January 2021
284 Reads
20 Citations
BMC Infectious Diseases
Background Bacterial infections are a significant cause of sickness and death in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed at establishing the prevalence, distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of major bacterial isolates from patients accessing medical care at a tertiary hospital in Malawi. Methods We retrospectively reviewed bacteria culture and antimicrobial susceptibility records for 4617 patients from 2002 to 2014 at Mzuzu Central Hospital (MCH). No inclusion and exclusion criteria were followed. Data was analysed using excel (Microsoft office, USA) and GraphPad prism 7 software programs. Results The most prevalent isolates were S. aureus (34.7%, n = 783), Klebsiella species (17.4%, n = 393) and Proteus species (11.4%, n = 256). Most microorganisms were isolated from adults (88.3%, n = 3889) and pus was the main source (69.3%, n = 1224). S. pneumoniae was predominantly isolated from cerebrospinal fluid (60.3%, n = 44) largely collected from children (88.2%, n = 64). Overall, most bacteria exhibited high resistance to all regularly used antimicrobials excluding ciprofloxacin. Conclusions Our report demonstrates an increase in bacterial infection burden in sites other than blood stream and subsequent increase in prevalence of antimicrobial resistance for all major isolates. Creating an epidemiological survey unit at MCH will be essential to help inform better treatment and management options for patients with bacterial infections.