Sahiruddin Sahiruddin’s research while affiliated with University of Brawijaya and other places

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Publications (29)

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A Sociocultural Analysis of Teachers’ Belief Changes: A Case of Two Teach-Abroad EFL Teachers
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


40 Reads

JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

Sahiruddin Sahiruddin



Clinton Chidiebere Anyanwu


Jati Suryanto

This inquiry explores English foreign language (EFL) teacher beliefs in teach-abroad (TA) contexts under the umbrella of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory (SCT) of mind. The previously available literature on teacher beliefs has relied mostly on quantitative survey research concerning belief as an inert variable; an internal representation of experience is resilient to evolve. Due to the prevalence of the theory of mind or cognitive orientation under the sociocultural theory, this case study aims to examine two TA EFL teachers’ belief changes in the new TA context and conceptualize the teachers’ beliefs from a sociocultural perspective. The participants involved EFL teachers (both pseudonyms): Ivan (male, aged 26) and Melanie (female, aged 24) attending different types of TA were recruited for this research. We collected the data through pre-and post-TA interviews and teaching journals with other triangulated methods like teaching autobiographies and recall experiences. The findings advocated that EFL teachers’ teaching beliefs continuously evolve according to their TA goals and experiences, and their belief changes involve a remediation process that leads to different teaching actions. Their internalized EFL teaching beliefs within meaningful environments influence the success of their TA teaching.


Kultur Sekolah dalam Pencegahan Bullying dan Kekerasan di Sekolah Dasar

December 2023


83 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal DIDIKA Wahana Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar

Habibuddin Habibuddin


Mijhamuddin Alwi


Muhammad Sururuddin




Hadiatul Rodiyah

Bullying dan kekerasan di lingkungan sekolah dasar (SD) semakin marak terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kultur sekolah dalam pencegahan bullying dan kekerasan di SD Negeri 2 Tebaban Kecamatan Suralaga Kabupaten Lombk Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengambilan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan model interaktif terdiri atas data collecting, data reduction, data display, dan conclusion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa: (1) pengembangan kultur sekolah dalam pencegahan bullying dan kekerasan dilakukan melalui: (a) kebijakan sekolah, seperti kesediaan menjadi tim pencegahan dan penanganan kekerasan (TPPK), dan program sekolah untuk pembiasaan perilaku religius, disiplin, peduli sesama, dan peduli pada lingkungan; (b) kurikulum sekolah mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P3) melalui materi pelajaran, dan pengembangan diri atau keterampilan siswa; dan (c) kepala sekolah berperan menjadi pemimpin, memberi keteladanan, interaktif dan komunikatif, motivator, sekaligus menjadi pengawas; serta (d) guru-guru berperan menjadi model, fasilitator, pengarah, komunikator, motivator, dan mediator; (2) pendukung pengembangan kultur sekolah dalam pencegahan bullying dan kekerasan adanya kebijakan sekolah, kurikulum sekolah, dan kepala sekolah dan guru memiliki peran menanamkan nilai-nilai anti bullying dan kekerasan, sedangkan penghambatnya, terdapat nilai-nilai (gotong royong, kemandirian, dan lain-lain) belum diaktualisasikan oleh siswa, perkembangan media sosial sangat mempengaruhi perilaku bullying dan kekerasan siswa. Kata Kunci: bullying, kekerasan, kultur sekolah

Translanguaging Practices in Tertiary Context EFL Classrooms in Indonesia

November 2023


7 Reads


1 Citation

Culturalistics Journal of Cultural Literary and Linguistic Studies

The phenomenon of code-switching, or translanguaging, has evolved within the field of linguistics, particularly in the context of bilingualism. Researchers have explored the use of the first language (L1) in second language (L2) classrooms from various perspective. This study explores students’ attitudes toward using L1 in EFL classrooms and its relationship with translanguaging characteristics, frequency, and factors including proficiency levels and gender. Based on Poplack’s (1980) theory, the study examines how highly language proficient bilinguals engage in translanguaging. This study involves 49 participants from an Indonesian EFL program using a survey-based research design. Data collection methods encompass Likert Scale surveys and open-ended questionnaires. The result reveals that students had positive attitudes toward translanguaging, considering it a natural practice for bilinguals that should be allowed in L2 classrooms. However, the study found that the students showing neutral perceptions that the practice of translanguaging did indicate the students’ lack of linguistics proficiency and gender. This led to the meaning that the statements were true without being influenced with the participants' subjectivity. This study also proves the hypothesis which stated that bilinguals who are highly proficient in both languages (L1 and L2) are generally better at translanguaging.Keywords: EFL classroom; translanguaging; correlation; L1; L2.

FIGURE 3 | Students' perceptions of L1 use in L2 classes by the higher ability group
FIGURE 4 | Students' perceptions of the use of L1 in L2 classes by the low ability group
FIGURE 5 | L1 use function in L2 class by students
The use of L1 in L2 Learning in the Indonesian EFL context

April 2023


178 Reads


1 Citation

JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

The issue of L1 usage in the L2 classroom is still open. Historically, using the target language was the most effective method for learning L2. However, some research indicates that incorporating L1 into L2 sessions can also help to improve second language learning. The notion of L1 use is in the L2 classroom has also been associated with the notion of translanguaging in the bilingual or multilingual education. The goal of this study is to ascertain the attitudes and beliefs of teachers and students towards the use of first language in the second language classroom and to determine the extent to which such beliefs regarding the use of first language in the L2 classroom is related to one another to facilitate L2 learning. Participants in this study were 115 students (n=115) and 30 university English teachers (n = 30). A questionnaire was used to obtain the data, and descriptive statistics was employed. The study revealed that teachers and students are generally in favor of using L1 in L2 classrooms (bilingual instruction), depending on the context or goals. The L1 is used primarily to enhance L2 proficiency so that as the L2 proficiency progresses, monolingual approach can be implemented. This study partially supports the viability of a bilingual or co-taught method in the L2 classroom. HIGHLIGHTS: • Teachers and students favor using a second language (bilingual approach) to facilitate learning in the second classroom. • For L2 learners to build their L2 skills, they need to be exposed to as much L2 input as possible. L2 learning and development heavily rely on the use of L1 to connect L1 and L2 information. • Indonesian EFL classes can adopt the bilingual to monolingual EMI transition paradigm as referring to students’ proficiency levels.

Figure 1. TPACK Model Developed by Mishra & Koehler (2006)
The Perspectives of EFL Students on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Their Teachers

March 2023


227 Reads


1 Citation

Journey Journal of English Language and Pedagogy

The objective of this current research was examining EFL students' point of views on their teachers' TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge). A growing body of research had been conducted to investigate instructors' TPACK. However, few research have addressed the evaluation of TPACK from the perspective of EFL students. The students’ view offers a relatively objective perspective of instructors' TPACK to provide valuable feedback for further evaluation on their classroom practice. A survey method was employed by administered a TPACK student-based questionnaire adapted from Tseng (2014). The respondents were English education department students who had experience studying with technology, especially e-learning in the midst of pandemic. The findings showed that EFL students typically thought their teachers were knowledgeable about certain aspects of TPACK. Nevertheless, it was discovered that CK instructors were regarded as the greatest aspect of TPACK, whereas TK domain was thought to be the least important aspect. The results suggested that EFL teachers may need further TPACK training to attain the competency needed to properly incorporate technology more successfully in English lessons.


February 2023


462 Reads


1 Citation

Premise Journal of English Education

Academic writing skills have become an essential aspect that Indonesian students must focus on, especially for those planning or pursuing their postgraduate studies abroad. The current research investigates the difficulties Indonesian students face who currently pursue or recently completed their postgraduate studies in seven countries with different majors. The subject was seven Indonesian students who studied in India, Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Poland. The researcher used the qualitative research method under the phenomenology procedure to collect the data. Two questionnaires in the form of open-ended questions were distributed and fulfilled by all research participants. The findings indicate that Indonesian students who pursued postgraduate study abroad faced difficulties in academic writing practice, for instance, paraphrasing the sentence, assuring coherence, formulating cohesion, and expressing their voice. Besides, some also faced problems choosing appropriate words and relevant topics in their writing. The main factors contributing to the difficulties are less academic writing practice, lack of vocabulary, and unfamiliarity with academic writing structure. Even though the students pursued different majors and countries, they had common difficulties writing academic writing. Moreover, cultural differences also influence students’ difficulties.

Citations (15)

... This trend aligns with international and Indonesian research, where qualitative case studies predominate in examining translanguaging in English language policy and practice. Despite studies like Ningrum and Sahiruddin (2023) employing quantitative methods, the prevalence of qualitative case studies suggests it is perceived as more effective due to their ability to comprehensively explore diverse linguistic and cultural contexts in Indonesia, contributing to a deeper understanding of translanguaging's implementation in educational settings (Baskarada, 2014). ...


Contemporary translingual English language policy and practice in Indonesia
Translanguaging Practices in Tertiary Context EFL Classrooms in Indonesia

Culturalistics Journal of Cultural Literary and Linguistic Studies

... Resmana and Dewi (2021) also highlighted that schools actively teaching Pancasila principles, such as humanity and social justice, have a more positive school climate and better student participation in creating a safe and conducive environment. This research indicates that strengthening Pancasila values in learning builds students' character and significantly reduces bullying rates (Habibuddin et al., 2023;Tamara et al., 2023). Meanwhile, Nurlaela et al. (2023) explored the effectiveness of Pancasila-based character education programs in preventing bullying behavior in elementary schools. ...

Kultur Sekolah dalam Pencegahan Bullying dan Kekerasan di Sekolah Dasar

Jurnal DIDIKA Wahana Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar

... Estos conocimientos se manifestaron a través de las actividades realizadas por los docentes en formación, que mostraron atributos pedagógicos y tecnológicos notables. De acuerdo con Basori et al. (2023), el uso de tecnologías implica comprender cómo éstas transforman tanto la enseñanza como el aprendizaje. En este ejercicio, los profesores tuvieron una oportunidad significativa para adquirir un conocimiento basado en la experiencia sobre cómo utilizar tecnologías de manera efectiva y significativa en el aula. ...

Exploring EFL Teachers’ Development of TPACK in A Lesson Study : A Case Study
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

The Journal of AsiaTEFL

... Various features accessible to users include task collection and score-generating integrated spelling and grammar checkers, a scoring box, a private discussion box to facilitate one-on-one communication between teacher and learner, and a commentary box for teachers to give feedback. These features were based on Hamamah et al.'s (2023) study, which reported that these applications could not generate scores despite students utilizing grammar, spelling, and similarity checkers. Consequently, they do not provide a viable solution to lecturers' time constraints. ...


Premise Journal of English Education

... The study found that composing text messages influences students' spelling skills, and further research is required to determine the long-term effects of text message composition on students' spelling abilities. This study by Jennibelle R. Ella (2018) from De La Salle University Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba, Philippines, investigates the relationship between language learning strategies and language proficiency among Grade 12 students. The study found that metacognitive strategies are the most frequently used while memory strategies are the least used. ...

The Relationship between Language Learning Strategies used by Vocational Students and Level of Proficiency
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

e-Journal of Linguistics

... The difference is this research examines student achievement in terms of parental attention, independence, emotional intelligence and motivation, while the research conducted only examines one independent variable, namely parental guidance with one variable, namely student learning outcomes. Another research conducted by Bani et al., (2021) that parental involvement can be seen as an interesting aspect in children's achievement which means that students who receive more involvement from their parents achieve better results than those who are less positively involved with their parents. The difference is this research examines the role of parental guidance on vocabulary achievement in the basic education environment, while the research conducted examines parental tutoring associated with student social studies learning outcomes. ...


KLAUSA (Kajian Linguistik Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra)

... In relation to reading, critical thinking skills is crucially required in reading comprehension to understand, interpret, and assess the information with various difficulty levels found in reading passages. The studies that involve different educational levels such as junior, senior and university students proved a significant correlation between students' reading comprehension and critical thinking skills (Hidayati et al., 2020;Kamgar & Jadidi, 2016;Sahiruddin et al., 2021;Wijayanti et al., 2015;Yousefi & Mohammadi, 2016). It indicates that critical thinking skills cannot be separated from reading comprehension. ...

Does Reading Correlate with Students’ Critical Thinking? A Bridge to Literacy Practices

... In other words, CLIL is more suitable for learners who are not proficient enough in an L2 and require systematic instruction in the classroom to develop their language proficiency, whereas EMI is more effective for learners who are capable users of the L2 and can actively engage in an immersive environment. This is why we have seen many successful CLIL programmes organised in colleges and universities to help learners develop proficiency in both a discipline and an L2 (Coyle et al., 2020) and also EMI classes delivered effectively to young learners in, for example, international schools, where English immersion is the norm (Sahiruddin & Manipuspika, 2021), contradicting the typical progression from CLIL in schools to EMI in higher education. ...

English Learning Motivation and Learning Practices in Indonesian Primary School Context: Parent and Teacher Perspectives

... In related case, in Peru, Ayahuasca rituals are used to cleanse and understand the meaning of the illness and establish a balanced relationship with illness and treatment(76). Another related example of ritual cleansing is in Indonesia where traditional rituals are used to reduce anxiety and build better mental health in response to natural and non-natural illness(77). ...

Tradition-responsive Approach as Non-medical Treatment in Mitigating the Covid-19 Pandemic in Tengger, East Java, Indonesia
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2021