Sathiyaraj Chinnasamy’s scientific contributions

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Publications (91)

Using the COPRAS Methodology Cancer with a solution
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December 2023


73 Reads


1 Citation

Computer Science Engineering and Technology



Sathiyaraj Chinnasamy


The second greatest cause of mortality in the United States and a significant global public health issue is cancer. In this article, we provide a detailed summary of cancer incidence as well as the anticipated number of new cancer cases and cancer-related fatalities in the United States nationwide and in each state in 2019. For cancer incidence through 2015 and mortality through 2016, the most recent population-based data are available. We also calculate the overall number of deaths that have been saved as a result of the steady drop in cancer mortality rates since the early 1990s and examine cancer mortality rates in relation to county-level poverty. Cell cycle regulation that is out of control is a key characteristic of cancer. In a Jiangsu Province, China, location with a low incidence rate, the current study identified a variety of risk and preventive factors for esophageal and stomach cancer. In the entire world, colorectal cancer is the third most prevalent cancer in women and the fourth most common disease in males. Previously a disease that required reporting, lung cancer is now the number one cancer killer of both men and women in developed countries. Nearly 500,000 women worldwide receive a cervical cancer diagnosis each year, making it a significant public health concern. However, this descriptive study is significant because it offers population-based proof that is beneficial in treating female breast cancer in the absence of randomised clinical trials on the effectiveness of among men with breast cancer. The final point is that both general breast cancer prevention and treatment will benefit from a thorough understanding of the secular and age-related links between male and female breast cancers. The COPRAS system was developed by Vilnius Ked Minas University of Technology scientists Zavatskas and Kalkaska's and first published in their respective article. The essential principle of the method lays in the possibility of combining the ridge values of all indicators of R qualitative account, that is, the value of the method criterion. Calculations based on COPRAS method are performed using classical normalization. Different MCDM methods are used for different decision making process. Complex proportionality Rating (COPRAS) is one of the most popular and commonly used The MCDM approach was Zavatskas Kalkaska's. It is used to rank alternatives based on that that multiple Criteria used relative criterion the utility of alternatives The Best choice alternative done Taking into consideration best resistance solutions. Click here to download COPRAS, Live and Manuscript. Cancer the High influence it is seen that cervical cancer is showing the highest value for Lung cancer is showing the lowest value. The cervical cancer is showing the highest value for Lung cancer is showing the lowest value.


Water Resources Planning in MOORA method Data Set
Normalized Data
Weighted normalized decision matrix
Assessment value
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Water Resources Planning Using the MOORA Method

December 2023


42 Reads

Water Resources Planning. Systems with water resources have benefited people and their enterprises for a very long time. Many services are provided by these systems. But in many regions around the globe, people are Infrastructure that is inappropriate, insufficient, or in poor condition, excessive river flow withdrawals, pollution from agricultural and industrial operations, nutrient loadings that cause eutrophication, salinization from ground water flows, insect infestation of exotic animals and plants, excessive fish foraging, flood simple and habitat modification from development activities, but rather modifications in water quality and sediment flow regimes are some of the typical causes. Systems for managing water resources have long benefited Individuals and their economy. These systems provide a variety of services. But, they cannot meet all but the most basic needs for sanitization and drinking water in many regions of the world. Moreover, many of these water resource management regimes are unable to support and encourage resilient biodiverse ecosystems. Common causes include inappropriate, insufficient, and/or deteriorated infrastructure, excessive river flow withdrawals, pollution from agricultural and industrial operations, nutrient enrichment brought on by nutrient applied loads, salinization from groundwater recharge stream, infestations of exotic plants and animals, extreme fish collecting, flood plain and vegetation modification caused by construction events, and needs changing in water and sediment flow conditions. Decision Making (MODM) techniques are actually available, and this newsletter is prepared to introduce the new MODM methodology. Cross optimization ratio analysis in essence Unique AMS selection problems are resolved by the (MOORA) method in the context of real-time manufacturing. Using the method of the most objective reference point, house is one of MOORA's components. On the question of the owners' consumer sovereignty, several reservations may be made. Pre-SMART cost to complete (dollars), Post-SMART cost to complete (dollars), Dollars saved, Time saved (months). Ala Wai, Espanola Valley, LA River, Lower San Joaquin River, Missouri River degradation. "from the result it is seen that Ala Wai and is got the first rank whereas is the LA River got is having the lowest rank." The value of the dataset for Water Resources Planning in MOORA method shows that it results in Ala Wai and top ranking".

