Simon P. Philipps’s research while affiliated with Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems and other places

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Publications (55)

Photovoltaics at multi-terawatt scale: Waiting is not an option
  • Article

April 2023


876 Reads


127 Citations




Marta Victoria





A major renewable-energy milestone occurred in 2022: Photovoltaics (PV) exceeded a global installed capacity of 1 TW dc. But despite considerable growth and cost reduction over time, PV is still a small part of global electricity generation (4 to 5% for 2022), and the window is increasingly closing to take action at scale to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while meeting global energy needs for the future. PV is one of very few options that can be dispatched relatively quickly, but discussions of TW-scale growth at the global level may not be clearly communicating the needed size and speed for renewable-energy installation. A major global risk would be to make poor assumptions or mistakes in modeling and promoting the required PV deployment a n d i n d u s t r y g r o w t h a n d then realize by 2035 that we were profoundly wrong on the low side and need to ramp up manufacturing and deployment to unrealistic or unsustainable levels.

Figure 4c,d compares the misalignment along the worst-case axis for stepped PV cells with a higher number of junctions j = 3 and 4 and, thus, higher output voltages of about 3 and 4 V for GaAs absorbers, respectively. As for the 2-V case, in the stepped
Integrated series/parallel connection for photovoltaic laser power converters with optimized current matching
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2021


266 Reads


21 Citations

Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications

In this paper, we present a stepped architecture optimized for current matching in high‐voltage laser power converter photovoltaic (PV) cells. The integrated series/parallel connection in stepped PV cells combines the advantages of well‐known multijunction and multisegment approaches with respect to current matching, whereas their specific drawbacks are circumvented. The superior misalignment tolerance of stepped PV cells in comparison with multisegment cells is shown by simulations of the maximum acceptable misalignment (MAM) for a range of devices with various output voltages. We present the first realization of stepped PV cells with two stacked GaAs‐based pn‐junctions. Thereby, the unique properties of the lateral current flow in the bottom cell and the assessment of the optical absorption in the subcells are discussed. Moreover, the effects of segmentation and number of stacked junctions on the I‐V characteristics are investigated. Finally, the behavior towards misalignment of a laser spot is studied for stepped and multisegment PV cells. An optimal current matching for misalignment‐prone power‐by‐light systems is found with a six‐segment stepped PV cell.


Terawatt-scale photovoltaics: Transform global energy

May 2019


633 Reads


432 Citations


Solar energy has the potential to play a central role in the future global energy system because of the scale of the solar resource, its predictability, and its ubiquitous nature. Global installed solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity exceeded 500 GW at the end of 2018, and an estimated additional 500 GW of PV capacity is projected to be installed by 2022–2023, bringing us into the era of TW-scale PV. Given the speed of change in the PV industry, both in terms of continued dramatic cost decreases and manufacturing-scale increases, the growth toward TW-scale PV has caught many observers, including many of us (1), by surprise. Two years ago, we focused on the challenges of achieving 3 to 10 TW of PV by 2030. Here, we envision a future with ∼10 TW of PV by 2030 and 30 to 70 TW by 2050, providing a majority of global energy. PV would be not just a key contributor to electricity generation but also a central contributor to all segments of the global energy system. We discuss ramifications and challenges for complementary technologies (e.g., energy storage, power to gas/liquid fuels/chemicals, grid integration, and multiple sector electrification) and summarize what is needed in research in PV performance, reliability, manufacturing, and recycling.

Technologiebericht "1.3 Photovoltaik" innerhalb des Forschungsprojekts "TF_Energiewende"

December 2017


365 Reads

Technologiebericht "Photovoltaik" des strategischen Leitprojektes "Trends und Perspektiven der Energieforschung" (gefördert durch das BMWi) über den Status, die Perspektiven sowie das Innovations- und Marktpotenzial von verschiedenen Energietechnologien.

High-efficiency III-V multijunction solar cells

November 2017


226 Reads


69 Citations

This chapter discusses solar cells made of III-V semiconductors, and how they have reached efficiencies of over 46% in 2016, the highest of any photovoltaic technology to date. These high efficiencies are possible due to the ability of stacking solar cells made of different III-V semiconductors. The main focus of current research is on III-V multijunction solar cells with three or more junctions. III-V Solar cells are widely used in space applications, terrestrial concentrators as well as niche markets such as power-by-light or thermophotovoltaics. Today III-V devices find terrestrial applications only under high concentration. But III-V on silicon may be an attractive path to reduce cost and eventually penetrate this high-performance technology into conventional applications of flat-plate photovoltaics.

Reliable and lightning‐safe monitoring of wind turbine rotor blades using optically powered sensors

February 2017


236 Reads


43 Citations

Blade condition monitoring systems with fiber-optic sensors attract much attention because they are resistant to lightning strikes, a major issue with increasing blade lengths. However, fiber-optic sensor systems are more complex and more expensive than their electronic counterparts. We describe a new blade condition monitoring system, which combines the lightning safety of optical fibers with the reliability and cost-effectiveness of electronic sensors. The optical fibers transport data from the blades to the hub, and in addition, they provide the electrical power for operating the sensor units in the blades. To achieve full protection against lightning-induced electromagnetic fields, an appropriate shielding of the sensor units is required. We present results on the reliability of a newly developed prototype based on optically powered sensors. In a field trial, the unit monitored successfully the blade vibrations of a 1.5 MW wind turbine for a period of 23 months. Copyright

On the temperature dependence of dual-junction laser power converters

January 2017


561 Reads


39 Citations

Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications

OPEN ACCESS: Dual-junction GaAs laser power converters optimized for one monochromatic wavelength are presented, and their temperature dependence is experimentally evaluated. External quantum efficiency and irradiance-dependent current–voltage measurements (10 to 104 W/cm2) under monochromatic laser light (809 nm) have been undertaken to quantify temperature- and irradiance-dependent effects on the performance. The temperature dependence of the current matching of the two subcells, caused by the temperature-dependent absorbance, is quantified. Losses in performance due to variations in operating temperature for different power-by-light applications are calculated to be between 16.2% and 21.0%. Future potential enhancements in cell performance are discussed. For elevated temperatures, super-linear behavior of the spectral response with increasing irradiance is observed, which is attributed to effective luminescent coupling from the top to the bottom subcell as the device becomes more radiative limited. For low temperatures, where the bottom cell is overproducing, no dependence on irradiance is found, which shows the influence of photon transport losses to the substrate. © 2016 The Authors. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

CPVMatch - Concentrating photovoltaic modules using advanced technologies and cells for highest efficiencies

September 2016


72 Reads


3 Citations

This paper presents the project Concentrating Photovoltaic modules using advanced technologies and cells for highest efficiencies (CPVMatch), which is funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. V multi-junction solar cells and CPV modules. Concerning cells, novel wafer bonded four-junction solar cells made of GaInP/GaAs//GaInAs/Ge are optimized with the target of reaching 48% efficiency under concentration at the end of the project. Moreover, multi-junction solar cell technologies with advanced materials - like ternary IV element mixtures (i.e. SiGeSn) and nanostructured anti-reflective coatings - are investigated. Concerning CPV modules the project focuses on both Fresnel-based and mirror-based technologies with a target efficiency of 40% under high concentrations beyond 800x. Achromatic Fresnel lenses for improved light management without secondary optics are investigated. In addition, smart, mirror-based HCPV modules are developed, which include a new mirror-based design, the integration of high efficiency, low cost DC/DC converters and an intelligent tracking sensor (PSD sensor) at module level. A profound life-cycle and environmental assessment and the development of adapted characterization methods of new multi-junction cells and HCPV modules complete the work plan of CPVMatch.

Abbildung 10: Entwicklung der Technologie-Anteile in der Photovoltaik (1980 bis heute) 17  
Abbildung 15: Schematischer Aufbau der anorganischen Dünnschicht-Technologien. In roter Farbe ist der lichtabsorbierende Teil des Schichtaufbaus gezeigt. Bei CIGS und CdTe formt jeweils eine dünne CdS-Schicht als n-Leiter den pn-Übergang. Beim a-Si/µcSi wird ein Tandemaufbau verwendet, bei dem die a-Si-und µc-Si-Schichten jeweils einen Teil des Spektrums absorbieren. Die elektrischen Kontakte sind an der lichtzugewandten Seite transparent (hellblau) und bestehen auf der lichtabgewandten Seite in der Regel aus metallischen Schichten (schwarz). 37
Abbildung 16: Serienverschaltung am Beispiel eines CIGS-Moduls (der nicht aktive Verschaltungsbereich liegt heute bei ca. 5 bis 10 Prozent der Fläche) 38  
Abbildung 26: Unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten für die Installation von BIPV 109  
Abbildung 21: Schematische Darstellung einer organischen Solarzelle (links) und Schema des druck-beziehungsweise beschichtungstechnischen Herstellungsprozesses (rechts) 61  
Photovoltaik - Technologiesteckbrief zur Analyse „Flexibilitätskonzepte für die Stromversorgung 2050“

February 2016


1,756 Reads


2 Citations

The full set of information on the study "Flexibility concepts for the German power supply in 2050. Ensuring stability in the age of renewable energies" can be found on and the main document with the study in English is available on Dieser Steckbrief entstand im Rahmen der Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe Flexibilitätskonzepte des Akademienprojektes Energiesysteme der Zukunft (ESYS). Er dokumentiert die Ergebnisse der Fachgruppe Photovoltaik. Die Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe Flexibilitätskonzepte hat analysiert, wie die Stromversorgung im Jahr 2050 mit einer CO2-Einsparung gegenüber 1990 von 80 bis 100 Prozent gestaltet werden könnte. Dabei lag der Fokus darauf, wie die Versorgungssicherheit in der Stromversorgung bei einem wachsenden Anteil volatil einspeisender erneuerbarer Energien sichergestellt werden kann. Für verschiedene Szenarien wurde untersucht, wie die fluktuierende Stromerzeugung aus Wind und Photovoltaik sinnvoll durch sogenannte Flexibilitätstechnologien – flexible Stromerzeuger, Demand-Side-Management, Speicher und Netzausbau – ergänzt werden kann. Hierbei war es das Ziel, sämtliche Möglichkeiten zur Bereitstellung von Flexibilität zu erfassen und zu charakterisieren, um deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten in unterschiedlich ausgeprägten Stromsystemen im Jahr 2050 zu identifizieren. Um eine valide und aussagekräftige Datenbasis zu erhalten, wurde ein breiter Konsultationsprozess mit Expertinnen und Experten aus Industrie und Wissenschaft durchgeführt. In zehn Fachgruppen wurden die verschiedenen Technologien zur Bereitstellung von Flexibilität analysiert und einer einheitlichen interdisziplinären Bewertung unterzogen.

Fig. 3: Current-voltage characteristic of the world record efficiency inverted-MM solar cell fabricated by SHARP. Efficiency independently confirmed by FhG-ISE.  
Fig. 4: Schematic of strain balanced InGaAs/GaAsP MQW (left, ICSTM) and QD (right, UPM) solar cells investigated in the NGCPV project to implement multijunction and intermediate band solar cells, respectively.  
Fig. 5: Dome-Fresnel Köhler (DFK) concentrator (UPM and Daido)  
Fig. 8: MOA system developed to characterize CPV modules in a production line.  
Fig. 9: Summary of the NGCPV main assets concerning CPV cell, module and system efficiencies.  

September 2015


645 Reads

Starting on June 2011, NGCPV has been the first coordinated project between the European Commission and Japanese NEDO in order to advance in the science and technology of concentrator photovoltaics (CPV). Research has covered all relevant areas in CPV, from solar cells to complete systems, including multijunction solar cells, novel solar cell concepts utilizing nanostructures, advanced optics and modules, thermal management, reliability and modeling at all the stages of the CPV chain, rating and round robin schemes and the development of characterization tools for cells, modules and systems (outdoor and indoor). Ending in November 2014, the NGCPV project has attained some remarkable results, such as the manufacturing of a 44.4% world record efficiency triple junction solar cell (by Sharp Corp.) and the development of a 15 kW CPV system (by Daido, BSQ and UPM) with a DC efficiency of 28% under CSOC, which is the highest reported in the world at system level. In this paper we summarize these and other relevant results concerning project activities such as the investigation of novel buffers for growing III-V materials on silicon, novel ~1eV materials for manufacturing quad-junction solar cells, the development of accurate models to forecast the electricity production in CPV plants and novel advanced optical designs for CPV modules, among others.

Citations (47)

... The results are improved in efficiency by 3%, less cost, the drawback is smaller thermal expansion coefficient of the Si than that of III-V materials, which leads to cracking of the III-V epilayer while cooling down from growth temperature (Connolly et al., 2014;Jain and Hudait, 2014). "Growing layers on top of each other with a different lattice constant will result in a formation of dislocations which are needed to ensure high material quality" (Simon P. Phillips, 2012). The Lattice mismatches semiconductor materials lead to defects and dislocations, which increase the PV conversion losses. ...


A review of thermal load and performance characterisation of a high concentrating photovoltaic (HCPV) solar receiver assembly
III–V Multi-junction Solar Cells
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 2014

... Though our analysis suggests that technology barriers are not the most critical, they still represent a significant hurdle to achieving net zero. Studies have demonstrated the pivotal role of technology in addressing this issue, from fuel replacement to retrofitting existing machinery with hybrid renewable fuels to meet net-zero objectives (Bahn et al., 2013;Haegel et al., 2023;Mavrigiannaki et al., 2021). Advancements in the energy sector, such as photovoltaic systems and smart grid management, are already contributing to a reduced carbon footprint. ...

Photovoltaics at multi-terawatt scale: Waiting is not an option
  • Citing Article
  • April 2023


... In the photonic converter, the HPLD is used to convert electrical energy into optical energy, which is transmitted through optical fiber and fiber coupler. And then, the photovoltaic power converters [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31] (PPCs) are used to convert optical energy back into electrical energy for the motor. Owing to the optical power is continuously controlled in the photonic converter, the photon-driven motor system can significantly eliminate intrinsic EMI and voltage ripple in the conventional switching electricity-driven motor system. ...

Integrated series/parallel connection for photovoltaic laser power converters with optimized current matching

Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications

... The supplied energy requirement by non-renewable sources produces hazardous greenhouse gases and waste [2,3]. Photovoltaic (PV) is a well-established and clean technology leading toward the transition of energy systems to net-zero emission carbon footprint [4]. For the sake of declining module prices, photovoltaic installation capacity has soared over the past extrinsically during the thin-film synthesis. ...

Terawatt-scale photovoltaics: Transform global energy
  • Citing Article
  • May 2019


... Nowadays, increasing the area to the range of~cm 2 could push the PCE over 20%, but the PCE drops rapidly as the active area is enlarged compared to the Silicon solar cell [7,8]. On the other hand, light controlling techniques, such as concentrating photovoltaics, may address the scalability problem [9]. However, less effort has been made on concentrating photovoltaics with perovskite so far [10,11]. ...

High-efficiency III-V multijunction solar cells
  • Citing Chapter
  • November 2017

... The subcell thicknesses are therefore optimized to achieve "current-matching" by equally partitioning the monochromatic light between them according to the Beer-Lambert exponential law of absorption, resulting in a thin top cell, and increasing subcell thickness towards a fully absorbing bottom subcell. The performance can be sensitive to deviations from these current match conditions due to temperature variations or a drift in laser wavelength, 11 for example. In current mismatched conditions, luminescent coupling from the overproducing subcells into the limiting subcell can help to rebalance the current, improving device performance at non-optimal wavelengths. ...

On the temperature dependence of dual-junction laser power converters

Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications

... Moreover, to address both current mismatch between cells and voltage mismatch between strings, a novel partial power cascaded DC/DC topology has been explored by Philipps et al. [33]. Additionally, they developed a smart, mirror-based high-concentrating photovoltaic (HCPV) module incorporating various advanced technologies, including DC-DC converters [34]. ...

CPVMatch - Concentrating photovoltaic modules using advanced technologies and cells for highest efficiencies
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2016

... Light, as an alternative energy carrier, presents an innovative approach to overcome EMI challenges. The power over fiber (PoF) [17][18][19][20][21][22][23] employs fibers to transmit optical energy, which can overcome EMI issues inherent in electrical energy transmission. In the PoF, continuous monochromatic light from a laser is transmitted via optical fibers, and converted into electricity by photovoltaic devices. ...

Reliable and lightning‐safe monitoring of wind turbine rotor blades using optically powered sensors
  • Citing Article
  • February 2017

... 8,9 Such III−V multijunction devices recently achieved remarkable solar-to-electricity and solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiencies above 47% 5,10 and above 19%, 6 respectively. Ga 0.51 In 0,49 P with a band gap of around 1.84 eV (lattice matched to GaAs) is an excellent choice for use as a top photoabsorber in highly efficient tandem structures 6,11,12 with the theoretical solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency surpassing 20%. 13−15 However, Ga x In 1−x P faces significant challenges related to corrosion and its durability when exposed to aqueous solutions and light. ...

Overview about technology perspectives for high efficiency solar cells for space and terrestrial applications

... The PV panel area is estimated from systems peak power reported by prosumers and considering the standard test conditions (STC) for PV. The module efficiency is based on [15], temperature and age dependence are not considered in the presented simulation studies. Simulated PV system generation profiles are calculated for a module elevation angle of 20°and an azimuth estimated from satellite images of the exemplary village. ...

  • Citing Article
  • January 2013