Sergey N Makaroff’s research while affiliated with Worcester Polytechnic Institute and other places

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Publications (36)

Fast EEG/MEG BEM-based forward problem solution for high-resolution head models
  • Article

February 2025


26 Reads


William A. Wartman


Guillermo Nuñez Ponasso


Zhen Qi




Sergey N. Makaroff

Statistical method accounts for microscopic electric field distortions around neurons when simulating activation thresholds
  • Preprint
  • File available

October 2024


51 Reads

Notwithstanding advances in computational models of neuromodulation, there are mismatches between simulated and experimental activation thresholds. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) of the primary motor cortex generates motor evoked potentials (MEPs). At the threshold of MEP generation, whole-head models predict macroscopic (at millimeter scale) electric fields (50-70 V/m) which are considerably below conventionally simulated cortical neuron thresholds (200-300 V/m). We hypothesize that this apparent contradiction is in part a consequence of electrical field warping by brain microstructure. Classical neuronal models ignore the physical presence of neighboring neurons and microstructure and assume that the macroscopic field directly acts on the neurons. In previous work, we performed advanced numerical calculations considering realistic microscopic compartments (e.g., cells, blood vessels), resulting in locally inhomogeneous (micrometer scale) electric field and altered neuronal activation thresholds. Here we combine detailed neural threshold simulations under homogeneous field assumptions with microscopic field calculations, leveraging a novel statistical approach. We show that, provided brain-region specific microstructure metrics, a single statistically derived scaling factor between microscopic and macroscopic electric fields can be applied in predicting neuronal thresholds. For the cortical sample considered, the statistical methods match TMS experimental thresholds. Our approach can be broadly applied to neuromodulation models, where fully coupled microstructure scale simulations may not be practical.


Improving EEG Forward Modeling Using High-Resolution Five-Layer BEM-FMM Head Models: Effect on Source Reconstruction Accuracy

October 2024


26 Reads


1 Citation


Electroencephalographic (EEG) source localization is a fundamental tool for clinical diagnoses and brain-computer interfaces. We investigate the impact of model complexity on reconstruction accuracy by comparing the widely used three-layer boundary element method (BEM) as an inverse method against a five-layer BEM accelerated by the fast multipole method (BEM-FMM) and coupled with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) as forward solver. Modern BEM-FMM with AMR can solve high-resolution multi-tissue models efficiently and accurately. We generated noiseless 256-channel EEG data from 15 subjects in the Connectome Young Adult dataset, using four anatomically relevant dipole positions, three conductivity sets, and two head segmentations; we mapped localization errors across the entire grey matter from 4,000 dipole positions. The average location error among our four selected dipoles is ∼5mm (±2mm) with an orientation error of ∼12∘ (±7∘). The average source localization error across the entire grey matter is ∼9mm (±4mm), with a tendency for smaller errors on the occipital lobe. Our findings indicate that while three-layer models are robust under noiseless conditions, substantial localization errors (10–20mm) are common. Therefore, models of five or more layers may be needed for accurate source reconstruction in critical applications involving noisy EEG data.

Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
How Conductivity Boundaries Influence the Electric Field Induced by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in in vitro Experiments

August 2024


7 Reads

Brain Stimulation

Background Although transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has become a valuable method for non-invasive brain stimulation, the cellular basis of TMS activation of neurons is still not fully understood. In vitro preparations have been used to understand the biophysical mechanisms of TMS, but in many cases these studies have encountered substantial difficulties in activating neurons. Objective/hypothesis The hypothesis of this work is that conductivity boundaries can have large effects on the electric field in commonly used in vitro preparations. Our goal was to analyze the resulting difficulties in in vitro TMS using a simulation study, using a charge-based boundary element model. Methods We decomposed the total electric field into the sum of the primary electric field, which only depends on coil geometry and current, and the secondary electric field arising from conductivity boundaries, which strongly depends on tissue and chamber geometry. We investigated the effect of the conductivity boundaries on the electric field strength for a variety of in vitro experimental settings to determine the sources of difficulty. Results We showed that conductivity boundaries can have large effects on the electric field in in vitro preparations. Depending on the geometry of the air-saline and the saline-tissue interfaces, the secondary electric field can significantly enhance, or attenuate the primary electric field, resulting in a much stronger or weaker total electric field inside the tissue; we showed this using a realistic preparation. Submerged chambers are generally much more efficient than interface chambers since the secondary field due to the thin film of saline covering the tissue in the interface chamber opposes the primary field and significantly reduces the total field in the tissue placed in the interface chamber. The relative dimensions of the chamber and the TMS coil critically determine the total field; the popular setup with a large coil and a small chamber is particularly sub-optimal because the secondary field due to the air-chamber boundary opposes the primary field, thereby attenuating the total field. The form factor (length vs width) of the tissue in the direction of the induced field can be important since a relatively narrow tissue enhances the total field at the saline-tissue boundary. Conclusions Overall, we found that the total electric field in the tissue is higher in submerged chambers, higher if the chamber size is larger than the coil and if the shorter tissue dimension is in the direction of the electric field. Decomposing the total field into the primary and secondary fields is useful for designing in vitro experiments and interpreting the results.

