August 2016
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2 Citations
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
Seeds of Cichorium intybus L. (Tukhm-e-Kasni) are mainly described to be anti-inflammatory, diuretic, tonic; useful in renal asthenia and nephritic syndrome like condition. In the present study 70% ethanol extract of seeds was investigated for its steroidal and metabolic activity in albino rats of either sex in two different tests. In both the tests, the animals were treated with the test drug (150 mg/kg/p.o.) twice a day for three days and were sacrificed subsequently on 4th day. In the test designed for steroidal activity, thymus gland was dissected out and weighed while in the test for metabolic activity, liver was dissected out for glycogen estimation and blood was collected for the estimation of blood sugar, serum protein and serum cholesterol. The test drug reduced the thymus weight significantly (p<0.01) as compared to the plain control and was found to be moderately lesser than the regression produced by hydrocortisone. Further, the study shows that it also induced hyperproteinemia and liver glycogen increasing effect and moderately increased the blood glucose level. The findings suggest that Tukhm-e-Kasni possesses marked steroidal and metabolic activity. Steroidal effect may be one of the bases for its use in various renal diseases especially nephrotic syndrome like condition. © 2016, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR). All rights reserved.