Seth Putterman’s research while affiliated with University of California, Los Angeles and other places

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Publications (159)

Simulation of the high Mach number asymptote for bubble collapse in a compressible Euler fluid
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October 2024


15 Reads


Steven J. Ruuth


Seth Putterman

Cavitation is a process where bubbles form and collapse within a fluid with dynamic, spatially varying pressure. This phenomenon can concentrate energy density by 12 orders of magnitude, creating light-emitting plasma or damaging nearby surfaces. A key question in cavitation theory and experiments is: what are the upper limits of energy density achievable through this spontaneous multiscale process? Among the many physical processes at play, we focus on fluid compressibility, modeled using the Tait-Murnaghan equation of state for a homentropic Euler fluid. We examine spherical cavities corresponding to experimentally realizable sonoluminescing bubbles, whose radius changes by a factor of over 100. These bubbles reach velocities exceeding the speed of sound of the surrounding fluid. However, all-Mach hydrodynamic solvers, such as those implemented using the Basilisk software, can exhibit unphysical behavior even at early times when motion is nearly incompressible. To accurately capture high Mach number motion and resolve dynamics in the sonoluminescence regime, we introduced a uniform bubble approximation for the ideal gas inside the bubble. This leading-order approximation clarifies the significant effects of compressibility. Our results reproduce the equation-of-state-dependent asymptotic power-law region predicted by analytic calculations. This confirms our method's ability to capture high Mach number motion and suggests that the asymptotic regime could be experimentally observed. Convergence of this method is demonstrated for bubbles in both water and liquid lithium, showing that compressibility slows collapse. Additionally, an outgoing shock wave in the compressible fluid is resolved.


Longitudinal dispersion law in the normalized variables for different values of Γ 0. The results from the variational approaches are Eulerian (dashed purple line, as described in Sec. II C) and modified Lagrangian (solid red line, as described in Sec. III D). The step function approximation for the pair distribution function is assumed, and u ( Γ ) = − 0.9 Γ + 0.5944 Γ 1 / 3 − 0.2786 is defined in Eq. (17) and taken from Ref. 15. For comparison, we consider the result from QLCA³⁰ (dotted black line) and values of the longitudinal current fluctuation spectrum obtained from molecular dynamics simulations provided by the authors of Ref. 20 (colored background with large values being white and small values being blue), where the dispersion law is identified by the peaks of the spectrum. Note that the QLCA dispersion law shows negative dispersion for all Γ 0, whereas the proposed modified Lagrangian and simulations show a transition to negative dispersion around Γ 0 = 10. Additionally, the purely Eulerian theory shows instability, where ω L 2 < 0, for Γ 0 ≥ 7.9.
Transverse dispersion law in the normalized variables for different values of Γ 0. The results from the variational approaches are Eulerian (dashed purple line, as described in Sec. II C) and modified Lagrangian (solid red line, as described in Sec. III D). The step function approximation for the pair distribution function is assumed, and u ( Γ ) = − 0.9 Γ + 0.5944 Γ 1 / 3 − 0.2786 is defined in Eq. (17) and taken from Ref. 15. For comparison, we consider the result from QLCA³⁰ (dotted black line) and values of the transverse current fluctuation spectrum obtained from molecular dynamics simulations provided by the authors of Ref. 20 (colored background with large values being white and small values being blue), where the dispersion law is identified by the peaks of the spectrum.
The longitudinal dispersion law in the Eulerian approach using normalized variables for different values of Γ 0, as given by Eq. (21). The step function approximation for the pair distribution function is assumed, and we use Eqs. (19), (22), (25), and (26) for a given u ( Γ ) defined in Eq. (17). In (a), we set u ( Γ ) = − 0.9 Γ, and the corresponding result is given by Eq. (27). In (b), we use u ( Γ ) = − 0.9 Γ + 0.5944 Γ 1 / 3 − 0.2786.
The transverse dispersion law in the Lagrangian approach, expressed in normalized variables, is shown for different values of Γ 0 as given by Eq. (49). We assume the step function approximation for the pair distribution function for a given u ( Γ ) defined in Eq. (17). In (a), u ( Γ ) = − 0.9 Γ. In (b), u ( Γ ) = − 0.9 Γ + 0.5944 Γ 1 / 3 − 0.2786.
The longitudinal dispersion law in the Lagrangian approach, expressed in normalized variables, is shown for different values of Γ 0 as given by Eq. (46). We assume the step function approximation for the pair distribution function, and therefore, we use Eqs. (19), (22), (25), (26), and (50) for a given u ( Γ ) defined in Eq. (17). In (a), u ( Γ ) = − 0.9 Γ, and the result is provided by Eq. (51). In (b), u ( Γ ) = − 0.9 Γ + 0.5944 Γ 1 / 3 − 0.2786.


Variational principles for the hydrodynamics of the classical one-component plasma

March 2024


25 Reads


1 Citation

Hydrodynamic equations for a one-component plasma are derived as a unification of the Euler equations with long-range Coulomb interaction. By using a variational principle, these equations self-consistently unify thermodynamics, dispersion laws, nonlinear motion, and conservation laws. In the moderate and strong coupling limits, it is argued that these equations work down to the length scale of the interparticle spacing. The use of a variational principle also ensures that closure is achieved self-consistently. Hydrodynamic equations are evaluated in both the Eulerian frame, where the fluid variables depend on the position in the laboratory, and the Lagrangian frame, where they depend on the position in some reference state, such as the initial position. Each frame has its advantages and our final theory combines elements of both. The properties of longitudinal and transverse dispersion laws are calculated for the hydrodynamic equations. A simple step function approximation for the pair distribution function enables simple calculations that reveal the structure of the equations of motion. The obtained dispersion laws are compared to molecular dynamics simulations and the theory of quasilocalized charge approximation. The action, which gives excellent agreement for both longitudinal and transverse dispersion laws for a wide range of coupling strengths, is elucidated. Agreement with numerical experiments shows that such a hydrodynamic approach can be used to accurately describe a one-component plasma at very small length scales comparable to the average interparticle spacing. The validity of this approach suggests considering nonlinear flows and other systems with long-range interactions in the future.

Longitudinal dispersion law in the normalized variables for different values of the equilibrium plasma parameter. The results from the variational approaches are: Eulerian (dashed purple line) and modified Lagrangian (solid red line). For comparison, we consider the result from QLCA (dotted black line) and values of the longitudinal current fluctuation spectrum obtained from molecular dynamics simulations provided by the authors of Ref. 25 (colored background with large values being white and small values being blue), where the dispersion law is identified by the peaks of the spectrum.
Transverse dispersion law in the normalized variables for different values of the equilibrium plasma parameter. The results from the variational approaches are: Eulerian (dashed purple line) and modified Lagrangian (solid red line). For comparison, we consider the result from QLCA (dotted black line) and values of the transverse current fluctuation spectrum obtained from molecular dynamics simulations provided by the authors of Ref. 25 (colored background with large values being white and small values being blue), where the dispersion law is identified by the peaks of the spectrum.
Variational principles for the hydrodynamics of the classical one-component plasma

October 2023


47 Reads

Hydrodynamic equations for a one-component plasma are derived as a generalization of the Euler equations to include the effects of the long-range Coulomb interaction. By using a variational principle, these equations self-consistently unify thermodynamics, dispersion laws, nonlinear motion, and conservation laws. In the moderate and strong coupling limits, it is argued that these equations work down to the length scale of the average interparticle spacing. Closure and self-consistency of these nonlocal equations are achieved via the implementation of a variational principle. Hydrodynamic equations are evaluated in both the Eulerian frame, where the dependent variables depend on the position in the laboratory, and the Lagrangian frame, where they depend on the position in some reference state, such as the initial position. Each frame has its advantages and our final theory combines elements of both. The properties of longitudinal and transverse dispersion laws are calculated for the hydrodynamic equations. A simple step function approximation for the pair distribution function is used that allows for simple calculations that reveal the structure of the equations of motion. The obtained dispersion laws are compared to molecular dynamics simulations and the theory of quasilocalized charge approximation. The action, which gives excellent agreement for both longitudinal and transverse dispersion laws for a wide range of coupling strengths, is elucidated. Agreement with numerical experiments shows that such a hydrodynamic approach can be used to accurately describe a one-component plasma at very small length scales comparable to the average interparticle spacing. The validity of this approach suggests considering nonlinear flows and other systems with long-range interactions in the future.

Power law singularity for cavity collapse in a compressible Euler fluid with Tait–Murnaghan equation of state

August 2023


20 Reads


1 Citation

Motivated by the high energy focusing found in rapidly collapsing bubbles, which is relevant to implosion processes that concentrate energy density, such as sonoluminescence, we consider a calculation of an empty cavity collapse in a compressible Euler fluid. We review and then use the method based on similarity theory that was previously used to compute the power law exponent n for the collapse of an empty cavity in water during the late stage of the collapse. We extend this calculation by considering different fluids surrounding the cavity, all of which are parametrized by the Tait–Murnaghan equation of state through parameter γ. As a result, we obtain the dependence of n on γ for a wide range of γ, and indeed see that the collapse is sensitive to the equation of state of an outside fluid.

Coherent qubit measurement in cavity-transmon quantum systems

June 2023


41 Reads

Physical Review A

A measurement of the time between quantum jumps implies the capability to measure the next jump. During the time between jumps the quantum system is not evolving in a closed or unitary manner. While the wave function maintains phase coherence it evolves according to a non-Hermitian effective Hamiltonian. So under null measurement the timing of the next quantum jump can change by very many orders of magnitude when compared to rates obtained by multiplying lifetimes with occupation probabilities obtained via unitary transformation. The theory developed in 1987 for atomic fluorescence is here extended to transitions in transmon qubits. These systems differ from atoms in that they are read out with a harmonic cavity whose resonance is determined by the state of the qubit. We extend our analysis of atomic fluorescence to this infinite level system by treating the cavity as a quantum system. We find that next photon statistics is highly nonexponential and when implemented will enable faster readout, such as on timescales shorter than the decay time of the cavity. Commonly used heterodyne measurements are applied on timescales longer than the cavity lifetime. The overlap between the next photon theory and the theory of heterodyne measurement which are described according to the stochastic Schrödinger equation is elucidated. In the limit of large dispersion the intrinsic error for next jump detection, at short time, tends to zero. Whereas for short-time dyne detection the error remains finite for all values of dispersion.

Miniatured ultrasound transducer design and 3D printing of a highly loaded PZT composite and liquid phase sintering
a Schematic of the fabricated miniatured ultrasound transducer with curved PZT elements. b Schematic of the liquid sintering resin components. c Novel 3D printing system for liquid phase sintering piezoelectric composites. d Debonding process to burn off the supportive polymer. e LPS process to form dense PZT sample. f Liquid sealing process to reduce the lead loss during high-temperature sintering. g Generated acoustic pressure curves of the 3D printed 9.75 MHz miniaturized ultrasound transducers, indicating that the values exceeded many medical thresholds at 9.75 MHz.
PZT free-form fabrication and piezoelectric performance of the as-fabricated piezoelectric elements
a Micro-curved stave elements with different curvatures. b Hemisphere elements used in a general ultrasound transducer for medical imaging and nondestructive testing. c Helical element for generating spiral acoustic fields for ultrasound manipulation. d Cylindrical transducer element with multiple concentric annular layers. e Lattice sensor element for low-frequency (<100 kHz) ultrasound. f Force sensor element with ultrahigh sensitivity. g SEM image comparison between samples sintered by conventional sintering and optimized sintering methods. h Sound speed measurements against the sample thickness. Error bars represent standard deviation (n = 5). i Polarization-electric field (P-E) loop of 3D printed PZT. The remnant polarization Pr is 32.4 µC/cm², which is 84% of the value of pristine materials. jd33 and coupling factor kt benchmarked with state-of-the-art 3D printed piezoelectric materials.
Packaging design and acoustic energy output performance of the as-fabricated miniaturized ultrasound transducer
a 3D printable materials with tunable attenuation coefficient and acoustic impedance for transducer packaging. b Acoustic pressure map vs. 3D printed miniaturized transducer curvature and arc length, showing that the generated acoustic pressure already exceeds many medical application thresholds. c Schematic image of a 3D printed miniaturized ultrasound transducer. d Optical image of a 3D printed miniaturized ultrasound transducer with a focused micro-PZT element.
Microbubble-induced cavitation
a Schematic of the experiment on capturing the cavitation signal in a microbubble suspension and zoom-in view of microbubble fragmentation. b Captured signals (Input voltage: 15 Vpp, 40 Vpp, 90 Vpp and 180 Vpp) in time domain. c–e Frequency spectrums of the received signals driven by different input voltages. The sub-harmonic and broadband are identified as the generation of stable cavitation and inertial cavitation, respectively. f–i Microbubble behavior during insonation, showing the processes of oscillation, growth, and collapse of a microbubble.
Miniaturized ultrasound transducer-induced localized cavitation in blood vessel phantom
a–c Ultrasound-induced microbubble fragmentation via our 3D printed miniaturized ultrasound transducer in a 3D printed blood vessel phantom. d Microbubble content vs. time, indicating that the fragmentation rate is related to the input voltage. e–h Localized drug delivery testing. The microbubbles can be controlled to fragment only at the focal area.
3D Printing and processing of miniaturized transducers with near-pristine piezoelectric ceramics for localized cavitation

