Serkan Örücü’s research while affiliated with Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University and other places

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Publications (10)

  • Conference Paper

November 2024


4 Reads

Serkan Örücü




Figure II: Correlation Heat MAP chart of athletes in pre-and-post training periods: SBP: Systolic blood pressure (mmHg), DBP: Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg), SpO2: Hemoglobin oxygen saturation (%), HR: Heart rate (beat/min), MAP: Mean Arterial Pressure (mmHg), Snatch (kg): Maximum weight lifted in snatch, Clean and jerk (kg): Maximum weight lifted in clean and jerk, Total lift: Maximum weight lifted in total (kg), BMI: Body mass index (kg/m 2 ), BSA: Body Surface Area (m 2 ), Zo: Basic impedance (ohm), (dz/dt)max: Maximum change rate of impedance (ohm/s), SV: Stroke volume (mL/beat), HRıc: Heart beat rate (beat/min), CO: Cardiac output (L/min), TPR: Total Peripheral Resistance (dynes.sec/cm 5 ), TPRI: Total Peripheral Resistance index (dynes.sec/m2/cm 5 ), CPI: Cardiac power index (w/m 2 ), IC: Index of myocardial contractility (s-1 ), TFC: Thorax fluid content (kohm -1 ), TFCI: Thorax fluid concentration index (kohm -1 /m 2 ), SI (mL/beat/m 2 ), SI: Systemic index (mL/beta/m 2 ), CI: Cardiac index (1/min/m 2 )
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

November 2024


12 Reads






Serkan Örücü

Design and Validation of Rule-Based Expert System by Using Kinect V2 for Real-Time Athlete Support

January 2020


905 Reads


28 Citations

Applied Sciences

In sports and rehabilitation processes where isotonic movements such as bodybuilding are performed, it is vital for individuals to be able to correct the wrong movements instantly by monitoring the trainings simultaneously, and to be able to train healthily and away from the risks of injury. For this purpose, we designed a new real-time athlete support system using Kinect V2 and Expert System. Lateral raise (LR) and dumbbell shoulder press (DSP) movements were selected as examples to be modeled in the system. Kinect V2 was used to obtain angle and distance changes in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle during movements in these movement models designed. For the rule base of Expert System developed according to these models, a 28-state rule table was designed, and 12 main rules were determined that could be used for both actions. In the sample trainings, it was observed that the decisions made by the system had 89% accuracy in DSP training and 82% accuracy in LR training. In addition, the developed system has been tested by 10 participants (25.8 ± 5.47 years; 74.69 ± 14.81 kg; 173.5 ± 9.52 cm) in DSP and LR training for four weeks. At the end of this period and according to the results of paired t-test analysis (p < 0.05) starting from the first week, it was observed that the participants trained more accurately and that they enhanced their motions by 58.08 ± 11.32% in LR training and 54.84 ± 12.72% in DSP training.

Design and Validation of Multichannel Wireless Wearable SEMG System for Real-Time Training Performance Monitoring

September 2019


189 Reads


15 Citations

Journal of Healthcare Engineering

Monitoring of training performance and physical activity has become indispensable these days for athletes. Wireless technologies have started to be widely used in the monitoring of muscle activation, in the sport performance of athletes, and in the examination of training efficiency. The monitorability of performance simultaneously in the process of training is especially a necessity for athletes at the beginner level to carry out healthy training in sports like weightlifting and bodybuilding. For this purpose, a new system consisting of 4 channel wireless wearable SEMG circuit and analysis software has been proposed to detect dynamic muscle contractions and to be used in real-time training performance monitoring and analysis. The analysis software, the Haar wavelet filter with threshold cutting, can provide performance analysis by using the methods of moving RMS and %MVC. The validity of the data obtained from the system was investigated and compared with a biomedical system. In this comparison, 90.95% ± 3.35 for left biceps brachii (BB) and 90.75% ± 3.75 for right BB were obtained. The output of the power and %MVC analysis of the system was tested during the training of the participants at the gym, and the training efficiency was measured as 96.87% ± 2.74.