Electric field optimization to improve multichannel TMS-based functional localization

June 2024


104 Reads

Previously, we regressed TMS-induced electric fields (e-fields) on motor evoked potentials (MEPs) to pinpoint muscle representations in the primary motor cortex (M1). This approach relies on e-field variance across TMS pulses and, thus, is limited by the significant spatial autocorrelation of TMS-induced e-field patterns. Here, we explore potential gains of multichannel TMS (mTMS) devices for regression-based localization approaches.

Fig. 7. a) Original headreco segmentation superimposed onto T1 NIfTI data for subject 110411. The dipole position at the posterior wall of the central sulcus is marked by a circle. Red dots indicate edge intersections with the transverse plane. b) b-refinement for the gray matter surface close to the dipole position after 4 refinement steps. Refinement level 4 is deeply inside the sulcus and is not visible. c) The same plot as in a), but after b-refinement with four steps. d) b-refinement
Fast and Accurate EEG/MEG BEM-Based Forward Problem Solution for High-Resolution Head Models

June 2024


59 Reads


1 Citation

A BEM (boundary element method) based approach is developed to accurately solve an EEG/MEG forward problem for a modern high-resolution head model in approximately 60 seconds using a common workstation. The method utilizes a charge-based BEM with fast multipole acceleration (BEM-FMM) and a "smart" mesh pre-refinement (called b-refinement) close to the singular source(s). No costly matrix-filling or direct solution steps typical for the standard BEM are required; the method generates on-skin voltages as well as MEG magnetic fields for high-resolution head models in approximately 60 seconds after initial model assembly. The method is verified both theoretically and experimentally.

Accuracy of dipole source reconstruction in the 3-layer BEM model against the 5-layer BEM-FMM model

May 2024


50 Reads

Objective: To compare cortical dipole fitting spatial accuracy between the widely used yet highly simplified 3-layer and modern more realistic 5-layer BEM-FMM models with and without adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) methods. Methods: We generate simulated noiseless 256-channel EEG data from 5-layer (7-compartment) meshes of 15 subjects from the Connectome Young Adult dataset. For each subject, we test four dipole positions, three sets of conductivity values, and two types of head segmentation. We use the boundary element method (BEM) with fast multipole method (FMM) acceleration, with or without (AMR), for forward modeling. Dipole fitting is carried out with the FieldTrip MATLAB toolbox. Results: The average position error (across all tested dipoles, subjects, and models) is ~4 mm, with a standard deviation of ~2 mm. The orientation error is ~20 deg on average, with a standard deviation of ~15 deg. Without AMR, the numerical inaccuracies produce a larger disagreement between the 3- and 5-layer models, with an average position error of ~8 mm (6 mm standard deviation), and an orientation error of 28 deg (28 deg standard deviation). Conclusions: The low-resolution 3-layer models provide excellent accuracy in dipole localization. On the other hand, dipole orientation is retrieved less accurately. Therefore, certain applications may require more realistic models for practical source reconstruction. AMR is a critical component for improving the accuracy of forward EEG computations using a high-resolution 5-layer volume conduction model. Significance: Improving EEG source reconstruction accuracy is important for several clinical applications, including epilepsy and other seizure-inducing conditions.

Citations (8)

... The AMR implementation that we used is the one utilized and described in [21]. In [71], the reader can find error analyses of BEM-FMM with AMR against the analytical solution of the concentric spheres model for EEG. We did not perform particular error estimates against the true solution of the EEG forward model in the five-layer model. ...


Improving EEG Forward Modeling Using High-Resolution Five-Layer BEM-FMM Head Models: Effect on Source Reconstruction Accuracy
Fast and Accurate EEG/MEG BEM-Based Forward Problem Solution for High-Resolution Head Models

... Complicating this issue is the fact that the intracortical compartments typically involve very narrow gaps [20] between the grey and white matter layers, where the sources are placed. This can cause large numerical inaccuracies in the forward computations, which need to be resolved with refinement techniques such as adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), also known as h-refinement [21,22], or the less common p-refinement [23], which consists of adaptively increasing the polynomial order of the local approximations of the variable of interest (potential or charge) on the mesh triangles. Both refinement techniques cause a computational overhead, which may be avoided in three-layer models as long as the sources are far away from the discretized shells. ...

An adaptive H-refinement method for the boundary element fast multipole method for quasi-static electromagnetic modeling

... The primary E-field distribution needs to be calculated at each waveform snapshot [26] allowing the corresponding secondary E-field to be solved under QSA ( figure 4(B) ii )). Although the change in the relative spatial distribution of the total E-field in the brain may be limited, due to its distance to the nonlinear core, the E-field waveform will experience unique distortion resulting from the simultaneous increase in the coil current due to the drop in inductance combined with the reduction of the magnetic field output as a result of core saturation: the E-field's peak amplitudes, corresponding to the largest rate of change of the magnetic field, typically occur when the magnetic field has small amplitudes, such as at the pulse start or when the magnetic field flips polarity; in contrast, the peak amplitudes of the magnetic field, at which the core material saturates, occur at different times during the pulse and typically correspond to a small E-field [26, 112,113]. ...

High inductance magnetic-core coils have enhanced efficiency in inducing suprathreshold motor response in rats

... Rapid repeated simulations of the electric field induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the brain for changing coil positions can benefit several applications, ranging from planning procedures for optimized targeting prior to the intervention [1] to online electric field visualizations during neuronavigated TMS [2]. Standard approaches based on Finite-or Boundary-Element Methods (FEM, BEM) and personalized volume conductor models derived from structural magnetic resonance images (MRI) achieve good numerical accuracy [3][4][5], but have been slow for the above-mentioned applications, making them time consuming or even infeasible. On the other hand, alternatives such as spherical head models, which are available in some commercial neuronavigation systems and for which computationally efficient analytical solutions exist [6,7], give only coarse estimates of the field distribution induced in the individual head [8]. ...

A fast direct solver for surface-based whole-head modeling of transcranial magnetic stimulation

... To address these limitations, we employ a matrix-free iterative boundary element fast multipole method (BEM-FMM) [14], [15], [16]. Its charge-based formulation [17], [18], [19] is readily applicable to computing induced electric charges on cell membranes and walls of blood vessels. ...

Estimations of Charge Deposition Onto Convoluted Axon Surfaces Within Extracellular Electric Fields
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering

... These charges generate their own secondary electric field which alters the primary macroscopic field and changes the expected activating threshold of the neurons. Initial smaller-scale results are reported in [19], [20]. Still, they are not directly applicable to larger brain networks since the typical academic computer hardware limits the total number of degrees of freedom to ~ 0.1-0.2 billion. ...

Influence of charges deposited on membranes of human hyperdirect pathway axons on depolarization during subthalamic deep brain stimulation
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

... However, despite its conceptual simplicity, ensuring precise control over the properties and distribution of the matching liquid adds complexity to its application. Conversely, on-body antennas [19,20] are favored for their ability to deliver more power. However, the presence of lossy dielectric properties leads to reduced efficiency, fragmentation of radiation patterns, and variations in feed-point impedance. ...

Reducing Non-Through Body Energy Transfer in Microwave Imaging Systems
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology

... However, the occupation area constraints associated with antennas pose challenges, prompting exploring compact solutions like microstrip and patch antennas [4]. These smaller, cost-effective antennas find applications in modern (5G) systems due to their versatility in integrating electronic circuits, satellites, vehicles, and even within the human body [5]. Despite their advantages, microstrip and patch antennas exhibit limitations such as limited bandwidth and diminished radiation efficiency in specific scenarios [6]. ...

Miniaturized Dual Antiphase Patch Antenna Radiating Into the Human Body at 2.4 GHz
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology