Shenglong Hu’s research while affiliated with National University of Defense Technology and other places

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Publications (60)

Performance of the perturbed orthogonally decomposable tensors
Performance of randomly generated tensors for r = 1
Quantifying low rank approximations of third order symmetric tensors
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


25 Reads

Mathematical Programming

Shenglong Hu


Defeng Sun


In this paper, we present a method to certify the approximation quality of a low rank tensor to a given third order symmetric tensor. Under mild assumptions, best low rank approximation is attained if a control parameter is zero or quantified quasi-optimal low rank approximation is obtained if the control parameter is positive. This is based on a primal-dual method for computing a low rank approximation for a given tensor. The certification is derived from the global optimality of the primal and dual problems, and is characterized by easily checkable relations between the primal and the dual solutions together with another rank condition. The theory is verified theoretically for orthogonally decomposable tensors as well as numerically through examples in the general case.


Quadratic Growth and Linear Convergence of a DCA Method for Quartic Minimization over the Sphere

March 2024


11 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

The quartic minimization over the sphere can be reformulated as a nonlinear nonconvex semidefinite program over the spectraplex. In this paper, under mild assumptions, we show that the reformulated nonlinear semidefinite program possesses the quadratic growth property at a rank one critical point which is a local minimizer of the quartic minimization problem. The quadratic growth property further implies the strong metric subregularity of the subdifferential of the objective function of the unconstrained reformulation of the nonlinear semidefinite program, from which we can show that the objective function is a Łojasiewicz function with exponent 1212\frac{1}{2} at the corresponding critical point. With these results, we can establish the linear convergence of an efficient DCA method proposed for solving the nonlinear semidefinite program.

Quantifying low rank approximations of third order symmetric tensors

July 2023


37 Reads

In this paper, we present a method to certify the approximation quality of a low rank tensor to a given third order symmetric tensor. Under mild assumptions, best low rank approximation is attained if a control parameter is zero or quantified quasi-optimal low rank approximation is obtained if the control parameter is positive.This is based on a primal-dual method for computing a low rank approximation for a given tensor. The certification is derived from the global optimality of the primal and dual problems, and is characterized by easily checkable relations between the primal and the dual solutions together with another rank condition. The theory is verified theoretically for orthogonally decomposable tensors as well as numerically through examples in the general case.

A DCA-Newton method for quartic minimization over the sphere

July 2023


26 Reads


1 Citation

Advances in Computational Mathematics

In this paper, a method for quartic minimization over the sphere is studied. It is based on an equivalent difference of convex (DC) reformulation of this problem in the matrix variable. This derivation also induces a global optimality certification for the quartic minimization over the sphere. An algorithm with the subproblem being solved by a semismooth Newton method is then proposed for solving the quartic minimization problem. The efficiency of this algorithm and the global optimality certification are illustrated by numerical experiments.

Efficient low-rank regularization-based algorithms combining advanced techniques for solving tensor completion problems with application to color image recovering

November 2022


33 Reads


3 Citations

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

In this paper, a method combining several recent advances is proposed for solving the tensor completion problem. In the proposed method, the ɛ-sparsity index of a matrix, the balanced matricization schemes, the ket augmentation technique, and the discrete cosine transformation are carefully integrated. An easily implementable algorithm is presented to solve the proposed method, and each subproblem can be solved either exactly or approximately by closed formula. The global convergence of the algorithm is established without any assumptions. Experiments with real data show the ability of the proposed method over several state-of-the-art methods, especially with low sample ratios.

Linear convergence of an alternating polar decomposition method for low rank orthogonal tensor approximations

July 2022


16 Reads


16 Citations

Mathematical Programming

Low rank orthogonal tensor approximation (LROTA) is an important problem in tensor computations and their applications. A classical and widely used algorithm is the alternating polar decomposition method (APD). In this paper, an improved version iAPD of the classical APD is proposed. For the first time, all of the following four fundamental properties are established for iAPD: (i) the algorithm converges globally and the whole sequence converges to a KKT point without any assumption; (ii) it exhibits an overall sublinear convergence with an explicit rate which is sharper than the usual O(1/k) for first order methods in optimization; (iii) more importantly, it converges R-linearly for a generic tensor without any assumption; (iv) for almost all LROTA problems, iAPD reduces to APD after finitely many iterations if it converges to a local minimizer.

Nondegeneracy of eigenvectors and singular vector tuples of tensors

February 2022


13 Reads


3 Citations

Science China Mathematics

In this article, nondegeneracy of singular vector tuples, Z-eigenvectors and eigenvectors of tensors is studied, which have found many applications in diverse areas. The main results are: (i) each (Z-)eigenvector/singular vector tuple of a generic tensor is nondegenerate, and (ii) each nonzero Z-eigenvector/singular vector tuple of an orthogonally decomposable tensor is nondegenerate.

BB{\text {B}}-Subdifferential of the Projection onto the Generalized Spectraplex

February 2022


20 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

In this paper, a complete characterization of the BB{\text {B}}-subdifferential with explicit formula for the projection mapping onto the generalized spectraplex (aka generalized matrix simplex) is derived. The derivation is based on complete characterizations of the BB{\text {B}}-subdifferential as well as the Han-Sun Jacobian of the projection mapping onto the generalized simplex. The formula provides tools for further computations and nonsmooth analysis involving this projection.

When geometry meets optimization theory: partially orthogonal tensors

January 2022


35 Reads

Due to the multi-linearity of tensors, most algorithms for tensor optimization problems are designed based on the block coordinate descent method. Such algorithms are widely employed by practitioners for their implementability and effectiveness. However, these algorithms usually suffer from the lack of theoretical guarantee of global convergence and analysis of convergence rate. In this paper, we propose a block coordinate descent type algorithm for the low rank partially orthogonal tensor approximation problem and analyse its convergence behaviour. To achieve this, we carefully investigate the variety of low rank partially orthogonal tensors and its geometric properties related to the parameter space, which enable us to locate KKT points of the concerned optimization problem. With the aid of these geometric properties, we prove without any assumption that: (1) Our algorithm converges globally to a KKT point; (2) For any given tensor, the algorithm exhibits an overall sublinear convergence with an explicit rate which is sharper than the usual O(1/k) for first order methods in nonconvex optimization; {(3)} For a generic tensor, our algorithm converges R-linearly.

Comparisons between dN and cN
{\text {B}}-subdifferentials of the projection onto the matrix simplex

December 2021


25 Reads


3 Citations

Computational Optimization and Applications

An important tool in matrix optimization problems is the strong semismoothness of the projection mapping onto the cone of real symmetric positive semidefinite matrices, and the explicit formula for its B{\text {B}}(ouligand)-subdifferentials. In this paper, we examine the corresponding results for the so-called matrix simplex, that is, the set of real symmetric positive semidefinite matrices whose traces are equal to one. This result complements the current literature and enlarges the toolbox of matrix spectral operators whose B{\text {B}}-subdifferentials are explicitly formulated. Since the matrix simplex frequently arises in subproblems for solving matrix optimization problems, the derived results can potentially serve as a useful tool for efficiently solving these problems. As an illustration, we present a numerical example to demonstrate that the proposed approach can outperform the existing approaches which used projection mapping onto positive semidefinite matrix cone directly.

Citations (42)

... quantum physics [27], spectral hypergraph theory [9], the best rank one approximation of a fourth order real symmetric tensor [14,18], diffusion kurtosis medical imaging [21], etc. We refer to [11,19] for notations and preliminaries on tensors, and [7,10] and references therein for more on this problem. ...


Quadratic Growth and Linear Convergence of a DCA Method for Quartic Minimization over the Sphere
A DCA-Newton method for quartic minimization over the sphere

Advances in Computational Mathematics

... I MAGE restoration has remained a fundamental and persistent topic in numerous vision-based applications [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]. Its goal is to produce a high-quality output from a degraded observation. ...

Efficient low-rank regularization-based algorithms combining advanced techniques for solving tensor completion problems with application to color image recovering
  • Citing Article
  • November 2022

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

... A companion but with the same importance is the best low rank approximation for a given tensor, which is a cornerstone in several disciplines, especially in applications where data is collected with noise and thus approximation is prevalent [16]. The best low rank approximation problem for a given tensor has a rich literature, see [6,7,11,16,24,28,31] and references therein. ...

Linear convergence of an alternating polar decomposition method for low rank orthogonal tensor approximations
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

Mathematical Programming

... We can derive from each numerical framework for general nonlinear problems a method for (1), see for example [19]. Methods from numerical linear algebra can also be extended and strengthened to this content, such as the symmetric shifted higher order power method (SS-HOPM) [20], and nice properties of this method can be established [12,14]. However, an unsolved problem for adoptions of general nonlinear optimization techniques to (1) is that we cannot conclude the quality of the computed solution. ...

Nondegeneracy of eigenvectors and singular vector tuples of tensors
  • Citing Article
  • February 2022

Science China Mathematics

... In [14], an explicit formula for the B-subdifferential of the projection onto the generalized simplex in terms of its Han-Sun Jacobian is characterized completely. We briefly summarize these in the following as they are the foundation for the subsequent analysis, we refer to [14] for the details. ...

B-Subdifferentials of the Projection onto the Generalized Simplex
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021

Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research

... The optimization problem described by equation (1) and its corresponding minimization counterpart have been the subject of extensive research in recent years, see [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] and references therein. Notably, these problems are recognized as NP-hard, as demonstrated in [1][2][3]. ...

Biquadratic tensors, biquadratic decompositions, and norms of biquadratic tensors
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Frontiers of Mathematics in China

... Although the TCP is a special type of nonlinear complementarity problem (NCP) [7,8], due to the homogeneity and multilinearity of the involved mappings, the TCP has its own particular structure and property other than the general NCPs. So far, plenteous results have been obtained on the theoretical study of TCPs, including the solvability of TCPs [9][10][11], global uniqueness and solvability of TCPs [12][13][14][15][16][17], nonemptiness and boundedness of the solution set [18][19][20][21][22][23], stability of solutions and continuity of solution maps [24,25], connectedness of the solution set [26], etc. ...

Connectedness of the solution set of the tensor complementarity problem
  • Citing Article
  • February 2020

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications