May 2020
154 Reads
7 Citations
Thermochemical storage provides a volumetric and cost-efficient means of collecting energy from solar/waste heat in order to utilize it for space heating in another location. Equally important to the storage density, the dynamic thermal response dictates the power available which is critical to meet the varied demands of a practical space heating application. Using a laboratory scale reactor (127 cm 3), an experimental study with salt in matrix (SIM) materials found that the reactor power response is primarily governed by the flow rate of moist air through the reactor and that creating salt with a higher salt fraction had minimal impact on the thermal response. The flowrate dictates the power profile of the reactor with an optimum value which balances moisture reactant delivery and reaction rate on the SIM. A mixed particle size produced the highest power (22 W) and peak thermal uplift (32 • C). A narrow particle range reduced the peak power and peak temperature as a result of lower packing densities of the SIM in the reactor. The scaled maximum power density which could be achieved is >150 kW/m 3 , but achieving this would require optimization of the solid-moist air interactions.