April 2023


792 Reads


32 Citations

Haotian Lu



Gengxi Lu




The performance of ultrasonic transducers is largely determined by the piezoelectric properties and geometries of their active elements. Due to the brittle nature of piezoceramics, existing processing tools for piezoelectric elements only achieve simple geometries, including flat disks, cylinders, cubes and rings. While advances in additive manufacturing give rise to free-form fabrication of piezoceramics, the resultant transducers suffer from high porosity, weak piezoelectric responses, and limited geometrical flexibility. We introduce optimized piezoceramic printing and processing strategies to produce highly responsive piezoelectric microtransducers that operate at ultrasonic frequencies. The 3D printed dense piezoelectric elements achieve high piezoelectric coefficients and complex architectures. The resulting piezoelectric charge constant, d33, and coupling factor, kt, of the 3D printed piezoceramic reach 583 pC/N and 0.57, approaching the properties of pristine ceramics. The integrated printing of transducer packaging materials and 3D printed piezoceramics with microarchitectures create opportunities for miniaturized piezoelectric ultrasound transducers capable of acoustic focusing and localized cavitation within millimeter-sized channels, leading to miniaturized ultrasonic devices that enable a wide range of biomedical applications.

Figure 1: Predicted values of n as a function of γ (black dots), the proposed fit for the range of γ close to the value of water that has γ = 7 of the form n = 0.4 + a γ^(-b), where a = 0.657424, b = 0.735226 (solid red line), and the value for the incompressible fluid n = 0.4 (dashed magenta line). In (a), values of γ are those close to the water that has γ = 7. In (b), a larger range of γ is considered.
Figure 2: Numerically obtained solutions for g(x) shown here from x = 1+ε until x = 2, where ε = 10^(-3) (solid black line), ε = 10^(-4) (dashed blue line), ε = 10^(-5) (dotted red line). In (a), the guessed value of n is smaller than the predicted one by 10^(-4). In (b), it is equal to the predicted value n = 0.540799, 0.540801, 0.540801 for ε = 10^(-3), 10^(-4), 10^(-5), respectively. In (c), the guessed value of n is larger than the predicted value by 10^(-4). The guessed solutions in (a) and (c) are not satisfactory because they are not smooth at around x = 1.55 and do not satisfy the boundary condition as x tends to infinity.
Power law singularity for cavity collapse in a compressible Euler fluid with Tait-Murnaghan equation of state

March 2023


44 Reads

Motivated by the high energy focusing found in rapidly collapsing bubbles that is relevant to implosion processes that concentrate energy density, such as sonoluminescence, we consider a calculation of an empty cavity collapse in a compressible Euler fluid. We review and then use the method based on similarity theory that was previously used to compute the power law exponent n for the collapse of an empty cavity in water during the late stage of the collapse. We extend this calculation by considering different fluids surrounding the cavity, all of which are parametrized by the Tait-Murnaghan equation of state through parameter γ. As a result, we obtain the dependence of n on γ for a wide range of γ, and indeed see that the collapse is sensitive to the equation of state of an outside fluid.