İşaretleyicisiz çalışmalarda en popüler kamera sistemi 2009 yılında duyurusu yapılan Microsoft Kinect' dir. Bu sistem düşük fiyatı, sensör versiyonuna göre kalibrasyon kolaylığı ve elde edilen veri miktarı gibi seçenekler açısından göze çarpmaktadır. Maliyeti düşük olan bu sensör çalışma özellikleriyle bu popülerliğini günümüzde de sürdürmektedir. Ancak bu sensör ve versiyonlarının sportif faaliyetlerde kullanımında karşımıza çıkan sorunlardan birisi hareketi gerçekleştiren eklemlerin bağlı oldukları uzuvların boyutlarının doğru ölçümüdür. Çalışmamızda, Kinect v2 kullanarak bu soruna cevap bulmaya çalıştık. Bu amaç ile deneyimizde eklemler arasındaki mesafe ölçümü aracılığıyla vücut parçalarının ölçülmesi amacıyla farklı yaş gruplarında (20 ila 49) ve farklı boylardaki 5 erkek 1 kadın olmak üzere toplam 6 kişilik katılımcı grubu yer almıştır. Yapılan ölçümler sağ humerus, sağ radius, sol radius ve sol humerus kemiklerinin yaklaşık uzunluklarının ölçümü ve bunların doğruluğunun incelenmesi üzerinedir. Elde ettiğimiz sonuçlar incelendiğinde sağ ve sol humerus için % 94, sağ radius için %97, sol radius için %98 oranında doğruluk elde edilmiştir.

Creating A Dataset for "Dumbbell Shoulder Press" and "Lateral Raise" Movements by Using Kinect V2 Sensor to Use in Bodybuilding Sports

May 2018


17 Reads

zet: Çeşitli antrenmanlar ve rehabilitasyona yönelik tedavi içerikli faaliyetlerde, nicelik analizi sürecinde çoğunlukla kameralar ile birlikte kullanılan hareket analizi sistemleri tercih edilmektedir. Üst ekstremitede yer alan omuz grubunun kas-iskelet sakatlanmalarında en yüksek orana sahip olduğunu bilinmektedir. Vücut geliştirme antrenmanlarında karşılaşılan sakatlanmalar ve yaralanmalar yanlış hareket açısı ya da yanlış ağırlık seçimine bağlı gerçekleşmektedir, ayrıca bu durum doğrudan kas-iskelet sistemi yaralanmaları ile de ilişkilidir. Çalışmamızın amacı, Kinect v2 kullanarak hem antrenman verimliliğini arttırmaya hem de sakatlanma risklerini ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik bir datasetin oluşturulabilirliğini incelemektir. Çalışmamızda vücut geliştirme antrenmanlarında uygulanan "Dumbbel Shoulder Press" ve "Lateral Raise" hareketleri incelenmiştir. Deneylerimize farklı yaşlardaki (21 ila 49 arası) 9 kişilik gönüllü gurubu katılmış ve artan ağırlıklar kullanarak, 5 set 12 tekrar (5 kg, 7,5 kg, 10 kg, 12,5 kg, 15 kg) ve 4 set 8 tekrar (2,5 kg, 5 kg, 7,5 kg, 10 kg) olacak şekilde sırasıyla "Dumbbel Shoulder Press" ve "Lateral Raise" antrenmanları yapmışlardır. Öncelikle tasarladığımız program aracılığıyla antrenman esnasında, Kinect v2 kullanarak, vücut geliştirme antrenmanında çalışılan bölgenin eklemlerinin koordinatları ve eklem açıları çıkarılmıştır. Elde ettiğimiz bu eklem açılarından dataset oluşturulmuştur. Abstract: Motion analysis systems, often used in conjunction with cameras, are preferred in the quantitative analysis process for therapeutic activities for various training and rehabilitation purposes. It is known that the shoulder group in the upper extremity has the * (Yrd. Doç. Dr.), Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya, Türkiye,

