Semih Akkaya’s research while affiliated with Istanbul Surgery Hospital and other places

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Publications (90)

Strain Ratio Measurements of Patellar and Achilles Tendons With Different Reference Regions in Healthy Volunteers
  • Article

May 2019


24 Reads


7 Citations

Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology

Nusret Ok






Semih Akkaya

Strain ratio measurements of tendons vary because of the reference tissue selection. The main purpose of this study is to highlight, in detail, the numeric variability attributable to the use of various reference materials on strain ratio measurements of patellar and Achilles tendons. Measurements were performed at the proximal, middle and distal thirds of the patellar and Achilles tendons on the dominant site of healthy volunteers. A total of 3 references were used: the Hoffa's fat pad for the patellar tendon, the Kager's fat pad for the Achilles tendon, subcutaneous tissue and Aquaflex gel pads (Parker Laboratories, Fairfield, NJ, USA)for both tendons. Although the same methods were used by the same physician for each tendon site on repeated measurements, strain ratio values had numeric variability with various reference materials in each measurement. Therefore, comparison of numeric strain ratio results of various studies with various reference materials could confuse the clinical interpretations of these numeric data, and, using a reference material with standard stiffness like Aquaflex ultrasound gel pads, should be considered by verifying these results with further studies.

Is quality of life related to risk of falling, fear of falling, and functional status in patients with hip arthroplasty?

March 2019


43 Reads


9 Citations

Physiotherapy Research International

Objective The aim of the study was to investigate the relation between health‐related quality of life and risk of falling, fear of falling, and functional status in patients with hip arthroplasty. Methods In this cross‐sectional study, 48 hips of 45 patients who aged between 33 and 79 (53.56 ± 12.50) years and had cementless total hip arthroplasty between 2010 and 2014 were evaluated. Twenty‐seven of the patients participated in the study were female (60.0%) and 18 were male (40.0%). Health‐related quality of life with Nottingham Health Profile, function of the hip joint with Harris Hip Score, risk of falling with Performance‐Oriented Motion Assessment I, and fear of falling with Falls Efficacy Scale were assessed. In addition, chair stand test, 40‐m walk test, stair‐climb test, and single leg stance test were carried out. In analysing the relationships between these parameters, Pearson correlation analysis was employed. The level of significance was considered as p < 0.05. Results Among the cases, who were evaluated 87.10 ± 45.22 (22.43–214.71) weeks after the operation, a significant correlation was found between health‐related quality of life and risk of falling, function of hip joint, and functional tests (p < 0.05). Conclusion The evaluation of the factors related to health‐related quality of life in hip arthroplasty patients may help identify patient needs and guide the rehabilitation process.

Dejeneratif disk hastalıklarına ait araştırmalarda kullanılan hücrelerin, dejenere veya intakt dokulardan hazırlanmış olması, NP’ye özgü belirteçlerin gen ifadesini etkiler mi?

April 2018


64 Reads

GİRİŞ VE AMAÇ: Bu bilimsel araştırma projesinde; dejenere veya intakt dokulardan elde edilen hücre kültürlerinde yer alan nukleus pulposus (NP)'a spesifik belirteçlere ait gen ekspresyon paternlerinin belirlenebilmesi amaçlandı. YÖNTEM: Dahil edilme kriterlerini karşılayan ve dokuları kullanılan olguların yaş aralığı, 26 ile 56 yıl aralığında idi. Primer hücre kültürleri hazırlamak için dokular; lomber disk hernisi tanısı ile lomber mikrodiskektomi yapılan (n=12) ve spinal travma sonrası travmatik intervertevbral diskektomi, korpektomi ile beraber diskektomi yapılan (n=12) toplam 24 olgudan elde edildi. Sıfırıncı saat, 24. ve 48. saatlerde, bu düzeneklerde yer alan örnekler içerisinde, NP spesifik belirteçleri ve ekstraselüler matriks yapısına ait belirtecin gen ifadeleri, kantitatif eş zamanlı polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (qRT-PCR) ile test edildi. Aynı zaman dilimlerinde tüm örneklerde, invert ışık ve floresan mikroskobileri ile görsel değerlendirmeler de gerçekleştirildi. Hücre sınıflarına ait canlılık ve proliferasyon analizleri ise spektrofotometrik olarak değerlendirildi. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel değerlendirilmesinde, kategorik değişkenler için Spearman, sayısal ve normal dağılım gösteren değişkenler için Pearson korelasyon testleri kullanıldı. BULGULAR: Doku cinsi ile kültürizasyonun süresi arasında (r=0.000; p=1.000) ve dokunun elde edildiği bölge ile HIF-1α gen ekspresyonları arasında (r=0.098; p=0.245) bir ilişki saptanamadı. Hücre proliferasyonu ve CHAD ekspresyonu arasında korelasyon bulunamaz iken, COL2A1 ile CHAD gen ekspresyonları arasında anlamlılık ölçüsünde korelasyon olmadığı görüldü. CHAD ile HIF-1α gen ifadeleri ile HIF-1α ile COL2A1 gen ekspresyonlarının hücre proliferasyonunu etkilediği anlaşıldı. TARTIŞMA VE SONUÇ: Deneysel araştırmalarda kullanılacak olan hücre kültür düzenekleri ve bu düzeneklerde kullanılacak olan hücrelerin eksprese ettikleri gen ifadesi değişim düzeyleri oldukça önemlidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dejeneratif disk hastalıkları, farmakomoleküler terapi, primer-hücre-kültürü.

Figure 1. Inverted microscopy images of primary chondrocyte cultures (magnification, x20). MW, molecular weight; HA, hyaluronic acid. Figure 2. AO/PI staining of chondrocyte cultures. Cells stained green indicate viable chondrocytes. Cells with red nuclei indicate cell death or degenerated membrane integrity (magnification, 20x). MW, molecular weight; HA, hyaluronic acid; AO, acridine orange; PI, propidium iodide. 
Figure 1. Inverted microscopy images of primary chondrocyte cultures (magnification, x20). MW, molecular weight; HA, hyaluronic acid. Figure 2. AO/PI staining of chondrocyte cultures. Cells stained green indicate viable chondrocytes. Cells with red nuclei indicate cell death or degenerated membrane integrity (magnification, 20x). MW, molecular weight; HA, hyaluronic acid; AO, acridine orange; PI, propidium iodide. 
Figure 3. Statistical analyses; pairwise comparisons for MTT analysis assessing cell proliferation. Increased cell viability was statistically significant ( * P<0.005) in all experimental groups (low, medium and high MW HA) when compared to control group at 48 h. 
Figure 4 of 4
The association between different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid and CHAD, HIF-1α, COL2A1 expression in chondrocyte cultures
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2018


227 Reads


24 Citations

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of three different formulations of hyaluronic acid (HA): Low molecular weight (MW) Sinovial One®, medium MW Viscoplus® and high MW Durolane®, on chondrocyte proliferation and collagen type II (COL2A1), hypoxia‑inducible factor 1α (HIF‑1α) and chondroadherin (CHAD) expression in primary chondrocyte cultures. Standard primary chondrocyte cultures were established from osteochondral tissues surgically obtained from 6 patients with gonarthrosis. Cell morphology was evaluated using an inverted light microscope; cell proliferation was determined with a MTT assay and confirmed with acridine orange/propidium iodide staining. Levels of CHAD, COL2A1 and HIF‑1α expression were assessed using specific TaqMan gene expression assays. The results demonstrated the positive effect of HA treatment on cell proliferation, which was independent from the MW. COL2A1 expression increased in the medium and high MW HA treated groups. It was observed that HIF‑1α expression increased in the high MW treated group alone. CHAD expression increased only in the medium MW HA treated group. Evaluation of gene expression revealed that levels of expression increased as the duration of HA application increased, in the medium and high MW HA treated groups. In terms of increased viability and proliferation, a longer duration of HA application was more effective. Taken together, it may be concluded that the administration of medium and high MW HA may be a successful way of treating diseases affecting chondrocytes in a clinical setting.


Investigation of the relationship between different molecular weight hyaluronic acid applications and CHAD, HIF1α, COL2A1 expression in chondrocyte cultures.

December 2017


4,320 Reads


3 Citations

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine

Purpose: The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of three different hyaluronic acid (HA) formulations [Low-Molecular Weight (MW) 50 mg/2.5 mL (Sinovial One®), Medium-MW 75 mg/3 mL (Viscoplus®), High-MW 60 mg/mL (Durolane®)] on chondrocyte proliferation and collagen type II (COL2A1), Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1α) and Chondroadherin (CHAD) gene expression of chondrocytes. Methods: Standard primary chondrocyte cultures were performed using the osteochondral tissues surgically obtained from 6 patients with gonarthrosis. Cell morphology was evaluated using an inverted microscope; cell proliferation was determined with the MTT analysis, confirmed by AO/PI staining and evaluated statistically. The expression levels of CHAD, COL2A1 and HIF1α genes were assessed using gene specific TaqMan Gene Expression Assays. Results: Our results showed the positive effect of HA treatment on cell proliferation independent from molecular weight of HA. COL2A1 gene expression increased in medium and high-MW HA treated groups. It was observed that only at high-MW HA-administered samples HIF1α expression was higher than other experimental groups. CHAD expression was increased only in the experimental group that medium-MW HA applied. Conclusions: When the gene expression results are evaluated, it was observed that the gene expression levels increases as the duration of HA application increases in medium and high-MW HA treated experimental groups. In terms of viability and proliferation, duration of HA application was found to be effective. When all the data are evaluated together, we can conclude that administration of medium and high-MW HA could provide a more successful treatment in the clinical practice.

A Concise Review on the Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Cell Sheet-Based Tissue Engineering with Special Emphasis on Bone Tissue Regeneration

November 2017


121 Reads


71 Citations

The integration of stem cell technology and cell sheet engineering improved the potential use of cell sheet products in regenerative medicine. This review will discuss the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in cell sheet-based tissue engineering. Besides their adhesiveness to plastic surfaces and their extensive differentiation potential in vitro, MSCs are easily accessible, expandable in vitro with acceptable genomic stability, and few ethical issues. With all these advantages, they are extremely well suited for cell sheet-based tissue engineering. This review will focus on the use of MSC sheets in osteogenic tissue engineering. Potential application techniques with or without scaffolds and/or grafts will be discussed. Finally, the importance of osteogenic induction of these MSC sheets in orthopaedic applications will be demonstrated.

Will it be possible to prevent lumbar degenerative disc diseases in the future by means of vitamin D receptor gene manipulation?

October 2017


5,615 Reads


6 Citations

Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

It is primarily aimed to study polymorphisms in vitamin D receptor gene (VDR), which is one of the genetic factors having a role in the formation of lumbar pathologies and/or causing higher incidence of pathologic processes. Secondarily, it is aimed to create pre-data which may help professionals to administer more effective and protective interventions in this area. Without any language preference, we searched US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, Embase, OVID, Cochrane Library database of clinical trials from 1989 to Mar 11 to 2017 Mar 12, and traced all the references of incorporated documents. The data were evaluated by using descriptive statistics. Results were shown as amount or frequency (%). In literature, some vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) polymorphisms have been found in relation to widespread osteochondral diseases. When VDR polymorphisms, vitamin D level and intervertebral disc pathologies have been examined, a satisfactory answer to the question whether specific pathologies could be suppressed in terms of genetics has not been found. By means of this study, it would be understood the genetic factors inhibiting physio pathological process concerning lumbar degenerative disc disease or the genetic factors playing role in identifying physio pathological process related to lumbar degenerative disc disease by defining them. Accordingly, effective and contraceptive treatment of lumbar degenerative disc disease might be ensured soon.

Chondrocyte proliferation, viability, and differentiation is declined following administration of methylphenidate utilized for the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

September 2017


1,849 Reads


24 Citations

Purpose: Methylphenidate derivative drugs are used because of psychostimulants effects on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults. As far as we know, toxic or antiproliferative effects of methylphenidate against cartilage tissue were not studied in the literature. The present study was carried out to investigate the possible effects of methylphenidate on the proliferation, viability, and differentiation of primary human chondrocytes, in vitro. Methods: Monolayer primary chondrocyte cultures were prepared using osteochondral tissue obtained from patients who underwent a total knee prosthesis operation. Stock solution of methylphenidate was prepared and aliquots having 1 to 1000 µM concentrations of the drug was composed. These solutions were applied to the wells containing cultured chondrocyte samples within the well-plates. Control groups were composed of pure chondrocyte culture and no solution was added into them. All groups were evaluated at 24h, 48h, and 72h in order to determine the possible negative effects of the drug on the chondrocytes. The data were evaluated by Tukey honestly significantly different test following Variance of Analysis. Results: In the group where methylphenidate was applied, it was found that viability, proliferation and stage specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA- 1) protein expression were decreased in comparison to the control group. Conclusions: It was emphasized that clinicians should not disregard the fact that this drug might suppress chondrocyte cell proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation.

Citations (57)

... Specifically regarding the patellar tendon, in human medicine, healthy tendons are qualitatively described as soft/intermediate [30], and some concerns about the reliability of SR as a feasible tool to evaluate tendon elasticity have been raised [27,31]. ...


Strain Elastography Evaluation of Patellar Tendons in Dogs after TPLO/TTA for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture, Qualitative and Semiquantitative Evaluation Compared with Healthy Subjects
Strain Ratio Measurements of Patellar and Achilles Tendons With Different Reference Regions in Healthy Volunteers
  • Citing Article
  • May 2019

Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology

... These patients may also experience a fear of falling during activities of daily living (ADL). 16 ...

Is quality of life related to risk of falling, fear of falling, and functional status in patients with hip arthroplasty?
  • Citing Article
  • March 2019

Physiotherapy Research International

... Some properties of the different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid; Figure S1: Chemical structure of Gel-TA and HA-TA conjugates of different molecular weights and hydrogel formation in the presence of HRP and H 2 O 2 as enzymatic crosslinking agents; Figure S2: Sketch of the PTFE mold used for hydrogel formation; Figure S3: Formed hydrogels of hyaluronic acid with low, medium, and high molecular weights and gelatin functionalized with tyramine having different degrees of substitution (DS); Figure S4: Morphology of BPCs in cell-laden hydrogels; and Figure S5: Immunohistochemistry staining of collagen type II for 2.5% w/v hydrogels encapsulated with chondrocytes after culturing for 13 days in chondrogenic medium. References [39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49] ...

The association between different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid and CHAD, HIF-1α, COL2A1 expression in chondrocyte cultures

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine

... Moleküler branşlar sayesinde başta kanser tedavisi için; tümör aşıları, hasarlı genin susturulması ve/veya onarılması, monoklonal antikor, çeşitli enzimler ve hormonların üretimi ya da ilaçların hücre siklusuna olan etkisi, hücre içi aktivite ölçümü, sinyal iletim mekanizmalarının araştırılması, genetik manipülasyon ve immortalizasyon ya da ilaçlara ait sitotoksisite (Resim 1) çalışmaları gibi çeşitli amaçlar gerçekleştirilebilmektedir (3,(9)(10)(11)(12)(13). Bu sistematik derleme, gelecekte belki de geleneksel spinal cerrahi girişimsel tedavilere alternatif olabilecek, cerrahide henüz yeni olan moleküler perspektifleri ile ilgi çekici yeni tedavi modalitelerine ışık tutabilmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. ...

Investigation of the relationship between different molecular weight hyaluronic acid applications and CHAD, HIF1α, COL2A1 expression in chondrocyte cultures.
  • Citing Article
  • December 2017

Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine

... Cell sheet technology is widely used for cell delivery due to its multicellular structures, which help reduce cell loss during delivery and prolong cell survival in vivo 17 . However, their limited mechanical properties restrict their application 18 . The practicality of clinical operations is a crucial factor in product design. ...

A Concise Review on the Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Cell Sheet-Based Tissue Engineering with Special Emphasis on Bone Tissue Regeneration

... Unpublished gray literature, including articles, comments, letters, editorials, protocols, guides, meta-analyses, and collections, were not included. The most highly cited articles were identified and re-examined to avoid possible repetitions (1, 13,25). ...

Will it be possible to prevent lumbar degenerative disc diseases in the future by means of vitamin D receptor gene manipulation?
  • Citing Article
  • October 2017

Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

... In a clinical setting, evidence for chondrotoxicity of Gd has not been reported yet. A small number of studies have investigated Gd-based contrast agents for their potential to induce chondrotoxic effects in vitro [25][26][27] and in animal experiments [28]. However, hints on chondrotoxicity only appeared when applied in supraphysiological concentrations or for exposure times that exceed those common in clinical practice. ...

Iopromide- and gadopentetic acid-derived preparates used in MR arthrography may be harmful to chondrocytes

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research

... Accordingly, the evidence levels of randomized clinical trials or multiple clinical trials with significant treatment effects were as follows: We excluded studies with a level of evidence of "F" and which were performed on animals, and mechanical models, since we were interested only in clinical trials. While creating a flow chart revealing the number and reasons of excluded and included studies at each stage of the selection process, the standards for reporting the results of a systematic review, the transparency in the presentation of the results, and determining the common issues amongst the reviews were provided by "the Transparent Reporting of the Systematic Review (PRISMA)" (10,19,20,38,39,46). In this way, all the articles were examined during the design phase and the form of reporting was determined. ...

Are We Using Slow-Acting Symptomatic Chondroprotective Drugs Conscious Enough?

The Open Orthopaedics Journal

... Furthermore, proteins such as growth factors, cytokines, and antibodies can be loaded into a hydrogel matrix to provide sustained release and localized delivery [20][21][22]. Komur et al. [21] have designed injectable hydrogels composed of sodium tetraborate, polyvinyl alcohol, and starch-based hydrogels to deliver bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2). Since protein and/or peptide growth factors have a short half-life, they aimed to prolong the halflife of BMP-2 and increase its bioactivity to cure bone injuries. ...

Can a biodegradable implanted bilayered drug delivery system loaded with BMP-2/BMP-12 take an effective role in the biological repair process of bone-tendon injuries?

Journal of Pharmaceutics

... With participants in a supine position, their hands were placed on the bed surface in a fully relaxed position throughout ultrasonographic measurement with the shoulder adducted and neutrally rotated, elbow extended at 0°, forearm in 90° supination position, and wrist between 5° and 10° dorsiflexion. In accordance with earlier reports [18][19][20][21], we performed US scanning sagittal and axial images of the PQ for the bilateral wrists. For the sagittal image, the angle of the linear array probe was kept perpendicular to the forearm surface. ...

Relationship of side dominance and ultrasonographic measurements of pronator quadratus muscle along with handgrip and pinch strength

Medical Ultrasonography