Setyo Harmono’s research while affiliated with Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri and other places

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Publications (11)

Description of the Data Results of Arm Muscle Strength Tests for the Massed Practice and Distributed Practice Training Methods on Improving the Accuracy of Volleyball Forearm Passing.
Summary of Data Homogeneity Test Results
The effect of Massed Practice and Distributed Practice training methods on increasing the accuracy of passing under volleyball
Differences in the results of the accuracy of the lower pass of students who have high arm muscle strength and low arm muscle strength
6 The effect of the interaction of training methods and arm muscle strength on
The Effect Of Massed Practice And Distributed Practice Methods Practice Method In Terms Of Arm Muscle Strength Training On The Accuracy Of Passing Down The Ball
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2024


7 Reads

Journal Coaching Education Sports

Zulfi Nizar Zam-Zami


Wasis Himawanto


Setyo Harmono

This research aims to determine: 1) the impact of Massed Practice and Distributed Practice training methods on enhancing the accuracy of volleyball underhand passes, 2) the difference in underhand passing accuracy between students with high and low arm muscle strength, and 3) the interaction effect of training methods and arm muscle strength on the accuracy of volleyball smashes. The study employs a quantitative approach with experimental techniques and data collection through tests. The population consists of male students from class IX at SMPN 1 Pucanglaban Tulungagung, with a sample size of 30 selected through purposive random sampling. Data analysis was conducted using t-tests and ANOVA tests. The results are as follows: 1) There is a significant difference in the impact of Massed Practice and Distributed Practice training methods on improving the accuracy of volleyball underhand passes. This is evidenced by the t-test results showing a significance value of 0.011, which is less than the 0.05 threshold, leading to the acceptance of the null hypothesis (Ha). 2) There is no significant difference in underhand passing accuracy between students with high and low arm muscle strength. The t-test results indicate a significance value of 0.336, which is greater than 0.05, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis (Ha). 3) There is a significant interaction effect between training methods and arm muscle strength on the accuracy of volleyball smashes. The calculation results yield a significance value of 0.006, which is less than 0.05, indicating the acceptance of the null hypothesis (Ha).


Test the Difference in Average Paired Samples
Results of Aerobic Capacity ANOVA Calculation
The Difference Between The Practice Of Passing Underhand The Ball Reflected On The Wall And The Ball Hanging On The Skill Of Passing Underhand Volleyball

October 2022


32 Reads


1 Citation

COMPETITOR Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga

The importance of lower passing in the game of volleyball to get the maximum achievement and considering the type of passing training program walled and passing using hanging balls is a method that can be used to improve passing underhand in volleyball games, this study aims to determine the effect of walled passing and passing exercises using hanging balls on lower passing skills at PGRI Jogorogo Junior High School, Ngawi Regency. This study uses a quantitative approach, the type of research is experimental research, the research design uses a randomized control group pretest-posttest, the sample is 39 people, while the data on volleyball passing underhand skills are collected using the lower passing test instrument. The data analysis technique used is an independent sample t-test. The results showed that the sig value of 0.001 < 0.05 which showed that there were differences in the method of passing exercises on the wall and passing using hanging balls against the bottom passing skills of volleyball, this was seen from the average value of the pretest and posttest of the walled passing group of 9.62 compared to the passing group using hanging balls with an average value of 4.31. Where is seen from the difference with an average value of 5,31.

Agility test results using football player illions test
Homogeneity Test Table
The Influence Of Speed, Agility, Quickness (SAQ) Exercise On Agility And Speed

October 2022


362 Reads

COMPETITOR Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga

The importance of agility and speed in football players in an effort to get maximum achievement and considering the type of Speed, Agility, Quickness (SAQ) training program, is a method that can be used to increase agility and speed, this study aims to determine the effect of speed, agility, quickness (SAQ) training on agility and speed in football extracurricular students of SMK PGRI 9 Ngawi Regency. This study uses a quantitative approach, the type of research is experimental research, the research design uses rondomized control group pretest-posttest, the sample is 30 people, while agility data is collected using the Illinois agility test instrument and the 20-meter running test. The data analysis technique used is an independent sample t-test. The results showed that the sig value of 0.001 < 0.05 which shows that there is an influence of speed, agility, quickness (saq) training on agility and speed in extracurricular football students of SMK PGRI 9 Ngawi Regency, This is seen from the average pre-test and posttest values of speed, agility, quickness (saq) training has a change of 2.71 to agility and 2.41 to speed, it can be concluded that the speed training method, Agility, Quickness (SAQ) is better for increasing agility.