Thermal Convection in a Central Force Field Mediated by Sound

January 2023


64 Reads


5 Citations

Physical Review Letters

Convection in radial force fields is a fundamental process behind weather on Earth and the Sun, as well as magnetic dynamo action in both. Until now, benchtop experiments have been unable to study convection in radial force fields due to the inability to generate radial forces of sufficient strength. Recently, it has been appreciated that sound, when averaged over many cycles, exerts a force on density gradients in the gas it travels through. The acoustic radiation pressure on thermal gradients draws cooler gas to regions with large time-averaged acoustic velocity and can be modeled as an effective acoustic gravity. We have constructed a system which generates a high amplitude, spherically symmetric acoustic wave in a rotating spherical bulb containing weakly ionized sulfur gas. Without sound, the gas stratifies itself into an initial state with the warmest gas near the center of the bulb, and the coolest gas near the bulb surface. When the sound is initiated, the acoustic radiation pressure is not balanced and a convective instability is triggered. With high speed videography, we observe the initial shape and growth rate of the most unstable mode at various acoustic amplitudes. Acoustic and rotational forces both contribute to the detailed mode shape, which changes qualitatively at low amplitudes where acoustic forces no longer surpass rotational ones everywhere in the bulb.

3D Printing and Processing of Miniaturized Transducers with Near-pristine Piezoelectric Ceramics for Localized Cavitation

May 2022


196 Reads

The performance of ultrasonic transducers is largely determined by the piezoelectric properties and geometries of their active elements. Due to the brittleness of piezoceramics, existing processing tools for piezoelectric elements only achieve simple geometries, including flat disks, cylinders, cubes and rings. While advances in additive manufacturing give rise to free-form fabrication of piezoceramics, the resultant transducers suffer from high porosity, weak piezoelectric responses, and limited geometrical flexibility. We introduce optimized piezoceramic printing and processing strategies to produce highly responsive piezoelectric microtransducers that operate at ultrasonic frequencies. The 3D printed dense piezoelectric elements achieve high piezoelectric coefficients and complex architectures. The resulting piezoelectric charge constant, d33, and coupling factor, kt, of the 3D printed piezoceramic reach 583 pC/N and 0.65, approaching the properties of pristine ceramics. The integrated printing of transducer packaging materials enables miniaturized ultrasonic transducers capable of localized cavitation within millimeter-sized channels, paving the way for intravascular drug delivery.

Coherent Qubit Measurement in Cavity-Transmon Quantum Systems

December 2021


36 Reads

A measurement of the time between quantum jumps implies the capability to measure the next jump. During the time between jumps the quantum system is not evolving in closed or unitary manner. While the wave function maintains phase coherence it evolves according to a non-hermitian effective hamiltonian. So under null measurement the timing of the next quantum jump can change by very many orders of magnitude when compared to rates obtained by multiplying lifetimes with occupation probabilities obtained via unitary transformation. The theory developed in 1987 for atomic fluorescence is here extended to transitions in transmon qubits. These systems differ from atoms in that they are read out with a harmonic cavity whose resonance is determined by the state of the qubit. We extend our analysis of atomic fluorescence to this infinite level system by treating the cavity as a quantum system. We find that next photon statistics is highly non exponential and when implemented will enable faster readout, such as on time scales shorter than the decay time of the cavity. Commonly used heterodyne measurements are applied on time scales longer than the cavity lifetime. The overlap between the next photon theory and the theory of heterodyne measurement which are described according to the SSE is elucidated.

Citations (60)

... (35). As was done in Ref.72, the pair distribution is approximated as a step function, and Eq. (20) is used for the correlation energy. ...


Dynamic local field correction of the one-component plasma
Variational principles for the hydrodynamics of the classical one-component plasma

... The data from Ref. 20 yields a consistent value of Γ when the cube of the wavenumber of the first peak of the structure factor, q, is interpreted as yielding the density at the given pressure by ρ(p)/ρ 0 = (q(p)/q 0 ) 3 , where the subscript "0" refers to zero pressure. In liquid lithium 14 , the power-law solution at the final stage of collapse gives an exponent of n = 0.65. ...

Power law singularity for cavity collapse in a compressible Euler fluid with Tait–Murnaghan equation of state
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

... The resins were prepared using a high-energy ball mill EMAX (Retsch) at 1000 rpm for 30 min. After printing, the structure was selectively deposited with copper, sintered at 1000°C in air 34 , and reduced with nitrogen/hydrogen 95/5 mixture at 300°C. ...

