November 1965
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A method is described for the spectrographic determination of strontium and calcium in bone ash. Two parts of carbon powder and 1 part each of potassium sulphate and bone ash were mixed, loaded into a graphite sample electrode, and burned in an interrupted a. c.-arc of 3 amperes. The line pairs were: Sr 4077.7Å/Ca 3968.4Å or 4226.7Å, Ca 3644.4Å/Ti 3642.1Å. The lower determinable limits by the present method were 10⁻⁴ for Sr/Ca-ratio and 20% for calcium, and the coefficient of variation estimated statistically were below 5.3% for calcium and 12% for Sr/Ca-ratio. Mean values of calcium content and Sr/Ca-ratio in human bone ash, 34% and 0.36 × 10⁻³, were obtained from results on 20 samples by the present method. © 1965, The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry. All rights reserved.