Designing Medical Expert System Based On Logical Reduced Rule for Basic MalariaDiagnosis from Malaria Signs and Symptoms

June 2017


99 Reads


2 Citations

World Journal of Engineering

Purpose Malaria is a one of the most sinister life-threatening disease and generally transmitted by the bite of an Anopheles mosquito which was infected. These mosquitoes carry the Plasmodium parasite. Worldwide risk of malaria thread is very hard to deal, because many deaths from malaria occur outside the health-care system and other infections might be misdiagnosed as malaria unless a diagnostic test is done. Design/methodology/approach In our system, we developed a new Medical Expert System (MES) process usingdecreasedrule base to detect malaria illness. Our purpose was to successfully identify the illnessby taking all symptoms of malariaby in the MES (6 basic signs, 64 different conditions). In our proposed MES process, in place ofinspectingall the malaria relatedsigns, we used the decreased rule bases. . Findings So as to take the lessen decreased bases; Boolean functions are used in two-level simplification method.Using this method, decreased cases were evaluated by taking 6 symptoms of malaria into account instead of assessing 64 individual conditions Research limitations/implications Our system can be used in diagnosis of asthma and chronic obstructive respiratory disease. Practical implications Our system can be used in absence of adequate health care units. So malaria can be diagnosed earyl. Originality/value We hope that the system we have developed will be useful for settlements in the absence of adequate health care units and non-immune travellers.

Citations (4)

... In the context of the findings of the study, the lack of exercise guidelines and their accuracy on online sources can lead to uncertainty among patients when applying self-treatment methods. Incorrect implementation of exercises can exacerbate patients' conditions and negatively impact their treatment processes [16,17]. Therefore, the accuracy of information on online platforms is of paramount importance. ...


Examining the Content, Quality, and Readability of Online Information on Exercise for Temporomandibular Joint PainTemporomandibular Eklem Ağrısı için Egzersizle ilgili Çevrimiçi Bilgilerin İçeriğinin, Kalitesinin ve Okunabilirliğinin İncelenmesi
Sportif Faaliyetlerde Kullanılmak Üzere Bir Uzman Sistem Tasarımı

European Journal of Science and Technology

... Assuming that the conditional probability in formula (14) follows a Gaussian distribution, this means that for a given sample feature, its conditional probability is modeled as a Gaussian distribution. Express the conditional probability in formula (14) as the Gaussian distribution shown in formula (15). ...

Design and Validation of Rule-Based Expert System by Using Kinect V2 for Real-Time Athlete Support

Applied Sciences

... For example, Wang et al 58 used a wearable IMU sensor and a classifier-based ML algorithm to track and measure human motor skills in hammer-throw training to help coaches assess athletes' mechanics, strengths, and areas of Figure 2. A, Multichannel wireless wearable surface electromyography system for real-time training performance monitoring. 63 B, Wearable sensing and vibrotactile feedback system for postural balance and gait training. 73 C, Wearable optical fiber sensor for gait rehabilitation. ...

Design and Validation of Multichannel Wireless Wearable SEMG System for Real-Time Training Performance Monitoring

Journal of Healthcare Engineering

... Uzman Sistem, belirli alanlarda karşılaşılan bir veya daha fazla bireysel yargı yetisi ve karar alma sürecinin kopyalanmasıyla oluşturulan karar destek yazılımıdır (Selek, Başçiftçi, & Örücü, 2017). Bu program tarafından kullanılan bilgi ve mantıksal çıkarım mekanizması, alanında uzman kişi ya da kişilerin bilgi ve mantıksal çıkarım mekanizmasına göre modellenmektedir (Wagner, 2017). ...

Designing Medical Expert System Based On Logical Reduced Rule for Basic MalariaDiagnosis from Malaria Signs and Symptoms

World Journal of Engineering