Assessment of Pyrolysis Material Selection Using WPM as an Auxiliary Tool

December 2023


1 Citation

Producing energy from agricultural wastes is particularly complex since it involves a wide range of variables, including social, economic, and environmental factors in the current phase of energy growth. In this study, "ranking was accomplished using a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model based on the weight obtained using the analytical hierarchy technique". It is proposed to use WSM to determine whether using locally accessible biomass is feasible. During pyrolysis, in order to improve the output of bio-oil, a number of criteria are set down for this goal. The suggested approaches are well-aligned with one another and perfectly replicate the trial results."This study includes seven biomass alternatives and seven evaluation standards. Sugarcane bagasse is regarded as the best biomass material out of the other seven". In order to establish its utility, the bio-oil produced from the biomass material with the highest ranking was examined using gas chromatography (GC) and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for its physical, elemental, and chemical contents. The thermo chemical conversion process, in particular, is clarified by this research in novel ways.

Risk Assessment of Critical Infrastructures using COPRAS Method

September 2023


36 Reads

Because of their significance to security of the nation, societal security and way of living safety critical infrastructures play an important role in nations. Given the significance of infrastructure, it is essential to analyse possible hazards in order to prevent them from becoming events. The primary aim of this thesis is to demonstrate an established framework with the goal of surpassing the drawbacks of the traditional method to creating, implementing, and controlling more secure, safe, and flexible critical infrastructures. The suggested framework expands on the traditional "RAMCAP (Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection)" framework by adding new risk-related parameters. Because of the problem's complexity and inherent uncertainty, COPRAS is used in this research as a decision-making method based on multiple criteria to determine the weights for each criterion and the importance of alternatives in relation to the criteria. Case studies are used to demonstrate the model's capability as well as efficacy in risk-ranking vital infrastructures. When compared to conventional RAMCAP, the suggested model performs significantly better.

An Assessment on The Manufacturing Environment Using the Grey Relational Analysis Method

September 2023


54 Reads


3 Citations

REST Journal on Emerging trends in Modelling and Manufacturing

Focus on sustainability growth: Sustainable practises are becoming more and more important in the manufacturing sector. Environmentally friendly programmes are being implemented by businesses to lessen their carbon footprint, cut waste production, and maximise resource use. This entails implementing recycling and waste management programmes, adopting energy-efficient industrial techniques, and investigating renewable energy sources. In order to uphold a favourable brand reputation, satisfy legal obligations, and draw in environmentally sensitive customers, sustainability has emerged as a critical component. Integration of cutting-edge technology: The adoption of cutting-edge technologies like automation, robots, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping the industrial industry. The industrial processes are being revolutionised by these technologies, which are also enhancing operational effectiveness and enabling real-time data monitoring and analysis. Robotics and automation are accelerating the productivity of routine tasks. Economic Impact: Manufacturing is important to the growth of the GDP, employment, and technological advancements in the world economy. Research in this area assists in identifying variables that can boost manufacturing processes' productivity and efficiency, resulting in increased economic growth and global competitiveness. It also helps to comprehend how manufacturing affects the growth of the labour force, income inequality, and local economies. Sustainable Development: The environment, resource consumption, and waste generation are all significantly impacted by manufacturing activity. An understanding of how to reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing processes, increase resource efficiency, reduce waste production, and encourage the use of cleaner technology can be gained from research on sustainable manufacturing practices. Lean manufacturing is a practise that concentrates on cutting waste and increasing productivity in manufacturing operations. It makes use of methods including just-in-time production, value stream mapping, standardised work, and continuous improvement. To find waste, restructure processes, and maximise resource use, researchers use lean manufacturing approaches. In the manufacturing sector, this practise aids in increasing productivity, cutting costs, and raising overall operational performance. The process of simulation modelling entails developing computer-based models that closely resemble actual production systems. By analysing multiple situations, putting different parameters to the test, and gauging the effects of adjustments to system operation or design, researchers utilise simulation modelling to examine and improve manufacturing processes."ASEA-IRB60/2,CincinnatiMilacroneT3-726,CybotechV15ElectricRobot, HitachiAmericaProcessRobot,UnimationPUMA500/600,UnitedStatesRobotsMaker110,YaskawaElectric MotomanL3C"."Load capacity (LC)(kg), Repeatability (RE)(mm), Maximumtipspeed (MTS)(mm/s), Memorycapacity(MC), Manipulatorreach(MR)(mm)"cybotechv15electricrobot has secured the 1 st rank i when compared to other robots.soil texture performed well in land evaluation techniques when copared to others.

