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Publications (8)

Socio-Cultural Based Religious Moderation in the Millennial Generation
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024

AURELIA Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia

Silkania Swarizona



Ahmad Nizar Hilmi




Iman Pasu

Religious moderation is a concept that emphasizes the importance of balance, tolerance and avoiding extremism in religion. This research focuses on the implementation of socio-cultural-based moderation in Watutulis Village, Prambon District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, which is designated as a Pancasila Pilot Village. The millennial generation in this village plays an important role in strengthening the values of diversity through preserving local traditions and using digital technology. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research results show that local traditions such as Sedekah Bumi, Pancasila-based digital literacy, and national workshops play a significant role in promoting religious moderation. Theories of religious and socio-cultural pluralism are used as an analytical framework in understanding the context of this research.


Penguatan Wawasan Kebangsaan dan Nasionalisme di Kelurahan Sidodadi Kota Surabaya

Strengthening national insight and nationalism is a strategic step in building a society that loves its homeland, upholds unity, and understands diversity as the strength of the nation. This article discusses a community service program carried out in Sidodadi Village, Surabaya City, with the aim of increasing public understanding of national insight and nationalism. This program involved 30 participants from various backgrounds through seminars, group discussions, and practical training. Participatory methods were applied to ensure active community involvement in the learning process. The evaluation results showed a significant increase in the level of participant understanding, from 70% before the activity to 85% after. In addition, the positive response from participants reflects the success of this activity in instilling national values that are relevant to everyday life. Despite challenges such as time constraints and uneven involvement, this activity has had a real impact on strengthening nationalism at the local level. This program concludes that strengthening national insight requires a systematic, educational, and sustainable approach. With the support of local governments and community participation, similar activities can be replicated in other regions to strengthen national unity.

Comparison of Indonesian President Jokowi's Political Victory Strategy and Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim

November 2023


144 Reads

Technium Social Sciences Journal

Joko Widodo Indonesia's Winning Strategy in the 2019 Presidential Election and Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim in the 2022 Election are interesting strategies for scientific knowledge. The purpose of this study is to reveal how the winning strategy was carried out by Pak Jokowi who was attacked by Prabowo's political opponents, and Anwar Ibrahim who took 24 years to win. This study uses a qualitative method using the comparative theory of victory for the winning strategy between the two political actors. The results of the study show that Anwar Ibrahim and Jokowi both won the contest for the election of the prime minister in Malaysia and the president in Indonesia. The difference is that Anwar Ibrahim used the strategy of fighting the persecuted people until he got the power to win, while Jokowi won with the strategy of showing criticism of the first period's rulers, while in the second period, the winning strategy was by gathering all political forces with the hegemony of the incumbent.


November 2022


181 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Munculnya pandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan berbagai macam persoalan. Ditutupnya segala fasilitas publik membuat aktivitas masyarakat terhambat. Kehadiran pandemi pada kenyataannya tidak meluluhkan semangat anak muda dalam hal ini mahasiswa. Mahasiswa, sebagai ujung tombak suara rakyat, memiliki peran penting dalam menyuarakan aspirasi rakyat yang tertindas. Ketidakadilan terhadap kaum bawah ditandai dengan Undang-undang Ciptaker, prosedur pencairan JHT, dan usaha pelanggengan masa jabatan presiden. Aksi demonstrasi di tengah pandemi tetap terjadi dan menarik untuk dikaji. Penulis menguraikan data secara deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif untuk mengungkap alasan,motif, dan faktor-faktor aksi demonstrasi yang dilakukan mahasiswa. Untuk memperoleh data, penulis menggunakan pendekatan studi pustaka dan studi korpus. Setelah itu, penulis mengaplikasikan teori gerakan sosial dan protes sosial. Penulis menemukan faktor-faktor pendorong, yaitu keinginan perubahan, mengekspresikan jati diri anak muda bangsa, dan adanya tujuan yang sama dari mahasiswa dalam melakukan demonstrasi di tengah pandemi.

Kesadaran dan Perjuangan Buruh Jawa Timur Dalam Menolak Upah Murah Di Era Pandemi

May 2022


11 Reads

Community Pengawas Dinamika Sosial

At the end of 2021, the East Java labor alliance flocked to carry out demonstrations at several important points, such as the Grahadi Building in Surabaya and district or city offices from each region. This demonstration was attended by workers from various regencies or cities in East Java, such as Gresik, Surabaya, Malang, Kediri, and so on. This action was carried out with the aim of demanding an increase in labor wages by 2022. Unlike the previous year, the demonstration was carried out in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Departing from this reality, the author was prompted to analyze the existence of awareness and struggle of East Java workers in demanding wages during the Covid-19 pandemic which was analyzed using Karl Marx's theory of Awareness and Class Struggle. This research utilizes a qualitative approach with a literature study method. The source of this research comes from secondary data, namely online news, books, and journals. The results of this study show that even in the Covid-19 pandemic situation in Indonesia and in the pouring rain, all East Java labor alliances still take action to take to the streets in rejecting cheap wage increases in 2022, as predicted by Karl Marx.

Citations (1)

... Implementing cultuling involves utilizing macro-social factors, including region, ethnicity, age, social status, and gender, as tools for interaction, and relying on intra-linguistic pragmatic conventions within variational pragmatics (Pishghadam et al., 2020b). Sentences, being an essential cultural resource, can illuminate demonstrations' deep social significances and associated norms through the lens of linguistic analysis, which has predominantly focused on motives from social and political angles (Aitken, 2021;Andrizal, 2016;Pishghadam et al., 2020b;Pratama & Swarizona, 2022). In demonstrations, protesters convey their desires through spoken and written sentences (Wasisto & Prayudi, 2019). ...


Freedom of expression, aspiration and gender: A cultuling in the student demonstration

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik