Scott L. Graves’s research while affiliated with The Ohio State University and other places

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Publications (45)

Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in School Psychology Science and Scholarship: Changing Training and Practice in the Field of School Psychology
  • Article

August 2024


92 Reads

Canadian Journal of School Psychology






Chunyan Yang

The intentional and sustained actions to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in school psychology science and scholarship, will have reciprocal and dynamic influences on graduate preparation and practice. Herein, the School Psychology Review leadership team provides reflections on several of our intentional efforts, to date, to advocate for and advance DEI in school psychology scholarship, and the associated implications for graduate preparation and practice. Contemporary actions of the School Psychology Review leadership team have included; (a) establishing commitments to advocating for and advancing DEI as the foundation of our scholarship; (b) diversifying journal leadership and editorial board members to reflect the diverse student body school psychologists serve; (c) preparing future diverse journal leadership through mentored editorial fellowship programs, and a student editorial board with members from diverse backgrounds; (d) featuring special topics relevant to further understanding and supporting diverse and minoritized children, youth, families, and school communities; (e) providing professional-development opportunities and resources; (f) implementation of Open Science opportunities in the journal, (g) implementing triple anonymous peer review to reduce bias, and (h) implementing a journal action plan focused on advancing DEI. Collectively these efforts are aimed to influence positive change in advancing and sustaining DEI efforts in school psychology science, scholarship, graduate preparation and practice.

Promoting the Positive Development of Black Males: Supporting Social, Behavioral, Emotional, and Academic Success

June 2023


48 Reads


4 Citations

An Examination of Self-Care Research in School Psychology

January 2023


188 Reads


2 Citations

Contemporary School Psychology

Self-care is a form of intentional focus on mental and physical wellness that is necessary for the optimal functioning of psychologists. The discussion of this topic has received an increased interest in the field of school psychology as self-care is one way to combat a well-documented concern in the field, burnout. While that is the case, there both is a lack of research and a lack of understanding regarding the effectiveness of self-care interventions. This study examined the characteristics of the literature surrounding self-care specific to the field of school psychology using the following peer-reviewed journals: Contemporary School Psychology, International Journal of School and Educational Psychology, Journal of Applied School Psychology, Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, Journal of School Psychology, Psychology in the Schools, School Mental Health, School Psychology International, School Psychology (Quarterly), and School Psychology Review. A bibliometric analysis was completed, and results indicated that 25 articles met inclusion criteria. Results demonstrated that the number of publications increased over the years (from 2005 on) with many of the articles being published in the last 4 years. Contemporary School Psychology and School Mental Health were the two most productive journals. Interestingly, most of the included articles did not discuss school psychologists and their self-care but instead addressed populations school psychologists serve. Included empirical articles primarily used mindfulness-based interventions and didactic methods as self-care interventions. Implications are discussed in terms of future research on the topic of self-care and combating burnout for practitioners.

Understanding African American Vernacular English and Reading Achievement: Implications for the Science of Reading
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

November 2022


54 Reads


5 Citations

School Psychology

The purpose of this article is to discuss issues of language, specifically African American Vernacular English (AAVE), as it relates to the reading performance of African American children. Previous research on the science of reading provides a research-based framework that is a starting point for evidence-based research that can be used to improve the reading outcomes of African American children. School psychology literature is limited in its inclusion of issues posed by deficit perspectives of AAVE with Black children and reading achievement. Given that practicing school psychologists spend significant portions of their time conducting assessments related to identifying and remediating reading problems, an increased awareness on how AAVE can impact African American children’s reading performance is necessary. Implications for research and practice will be discussed, such as inclusion of instruments to differentiate between reading difficulties and dialect differences (i.e., Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation).

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Can clinical judgement overcome flawed materials when assessing black children: The need for more intervention-based pedagogy and less assessment negligence

September 2022


13 Reads


1 Citation

School Psychology International

Albert Beckham, who was the first Black school psychologist in the U.S., frequently used intelligence tests with Black children. This usage required clinical decision making to explain the results obtained from psychoeducational assessments. In their discussion of this aspect of Beckham’s work, introduce the concept of Culturally Relevant Clinical Judgement. This paper discusses issues related to the continued use of cognitive assessment instruments as it relates to clinical judgment in special education eligibility decision-making in comparison to alternatives such as Response-to-Intervention (RtI).

Quantifying the linguistic demands of the oral directions of preschool cognitive assessments

September 2022


43 Reads


2 Citations

Psychology in the Schools

Research has indicated that school aged (6–16 years) versions of cognitive assessment instruments have varying levels of linguistic demand, which could impact assessment results for placement purposes. However, a significant limitation to this research is the fact that it has not been replicated with cognitive assessment instruments used in preschool populations. As such, the purpose of this study is to address this gap in the research literature by examining linguistic demands of cognitive test batteries used for preschool aged children. The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC-II), Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities Fourth Edition (WJ Cog-IV), and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Fourth Edition were used for this examination. Overall results demonstrated that the oral directions of preschool assessments have relatively low linguistic demands. However, several subtests on WJ Cog-IV have high Complexity, Verbosity, and Total Demand indices, which can pose difficulty for students with limited word knowledge. Furthermore, the KABC-II was the least demanding assessment from a linguistic standpoint. Implications are discussed in terms of the assessment of early childhood populations. PRACTITIONER POINTS • 1. Oral directions of preschool assessments generally have low linguistic demand. • 2. The Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities (WJ Cog-IV) had the highest linguistic demand. • 3. The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC-II) had the lowest linguistic demand.

Citations (35)

... Pengembangan keterampilan sosial dan emosional (Social and Emotional Learning/SEL) pada siswa sangat penting karena keterampilan ini membantu mereka mengelola emosi, membentuk hubungan positif, dan membuat keputusan yang bertanggung jawab. Pengembangan keterampilan sosial dan emosional diwujudkan dengan adanya program extrakurikuler yang diadakan setiap 1 bulan sekali (Withorn et al., 2021;Jacobs & Graves, 2023). ...


