Sri Lestari’s scientific contributions

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Publications (4)

Pandemi COVID-19: Analisis Tantangan Kebijakan Ekonomi di Indonesia
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2021


181 Reads


7 Citations

Jurnal Pengembangan Wiraswasta

Johni Harius Putranto


Totok Subagyo


Sri Lestari


May 2021


53 Reads


1 Citation

Media Mahardhika

Masalah kemiskinan menjadi fokus pemerintah setiap tahunnya. Dan menjadi topik utama dalam negara dengan penduduk padat seperti Indonesia. Pengentasan kemiskinan dewasa ini selain dimainkan oleh pemerintah juga digerakkan oleh lembaga amal. Sementara kewirausahaan sebagai salah satu organisasi yang membantu pengentasan kemiskinan, menjadi ketertarikan penulis dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi hubungan antara pengentasan kemiskinan dan kewirausahaan dengan memperluas pemahaman-mekanisme di mana proses kewirausahaan berkontribusi pada pengentasan kemiskinan di wilayah Indonesia.


September 2020


5 Reads


11 Citations

Media Mahardhika

This paper discusses the issue of developing halal food and its role in halal tourism in Indonesia to be more competitive with other Muslim countries. This study aims to explore the role of government and the Muslim community in general in the development of halal food and tourism in Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive qualitative literature review. Based on the results of the analysis obtained the hypothesis that the role of government in the application of halal certification is very influential on the level of consumptive tourists. Indonesia with a Muslim majority population must be able to become a halal industry producer which is currently still dominated by countries with Muslim minorities such as Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and even small countries like Singapore. Examining government regulations related to tourism and halal food will provide enlightenment on the importance of stretching halal tourism destinations with halal food offerings in Indonesia.

Brand Image and Value on the Purchasing Decision of Coffee Drinks At the Outlet of Janji Jiwa Royal Plaza Surabaya: Brand Image

February 2020


71 Reads

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM)

Menur Kusumaningtyas


Sri Lestari


Hendra Dwi Prasetyo




Johni Harius Putranto

In order to maintain the existence of the business, it always creates and implements various marketing strategies to maintain and maintain business operations in the midst of fierce business competition. All businesses have competition so this makes the company must have a strategy to be able to excel in competition. Companies must be able to know how to retain their customers so as not to turn to competitors. Especially in the field of coffee drinks business which is currently being rife in Surabaya. This research uses a Quantitative Approach is a research approach that uses data in the form of figures from survey answers distributed to research samples and analyzed using statistical analysis techniques. The partial regression results (t-test) showed the results of the brand image proved to have a significant effect on the decision to purchase coffee drinks at Janji Jiwa Royal Plaza Surabaya. Value is proven to have a significant effect on coffee beverage purchase decisions at Janji Jiwa Royal Surabaya. Simultaneous regression analysis (F-test) proved to have a significant effect on brand image and value on coffee beverage purchase decisions at Janji Jiwa Royal Surabaya.

Citations (2)

... Allah SWT menciptakan seisi bumi lengkap agar manusia dapat memilih dan tidak mengikuti langkah-langkah syaitan yang selalu menggoda manusia untuk mengikutinya. Makanan halal kaitannya sangat erat dengan segala aspek kebutuhan umat muslim sehingga perkembangannya tumbuh mencuat kepermukaan secara signifikan (Kusumaningtyas & Lestari, 2020). Aspek penting yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menkonsumsi makanan halal harus sesuai dengan standar kesehatan yang memiliki sertifikasi halal dibawah Lembaga Pengawasan Pangan Obat dan Makanan Majelis Ulama Indonesia. ...


Studi Library Research: Penguatan Ekosistem Halal Value Chain di Indonesia untuk Industri Halal Global
  • Citing Article
  • September 2020

Media Mahardhika

... The Use of Personal Protective Equipment and The Risk of Facial Pressure Sores among Nurses in Covid Isolation Rooms (Anggraeni et al.) 39 announced that in March 2021, there were 113,820,168 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide. Then for COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia in February 2021, there were 2,148,044confirmed cases[1]. Indonesia is ranked first in the highest COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia;at the beginning of COVID-19 cases in 2020, only two cases were found, and currently, there ...

Pandemi COVID-19: Analisis Tantangan Kebijakan Ekonomi di Indonesia

Jurnal Pengembangan Wiraswasta