Figure 5. Diagram of Gross Motor Skills of students of State Elementary School 2 Mojoroto in Kediri City
Frequency Distribution of motor skills kasar students of SD Negeri 2 Mojoroto kediri city
Survey of Gross Motor Skills on Students of State Elementary School 2 Mojoroto, Kediri City

June 2022


40 Reads


3 Citations

COMPETITOR Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga

Gross motor skills are abilities that must be possessed by any individual that begins to be developed at an early age. The age of 6-12 years is the age when each individual can master gross motor skills so it is necessary to know how the condition of their motor skills can be handled in the future. The purpose of this study was to find out how gross motor skills are in elementary school students. The research design used in this study is descriptive and quantitative with survey methods. The survey conducted by this study used tests and measurements in collecting data. The subjects in this study were 80 elementary school students who were male. The instruments in this study are coordination by throwing catches the ball, agility by using a shuttle run test, speed using a 30-meter sprint test, and balance using the Stork Stand Positional balance test. The results showed that motor skills in students of Mojoroto state elementary school in Kediri city are included in the good category with a percentage of 59%. Furthermore, in the excellent category, there are 2 students with a percentage of 3%, in the medium category there are 31 students with a percentage of 39%.

Perbandingan pengaruh bola standar dan bola modifikasi terhadap kemampuan dribble sepakbola

May 2022


18 Reads

Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan

The purpose of this study was to compare the use of ball facilities to develop soccer dribbling skills. The facilities used are standard balls and plastic balls. The method of this research is experimental with pre-test post-test group design. The research subjects were extracurricular students at SD Negeri 1 Kendal, Tulungagung, totaling 30 students. The research instrument used the Rogalski & Degel Soccer Dribbling Test. The results showed significant development of dribbling ability using standard balls and plastic balls. However, the use of plastic balls gave a better effect than the use of standard balls for elementary school-aged students.

Identifikasi fisik dominan atlet renang melalui program tes parameter di PRSI Kabupaten Tulungagung

December 2021


9 Reads


1 Citation

PROMOTIF Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat


Setyo Harmono





Surawan Surawan

Pada olahraga renang ada beberapa komponen kondisi fisik dominan yang harus diketahui, sedangkan mitra belum memiliki data kondisi fisik dominan atlet yang dibina kususnya atlet renang dalam persiapan menuju event Porprov 2022. Tujuan pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yakni melakukan analisa kondisi fisik dominan atlet renang. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yakni tes kondisi fisik atlet renang, intrumen tes yang digunkana terdapat 10 komponen item tes, data dianalisis menggunakan rata-rata dan persentase. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat analisis kondisi fisik atlet putra dan putri yang dipersiapkan untuk event Porprov 2022 menujukkan bahwa 72% atlet memiliki kemampuan kurang, 28% cukup, sedangkan kurang sekali, baik dan baik sekali masing-masing meliliki persentase 0%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi fisik atlet putra dan putri yang dipersiapkan untuk event Porprov 2022 memiliki kemampuan kondisi fisik kurang.

The Effect of Body Balance and Leg Muscle Strength on the Game of Coconut Shell Stilts and Bamboo Stilts

October 2021


17 Reads


1 Citation

COMPETITOR Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga

Stable body balance and leg muscle strength can be obtained with various exercises that should be given from the age of 0-6 years or the golden age where there is rapid growth and development process and the child begins to be sensitive to stimulation so that children's development must be optimized, for example through traditional stilt games. coconut shell. This study aims to determine the effect of body balance and leg muscle strength on the game of coconut shell stilts in class X SMA PGRI 1 Jombang. The research design used descriptive analysis. The population of this research is the students of class X SMA PGRI 1 Jombang which consists of 127 students. The sample used was 30 students who were taken using the random sampling technique. The dependent variable was body balance and leg muscle strength, while coconut shell stilts and bamboo stilts were independent variables. Statistical test using multiple linear regression test. The results of the research on the balance variable with a sample of 30 students of class X SMA PGRI 1 Jombang, obtained a mean of 71.5000 with a standard deviation of 13,14049, the highest score of 90 and the lowest score of 50. Based on the results of the calculation of multiple linear regression test the effect of body balance and muscle strength against the coconut shell stilt game, for the body balance variable, the t-count value is 3.595, while the t-table is 1.699 because t-count (3.595) > t-table (1.699). Variable leg muscle strength obtained t-count value of 3.561, while t-table of 1.699, because t-count (3.561) > t-table (1.699). The effect of body balance and muscle strength on bamboo stilts, variable leg muscle strength obtained t-count value of 3.250, while t-table of 1.699, because t-count (3.250) > t-table (1.699). The body balance variable obtained t-count value of 4.137, while t-table of 1.699, because t-count (4,137) > t-table (1,699). So it can be concluded that there is an effect of body balance and muscle strength on the game of coconut shell stilts and bamboo stilts in class X SMA PGRI 1 Jombang. Based on the conclusions of the research, it is suggested that further development and research should be carried out with a more in-depth study to increase the knowledge of the readers and it is hoped that the results of this research can be useful for lovers of traditional games.

Development of Online Learning Video Media Material for Short Distance Running (sprint) in Elementary School

October 2021


9 Reads

COMPETITOR Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga

Running is one of the materials contained in physical education subjects. In the learning process, running material is also taught through games, but the variety of running games provided is lacking, besides that running games have never been packaged in the form of video learning media. For this reason, learning media in which there are sprint running techniques are also needed in the learning process, especially during online learning as it is today. Based on the results of initial observations conducted by State Elementary School 3 Watuagung, Watulimo District, Trenggalek Regency, it can be concluded that teachers have never taught sprint running material through learning media in the form of video. This research and development aim to develop a sprint running learning media that is packaged in a video for the State Elementary School 3 Watuagung, Watulimo District, Trenggalek Regency. This development refers to the development method proposed by Lee and Owens using the following steps: 1) needs analysis or analysis, 2) product design or design, 3) product development or development, 4) implementation and 5) evaluation or evaluation. The result of this development is a video containing sprint running material that can be used as a supporting medium to make it easier for teachers to deliver learning materials and increase the enthusiasm of students to receive the material presented so that learning takes place and online in a fun and not monotonous way and learning materials can be delivered easily. good. This development product is feasible and can be used as a learning medium. In operating this development product, it is recommended for users to know and understand in advance the use of video to operate the product properly, the learning process will be more optimal if the teacher already knows how to operate it, this development product can be used as a medium for delivering material to students.

Survei Implementasi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013 Di SMP Se Kecamatan Kertosono

November 2020


6 Reads

Journal Coaching Education Sports

Education is a mandatory requirement that must be possessed by every human being, until whenever education is needed by every individual human to fulfill the needs and perfect themselves as people who are knowledgeable, moral, and useful in a national development. This type of research uses quantitative descriptive research. Ali Maksum (2012: 68) descriptive research is research that is conducted to describe the real occurrence of circumstances. the results of the study obtained the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in physical education in the Junior High School in the Kertosono Subdistrict. the "low" category is 5 students or 22.8%; "medium" category as many as 8 students or 36.3%; the "high" category is 4 students or 18.2%; and the category of "very high" by 2 students or by 9.1%

Gambar 1. Gerakan cuci tangan dalam senam cegah covid-19
Maintain Body Fitness in the pandemic with video tutorials Senam Cegah Covid19 (SCC19) with Nusantara Aerobic Nusantara University PGRI Kediri in 2020

July 2020


14 Reads


5 Citations

GANDRUNG Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Sport is a form of physical activity that is carried out in a planned and structured manner which in its implementation involves repetitive body movements to improve physical and spiritual fitness. Sport becomes an important thing and must be done by the community in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. Because sports activities can improve fitness and increase endurance so it can be ensured that immunity becomes strong as a defense against the virus that causes COVID-19. Conducting Physical Distancing is an appeal by the World Health Organization (WHO) which has changed the way we live everyday. Began to do the teaching and learning process, work, worship also exercise at home. When doing physical exercise it is recommended not to overdo it with high intensity. Because, it can interfere with health. Prevent Covid-19 (SCC-19) is a type of exercise that is intended to prevent covid-19 to improve fitness and endurance. SCC is expected to be an alternative way to maintain health, fitness and endurance. This activity was carried out by conducting a virtual demonstration with a video tutorial on the movement of the gymnastics created by SCC-19, which was exhibited by the Nusantara Aerobic team, Nusantara University PGRI Kediri. The target subjects of this activity are all sports activists. The results of this activity indicate that there is good enthusiasm from the total audience of 4,625.

Citations (5)

... Observations at the Jakarta Para Swim event identified special obstacles encountered by swimmers with disabilities, notably deficiencies in upper body muscle strength, including the arm muscles (Pratama et al., 2021). This constraint highlights the necessity for specialized training tools (Ali et al., 2022;Amalia et al., 2023;Nilhakim, 2022;Wahono & Nasution, 2022). ...


Effectiveness of resistance band swimming training on muscle strength in swimmers with physical disabilities in the 50-meter freestyle
Identifikasi fisik dominan atlet renang melalui program tes parameter di PRSI Kabupaten Tulungagung

PROMOTIF Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

... Ada pengaruh permainan tradisional egrang tempurung kelapa terhadap keseimbangan anak usia dini (Rahmawati & Sulistyawan, 2020). Permainan tradisional egrang bambu berpengaruh terhadap keseimbangan siswa (Rahim, 2015) (Salam et al., 2019) (Wahyono et al., 2021) dan kekuatan otot kaki (Wahyono et al., 2021). Aspek keseimbangan ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap koordinasi mata, tangan dan kaki (Priyambada, 2014). ...

The Effect of Body Balance and Leg Muscle Strength on the Game of Coconut Shell Stilts and Bamboo Stilts

COMPETITOR Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga

... This type of research uses a survey method then the analysis uses a quantitative descriptive (Kurniawan & Widigdya, 2021), (Allsabah & Harmono, 2022), (Allsabah & Sugito, 2023), (Prabowo et al., 2023). The sample for this study was 40 coaches consisting of 15 types of sports, of course, these sports will compete in POPNAS (National Student Sports Week). ...

Survey of Gross Motor Skills on Students of State Elementary School 2 Mojoroto, Kediri City

COMPETITOR Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga

... Bola voli adalah salah satu olahraga yang populer di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia, dimainkan oleh berbagai kelompok usia baik secara rekreasi maupun prestasi. Keberhasilan dalam permainan ini sangat bergantung pada penguasaan teknik dasar, salah satunya adalah teknik passing bawah (underhand passing) yang merupakan keterampilan mendasar dan penting dalam permainan bola voli (Rumiati et al., 2022). Teknik ini menjadi fondasi bagi penguasaan bola serta proses inisiasi permainan yang efektif, baik di tingkat sekolah maupun kompetisi (Ishak, 2023). ...

The Difference Between The Practice Of Passing Underhand The Ball Reflected On The Wall And The Ball Hanging On The Skill Of Passing Underhand Volleyball

COMPETITOR Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga

... Today, the community has taken an active role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle through various activities, one of which is aerobic exercise, which is popular in the community [1]. Gymnastics is a systematic physical exercise that uses movements that are regulated and selected to reach a high level of health [2]- [4]. ...

Maintain Body Fitness in the pandemic with video tutorials Senam Cegah Covid19 (SCC19) with Nusantara Aerobic Nusantara University PGRI Kediri in 2020

GANDRUNG Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat