Shiyi Shao’s research while affiliated with Nanjing Nari-Relays Electric CO., LTD and other places

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Publications (21)

Fig. 1 Brushless DFIG drivetrain 
Table 1 Brushless DFIG specifications
Fig. 2 Design procedure for the brushless DFIG system 
Table 2 Converter specifications
Fig. 3 Brushless DFIG system and its test rig a Schematic of the test rig b 250 kW brushless DFIG (right front) on test bed c Converter, comprising GSI (on the left) and MSI (on the right) d Measurement electronics, Bluetooth transmitter and rechargeable batteries installed on the rotor shaft [18] 


Performance analysis and testing of a 250 kW medium-speed brushless doubly-fed induction generator
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2013


1,744 Reads


78 Citations



Paul Malliband




Mark Tatlow

This study presents the performance analysis and testing of a 250 kW medium-speed brushless doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), and its associated power electronics and control systems. The experimental tests confirm the design, and show the system's steady-state and dynamic performance and grid low-voltage ride-through capability. The medium-speed brushless DFIG in combination with a simplified two-stage gearbox promises a low-cost low-maintenance and reliable drivetrain for wind turbine applications.


Fig. 1. Grid fault pattern, the solid line is from the Chinese grid code, and the dash line is the voltage fault used in this paper.
Fig. 3. PW flux-linkage trajectory experimental results in different faults. The prefault condition is full load, 625 r/min and unity power factor. (a) PW flux-linkage trajectory for p-p fault. (b) PW flux-linkage trajectory for p-n fault. (c) PW flux-linkage trajectory for p-p-n fault.
Fig. 4. Derivative equivalent circuit model for asymmetrical LVRT.
Asymmetrical Low-Voltage Ride Through of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generators for the Wind Power Generation

September 2013


215 Reads


66 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

Compared with the Doubly fed induction generators (DFIG), the brushless doubly fed induction generator (BDFIG) has a commercial potential for wind power generation due to its lower cost and higher reliability. In the most recent grid codes, wind generators are required to be capable of riding through low voltage faults. As a result of the negative sequence, induction generators response differently in asymmetrical voltage dips compared with the symmetrical dip. This paper gave a full behavior analysis of the BDFIG under different types of the asymmetrical fault and proposed a novel control strategy for the BDFIG to ride through asymmetrical low voltage dips without any extra hardware such as crowbars. The proposed control strategies are experimentally verified by a 250-kW BDFIG.

Fig. 5 Responses to a step reduction in torque from 45 Nm to zero in generating mode
First non-zero terms of the stator-rotor mutual
Dynamic modelling of the brushless doubly fed machine

August 2013


164 Reads


36 Citations

A coupled-circuit model for the brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM) has been developed. The transformation of the model into the d-q axis form, ultimately in a synchronous reference frame in which machine currents and voltages have constant values in the steady state, has been carried out. A model-reduction technique is presented, which gives a concise representation of the `nested-loop' rotor design using a single d-q pair. These models have been experimentally verified and give a convenient and accurate way of calculating the dynamic behaviour of a BDFM. The ability to represent the BDFM with a single d-q pair considerably simplifies the design of suitable controllers.

Fig. 1. Grid code from E.ON.
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit analysis for LVRT.
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram and photograph of the 250-kW BDFIG LVRT test rig. (a) Schematic of the test rig. (b) Photograph of the test rig.
Fig. 6. Experimental results at voltage dip moment. The converter current and voltage are the line-line values; the PW dq currents are the peak values.
Fig. 7. Experimental results during the entire voltage dip fault. The converter current and voltage are the line-line values; the PW dq currents are the peak values.
Crowbarless Fault Ride-Through of the Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator in a Wind Turbine Under Symmetrical Voltage Dips

July 2013


277 Reads


134 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

The brushless doubly fed induction generator (BDFIG) shows commercial promise for wind power generation due to its lower cost and higher reliability when compared with the conventional DFIG. In the most recent grid codes, wind generators are required to be able to ride through a low-voltage fault and meet the reactive current demand from the grid. A low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability is therefore important for wind generators which are integrated into the grid. In this paper, the authors propose a control strategy enabling the BDFIG to successfully ride through a symmetrical voltage dip. The control strategy has been implemented on a 250-kW BDFIG, and the experimental results indicate that the LVRT is possible without a crowbar.

