Shoaib Ahmed Memon’s scientific contributions

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Publications (3)

  • Article
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March 2022


95 Reads


10 Citations

Pakistan Journal of Social Research

Faisal Basheer Malik



Saleh Shah




Shoaib Ahmed Memon

Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common and disabling constant Musculoskeletal Disorder that causes significant weight on individual, Health Care Systems, and social economy. With the maturing of the populace and the commonness of undesirable way of life practices, the predominance and disease burden of OA are expanding day by day. Objective: To find the prevalence of knee osteoarthritis and quality of life among middle-aged adults. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted at the major hospitals and physical therapy clinical setups of Pakistan from April to July 2019 (4 months) after approval of IRB/ERC (SRMCH/MS/20/12/41) Suleman Roshan medical college hospital, Tando Adam. The total sample was n=300 selected using non-probability convenience sampling. The middle-aged adults (40-65 years) having moderate to severe knee pain, both male and female were included. According to the American college of rheumatology the criteria for assessing OA by using history, physical examination, and radiographic findings: pain in the knee and one of following over 50 years of age, less than 30minutes of morning stiffness crepitus on active motion and osteophytes and quality of life assessed according to WHOQOL-100 score. The results of the study are presented as frequency, percentages, and mean ±SD. The data were analysed through SPSS 21.Results: The mean age of the study participants (n=300) was a 48.96±6.804 year. The majority of the participants were female (n=208) and the remaining n=92 were male. The prevalence of OA in the middle aged adults (n=300) n=170 (56.7%). The significantly reduced QoL among patient having knee OA (37.19±23.22 ver 42.51±22.69, p<0.05) as compare to those having knee pain without Knee OA.Conclusion: The prevalence of knee pain in middle-aged adults is high and their quality of life is moderately affected. Key words: Knee, Middle-aged, Osteoarthritis, Prevalence, Quality of life.



January 2022


380 Reads


2 Citations

Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation

BACKGROUND AND AIM Physical inactivity and obesity are the two emerging problems in Pakistan. Schools have been identified as an essential setting for health promotion through physical activity participation. Many schools in Pakistan mainly concentrate on the higher study level and insufficient attention towards children’s physical health that may impair due to low physical activity level and increased sedentary behavior leading to obesity and other health issues. The study aims to assess the level of physical activity in school children. METHODOLOGY A cross-sectional exploration was lead at schools of district T. M.Khan Sindh from Oct-2019 to Feb-2020. Raosoft Tool was used to a calculated sample of the study. The instrument utilized for information assortment contains the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C) to survey active work. Information was entered and broke down by the SPSS-22 version. RESULTS Four hundred kids were comprised in an investigation; 328 observers were girls, and 72 were boys. The mean age ± SD of the members was 13.79 ± 1.522. The mean BMI ± SD of the members was 25.05 ± 1.19, which falls into the classification of overweight. CONCLUSION The survey indicated that school-going children have no physical activity to a low level of Physical Activity. KEYWORDS Body Mass index, Children, Obesity, Physical Activity, Physical education, School

Frequency of Self-Reported Hip and Knee Pain in Elderly Population

June 2021


16 Reads

Journal Riphah College of Rehabilitation Sciences

Background: Knee pain is a typical grievance among adults and frequently connected with general mileage from every day exercises like strolling, bowing, standing and lifting. Competitors who run or play sports that include bouncing or fast rotating are additionally bound to encounter knee torment and issues. However, regardless of whether a person's knee torment is brought about by maturing or injury, it very well may be a disturbance and in any event, weakening in certain conditions. Objective: To determine the Frequency of pain or joints complaint in elderly people. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 150 patients from Aug 2020 to Nov 2020 via convenient sampling technique data was collected from private clinics of Hyderabad and Physiotherapy OPD, Suleman Roshan Medical college hospital using standard questionnaire the Western Ontario McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index (WOMAC), and VAS scale for self-reported pain measurement. Data was analyzed using SPSS v.21 Result: Shows that unilateral or predominantly affected knee were found 47%, bilateral Knee 16%, unilateral hip 20%, hip bilaterally 6%, both knee-hip pain reported about 11% among participants. And Patient having none or mild pain 21.3%, moderate pain 26.0%, severe pain 36.7%, extremely severe pain 16.0%. Participants having pain while performing ADLs (Activity of daily livings) reported, No Pain 60.7%, Moderate Pain 33.3%, worst possible pain 6.0% were found. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that knee joint pain or other complains are high Frequent than hip joint. Keywords: Elderly, Hip, Knee, Frequency , Self-Reported Pain

Citations (2)

... years, with the majority of the individuals being female. Furthermore, it was found that the prevalence of Knee OA was seen in middle-aged adults and the people affected with this disease had a moderately affected quality of life (Malik, 2022). This study was designed to assess the benefits of PEMT and US on knee OA patients on the basis of range of motion. ...


Comparative Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Versus Pulsed Ultrasound Therapy on the Range, by SAIF ULLAH

Pakistan Journal of Social Research

... A well-known online tool Raosoft calculator ( for sample size was used which was recently adopted and recommended by several researchers (Alswayel, 2019;Lim, 2021;Memon et al., 2022). In order to get exact and accurate sample size, total population size 34215 along with 5% as margin of error and 92% as confidence level were set in the Raosoft online calculator. ...


Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation