Sadik Malo’s research while affiliated with Eqrem Çabej University and other places

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Publications (10)

Distribution and conservation status of the endemic plant taxa in Albania
  • Conference Paper

September 2018


32 Reads


1 Citation


Sadik Malo

With ca. 3650 plant species in a small area of 28,748 km2, floristically Albania is ranked among the richest countries of the Europe. Th e recent data on plant species in Albania, published during this decade, allow us to re-evaluate the current knowledge on the state, distribution of endemic plants and their hotspot areas, altitudes and corresponding vegetation zones. Based on our data collected along 15 years and the literature, in Albania there are 68 endemic taxa or 54 species and 14 subspecies that belong to 19 families and 40 genera. The data show also that the southern fl oristic region is richer with 45 taxa, compared with 23 taxa found in the north and north-eastern part of the country. With respect to species distribution, Tomorri Mountain and Acroceraunian Mountains range have remarkably high presence of endemic species. Generally, most of endemic taxa occur in the altitudes from 400 m up to 1500 m, on open grasslands in between shrubs and forests of the Sub-Mediterranean and Sub-Alpine regions. Regarding conservation status, from the total number of endemics, only 12 species are considered as threatened one, where six species are assessed as CR, two species as EN and four species as VU. Th e high number of species and the low numbers of endemics, compared to neighboring countries such as Greece with 913 species, Italy with 712 species and Macedonia with 135 species, indicate that the Albania should have larger number of endemic plant taxa as far as we know it at present. Keywods: Albania, endemic taxa, threatened, Tomorri Mt and Acroceraunian Mts

Figure 3. Distribution of A. lutea and A. elongate in Albania 
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

June 2011


668 Reads


3 Citations

In this paper A. lutea Desf., and Aristolochia elongata (Duchartre) Nardi, as new species from the family Aristolochiaceae is presented. Other aspects related to several subalpine areas of Albania are described, too. Morphological characters of A. lutea were discussion and compared with it’s closely relatives Aristolochia elongata (Duchartre) Nardi reported on several habitats of South Albania. As the other species like Aristolochia merxmuelleri Greuter & Mayer, A. lutea is a member of the Aristolochia pallida aggregate. Ecological data in growing habitat and area of distribution overall the country is given and mapped. Along with A. lutea, in its distribution habitat are recorded several important species for the Albanian flora like: Campanula hawkinsiana Hausskn. et Heldr., Alkanna graeca Boiss. & Spruner, Alkanna scardica Griseb. Viola acrocerauniensis Erben, Viola raunsiensis W.Becker & Košanin, Fritillaria thessala subsp. jonica (Halacsy) Kamari, Fritillaria orentalis Adams, Orchis pauciflora x Orchis quadripunctata etc. Keywords: Aristolochia lutea, A. elongata, new species, subalpine ecosystems, important species


Figure 1. A-Morphological changes observed in Cerastium decalvans and B-Centaurea epirota 
Table 2 . Altitudinal and latitudinal shifting of some orchids species in Southern Albania 

June 2011


403 Reads


5 Citations

The Mediterranean grassland ecosystems reflect intensive transformation under rapid climate change. Our data collected during years 2004-2010 in grassland ecosystems of Saranda, Gjirokastra, Vlora, Tepelena and Permeti, (South Albania) shows an increase in changes of ecosystem structure and function. So, a decrease of cover vegetation and loss of active soil layer and expansion of thorny species toward the alpine grassland ecosystems were observed in this area. Several rare species, like Crocus boryi, Alkanna corcyrensis, Cymbalaria microcalyx subsp. minor, Cerastium decalvans subsp. leontopodium, C. banaticum and several Orchid species are moving upward and adapted to the new ecological conditions. These data and the frequent hybrids between different species, observed in Southern Albania, are good indicators that show us the impact of global warming on grassland ecosystems.

Kit Tan, Shuka L., Siljak-Yakovlev S., Malo S., Pustahija F. 2011. The genus Gymnospermium (Berberidaceae) in the Balkans. Phytotaxa, 25:1-17.

January 2011


2,294 Reads


17 Citations


Kit Tan






A revision of the genus Gymnospermium (Berberidaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula is carried out. Three species are recognised. Gymnospermium maloi is described as a new species from Mt. Picari in Gjirokastra district, southern Albania. It is compared with the closely related G. scipetarum which has a different habitat and distribution in central Albania and southern Montenegro. The chromosome number and karyotype features of G. maloi are provided for the first time. The chromosome formula of 2n = 2x = 14 (1 metacentric, 1 meta-submetacentric and 5 submetacentric chromosome pairs) is unusual as 2n = 16 has been reported for other members of the genus. The nuclear DNA content (2C-value) of all three species was determined. The genome size of G. maloi is 29.44 (± 0.47) pg, for G. scipetarum (chromosome number still unknown) 29.55 (± 1.35) pg, and for G. peloponnesiacum (2n = 2x = 16) 31.93 (± 2.38) pg. These values are the first genome size measurements for the genus. All three species are mapped and fully illustrated. A key to the European species is also presented.

New chorological data and fl oristic notes for Albania

January 2011


69 Reads


25 Citations

Twelve taxa belonging to fi ve families are reported based on fi eldwork in Albania from 2007 to 2010. Eleven have not been recorded for the country in the relevant volumes of Flora Europaea, Flora of Albania or the Med-Checklist. Notes on ecology and distribution are provided and all the taxa are mapped within Albania and also in neighbouring countries to show the nearest occurrences in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. Some taxa in their natural habitat are illustrated by photographs. New localities for two sub-endemic species, Silene schwarzenbergeri and Centaurea vlachorum, are listed; these extend their known limits of distribution even further north. During fi eldwork in diff erent parts of Albania from 2007 to 2010, ca. 2260 herbarium specimens were collected, mostly on serpentine and limestone substrate. Several taxa were discovered which have not been included in the relevant volumes of Flora Europaea, Flora of Albania, the Med-Checklist or recently published literature and they were catered for in a series of fl oristic contributions among which are those by Malo & Shuka 2008, Shuka 2009, Shuka & Tan 2009, Shuka et al. 2010. Some have been misidentifi ed, e.g., Corydalis solida subsp. incisa treated erroneously as C. densifl ora, others were found to be species new to science. We deal here only with twelve taxa which are new records for the country and for two of them (Silene schwarzenbergeri and Centaurea vlachorum), new localities are provided which extend their known limits of distribution further north. Th e families and species are grouped in taxonomic sequence following Flora Europaea.

The transboundary important plant areas as conservation units of european green belt (eastern albanian zone)

January 2010


551 Reads


30 Citations

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

Albanian flora diversity is presenting some 30% of the European flora richness. High number of plant species and the landscape diversity has promoted existence of different habitat types with large number of communities and vegetation entities. There are selected 16 sites out of 45 in total, as potential transboundary Important Plant Areas (IPAs) that require special attention for plant conservation. On the other hand, human impact to environment, uncontrolled development and climatic changes has influenced to increase the threatened status of the numerous plant species and habitats. Furthermore, the eastern part of the country bordered with FYR of Macedonia and Greece contain 10 transboundary IPAs that cover a surface area of 92 383 ha. About 78 plant species grow up there that fulfill criteria to classify as threatened species and 85 threatened habitats; about 25 species were considered as globally threatened (IPA criteria A(i)), whereas 16 habitats are listed as priority habitat types. Most of habitats were relatively small areas, due to the relief and habitat fragmentation. The eastern potential transboundary Albanian IPAs were included in Mediterranean and Alpine biogeographic regions. Keywords: Important Plant Areas (IPAs), threatened species, threatened habitats, green belt.


January 2009


457 Reads


6 Citations

The flora of Gjirokastra district, were studied not enough from the Albanian and foreigner botanists. For the first time in this paper, a full list with four endemic taxa and 27 subendemic taxa together with their rare and endangered status in international and national level is given. Besides the localities and endangered status, the ecology of distribution and coordinative location also is given for the species that are recorded for the first time. A new subendemic plant species for the flora of Albania, Violet of Epir (Viola epirota (Halacsy) Raus, sek. Melanium Ging), is reported for the first time too. Key words: Gjirokastra district, endemic, sub endemic, taxa, rare and endangered status, Viola epirota.

Figura 2. Pёrhapja e S.raeseri nё Ballkan (a) dhe nё Shqipёri (b) 
Figure 10. S. raeseri Gjergjevicё. Trikomat jogjёndrore nё gjethet (a), nё lulet (b), (stereo-mikroskop) 40x. 
Figure 12. S. raeseri Gjergjevicё. Trikomat gjёndrore podalike nё gjethet. 
Figure 15. S.raeseri. Gojёzat Gjergjevicё (a), Vithkuq (b), gojёza me zmadhim 1000 x. 
Kariological and Histological variation on some populations of Sideritis raeseri Boiss. & Heldr. in Albania

September 2008


669 Reads


2 Citations

Mountain tea (Sideritis raeseri Boiss. & Heldr.) is an subendemic taxa distributed in southern and southeastern Albania and Greece. The karyological and histological data from different populations of this species are presented in this study. The chromosome numbers of four localities of Albania, Ostrovica and Vithkuqi population, 2n=24, Gjergjevica, 2n=18 (16+2B) (Korça district), and 2n=16 on Picari population (Gjirokastra district) are calculated too. Histological preparations show presence of high diversity of trichoma structures in plant material for different population of S. raeseri subsp. raeseri in Albania. Two types of trichomes are present. There are found also nonglandular and glandular unicellular and multicelular trichomes in different parts of the plants. HYRJE Çaji i Malit (Sideritis raeseri) ёshtё i njё rёndёsie tё veçantё sepse ai gjen pёrdorim si çaj tradicional i njohur me emrin Çaj mali dhe gjithashtu ka vlera mjeksore si analgjezik, antibacterial dhe anti mykor, anti-inflamator, antioksidant, kundёr edemave dhe tё ftohtave tё rrugёve tё frymёmarjes, nё sistemin imun dhe si tonik. (RODRIGUEZ-LINDE et al, 1994; NAVARRO et al, 2001; ALIGIANNIS, 2001; KOKKALOU &GABRIELI, 1995). S. raeseri ёshtё klasifikuar si specie e Rrezikuar në vendin tonë dhe për këtë arsye ai ёshtё pёrfshirё nё Libri i Kuq (VANGJELI et al, 1995). Vlerёsimi dhe studimi i variacionit kariologjik dhe histologjike pёr specien Sideritis raeseri Boiss.& Heldr. tё pёrhapur nё Shqipëri si dhe ai histologjik i trikomave dhe gojzave nё habitatet e studjuara jep tё dhёna pёr llojshmёrinё e tyre. Haset prania e dy tipeve kryesore tё trikomave atyre jo gjёndrore dhe gjёndrore dhe nёntipet e tyre njёqelizore dhe shumёqelizore me variacionet e tyre brёnda sejcilit tip, dhe nёstrukturat e ndryshme tё bimёve. MALO, (2004) raporton se 67 ton ёshtё sasia totale e mbledhur nё vitin 1995 dhe 1996 nё zonёn jugore tё Shqipёrisё (zona e Sarandёs dhe Delvinёs) nga e cila 57 ton ështё eksportuar nё Greqi. Studimi ёshtё kryer nё kuadrin e hartimit tё Atllasit citotaksonomik tё specieve tё Florёs spontane Shqipёrisё dhe studimit tё specieve aromatike tё Shqipёrisё, si pjesё tё projekteve kombёtare tё realiziuara nё IKB dhe finanacuar nga MASH dhe A.SH. MATERIALI DHE METODA Studimi citologjik dhe kariologjik i Çaji i Malit (Sideritis raeseri) është kryer mbi bazën e materialeve të freskëta bimore të marra nga habitate nё jug dhe nё juglindje tё Shqipёrisё dhe pikёrisht nё Malin e Ostrovicёs, Gjergjevicё dhe Vithkuq (zona e Korçёs) si dhe në Malin e Picarit zona e Gjirokastrёs. Pёr

Figure 1. Distribution areal of G. regina-olgae ssp. vernalis, O. lavandulacea and G. granatelli in South Albania.
New records on the flora of the Gjirokastra region (South Albania)

January 2008


472 Reads


13 Citations

SYNOPSIS The results of this paper are part of the study undertaken on distribution and state of the rare and endangered plants in Gjirokastra region. To that fact during the period of years 2006-2008 there has been carried out several expeditions in order to achieve the objectives. During these expeditions, Orobanche lavandulacea, Gagea granatelli, and Galanthus reginae-olgae ssp. vernalis are determinate as new plant species for the flora of Albania in the above mentioned area. The presence of the Stachys sericophylla Halascy near the summit of Nemërçka Mountain and Viola acrocerauniensis Erben, even in mountains of southern part of Albania, is observed. Distribution, ecology and interrelationships of the new species, were described in details in this paper.

Figure 1. C. doerfleri A-plant and B-bulb and C. triphyllum C-plant and D-bulb 

January 2003


708 Reads


12 Citations

Colchicum doerfleri and Colchicum triphyllum were recorded and described for the first time as new species for the flora of Albania. The new Colchicum spp. are geophytes, both spring-flowering with synanthous leaves; the first species has a narrow distribution range within Balkans whereas the second one is widely spread from Algeria to Ukraine. In Albania, C. doerfleri reported to occurs in the Ostrovica and Dry Mts, Korcha district, C. triphyllum in Çajupi Mountain, Gjirokastra district and a third species C. bivonae, reported recently, in lower lands of Konispoli and coastal areas near Himara. The species are observed during our field trip carried out in the spring of the years 2011 and 2012. The growing habitat for both first species is inhabited by other interesting species; so in Çajupi Mt, C. triphyllum is companied with Gymnospermium maloi, another endemic species that is described recently from Picari Mt. In the paper, distribution of species is illustrated and mapped, whereas the relationship with other Balkan species of the genus is discussed and compared. Keyword: Colchicum doerfleri, Colchicum triphyllum, geophytes, spring-flowering, Balkan, Albania

Citations (9)

... Buzo 2000, Misja 2006, MoE. 2009Miho et al. 2013, Miho 2018, Malo 2010, Malo & Shuka 2008a, 2008b, Shuka 2008, Shuka & Malo 2010, Shuka et al. 2011a, 2011b, Mahmutaj et al. 2014, Tan et al. 2011, Allen & Khalea 2017, Delipetrou 2011, 2014, Diku et al. 2016, Amirault et al. 2016, Paparisto 2001, Shkëmbi et al. 2015, Cuvelier et al. 2018,Dhora 2002, Markova et al. 2010, Snoj et al. 2009, Korsós et al. 2008, Bego et al. 2014Slomka et al. 2015, Zakkak et al. 2018. ...


The Vjosa catchment – a natural heritage

... Mountain tea (Sideritis raeseri Boiss et Heldr.), also known as Ironwort, is an aromatic medicinal native plant of the western Balkans, including south Albania, southeastern parts of North Macedonia, and North Greece (Zekaj et al., 2008). It is considered a Balkan endemic species due to its restricted distribution range of only three countries. ...

Kariological and Histological variation on some populations of Sideritis raeseri Boiss. & Heldr. in Albania

... During species monitoring on June, 2022 on Prespa NP (Dry Mt) about 25 % of mature individuals have been eaten by animals. Based on the small EOO, AOO, number of localities and threats the species is assessed as Endangered (EN B1ab(i,iii) + 2ab (ii,iv,v (Shuka & Jahollari 2007, Malo & Shuka 2009, Meyer 2011, Meço 2019. It is a serpentine obligate with distribution range in the middle part of Devolli River (Kokol and Gjergjevica valley) and Qarrishtë branch of Shkumbini River, altogether three localities. ...


... Campanula hawkinsiana is Balkan endemic, distributed in S Albania and NW Greece (Halácsy 1902;Hayek 1931;Fedorov and Kovanda 1976;Hartvig 1991;Meyer 2011;Barina 2017;Barina et al. 2018;Govaerts and Lammers 2022) on serpentine (ultramafic) (Halácsy 1902;Hayek 1931;Fedorov and Kovanda 1976;Hartvig 1991;Shuka and Jahollari 2007;Meço et al. 2017;Damo and Icka 2020), rarely on limestone substrate (Hartvig 1991;Shuka and Malo 2015;Barina 2017;Shuka et al. 2017), from 200 to 2400 m a.s.l., mainly on screes, but also on open, rocky and stony slopes, gravelly road embankments and rocky grasslands (Hartvig 1991;Barina 2017). It is perennial, usually with numerous, prostrate, decumbent or ascending stems arising from a slender elongated subterranean stock (Haussknecht 1887;Fedorov and Kovanda 1976). ...


... In its growing habitat R. picroides is companied with other rare species with great interest in conservation point of view such as Bellevalia hyacinthoides, Campanula versicolor, C. austradriatica, C. montenegrina, Colchicum bivonae, C. cupanii, Crocus boryi, C. cancellatus subsp. mazziaricus and Limonium himariense, L. ksamilum or L. dictyophorum (Shuka et al. 2009;Shuka, 2010;Meyer, 2011, Malo & Shuka, 2013Bogdanović et al. 2022;Pupuleku et al. 2023), while R. albanica and R. macrophylla is companied in their habitat type with Campanula aureliana, C. hawkinsiana, Centaurea epirota, Crepis baldaccii, Heliosperma pusillum, Hypericum haplophylloides, Onosma mattirolii, Sesleria albanica, Sideritis raeseri, Viola acrocerauniensis (Hayek, 1928;Barina, 2017;Bogdanović et al. 2015;Miszczak et al. 2022;Mata et al. 2023). ...


... Mountain tea populations have been reduced by 50 % in the Prespa area from 1990 until today, and since its population in Albania has been reduced by 30 % and destructive harvest practices of the natural population continue, it has been assessed as endangered (EN) species by the Albanian government (Shuka & Malo, 2010;MoE, 2013;Shuka et al., 2021). Furthermore, S. raeseri, with its closest relative, S. scardica, is listed as species of high conservation interest for the western Balkan countries (Aneva & Zhelev, 2018). ...

The transboundary important plant areas as conservation units of european green belt (eastern albanian zone)

Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology

... Many expeditions were undertaken in the Albanian Alps resulting in several publications (Caković & al. 2018, Mersinllari & al. 2008, Shuka & al. 2007, Shuka & Malo 2010, Surina & al. 2009). During these years, approximately 30 species new for the flora of Albania were documented from the Albanian Alps (Barina & Pifko 2011, Barina & al. 2013, 2015, Frajman & al. 2013, 2014, Rakaj & Kashta 2007, Rakaj 2009, Shuka & al. 2011, Shuka & al. 2019. However, the flora of the Albanian Alps cannot be dismissed as well known, since large areas remain unexplored due to the terrain and notorious name of the Accursed Mountains (Bjeshkët e Namuna). ...

New chorological data and fl oristic notes for Albania
  • Citing Article
  • January 2011

... До цього роду увійшла частина видів роду Leontice L. На даний час до роду Gymnosperimium відносять від 7 до 12 видів поширених від Східного Китаю до Балкан. Літературні джерела: Вісюліна, 1953;Săvulescu, 1955;Тахтаджян, 1970;Doroftei, Mierlă, 2007;Литвиненко, 2010;Tan, 2011;Barina et al., 2017;Щербакова, Новосад, 2018;Rosati et al., 2019. Автори нарису: Катерина Калашнік, Руслан Глеб. ...

Kit Tan, Shuka L., Siljak-Yakovlev S., Malo S., Pustahija F. 2011. The genus Gymnospermium (Berberidaceae) in the Balkans. Phytotaxa, 25:1-17.


... Buzo 2000, Misja 2006, MoE. 2009Miho et al. 2013, Miho 2018, Malo 2010, Malo & Shuka 2008a, 2008b, Shuka 2008, Shuka & Malo 2010, Shuka et al. 2011a, 2011b, Mahmutaj et al. 2014, Tan et al. 2011, Allen & Khalea 2017, Delipetrou 2011, 2014, Diku et al. 2016, Amirault et al. 2016, Paparisto 2001, Shkëmbi et al. 2015, Cuvelier et al. 2018,Dhora 2002, Markova et al. 2010, Snoj et al. 2009, Korsós et al. 2008, Bego et al. 2014Slomka et al. 2015, Zakkak et al. 2018. ...

New records on the flora of the Gjirokastra region (South Albania)