April 2024
341 Reads
16 Citations
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
The aim of this research was to explore the influence of supply chain integration (SCI) on commodity supply chain performance (SCP) with the mediating role of supply chain agility (SCA). The research methodology employed a correlational approach using structural equation modeling. 131 employees from active companies in the agricultural commodity supply chain (SC) sector in Iran participated in the study. Analysis of the data was carried out utilizing Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) employing SMARTPLS software. The results indicate that customer integration (CI), supplier integration (SI), and internal integration have a positive and significant impact on SCA and commodity SCP. Additionally, the influence of SCA on commodity SCP is positive and significant. SCA plays a positive and significant mediating role in the impact of CI, SI, and internal integration on commodity SCP. Therefore, it can be concluded that companies that possess CI, SI, and internal integration in their commodity SC process demonstrate more satisfactory performance in the commodity SC.