3D Printing and processing of miniaturized transducers with near-pristine piezoelectric ceramics for localized cavitation

... In microfluidics, properly accounting for inhomogeneities in both density and compressibility is crucial for obtaining accurate predictions of the acoustically-driven mixing of different fluids (Karlsen et al. 2018;Pothuri et al. 2019;Qiu et al. 2021). Acoustic wave forcing also has been proposed as an experimental means to mimic and tune gravity in regions where ∇(u ′2 ) is spatially uniform, f ac then being locally similar to gravity in the Boussinesq approximation up to a gradient term (Koulakis & Putterman 2021;Koulakis et al. 2023), although we stress that this connection no longer holds once two-way coupling sets in. Perhaps the most promising application involves the use of acoustics to enhance the rate of heat transfer from heated objects immersed in a cooler fluid medium, especially in scenarios in which forced convection is difficult to establish or natural convection does not occur (e.g. as for cooling electronic components aboard spacecraft). ...

Thermal Convection in a Central Force Field Mediated by Sound
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023

Physical Review Letters

... We envisaged two parallel routes forward. First, our immediate interest in this device is it could be used as a way to reduce the thermal load on a small, high-repetition-rate, dense plasma focus (DPF) [10]. By redirecting the flow of current after the first period, the DPF dynamics-important application metrics, such as neutron and X-ray production-were unaffected, but the thermal load on the device was reduced by up to 90%. ...

Simultaneous Ultra-Fast Imaging and Neutron Emission from a Compact Dense Plasma Focus Fusion Device


... The quantum harmonic oscillators (QHOs) are central to describe the most elementary structure of quantum world, ranging from trapped electrons, atoms and/or quantum particles around the minimum of a potential well, vibrations in molecules and phonons in solids, to bosons and quantum field theory. The robust generation and manipulation of QHO states may facilitate the studies and explorations of quantum sensing, quantum simulations, quantum information processing/storage, etc., a reality at large scales [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. As an example, the iontrap qubit architecture built using the electronic states of trapped ion oscillators has been established as one of the most promising systems for a scalable, universal quantum computer [2][3][4][5][6]. ...

Prediction of Short Time Qubit Readout via Measurement of the Next Quantum Jump of a Coupled Damped Driven Harmonic Oscillator
  • Citing Article
  • December 2020

Physical Review Letters

... indicates the strength of interaction within the variable domain of a mAb. 10 This property is consistent with published literature reports wherein inherent thermal stability is associated with the propensity of a mAb to unfold, aggregate, and consequently result in slower or incomplete absorption. 11,37 The mass term ("Pro.mass") indicates the size of the antigen-binding region. ...

Tumescent Injections in Subcutaneous Pig Tissue Disperse Fluids Volumetrically and Maintain Elevated Local Concentrations of Additives for Several Hours, Suggesting a Treatment for Drug Resistant Wounds

Pharmaceutical Research

... Currently, studies are underway concerning devices whose properties depend upon intensity of the incident electromagnetic fi eld or the voltage applied. For example, such devices can be implemented on the basis of periodic arrays [1][2][3][4][5] or Fabry-Pérot resonators [6,7]. For such applications, it is necessary that the arrays or the resonators contained, for example, elements with a nonlinear Kerr-type dielectric [8]. ...

Ultrathin Metasurface Wavelength-Selective Mirror for Millimeter/Terahertz Wave Fabry-Perot Cavities

Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves

... While many atmospheric pressure plasmas do not reach high enough levels of ionization for DIH to be significant, those generated from nanosecond discharges, arc discharges, and laser ionization often do [21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. In these instances, we expect DIH to be an important source of fast gas heating. ...

Dynamics of strongly coupled two-component plasma via ultrafast spectroscopy

... For electron-shelved and optical-frequency ion qubits, the temporal filtering enabled by the use of a mode-locked laser for state detection has allowed us to achieve a state preparation and measurement fidelity approaching the highest reported observation with this atom [4] and should be compatible with future integrated high efficiency, non-imaging detectors. Future development of ultrafast optical switches may someday allow extension of this idea to cw lasers [34]. For direct hyperfine qubit detection, the simple delay scheme we have used here could be viewed as the minimal possible instance of coherent control, an approach that has been demonstrated in other contexts with far more sophisticated implementations. ...

Sparks as sub-nanosecond, broadband light switches