Dynamic Control of the Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator Under Unbalanced Operation

June 2013


152 Reads


101 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

The brushless doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) (BDFIG) shows commercial promise for wind power generation because of its lower maintenance needs compared to the widely used DFIG. From power grid codes, installed wind turbines are sometimes required to be capable of operating under unbalanced grid conditions. This paper presents a novel controller for BDFIG-based wind generators operated with asymmetrical voltage supplies. Two synchronous reference frames, the positive and the negative, are introduced for applying a vector control scheme to separately control two sequences arising from the unbalanced voltage. Different control strategies are discussed for reducing the consequent oscillations. It is demonstrated that the proposed controller shows a significant performance improvement over the conventional controller and is effective to cope with potentially unbalanced conditions.

Fig. 1. Nested-loop rotor in the prototype BDFM.
Fig. 2. BDFM operation.
Fig. 3. Proposed vector control structure for generic BDFM.
Fig. 4. Synchronous reference frames with respect to the stationary frame.
Fig. 5. Experimental test rig.
Generalized Vector Control for Brushless Doubly Fed Machines With Nested-Loop Rotor

June 2013


177 Reads


65 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

This paper presents a generalized vector control system for a generic brushless doubly fed (induction) machine (BDFM) with nested-loop type rotor. The generic BDFM consists of p1/p2 pole-pair stator windings and a nested-loop rotor with N number of loops per nest. The vector control system is derived based on the basic BDFM equation in the synchronous mode accompanied with an appropriate synchronization approach to the grid. An analysis is performed for the vector control system using the generic BDFM vector model. The analysis proves the efficacy of the proposed approach in BDFM electromagnetic torque and rotor flux control. In fact, in the proposed vector control system, the BDFM torque can be controlled very effectively promising a high-performance BDFM shaft speed control system. A closed-loop shaft speed control system is composed based on the presented vector control system whose performance is examined both in simulations and experiments. The results confirm the high performance of the proposed approach in BDFM shaft speed control as well as a very close agreement between the simulations and experiments. Tests are performed on a 180-frame prototype BDFM.

Emulation and Control Methods for Direct Drive Linear Wave Energy Converters

May 2013


51 Reads


34 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

This paper devises an electronic based emulator for tubular Direct Drive Linear Wave Energy Converter (DDLWEC). The emulator is able to output expected voltage sourced waveforms and include related impedances of a DDLWEC, which provides convenience and cost saving for testing various power conversion methods for the DDLWECs in a wide range of wave conditions. Two various ac/dc power conversion topologies have been developed to work in conjunction with a tubular DDLWEC, and their performances are tested by using the emulator. Both topologies are able to effectively handle the irregular electrical outputs from DDLWECs. The unidirectional ac/dc topology has advantage in cost saving. On the other hand, the H-Bridge topology can allow reversible energy flow and can slightly improve the power extraction from DDLWECs.

Analysis and Enhancement of Low-Voltage Ride-Through Capability of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator

March 2013


101 Reads


98 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

This paper discusses the dynamic behavior of the brushless doubly fed induction generator during the grid faults which lead to a decrease in the generator's terminal voltage. The variation of the fluxes, back EMFs, and currents are analyzed during and after the voltage dip. Furthermore, two alternative approaches are proposed to improve the generator ride-through capability using crowbar and series dynamic resistor circuits. Appropriate values for their resistances are calculated analytically. Finally, the coupled circuit model and the generator's speed and reactive power controllers are simulated to validate the theoretical results and the effectiveness of the proposed solutions. Moreover, experiments are performed to validate the coupled circuit model used.

Low-Cost Variable Speed Drive Based on a Brushless Doubly-Fed Motor and a Fractional Unidirectional Converter

January 2012


229 Reads


93 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

The paper presents a low-cost variable-speed drive system comprising a brushless doubly-fed motor (BDFM) and a fractionally rated unidirectional frequency converter. A simple control algorithm is proposed for regulating the drive's speed and torque. A method of starting the BDFM in the cascade mode is presented and the starting performance is analyzed. The efficiency of the BDFM is discussed and the dynamic performance of the drive is verified by experimental results obtained from a 180 frame-size BDFM. Index Terms—Brushless doubly-fed motor (BDFM), dynamic performance, phase angle controller, unidirectional converter.

Symmetrical Low Voltage Ride-Through of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator

November 2011


73 Reads


18 Citations

The Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (BDFIG) shows commercial promise for wind power generation due to its lower cost and higher reliability compared to the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). For the purposes of commercialisation, the BDFIG must meet grid codes at all times. Nowadays, all new wind generators have to ride through certain grid faults, and the Low-Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) capability has become one of the most important points on which to assess the performance a generator. This paper, for the first time, proposes a control scheme to enable the the BDFIG to ride through symmetrical voltage dips. Simulation results and experimental results on a prototype BDFIG show that the proposed scheme gives the capability to ride through low voltage faults.

Citations (21)

... T He Brushless Doubly-Fed induction Machine (BDFM) is an attractive proposition for variable speed applications, especially in wind power generation [1], [2]. Several experimental BDFMs have been built ranging from small laboratory sizes up to several hundreds of kilowatts including a 250 kW size built by the authors [3], [4] and most recently, an 800 kW machine built for hydropower generation by Chen et al. [5]. Research on the BDFM has gained a fresh momentum in recent years which has led to significant improvement in the understanding, design and control of the machine [6]- [23]. ...


Derivation of Equivalent Circuit Rotor Current From Rotor Bar Current Measurements in Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine
Performance analysis and testing of a 250 kW medium-speed brushless doubly-fed induction generator

... The disadvantage of the flat type linear generator is the existence of transverse end effect. Tubular structure [9][10][11][12][13][14] is a more attractive topology of PMLG, since it has no ending flux leakage, cancels out radial forces, and has a highly compact mechanical structure, high efficiency, and better robustness. An iron-cored PMLG can produce larger magnetic flux density but has heavier weight and cogging force, so air-cored PMLG type is widely used. ...

Emulation and Control Methods for Direct Drive Linear Wave Energy Converters
  • Citing Article
  • May 2013

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

... Nevertheless, there exist slip-rings and brushes in DFIG, and these wear parts can lower the reliability and also add maintenance costs [1][2][3]. In contrast, a brushless doubly fed generator (BDFG) has advantages similar to conventional DFIG, but it can also overcome the disadvantages of DFIG including having no brushes and slip rings, smaller sized gearbox and better low-voltage ride through (LVRT) capability [1][2][3][4]. Hence, the BDFG is capable of greatly improving the reliability of the generation system and reducing its cost. ...

Asymmetrical Low-Voltage Ride Through of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generators for the Wind Power Generation

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

... Since the rotor cannot simply be presented as a three-phase system, an appropriate dq transformation must be used for the rotor currents. For a nested-loop rotor with S nests, a dq transformation matrix was proposed in [59] which is similar to that of an S-phase system. It was also shown in [59] that the transformation can be represented for either p 1 or p 2 pole pairs. ...

Dynamic modelling of the brushless doubly fed machine

... This is because of their low cost, variable speed capabilities, and setup that makes use of fractionally rated converters (Polinder et al., 2013). Nonetheless, the DFIM's slide rings and brushes mechanism restricts its robustness and reliability, necessitating periodic maintenance ( Tohidi et al., 2013 ), ( Cárdenas et al., 2013), (Tir et al., 2010). ...

Analysis and Enhancement of Low-Voltage Ride-Through Capability of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator
  • Citing Article
  • March 2013

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

... It is worthy to note that the literatures mentioned above are merely dedicated to improve the performance of PW that is directly affected by grid voltage. However, BDFIG is a typical twin ports generator [21], except for the main power transition path of PW controlled by the MSC, the other power flow of CW that is controlled by the GSC needs to be considered at the same time. Therefore, researches on the coordinated control strategy for the back-to-back converters can further improve the overall performance of BDFIG generation system when compared with the control method of single-side converter. ...

Generalized Vector Control for Brushless Doubly Fed Machines With Nested-Loop Rotor

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

... For these reasons, the BDFG is regarded as an ideal alternative for traditional DFIG. The running of the BDFG includes stand-alone [5][6][7][8] and grid-connected modes [1][2][3][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. The basic topology of a grid-connected BDFG-based wind turbine (BDFGWT) is depicted in Figure 1. ...

Dynamic Control of the Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator Under Unbalanced Operation

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

... A unique control strategy enables FRT capabilities for the BDFIM, facilitating the provision of reactive power for grid support [40]. ...

Crowbarless Fault Ride-Through of the Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator in a Wind Turbine Under Symmetrical Voltage Dips

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

... This is particularly important when the size of the machine, and hence the rotor diameter, increases requiring more loops to be utilized in each nest. The authors have recently proposed a vector model for the 2/4 pole-pair prototype BDFM with three loops per nest in [22]- [24] and noted that the approach can be extended to machines with any number of loops per nest. In [23], the predictions of the derived vector model for the prototype BDFM were validated with those of the coupled-circuit model, but no experimental verifications were provided. ...

Development of a Vector Model for Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine Considering All Loops in each Rotor Nest
  • Citing Article
  • January 2009

... Previous studies have largely emphasized the issue of voltage dips, primarily due to their frequent occurrence in the system [63], [64], [65], [66], [83], [84], [85], [86], [87], [88], [89], [90], [91], [92], [93], [94], [95], [96]. One of the early works addressing the issue of voltage dips can be found in [83], where a fuzzy controller was proposed in conjunction with a conventional proportional integral (PI) controller in the flux orientation strategy. ...

Symmetrical Low Voltage Ride-Through of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator