Salma Umber’s research while affiliated with Government College University, Faisalabad and other places

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Publications (17)

The News International Headlines Analysis
Comparative Analysis of News Headlines of Pakistani and International Print Media
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November 2024


89 Reads


1 Citation

Russian Law Journal

Muhammad Javed Ashraf


Zain Abbas


Salma Umber




M Phil Scholar

This research sought to establish how media framing influences the issue of regime change particularly the dismissal of the Pakistan's Prime Minister Mr. Imran Khan. A qualitative research method was adopted. Pakistan's newspaper Dawn News, The News and international New York Times, and BBC news were used to capture both the Pakistani and Western attitudes. The focus of the analysis is based on the framing theory developed by Entman (1993) and Van Dijk's (2009) sociocognitive model. This study sought to find out how coverage of regime change coincides with ideological, geopolitical, and cultural considerations. The two strategies used in the analysis involved macrostructure and microstructure of headlines where choices of words, syntactic patterns, semantic connections and rhetorical devices were determining variables with ideological tendencies and framing mechanism. This study revealed that the Pakistani media often report the ouster as a nationalist 'freedom struggle' against the foreign interferences; thus, the writers used the relevant provocative tone and language to mobilize the public emotions while emphasizing the issue of sovereignty. On the other hand, the international media enlighten the audiences on the procedures of democracy, governance, and institutional responsibility and therefore presented the ouster as a democratic process other than an external influence. Both perspectives oversimplified the political processes and conditioned by the cultural and ideological rates of both audiences. The local media of Pakistan supports these populist trend sets the stage and portrays Khan as the people's champion against external forces while the International media emphasizes the democratic procedures and process reflects the west Political orientation. The media coverage on political transitions, this research adds a four-dimensional framework to media discourse and political communication analysis. This research offers understanding of the international media and communication, arguing that media discourse guides but also participates in shaping power relations and ideological positions in global politics. This research pertains to policy making and journalism, diplomacy and international relations.


The New York Times Headlines Analysis
Media and Migration: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Ukrainian Refugee Crisis in Western Print Media

October 2024


59 Reads


This research focused on analyzing the coverage of the Ukrainian refugee crisis in two Western newspapers, namely The New York Times and The Guardian. This study used a quantitative research approach. The CDA framework by van Dijk (2003) was used. The study analyzed a sample of ten headlines from each of the newspapers. This study applied the content analysis method, focusing on the discursive, ideological, and critical analysis of the headlines selected for the study. The analysis highlighted the importance of comparing media framing patterns. Since the refugees are from Ukraine, the New York Times' coverage is sympathetic towards them, focusing on unity with the refugees. On the other hand, The Guardian appears to be more critical and exhaustive, as it describes various forms of the crisis and its political and social consequences. It is crucial to consider the message portrayed when addressing the issue of media representation of refugees and humanitarian crises. These findings helpful for gaining insight Remittances Review into how power relations work within the media and the specifics of refugees' representation. This study helps the reader to understand the different ideologies and journalistic practices between the two newspapers, as well as how two different media houses presented a similar issue in two different ways. This research sees the media as instrumental in spurring humanitarian intervention and shaping perceptions of refugees. Thus, this investigation considerably enriches the knowledge of how refugees are portrayed in media and how these depictions affect the perception of the issue and enabling effective policy responses.

Comparative Analysis of Dawn and the News Coverage of the Jaranwala Incident.
Similarities Between Dawn and the News Coverage of the Jaranwala Incident.
Differences Between Dawn and the News Coverage of the Jaranwala Incident
Kurdish Studies Blasphemy Crisis Construction: A Case Study of Christians Minority Targeting at Jaranwala over Blasphemy Allegations in Pakistani Print Media

May 2024


24 Reads

Kurdish Studies

This research uses Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to analyze the journalistic coverage of the Jaranwala event (August 2023) in Pakistani newspapers. The study's overarching goal is to decipher the event's narrative construction via media coverage by analyzing the effects of power dynamics, ideology, and linguistic methods. The study examined headlines from Dawn and The News newspapers over a certain period (August 16-23, 2023). Used a qualitative research approach. The CDA framework guides the study, emphasizing the construction of narratives about events through word choices, framing, and overall representation. At CDA's core is the idea of power interactions by Van Dijk (1993) and the ways ideology impacts communication and examines the use of specific textual approaches to create and convey meaning by Fairclough (2003). The results showed that the two newspapers' headlines are quite different from one another. Dawn seems to have a more state-centric perspective, one that puts an emphasis on order and may minimize the concerns of the Christian community. The News takes a more critical stance, calling attention to injustice, religious tolerance, and power inequities. This study adds to our understanding of how the media influences public opinion and how people around the world see religious tolerance in Pakistan. This research sheds light on the significance of essential media comprehension and the power of competing narratives to influence social dynamics.


January 2024


270 Reads


1 Citation


This research examines the relationship between GCUF students' social media use, subjective well-being, and narcissistic tendencies. To have their needs met, validated, and admired, people with high levels of agentic narcissism behave in a very peculiar way on social media. Use of the internet and subjective well-being (SWB) remain a complicated and extensively researched issue. Instagram has surpassed Facebook in student popularity, according to a study of 350 GCUF students that used a comprehensive questionnaire. In general, guys report higher levels of life satisfaction, whereas girls are more likely to exhibit narcissistic tendencies. According to the research, spending more time on social media is associated with less happiness and more self-centeredness, which impacts life satisfaction overall. The study finds a little more egocentric behavior among Instagram users, but it's not a huge difference. Those who use Facebook also seem to be a little more cheerful, disproving the notion that Instagram users are less pleased.

Unveiling the Media's Lens: A Comparative Study of Climate Change and Floods Reporting in Pakistani Press

October 2023


58 Reads

Pakistan Social Sciences Review

This research delves into the media portrayal of climate change and flood-related events in Pakistan during the year 2022, focusing on newspaper coverage. The study specifically scrutinizes editorials from two prominent newspapers, Daily Dawn and Daily Jang, spanning the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2022. The framing theory serves as the analytical framework for this investigation. The findings reveal that Daily Jang provided more extensive coverage of environmental issues compared to Daily Dawn, particularly during certain periods. The primary thematic areas related to climate change during this period encompassed "Floods in Pakistan," "Environmental Conferences," and "Agriculture." Notably, the Monsoon season received the highest level of attention in terms of climate change and flooding coverage. A big discovery was the striking similarity in the narratives employed by both Daily Dawn and Roznama Jang in addressing climate change and flood-related topics, suggesting a shared strategic approach in presenting these critical subjects.

Unboxing the Ballot Box: A Critical Discourse Analysis of International Media Perspectives on Pakistan's 2024 General Elections

September 2023


11 Reads


1 Citation

Kurdish Studies

This research looked at the impact of global agendas and alliances on worldwide media coverage of the 2024 Pakistani elections and how it influenced perceptions of the event, with an emphasis on possible components that were ignored. This research looked at selected headlines from news outlets throughout the world that covered the election. Used a qualitative content analysis method. The examination of media narratives, power relations, and ideological effects was driven by Fairclough's (1989, 2003) three-dimensional model (text, discourse practice, and social practice) and Gramsci's (1971) Hegemony Theory. Data was collected from a wide range of worldwide news sites, including Al Jazeera, The Guardian, Bloomberg, The New York Times, The Independent, Sky News, Time Magazine, France 24, India Today, CNBC, Financial Times, CBC News, Voice of America, Hindustan Times, and BBC News, each of which represents a different area and political ideology. The headlines were coded manually in order to find commonalities, framing decisions, and any elements that were neglected. Uncertainty, instability, and possible anomalies were usually front and center in the news. The narratives represent global interests and ideological stances via their different agendas and alliances. The investigation uncovered previously unnoticed details, such as varied viewpoints, potential explanations beyond initial assumptions, and the effect on certain socioeconomic groups in Pakistan. The way the international media covers complicated events, such as elections, has an impact on many people's perceptions of them. All eyes on the elected administration are drawn to this, casting doubt on its legitimacy. The results show that media stories have the power to either support existing views or challenge them. Furthermore, the investigation reveals the possible minimization of the agency of the Pakistani people and the exclusion of key players. In addition to shedding light on the role of varied viewpoints and critical analysis in shaping public views of complicated events, this research calls for more inclusive and nuanced media practices as a means to promote responsible journalism. This area needs more in-depth analysis of the media environment in Pakistan and interviews with local media and voices, as it only uses small extracts.


July 2023


27 Reads

Russian Law Journal

The current study's goal is to examine the editorial of the Dawn and Times of India regarding the nuclear arms race in South Asia through critical discourse analysis. This research study also examines how the "nuclear arms race in south Asia" is explained by critically analyzing the editorials published in The Times of India and Dawn between July 2015 and July 2016. Van Dijk's framework is used in this study as the foundation for the analysis. As such, it is a planned discourse whose main goal is to persuade listeners to do particular things in order to forward the author's ideological viewpoint. The social, cognitive, and discursive domains are the three angles from which Van Dijk manipulation is examined. The researcher uses Van Dijk's model, an interdisciplinary perspective on ideology, as a foundation for the perpetuation of racist and chauvinistic ethnic prejudices in the compiled corpus of editorials. The study's objective is to identify the editorial coverage of "Nuclearization in South Asia" with particular reference to the editorial coverage of The Times of India and The Dawn. The Times of India and The Dawn's stance on India and Pakistan's nuclear missile tests is also examined in the study. The newspapers concur that signing the CTBT is a good idea. Concerns of a nuclear arms race in the area are expressed in the publications. The editorial coverage of "Nuclearization in South Asia" was the focus of an analysis of the similarities and contrasts between The Times of India and The Dawn. According to the survey, the nuclear race in the region worries Pakistani and Indian print media. It also comes to the conclusion that the elite press not only steers or formulates foreign policy, but also comments on occurrences.

For what Purpose youth watch TV?
Intensity Of TV Used
Mean of Aggressiveness by Gander and time Spend on TV watching

June 2023


22 Reads

Pakistan Journal of Social Research

Aggressive behavior among adolescents was studied in this study in relation to watching of television. Information was collected through a survey (α= 0.37), from 300 males and females from different universities in Faisalabad. They were asked how long they watch TV (in hours) in a day and for which purpose they watch TV. In the last section of the questionnaire, they were questioned to measure the nature of their aggressive behavior, how much they i) get angered ii) feel disappointed iii) Use rude language iv) feel insecure v) feel captured (α= 0.32). The results show that TV watching time and the purpose of watching TV are not significantly / insignificantly associated with aggressive behavior. The point about the purpose for which young people watch TV the most, this data shows that most people watch TV for information. Males who use the TV for other purposes have more aggressive behavior than others. In the case of females, aggression in behavior didn’t affect differently with the different use of TV. Intensity of TV use (how many hours TV watched in a day) was positively and insignificantly associated with aggressive behavior in males but in females no relation was found. Keywords: aggressive behavior, television, intensity of TV viewing, TV hype.


June 2023


41 Reads

Pakistan Journal of Social Research

This research examines the relationship between media and individuals after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. It accounts for the mechanism set by the media which took one simple step to induce sympathy among people by way of framing the incident in favour of the deceased. This ultimately resulted into an immense driving force for ‘sympathetic voting’, eventually bringing about Pakistan People’s Party to emerge on top in the 2008’s general elections. The research theoretically dwells on the theory of framing and identifies media direction of framing the assassination. The methodology employed is qualitative analysis using interpretative textual analysis and content analysis. It presents a comprehensive explanation of the findings with respect to various aspects that shape public opinion. The key findings show that media did create sympathy among people which resulted in sympathy voting and this sympathy implanted by the media was a result of how media framed the assassination. Keywords: Framing; sympathy vote, female politicians, content analysis; media discourse.


March 2023


100 Reads

Pakistan Journal of Social Research

A strong showing and movement structures accomplish client improvement, proficiency, and extended length affiliation achievement. Present business regions become more powerful through creating business areas, globalization, and imaginative headway, which have quickly changed the business world. Stages like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube are pushing propelling relationships toward another course utilizing the web entertainment show. Electronic redirection has attacked so remarkably into a colossal number of individuals' lives by and large it has correspondingly stood separated for support. This study will assist with closing what it means for Pakistani purchasers' purchasing conduct. The improvement of the site capacity subsequently upgrades client lead. Other analyzed data confirms that brand equity has a positive and significant effect on the purchase intentions of consumers. In the proposed model of this study, the relationship between brand equity and the dimensions of consumer behavior including the willingness to pay for an extra cost, brand preference, and purchase intention is investigated. A convenient sampling technique has been adopted to collect data from 200 local residents of Faisalabad aged 18-48 onwards who are active users of social networking sites i.e., Instagram, and Facebook, and follow luxury brands such as Nishat Linen, Khaadi, and Sapphire. The collected data has been coded in SPSS and analyzed in descriptive devices. Results proclaimed that an increase in social media marketing of luxury brand directly increase consumer buying behavior and hence, significantly increase brand equity. Keywords: luxury brands, consumer behavior, brand equity, social media marketing

Citations (8)

... Ashraf et al. (2023) described how representation of political activities inherent to specific media outlets does not only reveal power relations and ideology but also constructs audience perceptions of political processes like regime change operation s. In much the same manner,Kalsoom et al. (2024) on this subject explain the dynamics through which the media can tell two opposing stories and provide focus on contentious power dynamics, especially on soldiers and civilians in the case of Pakistan. ...


Media and Agenda-Setting: Analyzing the Role of Electronic Media in Fostering Youth Political Awareness in Pakistan

Russian Law Journal

... Although Solopova and Naumova (2024) and Umber and Muzamil Sultan (Umber et al., 2024) enlighten the idea of political discourse with the help of CDA, their works remain insufficient in terms of a range of issues as they investigate only the conflict-based rhetoric in the speeches of U.S. presidents (Solopova & Naumova, 2024) or the representation of Pakistan's However, both proposed studies do not solve the problem of the life course of media framing, more specifically concerning the real-time coverage of a political event in which power relations and ideologies are immediately performed in front of the audience, for example, US Presidential debates. This is an important gap in current research because the framing that occurs in media coverage of live debates impacts audiences directly, especially in a polarization environment. ...

Unboxing the Ballot Box: A Critical Discourse Analysis of International Media Perspectives on Pakistan's 2024 General Elections

Kurdish Studies

... Based on a case study conducted by Umber et al., it can be concluded that narcissists use social media networks for socialization, which makes them feel better [17]. Such results were confirmed by our study, as well as by the study conducted by Freglette [18]. ...



... Given its suitability for content analysis research, it is not surprising to find that some research has investigated the intersection of media framing and securitization in print media and newspapers (Vultee, 2010;Uprety, 2019). In fact, a critical discourse analysis by Ghauri (2020) specifically found a securitizing transformation of media coverage towards Islam and Muslims in Australian newspapers. In essence, we can infer that securitization is only successful when a "securitizing move" is accepted by audience in the environment it occurs in. ...

"Securitization" of Islam and Muslims in the Australian Newspapers: A Critical Discourse Analysis

... The issue of challenges that public relations industry is facing in different parts of the world is a subject of PR researchers' attention also in other countries. Reference may be made, for example, to arrangements concerning conditions and challenges that concern PR sector in Pakistan (Mukhtar et al., 2020). However, the specifics of the functioning of the public relations industry in individual countries causes that it is difficult to compare the conclusions of the conducted research. ...

The Conditions and Challenges of the PR Industry in Pakistan in the 21st Century: Practitioners’ Perspective and Perceptions

Global Political Review

... The coverage patterns in the editorial contents of the Australian newspapers related to Islam and Muslims within the Australian boundaries (National) is significantly different from that of living outside the Australian boundaries (Foreign). The coverage of Islam and Muslims outside the Australian boundaries (Foreign Islam) is overwhelmed with the themes of violence, conflict and terrorism (Ghauri & Umber, 2019). ...

A Critical Discourse Analysis of the National Islam and Foreign Islam in the Australian Press
  • Citing Article
  • September 2019


... Beshara (2018Beshara ( , 2019 argues that Islamophobia has two aspects: body and soul. It balances the need to protect the country against terrorism with the desire to preserve national identity.The word 'Islamophobia' first drew attention in France in the 1920s (Allen, 2016) unlike the United States where the notion of Islamophobia gained momentum after the events of 9/11 (Considine, 2017;Ghauri and Umber, 2019;Lyons, 2014). Ciftci (2012) contends that anti-Islam and anti-Muslim sets of minds estimating back to the 1980s started to be termed as "Islamophobia" by the Stockholm International Forum. ...

Exploring the Nature of Representation of Islam and Muslims in the Australian Press

... Bollywood is one of the world's largest film industries and have substantial audience. An article (Umber et al., 2018) accentuates the significant influence of films on audience and questions Muslims' portrayal in Indian movies. They applied content analysis technique on the 2016's Indian movies including prominent Muslim characters. ...

Exploring the Image of Muslims in India
  • Citing Article
  • April 2019