at the expense of the general public. Calculations based on the data collected and logit model show, however, that the current economic situation of the country, the state of public finances, the distance to the next parliamentary elections, as well as a person who at the moment occupies the position of Minister of Finance have a significant impact on the creation of law.

Rola grup interesów w procesie stanowienia prawa w Polsce

March 2012


1,483 Reads


3 Citations

Celem projektu było zbadanie i ujawnienie mechanizmu wpływu grup interesów na stanowienie prawa, ocena skali i efektów tego zjawiska oraz zaproponowanie takich zmian w procesie stanowienia prawa, żeby uchwalane prawo w większym stopniu realizowało interes publiczny, a w mniejszym wąskie interesy zorganizowanych grup nacisku.

Citations (5)

... This is the tradition which this article is also strongly linked to. There are, of course, different explanations for the dynamics of the budgetary process (and public finance in general), which include e.g., political ideology (Veto Players Theory- [12]), internal power struggles within the political system (Selectorate Theory- [13]) or ease of access to the political sphere by external interest groups (Access Point Theory- [14], State Capture Theory-see [15]). One has to acknowledge an important vein of research into political budget cycles which deals with the dynamics of public expenditures and deficits with relation to electoral cycle [16][17][18][19][20][21]. ...


Institutional Determinants of Budgetary Expenditures. A BMA-Based Re-Evaluation of Contemporary Theories for OECD Countries
What Determines State Capture in Poland?

Management and Business Administration Central Europe

... Pomiędzy wspólnotą poznawczą a interesariuszami istnieje sieć powiązań, a wspólnota czerpie korzyści z konkretnego kierunku rozwoju regulacji. Na rolę wspólnot w lobbingu wskazują też wyniki badań, które dowodzą, że działania grup interesu mają najczęściej aktywny charakter -inicjują wdrożenie lub nowelizację istniejących norm 56 . Przy tym, jak wykazał M. Tchórzewski: "zdolność wywierania nacisków jest co do zasady wprost proporcjonalna do siły ekonomicznej" lobbujących 57 . ...

Rola Grup Interessw W Procesie Stanowienia Prawa W Polsce (The Role of Groups of Interest in the Legislation Process in Poland)
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013

SSRN Electronic Journal

... ority of them were critical to practical employment of RIA, supporting own argumentation by particular examples. Critical visions of Napiontek(2008) (p. 106 – 108) and Urbańska (2011) are worth to be stressed. It is worth to recollect the former proposition of Wierzbicki (2007), who denied the need of employment and RIA in that early form (p. 163). Rybiński (2012) with the group of authors did recently an assessment of interest group roles in the legislation process at Poland. In his report he related to RIA too. In conclusion he stated, that Polish regulations regarding RIA preparation are proper and there is no need of substantial changes in this scope. But this is a perfunctory instrument in p ...

Rola grup interesów w procesie stanowienia prawa w Polsce

... There are, of course, different explanations for the dynamics of the budgetary process (and public finance in general), which include e.g., political ideology (Veto Players Theory- [12]), internal power struggles within the political system (Selectorate Theory- [13]) or ease of access to the political sphere by external interest groups (Access Point Theory- [14], State Capture Theory-see [15]). One has to acknowledge an important vein of research into political budget cycles which deals with the dynamics of public expenditures and deficits with relation to electoral cycle [16][17][18][19][20][21]. Overall, however, it seems that the "tragedy of the fiscal commons" (ToFC) approach is the one with strongest theoretical and empirical basis to date. ...

Interes publiczny a interesy grupowe w polskim ustawodawstwie


... capture in Poland that has shown that periods of slower economic growth (which may mean an aggravation of fiscal problems) did not lead to an increase in state capture. On the contrary , the likelihood of state capture was positively correlated with periods of higher economic growth, while the start of the global financial crisis had a " wake-up effect, " significantly decreasing the likelihood of state capture in that period (Alwasiak et al., 2013 ). Besides, the fiscal needs of the government may have an adverse effect on privatization trends, stimulating the cautious selling of the elements of state property; however, ...

What Determines State Capture in Poland?

Management and Business Administration Central Europe