January 2024
61 Reads
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography
This work introduces the principle of “an even point (vertex) odd ratio (mean) labeling, which is specifically applied to a graph ‘G’ consisting of ‘p’ vertices and ‘q’ edges. Even point (vertex) odd ratio (mean) labeling is exhibited by a graph G in the presence of an injectionbased function f : V of G → {0, 2, 4, ... 2q – 2, 2q} ensuring that the function derived from it (induced map) g* : E of G→{1, 3, 5, ... 2q – 1} specified by g* (uv) = g(u)+g(v)/2 is a bijection. Graphs that meet these criteria are termed an even point (vertex) odd ratio (mean) graphs. This paper explores the properties of an even point (vertex) odd ratio (mean) labeling in various graph structures.