February 2016
29 Reads
Electrochemical machining (ECM) is a non-traditional as well as non-mechanical machining process. This is used mainly to machine hard or difficult to cut or machine materials such as Ni-base super alloys, composites, stainless steels etc. The difficulties in machining of superalloys and other hard and high strength materials by conventional processes are responsible for the development of nontraditional machining processes such as electrochemical, electrodischarge, ultrasonic etc. machining processes. The process characteristics are affected by various parameters such as electrolyte flow rate; tool feed rate; applied voltage; inter-electrode gap; current density; pH of electrolyte; concentration and temperature of electrolyte etc. In this study analysis of parameters affecting surface roughness has been carried out. The parameters considered for experimentation are: tool feed rate, electrolyte flow rate and applied voltage. Taguchi L9 orthogonal array is used for parameter setting during the experimental runs. Aqueous solution of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) is used as an electrolyte of concentration 200 g/l. The results show that good surface finish is obtained at low feed rate (0.5 mm/min), high electrolyte flow rate (350 L/hr) and high voltage (16 V). ANOVA is used to validate the results. The R Square value is above 90 % and F value positive at 95% confidence level.