Transformasi Kepemimpinan Ethical dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam di Madrasah
Promoting Positive Academic and Social-Emotional Development for Black Boys: Focus on Strengths-Based Protective Factors
  • Citing Chapter
  • December 2023

... Fu et al., 2022;Malone et al., 2022), and rarely focused institutionally or internally until recently (e.g., McKenney, 2022;Miller, 2023;Parker et al., 2022;Proctor & Truscott, 2012;Sabnis, Tanaka, et al., 2023;Sabnis & Proctor, 2022). Recent scholarship has emphasized the importance of antiracism and systems-centered orientations (e.g., Fallon, Robinson-Link, et al., 2023;Sullivan et al., 2021Sullivan et al., , 2022 and articles in the School Psychology Review special topic, Reconceptualizing School Psychology for the twenty first Century: The Future of School Psychology in the United States, and articles in it), as well as studies that center critical perspectives and those of minoritized individuals and groups (e.g., Day, 2023;Goforth et al., 2022;Gonzalez et al., 2022;Hines et al., 2023;Proctor et al., 2023;Woods et al., 2023;and ...

Promoting the Positive Development of Black Males: Supporting Social, Behavioral, Emotional, and Academic Success
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

... This phenomenon occurs when students use AAE features that educators may not recognize. Therefore, it is important that appropriate instruments are used to differentiate between reading difficulties and dialectic differences so that these differences are not penalized [34]. ...

Understanding African American Vernacular English and Reading Achievement: Implications for the Science of Reading

School Psychology

... 3 Importance of language in assessing for childhood neurodevelopmental disorders One topic not discussed often enough in the literature is the need to understand and consider a child's level of language proficiency prior to utilizing a standardized child-focused assessment (Cormier et al., 2022). Standardized tests vary widely in the linguistic demands of their oral instructions (Graves et al., 2023). Even supposed nonverbal or spatial subtests rely to some extent on children's receptive language proficiency to understand directions (Cormier et al., 2016). ...

Quantifying the linguistic demands of the oral directions of preschool cognitive assessments
  • Citing Article
  • September 2022

Psychology in the Schools

... Black students' and parents' negative experiences with discipline practices are not surprising given that schools are a microcosm of society where teachers' perceptions, standards, expectations, and tolerance levels often align with societal norms (Dumas & Ross, 2016;McCall et al., 2023). Research suggests that preservice and inservice teachers judge REM students more negatively than White students (Kunesh & Noltemeyer, 2019) and associate larger body sizes or Body Mass Index of Black students with more externalizing problems (Graves & Wang, 2023). Riddle and Sinclair (2019) found an association between county-level estimates of racial bias, particularly explicit bias, and racial disciplinary disparities in school discipline, suggesting that counties with higher rates of explicit biases that favor White people had more significant disciplinary disparities in county schools. ...

It’s Not That They Are Big, It’s Just That They Are Black: The Impact of Body Mass Index, School Belonging, and Self Esteem on Black Boys’ School Suspension
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

... Building on an increasingly large body of research focusing on bibliometrics McNicholas et al., 2022;Mushunje & Graves, 2021), the purpose of this study was to determine the size of the body of literature that has been generated across editions of Best Practices, who has contributed most frequently to its chapters, and what chapters are most cited in the professional literature. We offer the following research questions: ...

Bibliometric Analysis of Suicide Research Among Black Youth
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021

Journal of Black Psychology

... When teachers, psychologists, and administrators fail to make school communities welcoming and nurturing for Black boys detrimental outcomes are the obvious result. A majority of intervention research with Black boys in schools has been social-emotional in nature (e.g., Graves & Aston, 2018;Graves et al., 2017;Phillips et al., 2021); however, stakeholders should place a greater emphasis on school belonging for Black boys. ...

The Effect of Video Self-Modeling for Black Boys with Challenging Behaviors in an Urban Setting
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021

Journal of Applied School Psychology

... PERSIST is a strengths-based intervention focused on (a) Black history, (b) racial identity development, and (c) resiliency development. PERSIST was developed by the first and second authors who are college professors with extensive histories of conducting research on Black children ; S. L. Graves et al., 2017;S. L. Graves et al., 2021). Both developers have earned doctorates in psychology and are licensed psychologists by their respective state board of psychology. The intervention was developed to help provide coping strategies for managing negative experiences that Black boys are subjected to in schools and communities. The following steps were undertaken in the dev ...

A systematic review of the What Works Clearinghouse's behavioral intervention evidence: Does it relate to Black children
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Psychology in the Schools

... In training, the selection of an appropriate educational method and the ability of the method to meet the stated cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning objectives are the accelerating training factors [70][71][72]. Based on this, the educational objectives are viewed in this paper as the outcome of education; what the training participants will be able to do and how they are able to behave after the training is completed. ...

The Consistency of Expectations: An Analysis of Learning Objectives Within Cognitive Assessment Course Syllabi
  • Citing Article
  • October 2020

Teaching of Psychology

... Much of Beckham's research focused on two areas: childhood behavioral disorders and intelligence testing (Graves, 2009). Regarding the latter, Beckham understood the eugenics orientation of IQ tests (Graves & Aston, 2016), but believed in their utility and sought to use IQ tests to show the effect of environmental factors (e.g., family socioeconomic level and school and community level enrichment opportunities) on Black students' IQ scores. In this work, he aimed to debunk the common eugenics-based argument that Black children were inherently intellectually inferior to white children because they performed less well on IQ tests. ...

History of psychological assessment and intervention with minority populations.
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2016