Assessment of Drinking Water Quality in Salem District Using Decision Making Test and Evaluation Laboratory Method

September 2023


254 Reads


2 Citations

Access to safe drinking water is one of the basic human rights and is essential for a healthy life. The present study, in drinking water in Salem district analyzed the concentration and health risks of various pollutants. From bore Wells, tube wells and Water samples were collected by hand pumps. Improper disposal of sewage and solid waste, excessive use of agrochemicals and poor condition of pipe network and transport Drinking water is a major source of pollution. Contamination of water with coli form bacteria can cause gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, dysentery and viral hepatitis They said that it is a major source of water-borne diseases. To reduce health risks, using drinking water from contaminated sources immediate cessation is necessary. Agricultural chemicals that cause water pollution Avoid overuse. The present study examines factors influencing the selection of SCM suppliers Aims to analyze and decide. For decision-making and evaluation system using the Neutrosophic Model (DEMATEL). To improve DEMATEL performance and to achieve competitive advantage considered a proactive approach. This study uses neutrosophic set theory, Mark each value using a new scale. A case study implementing the proposed method is presented. Interviewing experts in Neutrosophic Demodel data collection study this research is designed for management, procurement and production. In terms of drinking water quality, R+C Omalur ranked first and Sankari ranked lowest. Ri-C Sankari ranked first and Omalur ranked lowest in terms of drinking water quality.

Study on Material Design, Performance, and Practical Application of Electrically Conductive Cement Compound

September 2023


74 Reads

REST Journal on Emerging trends in Modelling and Manufacturing

Electrically conductive cementations composite has several advantageswhich include strain sensitivity and high conductivity (ECCC). The ECCC can also perform the role of a conductivity sensor in a safety system that monitors the health of a building. Understanding and predicting electrical resistivity as well as compressive stress are necessary when using ECCC (UCS). In this study, we developed ECCC using three conductivity fillers: waste steel slag (SS), graphite powder (GB), and near-field ground blast furnace slag (GGBS) (GGPS). By adjusting the concentrations of the three conductive fillers, cement, and curing age, we created 81 different mix ratio for the UCS test and 108 different concrete ratios for the conductivity test. Sandier soils are best for using ordinary Portland cement (OPC), which is frequently utilised for stabilising purposes. In a rotating kiln, unusual and local building materials like clay or other silicates are heated to high temperatures (>1500°C) to create Portland cement. Sandier soils are best for using ordinary Portland cement (OPC), which is frequently utilised for stabilising purposes. In a rotating kiln, unusual and local building materials like clay or other silicates are heated to high temperatures (>1500°C) to create Portland cement. Slag is a commercial waste product produced during the steelmaking process. At various phases of the steelmaking process, slag from both the electric arc furnace and the ladle furnace is produced in electric arc furnaces and refining ladle furnaces, respectively. A byproduct of blast furnaces used to manufacture iron, GGBS is a cementing ingredient mostly used in concrete. Between 1972 and 1976, the Battelle Memorial Institute in Geneva founded the Program in Science and Human Affairs to conduct research and address complex, interconnected concerns. DEMATEL is one of the decision-makers with a number of criteria. DEMATEL technique is frequently used to extract a difficult problem's complex structure. DEMATEL's goal is to scale from a complex system and the link between causal factors in order to describe the system's perceptible organisational structure. The cause and effect link between the criteria is evident while evaluating complexity. According to the results, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) has the highest ranking, while graphite powder (GP) has the lowest ranking. Resulting in ordinary Portland cement (OPC) ranked first, graphite powder (GP) has low rank.

Evaluation of Environmental Studies using COPRAS Method

September 2023


5 Reads


1 Citation

Journal on Applied and Chemical Physics

This broad area of research encompasses both the built environment and the natural environment, as well as their interactions. Environmental studies look at how people and the environment interact. Environmental studies examine transdisciplinary environmental concerns from a social, legal, managerial, and scientific perspective. Environmental issues, management, and policy are among the subjects examined in environmental studies. There is a need for strategies to lessen negative effects and encourage more sustainable activities due to the impact that humans have on their physical environment. To better comprehend the causes of environmental issues, students investigate the links between science and sociology. Ecology comes in various forms, including those related to biology, sustainability, oceanography, and marine biology. A career in environmental research can be extremely rewarding. You'll not only be employed in a sector that positively impacts the entire globe, but you'll also have the opportunity to make a good living. But you need the right education to enjoy this wonderful career. Environmental studies teach us how important our environment is, as well as how to manage natural resources more wisely and live sustainably. Understanding how organisms behave in their natural environments and how they interact with one another in populations and communities is beneficial. Although the terms "ecology" and "environmental science" are frequently used interchangeably in everyday speech, technically, ecology only refers to the study of organisms and their interactions with one another and with their surroundings. Critical environmental resource preservation and protection, as well as the preservation of priceless natural and human-made heritage, are vital for the wellbeing of society and the provision of livelihoods. COPRAS (Complex Proportional Evaluation is proposed to evaluate the possible maintenance strategy. Linguistic terms are used to evaluate the ratings and weights. The rankings of the alternatives are Keywords: Passive sampling in studies of gaseous mediums, Passive sampling of analytes a form a liquid medium, Passive sampling in sediment and soil, COPRAS Method.

Assessment of Drinking Water Quality in Salem District Using Decision Making Test and Evaluation Laboratory Method

September 2023


118 Reads

REST Journal on Emerging trends in Modelling and Manufacturing

Access to safe drinking water is one of the basic human rights and is essential for a healthy life. The present study, in drinking water in Salem district analyzed the concentration and health risks of various pollutants. From bore Wells, tube wells and Water samples were collected by hand pumps. Improper disposal of sewage and solid waste, excessive use of agrochemicals and poor condition of pipe network and transport Drinking water is a major source of pollution. Contamination of water with coli form bacteria can cause ga-stroenteritis, diarrhoea, dysentery and viral hepatitis They said that it is a major source of water-borne diseases. To reduce health risks, using drinking water from contaminated sources immediate cessation is necessary. Agricultural chemicals that cause water pollution Avoid overuse. The present study examines factors influencing the selection of SCM suppliers Aims to analyze and decide. For decision-making and evaluation system using the Neutrosophic Model (DEMATEL). To improve DEMATEL performance and to achieve competitive advantage considered a proactive approach. This study uses neutrosophic set theory, Mark each value using a new scale. A case study implementing the proposed method is presented. Interviewing experts in NeutrosophicDemodel data collection study this research is designed for management, procurement and production. In terms of drinking water quality, R+C Omalur ranked first and Sankari ranked lowest. Ri-C Sankari ranked first and Omalur ranked lowest in terms of drinking water quality.

Material Properties
Assessment on Selection of Appropriate Materials for Fuselage of an Aircraft

August 2023


420 Reads

Considering composites, after treatments like heat processing, and the creation of composite substances in addition to pure components, the range of engineering components is steadily expanding. It is crucial to choose the best material from such a huge material source for each unique part that needs to be made. The picking of acceptable composition for the fuselage, A critical aircraft component, its importance lies in its lightweight and cost-effective nature, along with its thermal and mechanical characteristics. The criteria and options in this study, which attempts to choose components for the fuselage of a commercial airplane, have first been established following expert viewpoints. During the research, the COPRAS technique was employed to evaluate various materials, considering factors such as "density, tensile strength, shear strength, and cost." According to the ranking of options using the COPRAS approach, CFRP is the best option, followed by GFRP, AISI 4130, Al

Citations (36)

... These include being less expensive, less abrasive to manufacture, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly. [4] total phenolic of the cocoa shell powder is maximized by long extraction times at low toasted temperature with long toasting times. Toasting time, then temperature, had the least noticeable impact on the amount of phenols in the extract. ...


Study of mechanical properties of Coconut Shell Powder Using Weighted sum method (WSM)
Performance Analysis of Agricultural Waste Using Gray Relational Analysis (GRA) Method
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

... Calculating and incorporating the variance into Eq. To account for volatility in the estimation process, estimates of variance for normalised initial criteria are also computed [18]. It might not be suitable to utilise smoother figures or ranges to evaluate alternatives when decision-makers' assessments and preferences are unknown. ...

Evaluation of Environmental Studies using COPRAS Method
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Journal on Applied and Chemical Physics

... The advantage of PROMETHEE II is its capability to yield a complete ranking of candidate alternatives. Consequently, it is reasonably successful in finding the optimal solutions for problems in management, engineering, operations research, healthcare industries, electronic industries, and so on 26,27 . PROMETHEE-II is an MCDM method that provides a comprehensive ranking of alternatives by calculating net outranking flows. ...

Challenges, Alternatives, and Paths to Sustainability for Health Information Exchange Efforts Using PROMETHEE Method

... WPM compares each decision alternative with others by multiplying several ratios for each criterion, one for each decision alternative. Due to the method's exponential nature, it is important for the sum of criterion weights to be equal to 1 (Chinnasamy et al., 2023). In this method, the first step involves creating a decision matrix. ...

A survey on Transportation System Using the WPM method

... Bill payment, movie ticket booking, and mobile recharge services are all included in mobile banking, in addition to more conventional banking tasks. Banks can interact with their consumers more regularly thanks to this range of tasks, and they can also make money from consumer transactions made through their mobile banking services.Mobile banking enables users to execute banking activities quickly and conveniently without having to go to a physical bank branch by offering a seamless and user-friendly interface [11]. Due to their size, public sector banks must contend with the difficulty of modernising their operations and implementing cutting-edge technologies to maintain their market dominance. ...

Assessment of Drinking Water Quality in Salem District Using Decision Making Test and Evaluation Laboratory Method
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

... The application of MCDM methodologies across diverse sectors has been documented extensively in previous research, as elucidated in Table 1. [52][53][54][55][56] In this paper, the DIBR II-NWBM-FF MAIRCA MCDM model ( Figure 1) is presented for the selection of the optimal set of pontoon bridge for the needs of the military. ...

Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu, Groundwater Quality Status in relation to MCDM System Pollution
  • Citing Article
  • March 2023

Journal on Materials and its Characterization

... Aircraft morphing has emerged as a widely researched and significant topic within the realm of "green aeronautics" and is being explored through various technological advancements and functional developments. The concept of morphing, which involves the ability to alter the shape of an aircraft to adapt to different conditions, aims to enhance overall vehicle system performance and enable diverse operational capabilities [6]. Morphing aircraft can effectively adapt to changing flight conditions and exhibit high efficiency. ...

Performance Analysis of Sustainable Production Using VIKOR Method
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

... The Pre/Post-Test Questionnaire is a self-evaluation tool that investigates the general personal development over the domains. The 10-point Likert-scale questionnaire was extracted from the Service-Learning and Research Scheme Questionnaire with eight domains, the first six come from OSL [4] and the latter two attitude impact domains from Amerson [12], and Bernacki and Jaeger [13]. The eight domains are shown in Table 1. ...

Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing Education
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

Journal on Innovations in Teaching and Learning

... Such factors are solar irradiation, shade and mounting location. (Manickam et al., 2023) found that not all solar PVs are produced equal, even though they have the same power rating and other features inscription from the manufacturer, in a study titled: 4 factors that can upset solar PV production: Solar panels are distinguished by their efficiency ratings, power ratings, and degradation rates. It was made clear that: orientation, latitude, tilt, and climate do have significant influences on a solar PV system's performance, so if plan is made to offset one's electric bill with solar PV, it is imperative to know how these factors can influence solar production. ...

An Analysis on Solar Photovoltaic Technology using IBM SPSS statistics
  • Citing Article
  • March 2023

Journal on Electronic and Automation Engineering